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Hardest chapter of every fire emblem


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I think it's worth looking at it both ways: going in all or mostly blind and knowing the game very well. The former opens up a lot of potential candidates while the latter pinpoints specific ones, which is why I chose the latter.

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FE6: ch.7 - Marcus starts getting weak in this chapter, and Roy needs to survive while hurrying to recruit Zealot before Treck dies. usually when playing FE6 HM, I get to this chapter easily, than ragequit before even trying this one...

FE7: ch.15H - especially when you want those treasure chests and you haven't leveled many units, it's really hard to get matthew to the treasure safely while protecting the throne, and possibly even protecting Merlinus.

FE8: ch.9A - getting Amelia while visiting all homes, without Seth or use of the tower/arena, I believe this is impossible.

FE9: ch.27 - BK fight, need I say more?

FE10: ch.1-6-2 - I'm not a cruel man, it's hard to see those kids get killed.

FE11: ch.24 - just a lot of tough enemies, and warpskip doesn't seem smart (and you wouldn't get the aum staff)

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FE 5 : the chapter when there is more status staves and rescue Eyvel (I think is chapter 24x?)

FE 6 : chapter 7. That annoying dragon knight mellow.gif...

FE 7 : Cog of Destiny HHM. More magic users and their pre-promo.....status stave again (i just remember Pent get sleep status from druid and Farina get berserked. Fortunately, Pent wake up at the right time so he can restore Farina from berserk status).

FE 8 : chapter 8 ( where Ephraim get attacked at the boat). In my playthrough at HM, L'Arachel died twice because of that devil eye. And I restart again and again....

chapter 14. Status stave again......

FE 11 : chapter 1 at HM 5.

FE 12 : Prologue 8, chapter 19, chapter 20, and chapter 23 in Lunatic mode. Prologue 8 : the barbarians and thieves is really really annoying. Chapter 19 and 20 : I still hate that reinforcement with their forging weapon. Chapter 23 : That 4 sorcerers with fortify just ruin my plan.

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FE8: ch.9A - getting Amelia while visiting all homes, without Seth or use of the tower/arena, I believe this is impossible.

Is it even possible to get that rapier in the last house without having power leveled Vanessa so that she can survive the two archers or getting Pirate Ross?

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FE4 - Chapter 3

I would say chapter 3 since there really is no reliable way to deal with Eltoshan without risking Lachesis neck.

FE5 - Chapter 24x


FE6 - Chapter 14

Yeah, I don't escorting an 15 HP & 2 Spd liability through fog of war either.

FE7 - Night of Farewells


Even better when the target can't even be controlled directly and is on the other side of the map.

FE8 - Chapter 11 (E) Phantom Ship

Fog of War and enemies everywhere. Neat.

FE9 - To be honest, it's Chapter 8

Well, there are tons of knights coming from the south to canto the poor fool stuck with guarding that way. On the east side, there are all kinds of nasty mages, archers and longbow users. And heavy armored knights to protect them.

The west side offers technically a bit relief but you have to organize recruiting Illyana.

Rhys can't be everywhere and the east side is to dangerous for him anyway. There are not enough allies, to replace the front liners for a turn either.

FE10 - 1-3

Enemies everywhere and everyone not called Nolan or Sothe, dies in 1 or 2 hits. Yay...

FE11 - Final

I was merely playing H2 up to now and the Dragons already have 26 Spd. Geese...

Granted, I kinda underestimated this mode since it's really a pushover until the Cap breaking dragons show up at the end. So my team was far from ideal. Heck, I used Roshea for a while.

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Is it even possible to get that rapier in the last house without having power leveled Vanessa so that she can survive the two archers or getting Pirate Ross?

Tana can get there when being very careful. (or Vanessa, but Tana is forced)

It's harder to get to that left village, nearly impossible without Seth, I think.

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Actually, I was able to get both villages on HM using Vanessa to ferry Joshua across towards the left house and going back around for the bottom house. And she doesn't even have to deal with the Archers if she can get to the village and Canto out of their range. Although I did have the advantage of having Pirate!Ross to deal with the Pirates in the south.

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FE6: (i cant remember the name of it or the chapter number) Its definitely the desert FoW chapter. Fuck that level because isnt it necessary to keep Sophia alive and stuff to get the bonus level?

FE7: Hector Mode Battle Before Dawn. Super pain in the ass if the RNG decides to be a dick to Jaffar and getting to him before he dies. D: Hard mode is even worse. Cog of Destiny in Hector Hard Mode sounds like a mega pain in the ass.

FE8: Father and Son. Fuck you berserk staves!

FE9: Ummm...yeah i dunno. Ummm...uh...Yeah i got nothin.

FE10: Most of part 1 really...

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FE7: Hector Mode Battle Before Dawn. Super pain in the ass if the RNG decides to be a dick to Jaffar and getting to him before he dies. D: Hard mode is even worse. Cog of Destiny in Hector Hard Mode sounds like a mega pain in the ass.

That's the truth. I actually found that if you get too "lucky" and Jaffar avoids enough attacks that he doesn't need to use his Elixer early on he ends up moving himself(by attacking some Archer) near the south amongst dozens of enemies and then usually dies the next turn or is nearly impossible to save before he does die.

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FE4 - Chapter 3

I would say chapter 3 since there really is no reliable way to deal with Eltoshan without risking Lachesis neck.

This is patently false. With clever positioning you can have Lachesis Talk without even needing to use Sylvia. (If you have troubles, the dancer is always there to help out.) Once big brother is out of the question, even a low levelled Lachesis should be able to survive any Cross Knights that escape the player phase slaughter.

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FE7: HHM BBD, because it's no fun trying to recruit Jaffar when he's dead.

FE8: Phantom Ship, at least, has Duracell, who can do most of the work with an Elixir and an Iron Axe (really). Father and Son's status staves, combined with those stupid reinforcements near the beginning, are too much of a crapshoot.

FE11: Gonna have to agree that it's Chapter 2, due to the way enemies move.

FE12: I always struggle on Chapter 12 FSR.

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This is patently false. With clever positioning you can have Lachesis Talk without even needing to use Sylvia. (If you have troubles, the dancer is always there to help out.) Once big brother is out of the question, even a low levelled Lachesis should be able to survive any Cross Knights that escape the player phase slaughter.

"Player Phase slaughter"? I'm sorry but I don't quite understand.

How can you wear the Cross Knights significantly down on player phase without getting into the range of the 9 move paladin?

And if you mean the player phase after getting rid of Eltoshan, I can't imagine that Sigurd's army has enough units with the necessary killing power to get rid of those high level cavaliers in one turn. I don't know the exact number of Cross Knights but armies are never that small.

And Lachesis is really frail since the princess class has such low bases and Lachesis herself brings very low HP. And most people will probably keep her away from battles in chapter 2 because of her suicide squad so she shouldn't have been grown much.

It won't take too many Javelins to take her out.

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"Player Phase slaughter"? I'm sorry but I don't quite understand.

How can you wear the Cross Knights significantly down on player phase without getting into the range of the 9 move paladin?

And if you mean the player phase after getting rid of Eltoshan, I can't imagine that Sigurd's army has enough units with the necessary killing power to get rid of those high level cavaliers in one turn. I don't know the exact number of Cross Knights but armies are never that small.

And Lachesis is really frail since the princess class has such low bases and Lachesis herself brings very low HP. And most people will probably keep her away from battles in chapter 2 because of her suicide squad so she shouldn't have been grown much.

It won't take too many Javelins to take her out.

One of many possible examples. Also, Sylvia is more than likely the javelin target of choice for the Cross Knights if they have the option between her and Lachesis.

But seriously, you have many incredibly powerful ways to take out the Cross Knights, especially if you can hit them when Eltoshen's stars are absent, either at the end of their range on enemy phase, or after having Talked him away. They'll be cleanly one-rounded by the Slayer, the Hero Lance, and probably by Sigurd's silver sword, which means in conjunction with Sylvia at least 6 easy guaranateed deaths on the player phase, using only 3 of your units plus your dancer (plus Lachesis). Then the rest of your units can team up and take down a few more.

Sure he starts with 14 Cross Knights, and this will initially seem like an insurmountable challenge, but with a bit of planning, his army collapses like a house of cards.

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