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Gym Leader Tower

Ema Skye

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But then on the flip side, frozen washing machine and you got more criticals than I did. Karma struck back at the right time.

Really, I expected you to be the toughest challenge (I'm lacking in decent Ice attacks and Mamo is more of a suicide lead), and you didn't disappoint.

Edited by Dio
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*level up!*

Hp + 0

Str + 0

Skl + 1

Spd + 0

Lck + 1

Def + 0

Res + 1

Where the heck is Cyron though.

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If you're having problems contacting a leader, let me know and I'll try to work something out (read as: find a sub).

Updating OP as of everything before this post.

Edit: Everything should be correct up to this post. Let me know if it isn't.

Edited by Piss Sick Lawyer Lucina
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My record is uh....

General Horace: 0-2

Serious Bananas: 0-1

Admiral Shin: 0-1

Xinnidy: 2-2

Jedisupersonic: 1-1

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Battle between Dio Brando and MINISKIRRT started!

Rule: Unrated

Rule: Sleep Clause

Rule: Disallow Spects

Dio Brando sent out Manfred! (Mamoswine)

MINISKIRRT sent out Terra! (Ninetales)

the foe's Terra's Drought intensified the sun's rays!

Start of turn 1

The foe's Terra used Will-O-Wisp!

Manfred was burned!

Manfred used Endeavor!

But it failed!

The sunlight is strong!

Manfred is hurt by its burn!


Start of turn 2

MINISKIRRT called Terra back!

MINISKIRRT sent out Strago! (Forretress)

Manfred used Stealth Rock!

Pointed stones float in the air around MINISKIRRT's team!

The sunlight is strong!

Manfred is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 3

Manfred used Endeavor!

The foe's Strago lost 23% of its health!

The foe's Strago used Rapid Spin!

Manfred lost 17 HP! (4% of its health)

The foe's Strago blew away Stealth Rock!

The sunlight is strong!

The foe's Strago restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Manfred is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 4

Manfred used Stealth Rock!

Pointed stones float in the air around MINISKIRRT's team!

The foe's Strago used Toxic Spikes!

Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of Dio Brando's team!

The sunlight is strong!

The foe's Strago restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Manfred is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 5

Manfred used Endeavor!

The foe's Strago lost 42% of its health!

The foe's Strago used Spikes!

Spikes were scattered all around the feet of Dio Brando's team!

The sunlight is strong!

The foe's Strago restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Manfred is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 6

Manfred used Earthquake!

The foe's Strago lost 16% of its health!

The foe's Strago used Rapid Spin!

Manfred lost 18 HP! (4% of its health)

The foe's Strago blew away Stealth Rock!

The sunlight is strong!

The foe's Strago restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Manfred is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 7

Manfred used Stealth Rock!

Pointed stones float in the air around MINISKIRRT's team!

The foe's Strago used Earthquake!

Manfred lost 57 HP! (15% of its health)

Manfred fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

The foe's Strago restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Dio Brando sent out Maytag! (Rotom-W)

Start of turn 8

Maytag used Hidden Power!

It's super effective!

The foe's Strago lost 48% of its health!

The foe's Strago fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

MINISKIRRT sent out Terra! (Ninetales)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Terra!

Start of turn 9

Dio Brando called Maytag back!

Dio Brando sent out Quetzal! (Tornadus-T)

The foe's Terra used SolarBeam!

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

Quetzal lost 118 HP! (39% of its health)

The sunlight is strong!

The foe's Terra restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 10

Quetzal used Superpower!

The foe's Terra lost 45% of its health!

Quetzal's Attack fell!

Quetzal's Defense fell!

Quetzal is hurt by its Life Orb!

The foe's Terra used Will-O-Wisp!

The attack of the foe's Terra missed!

The sunlight is strong!

The foe's Terra restored a little HP using its Leftovers!


Start of turn 11

Quetzal used U-turn!

It's not very effective...

The foe's Terra lost 10% of its health!

Quetzal is hurt by its Life Orb!

Dio Brando called Quetzal back!


Dio Brando sent out Maytag! (Rotom-W)

The foe's Terra used Will-O-Wisp!

Maytag was burned!

The sunlight is strong!

The foe's Terra restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Maytag is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 12

Maytag used Hydro Pump!

It's super effective!

The foe's Terra lost 38% of its health!

The foe's Terra fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

Maytag is hurt by its burn!

Dio Brando: woo

MINISKIRRT sent out Mog! (Victini)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Mog!

Start of turn 13

Dio Brando called Maytag back!

Dio Brando sent out Frogfucius! (Politoed)

Frogfucius is hurt by spikes!

Frogfucius was poisoned!

Frogfucius's Drizzle made it rain!

The foe's Mog used Fusion Bolt!

It's super effective!

Frogfucius lost 240 HP! (74% of its health)

Rain continues to fall!

Frogfucius is hurt by poison!

Dio Brando: WORTH IT

Start of turn 14

The foe's Mog used Fusion Bolt!

It's super effective!

Frogfucius lost 1 HP! (0% of its health)

Frogfucius fainted!

Rain continues to fall!


Dio Brando sent out Axeface! (Haxorus)

Axeface is hurt by spikes!

Axeface was poisoned!

Axeface ate its Lum Berry!

Axeface's status cleared!

Axeface has Mold Breaker!

Start of turn 15

MINISKIRRT called Mog back!

MINISKIRRT sent out Kyurem!

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Kyurem!

The foe's Kyurem is exerting its Pressure!

Axeface used Dragon Dance!

Axeface's Attack rose!

Axeface's Speed rose!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 16

The foe's Kyurem used Blizzard!

Axeface avoided the attack!

Axeface used Outrage!

It's super effective!


The foe's Kyurem lost 75% of its health!

The foe's Kyurem fainted!

Rain continues to fall!

Dio Brando: LOL


MINISKIRRT sent out Setzer! (Moltres)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Setzer!

Start of turn 17

Axeface used Outrage!

The foe's Setzer lost 50% of its health!

The foe's Setzer fainted!

The foe's Setzer's Flame Body activates!

Axeface was burned!

Axeface calmed down!

Axeface became confused!

Rain continues to fall!

Axeface is hurt by its burn!


MINISKIRRT sent out Mog! (Victini)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Mog!

Dio Brando: ouch

Start of turn 18

The foe's Mog used V-create!

It's not very effective...

Axeface lost 73 HP! (24% of its health)

The foe's Mog's Speed fell!

The foe's Mog's Defense fell!

The foe's Mog's Sp. Def. fell!

Axeface is confused!

Axeface used Earthquake!

It's super effective!

MINISKIRRT: Pointed stones hurt

The foe's Mog lost 50% of its health!

The foe's Mog fainted!

Rain continues to fall!

Axeface is hurt by its burn!

MINISKIRRT sent out Gau! (Volcarona)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Gau!

Start of turn 19

Axeface is confused!

Axeface used Outrage!

The foe's Gau lost 44% of its health!

The foe's Gau used Roost!

The foe's Gau landed on the ground!

The foe's Gau regained health!

Rain continues to fall!

The foe's Gau restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Axeface is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 20

Axeface snapped out its confusion!

Axeface used Outrage!

The foe's Gau lost 42% of its health!

The foe's Gau used Roost!

The foe's Gau landed on the ground!

The foe's Gau regained health!

Rain continues to fall!

The foe's Gau restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Axeface is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 21

Axeface used Outrage!

The foe's Gau lost 42% of its health!

Axeface calmed down!

Axeface became confused!

The foe's Gau used Quiver Dance!

The foe's Gau's Sp. Att. rose!

The foe's Gau's Sp. Def. rose!

The foe's Gau's Speed rose!

Rain continues to fall!

The foe's Gau restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Axeface is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 22

The foe's Gau used Roost!

The foe's Gau landed on the ground!

The foe's Gau regained health!

Axeface is confused!

Axeface used Aqua Tail!

It's super effective!

The foe's Gau lost 66% of its health!

Rain continues to fall!

The foe's Gau restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Axeface is hurt by its burn!

Axeface fainted!


Dio Brando sent out Quetzal! (Tornadus-T)

Start of turn 23

Quetzal used Hurricane!

It's super effective!

The foe's Gau lost 29% of its health!

The foe's Gau fainted!

Quetzal is hurt by its Life Orb!

Dio Brando won the battle!

MINISKIRRT: Can't you be gentle and soft to girls?



Dio Brando: gg!


The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.

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I just did the stupidest thing ever..

I tried to ground attack a Heatran 3 times when it had a freaking Balloon.. MAN I feel so STUPID.. after winning twice I lose like that haha.

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Tee hee.

SgtSmilies sent out Flygon!

Jedisupersonic sent out Tokiko! (Scizor)

Start of turn 1

Flygon used Fire Punch!

It's super effective!

The foe's Tokiko lost 89% of its health!

The foe's Tokiko was burned!

The foe's Tokiko used Pursuit!

Flygon lost 71 HP! (23% of its health)

The foe's Tokiko is hurt by its burn!

The foe's Tokiko fainted!

Jedisupersonic: ...oops

Jedisupersonic: Lol

SgtSmilies: hehehe

Jedisupersonic sent out Falco! (Empoleon)

Dio Brando is watching the battle.

Start of turn 2

SgtSmilies called Flygon back!

SgtSmilies sent out Blissey!

The foe's Falco used Substitute!

The foe's Falco made a substitute!

Jedisupersonic: OH NOT BLISSEY

SgtSmilies: HEHEHE

Start of turn 3

The foe's Falco used Surf!

Blissey lost 100 HP! (15% of its health)

Blissey used Stealth Rock!

Pointed stones float in the air around Jedisupersonic's team!

Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 4

Jedisupersonic called Falco back!

Jedisupersonic sent out Eyvel! (Lucario)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Eyvel!

Blissey used Thunder Wave!

The foe's Eyvel is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Dio Brando: it could be worse

Dio Brando: it's not a jirachi

Start of turn 5

SgtSmilies called Blissey back!

SgtSmilies sent out Flygon!

The foe's Eyvel used Swords Dance!

The foe's Eyvel's Attack sharply rose!

Start of turn 6

Flygon used Earthquake!

It's super effective!

The foe's Eyvel lost 97% of its health!

The foe's Eyvel fainted!

SgtSmilies: YES

Jedisupersonic sent out The Klaw! (Gliscor)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's The Klaw!

Start of turn 7

SgtSmilies called Flygon back!

SgtSmilies sent out Gliscor!

The foe's The Klaw used Ice Fang!

It's super effective!

Gliscor lost 132 HP! (37% of its health)

The foe's The Klaw's Toxic Orb activated!

The foe's The Klaw was badly poisoned!

Gliscor's Toxic Orb activated!

Gliscor was badly poisoned!

SgtSmilies: Wah no!

Start of turn 8

Gliscor used Protect!

Gliscor protected itself!

The foe's The Klaw used Ice Fang!

Gliscor protected itself!

The foe's The Klaw restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 9

SgtSmilies called Gliscor back!

SgtSmilies sent out Mamoswine!

The foe's The Klaw used Ice Fang!

Mamoswine lost 31 HP! (8% of its health)

The foe's The Klaw restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Dio Brando: well this is going to be a snore

Dio Brando: oh

Jedisupersonic: lol

Start of turn 10

Mamoswine used Ice Shard!

It's super effective!

The foe's The Klaw lost 82% of its health!

The foe's The Klaw used Toxic!

Mamoswine was badly poisoned!

Mamoswine is hurt by poison!

The foe's The Klaw restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 11

Jedisupersonic called The Klaw back!

Jedisupersonic sent out Krogan! (Heatran)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Krogan!

The foe's Krogan is floating on a balloon!

Mamoswine used Ice Shard!

It's not very effective...

The foe's Krogan lost 7% of its health!

The foe's Krogan's Air Balloon popped!

Mamoswine is hurt by poison!

Dio Brando: POP

SgtSmilies: Ha! popped!


Start of turn 12

SgtSmilies called Mamoswine back!

SgtSmilies sent out Heatran!

Heatran is floating on a balloon!

The foe's Krogan used Flamethrower!

Heatran's Flash Fire raised the power of its Fire-type moves!

Dio Brando: OH SHIT

Jedisupersonic: I FELL RIGHT FOR THAT

SgtSmilies: BOOM!

Start of turn 13

The foe's Krogan used Earth Power!

It had no effect!

Heatran used Earth Power!

It's super effective!

The foe's Krogan lost 80% of its health!

The foe's Krogan fainted!

SgtSmilies: Air baloon too!

SgtSmilies: Balloon, I mean!

Jedisupersonic: hahaha

SgtSmilies: Haha!

Jedisupersonic: I'm being so stupid right now

Jedisupersonic: THINK THINK THINK..

Jedisupersonic: lol

Jedisupersonic sent out Slippy! (Gastrodon-East)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Slippy!

Dio Brando: hey the kid is doing better than me even

Start of turn 14

The foe's Slippy used Earthquake!

It had no effect!

Heatran used Roar!

Pointed stones dug into the foe's The Klaw!

The foe's The Klaw was dragged out!

The foe's The Klaw restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Jedisupersonic: WHY

SgtSmilies: Air balloon!

Jedisupersonic: MISCLICK

Dio Brando: is jedi high or just tired

Start of turn 15

The foe's The Klaw used Roost!

The foe's The Klaw landed on the ground!

The foe's The Klaw regained health!

Heatran used Lava Plume!

The foe's The Klaw lost 66% of its health!

The foe's The Klaw restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Jedisupersonic: TIRED

Start of turn 16

The foe's The Klaw used Earthquake!

It had no effect!

Heatran used Lava Plume!

The foe's The Klaw lost 26% of its health!

The foe's The Klaw fainted!

Jedisupersonic: ....

SgtSmilies: ...

Dio Brando: lol

SgtSmilies: errrrr

Dio Brando: this is so logged

Jedisupersonic: oh great..

Jedisupersonic sent out Falco! (Empoleon)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Falco!

Start of turn 17

SgtSmilies called Heatran back!

SgtSmilies sent out Blissey!

The foe's Falco used Surf!

Blissey lost 108 HP! (16% of its health)

Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

SgtSmilies: Blissey again

Start of turn 18

The foe's Falco used Substitute!

The foe's Falco made a substitute!

Blissey used Seismic Toss!

The foe's Falco's substitute faded!

Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 19

The foe's Falco used Surf!

Blissey lost 115 HP! (17% of its health)

Blissey used Seismic Toss!

The foe's Falco lost 32% of its health!

The foe's Falco ate its Petaya Berry!

The Petaya Berry raised the foe's Falco's Sp. Att.!

Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 20

The foe's Falco used Surf!

Blissey lost 250 HP! (38% of its health)

Blissey used Seismic Toss!

The foe's Falco lost 11% of its health!

The foe's Falco fainted!

Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Jedisupersonic sent out Slippy! (Gastrodon-East)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Slippy!

SgtSmilies: OW!

SgtSmilies: WHAT

Dio Brando: smells like 6-0

SgtSmilies: Maybe not If I predict wrong

Jedisupersonic: why did I try to ground attack heatran so much

SgtSmilies: hahaha!

Jedisupersonic: I feel like such a moron atm

Jedisupersonic: -.-

Start of turn 21

SgtSmilies called Blissey back!

SgtSmilies sent out Heatran!

Heatran is floating on a balloon!

The foe's Slippy used Scald!

It's super effective!

Heatran lost 126 HP! (32% of its health)

Heatran's Air Balloon popped!

The foe's Slippy restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Dio Brando: POP

SgtSmilies: damn

Start of turn 22

SgtSmilies called Heatran back!

SgtSmilies sent out Flygon!

The foe's Slippy used Earthquake!

It had no effect!

The foe's Slippy restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

SgtSmilies: A little predictable

Start of turn 23

Flygon used Outrage!

The foe's Slippy lost 55% of its health!

The foe's Slippy used Scald!

Flygon lost 102 HP! (33% of its health)

The foe's Slippy restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 24

Flygon used Outrage!

Dio Brando: well gg

The foe's Slippy lost 50% of its health!

The foe's Slippy fainted!

Flygon calmed down!

Flygon became confused!

SgtSmilies won the battle!

Jedisupersonic: I shall rebound from this defeat stronger then before!

Jedisupersonic: over

SgtSmilies: YES

SgtSmilies: Sweeet!~

Jedisupersonic: talk about embrassing

SgtSmilies: GG


Jedisupersonic: >.<

SgtSmilies: SAVING LOG.


SgtSmilies: yaaay iron badge

Jedisupersonic: yay now I'll look like an idiot

Jedisupersonic: to more people

Jedisupersonic: haha..

SgtSmilies: Ohh man, this'll be slightly hilarious.

SgtSmilies: I'm sorry.

Jedisupersonic: its ok

SgtSmilies: At least you swept me last game!

Jedisupersonic: its my fault

Jedisupersonic: Lol


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Tee hee.

SgtSmilies sent out Flygon!

Jedisupersonic sent out Tokiko! (Scizor)

Start of turn 1

Flygon used Fire Punch!

It's super effective!

The foe's Tokiko lost 89% of its health!

The foe's Tokiko was burned!

The foe's Tokiko used Pursuit!

Flygon lost 71 HP! (23% of its health)

The foe's Tokiko is hurt by its burn!

The foe's Tokiko fainted!

Jedisupersonic: ...oops

Jedisupersonic: Lol

SgtSmilies: hehehe

Jedisupersonic sent out Falco! (Empoleon)

Dio Brando is watching the battle.

Start of turn 2

SgtSmilies called Flygon back!

SgtSmilies sent out Blissey!

The foe's Falco used Substitute!

The foe's Falco made a substitute!

Jedisupersonic: OH NOT BLISSEY

SgtSmilies: HEHEHE

Start of turn 3

The foe's Falco used Surf!

Blissey lost 100 HP! (15% of its health)

Blissey used Stealth Rock!

Pointed stones float in the air around Jedisupersonic's team!

Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 4

Jedisupersonic called Falco back!

Jedisupersonic sent out Eyvel! (Lucario)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Eyvel!

Blissey used Thunder Wave!

The foe's Eyvel is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Dio Brando: it could be worse

Dio Brando: it's not a jirachi

Start of turn 5

SgtSmilies called Blissey back!

SgtSmilies sent out Flygon!

The foe's Eyvel used Swords Dance!

The foe's Eyvel's Attack sharply rose!

Start of turn 6

Flygon used Earthquake!

It's super effective!

The foe's Eyvel lost 97% of its health!

The foe's Eyvel fainted!

SgtSmilies: YES

Jedisupersonic sent out The Klaw! (Gliscor)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's The Klaw!

Start of turn 7

SgtSmilies called Flygon back!

SgtSmilies sent out Gliscor!

The foe's The Klaw used Ice Fang!

It's super effective!

Gliscor lost 132 HP! (37% of its health)

The foe's The Klaw's Toxic Orb activated!

The foe's The Klaw was badly poisoned!

Gliscor's Toxic Orb activated!

Gliscor was badly poisoned!

SgtSmilies: Wah no!

Start of turn 8

Gliscor used Protect!

Gliscor protected itself!

The foe's The Klaw used Ice Fang!

Gliscor protected itself!

The foe's The Klaw restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 9

SgtSmilies called Gliscor back!

SgtSmilies sent out Mamoswine!

The foe's The Klaw used Ice Fang!

Mamoswine lost 31 HP! (8% of its health)

The foe's The Klaw restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Dio Brando: well this is going to be a snore

Dio Brando: oh

Jedisupersonic: lol

Start of turn 10

Mamoswine used Ice Shard!

It's super effective!

The foe's The Klaw lost 82% of its health!

The foe's The Klaw used Toxic!

Mamoswine was badly poisoned!

Mamoswine is hurt by poison!

The foe's The Klaw restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Start of turn 11

Jedisupersonic called The Klaw back!

Jedisupersonic sent out Krogan! (Heatran)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Krogan!

The foe's Krogan is floating on a balloon!

Mamoswine used Ice Shard!

It's not very effective...

The foe's Krogan lost 7% of its health!

The foe's Krogan's Air Balloon popped!

Mamoswine is hurt by poison!

Dio Brando: POP

SgtSmilies: Ha! popped!


Start of turn 12

SgtSmilies called Mamoswine back!

SgtSmilies sent out Heatran!

Heatran is floating on a balloon!

The foe's Krogan used Flamethrower!

Heatran's Flash Fire raised the power of its Fire-type moves!

Dio Brando: OH SHIT

Jedisupersonic: I FELL RIGHT FOR THAT

SgtSmilies: BOOM!

Start of turn 13

The foe's Krogan used Earth Power!

It had no effect!

Heatran used Earth Power!

It's super effective!

The foe's Krogan lost 80% of its health!

The foe's Krogan fainted!

SgtSmilies: Air baloon too!

SgtSmilies: Balloon, I mean!

Jedisupersonic: hahaha

SgtSmilies: Haha!

Jedisupersonic: I'm being so stupid right now

Jedisupersonic: THINK THINK THINK..

Jedisupersonic: lol

Jedisupersonic sent out Slippy! (Gastrodon-East)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Slippy!

Dio Brando: hey the kid is doing better than me even

Start of turn 14

The foe's Slippy used Earthquake!

It had no effect!

Heatran used Roar!

Pointed stones dug into the foe's The Klaw!

The foe's The Klaw was dragged out!

The foe's The Klaw restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Jedisupersonic: WHY

SgtSmilies: Air balloon!

Jedisupersonic: MISCLICK

Dio Brando: is jedi high or just tired

Start of turn 15

The foe's The Klaw used Roost!

The foe's The Klaw landed on the ground!

The foe's The Klaw regained health!

Heatran used Lava Plume!

The foe's The Klaw lost 66% of its health!

The foe's The Klaw restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Jedisupersonic: TIRED

Start of turn 16

The foe's The Klaw used Earthquake!

It had no effect!

Heatran used Lava Plume!

The foe's The Klaw lost 26% of its health!

The foe's The Klaw fainted!

Jedisupersonic: ....

SgtSmilies: ...

Dio Brando: lol

SgtSmilies: errrrr

Dio Brando: this is so logged

Jedisupersonic: oh great..

Jedisupersonic sent out Falco! (Empoleon)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Falco!

Start of turn 17

SgtSmilies called Heatran back!

SgtSmilies sent out Blissey!

The foe's Falco used Surf!

Blissey lost 108 HP! (16% of its health)

Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

SgtSmilies: Blissey again

Start of turn 18

The foe's Falco used Substitute!

The foe's Falco made a substitute!

Blissey used Seismic Toss!

The foe's Falco's substitute faded!

Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 19

The foe's Falco used Surf!

Blissey lost 115 HP! (17% of its health)

Blissey used Seismic Toss!

The foe's Falco lost 32% of its health!

The foe's Falco ate its Petaya Berry!

The Petaya Berry raised the foe's Falco's Sp. Att.!

Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 20

The foe's Falco used Surf!

Blissey lost 250 HP! (38% of its health)

Blissey used Seismic Toss!

The foe's Falco lost 11% of its health!

The foe's Falco fainted!

Blissey restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Jedisupersonic sent out Slippy! (Gastrodon-East)

Pointed stones dug into the foe's Slippy!

SgtSmilies: OW!

SgtSmilies: WHAT

Dio Brando: smells like 6-0

SgtSmilies: Maybe not If I predict wrong

Jedisupersonic: why did I try to ground attack heatran so much

SgtSmilies: hahaha!

Jedisupersonic: I feel like such a moron atm

Jedisupersonic: -.-

Start of turn 21

SgtSmilies called Blissey back!

SgtSmilies sent out Heatran!

Heatran is floating on a balloon!

The foe's Slippy used Scald!

It's super effective!

Heatran lost 126 HP! (32% of its health)

Heatran's Air Balloon popped!

The foe's Slippy restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Dio Brando: POP

SgtSmilies: damn

Start of turn 22

SgtSmilies called Heatran back!

SgtSmilies sent out Flygon!

The foe's Slippy used Earthquake!

It had no effect!

The foe's Slippy restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

SgtSmilies: A little predictable

Start of turn 23

Flygon used Outrage!

The foe's Slippy lost 55% of its health!

The foe's Slippy used Scald!

Flygon lost 102 HP! (33% of its health)

The foe's Slippy restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 24

Flygon used Outrage!

Dio Brando: well gg

The foe's Slippy lost 50% of its health!

The foe's Slippy fainted!

Flygon calmed down!

Flygon became confused!

SgtSmilies won the battle!

Jedisupersonic: I shall rebound from this defeat stronger then before!

Jedisupersonic: over

SgtSmilies: YES

SgtSmilies: Sweeet!~

Jedisupersonic: talk about embrassing

SgtSmilies: GG


Jedisupersonic: >.<

SgtSmilies: SAVING LOG.


SgtSmilies: yaaay iron badge

Jedisupersonic: yay now I'll look like an idiot

Jedisupersonic: to more people

Jedisupersonic: haha..

SgtSmilies: Ohh man, this'll be slightly hilarious.

SgtSmilies: I'm sorry.

Jedisupersonic: its ok

SgtSmilies: At least you swept me last game!

Jedisupersonic: its my fault

Jedisupersonic: Lol


I'm just glad I got you twice before this -.-

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I'll consider playing at some point

as soon as I acquaint myself with Gen V metagame

actually here's a pertinent question: since Soul Dew can be picked as an item on the simulator, I'm assuming it would be banned? Otherwise Lati@s would be prevalent everywhere

Edited by Manix
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