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Mafia Signups Trainwreck


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Notes: I never thought running a mini while Nostalgia and CMV were running was ever a good idea

no, we have one large. choral v is off-site with a handful of sf members playing in it. it's not part of the queue system

But yet a fair majority of our active playerbase are still playing in CMV. Just because it's offsite doesn't necessarily mean it transcends the queue system in place. There are a quite a few people who crossover between Nostalgia and CMV, which means they're playing in two games already (which isn't the best idea, admittedly). If some of those people take up a third game, we start running into problems with commitment to games, which has been shown to be a problem before (see Xenoblade/Anonymafia/etc). (Check HQ thread discussion)

Heck, one could argue that the people playing in both Nostalgia and CMV are possibly stretching it as it is (considering the size of the games and possible activity).

People overcommit even under the current system.

i wish people would stop doing this shit

Look at this. I'm seriously wondering what you guys were thinking when you decided to try and run this, because it looks very hypocritical.

This isn't even getting into the breaking of hosting rules (namely Paperblade is already hosting a game is the main one that sticks out)

This all had to be said at some point, and I'm not sorry for it at all

stealth edit @midnight GMT+10: Oh by the way, anyone exactly remember what happened with CMV?

It was slated to be the large game in the queue at the time, remember? And it got delayed because of extenuating personal circumstances.

=> It was part of the queue system, like it or not

Edited by Manix
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Nostalgia is running correctly. Not the point.

"CMV isn't part of the queue system"

Either you can't read or we're looking at different queues here because it damn well is on there from what I can tell. There are 17 players from our site playing in that game as well which is easily more than a handful. And don't even come up with anything like we have leftover capacity, Nostalgia had to sub 5 players in only 2 days.

If any mini goes up, it's SBs. Just because you're too impatient and are apparently incapable of following social standards (ever though about asking in HQ?) doesn't give you any right to do shit as you please. Also I'm legitimately pissed off at everyone who's okay with this.

Requesting lock.

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are you seriously trying to annoy me Prims

let me help you with that

People overcommit even under the current system.

i wish people would stop doing this shit

editing that into my post above

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I don't count offsite games with a large amount of players from outside sources as part of the queue system

people playing both Nostalgia and CMV have made their own decision in whether they can handle two large games or not

Edited by La Levedad
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(ilu eclipse)

I don't think this game is worth running if everyone's going to be angry about it though /;

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Prims told me to cancel signups

playing the "prims told me" card, classy

i agree with both levity's posts, also i find this thread amusing

im sorry tho psych :(

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