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Trainwreck Mafia - Game Over


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I'd be voting for Marth, he's been doing a lot to get people after Elieson. Outside of joking, not acting like themselves is a poor line of logic. I guess the same line of logic could be said for Boron. Revoting for Shinori, only just realised my nega-vote skill doesn't work when someone's at L-1.

##Vote: Shinori

kneecaps unvote scumnori. Seriously.

*waves tire iron menacingly*

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in clearer words being lynched is a direct correlation to the vengeful part. surviving the lynch and shooting a target of our choice clears him.

Disagree. The latter part does make him look better, but it could be bussing.

I'm only saying this to play Devil's advocate, however.

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on that note I should mention that we are only lynching Shinori today and never again this game unless required for some reason (other unlynchables that need culling, etc.)

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Oh Manix, why don't you consider the option of 1xUnlynchable Vengeful, versus the alternative.

Fine, I concede for now. I'll vote for him, if only to prove a role and learn something, but in my eyes, we're not actually even searching for scum to lynch. We're telling Shinori to try to kill the next in line scum, and hoping his gambit is one without lie.


##Vote Shin(ori)

Allow me to clarify, for Manix, and anyone else. This is Trainwreck Mafia. Roles are not indicative of Alignment, and if you ever begin to think so, you should be slapped with a fish.

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Elie, full scum unlynchable is fucking stupid even for bastard games, because if town/3rds lose all their killing roles, scum autowins

doesn't sound very fair to me

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okay, it's 1am party time

notes: My current claim is ??? ??? Insomniac Friendly Townie Miller Survivor with modkill possibility. A reminder that the person I target with my friendly townie tonight should not out the two unclaimed as of yet parts of my role.

until further notice, I will align with town (and shall probably continue to do so until the end of the game anyway)

I will put down a general post vibe (that little voice in my head) for people if relevant

Aere's only contributions are an RVS vote on Snike, a quip at Shin about meta, then taking a slight issue to a small RVS wagon by me (2 votes).

Powers of profile checking indicated that he was around on SF about 20 hours ago, but whatevs

Seriously though, if Aere is town he's a prime NK target for scum because of very few interactions; which is not good for town.

Shin is also lacking in the interactions department, but the inherently anti-town negative vote is probably town aligned, so eh

This is a *very* small scumread, but for someone who has as many posts as Boron does, I can't remember anything she's done this game at all.

Funny you should mention that, because an ISO scan bleeds unmemorable from you as well. content is lacking and interactions are not many.

Marth's content is lacking in general, but it's not worth pursuing him just yet because of insomniac claim. That said, considering how daffodil crazy my role is, Shinori's claimed role and lolModkill flip, there has to be something missing, BUT do not say anything about it until required.

that said still gut check on Marth for this reason as well

general tone is a little weird for Marth??? it's a bit concerning

Reminder that Boron claimed Miller. Content looks a little bit like listposting in places but I'm not sure that's worth a scumread slot?????

general tone seems like normal Boron play as well

(Actually while I'm here, I'm having a metacrisis about listposting (this post is one, for example), but exactly why is it scummy again? It isn't as good as actually addressing posts in detail, but if enough explanation is provided I don't see the problem with it???)

Cam actually needs to contribute properly, see Aere NK as to why.

Elie is also actually lacking in proper content after inspection; hasn't addressed the people that a number of people find scummy appropriately (Marth/BBM/Rapier/etc.). I want Eliepinions on those players soon pls

that said he isn't being particularly scummy

general tone is completely wack from the norm, but that might be the result of a posting restriction, but even then

Helios content is alright enough, probably could do with a little more though.

general tone feels townish Helios (definitely different from his recent scumgames)

AFKay is afk, not really a lot I can say here

ilu Bizz

doesn't want doctors on her, sounds reasonably trainwrecky enough (I'm surprised no one really commented on this either, but whatevs)

I enjoy Manix's claim and encourage the protection of the claimed ITP, for my beliefs state that all ITPs are special gifts from the Great Mafia Game in the Sky and should be treated with such respect and careful diligence.

you guys should totally listen to this 8)

that said, content looks alright and tone is completely town feels (completely impartial.)

Mancer mostly strikes me as someone that needs a little but more exposure and experience, and doesn't particularly strike me as scummy

doesn't have a boatload of interactions though which is concerning.

fuck if I'm ISO'ing myself to build a case on myself (mostly because the ISO is too fucking long already, oops)

Psych also claimed miller, and claimed a posting restriction that makes my head hurt. ;/

Looking into his posts further, I do believe there was actually something where he said that he couldn't post all the time (it was implied, probably three posts based on what I can see)

Really needed more content before ditching us though ;/

Rapier's tone this game seems completely off to his normal self, I'm not quite sure why you people are thinking that he's scummy town. I'm getting a distinct Xenoblade feel right now from his posts.

His content is also quite weird, doesn't feel like actual contributing at a glance

scorri had her emotional play (which rightfully is a null tell in this case because of circumstances), but other than that actually doesn't have any good opinions on anyone (and dropped a vote on Marth for no particular reason that I can tell???)

Shinori is yeah, actually still needs to contribute (because after his claim he hasn't done anything productive), but is probably town

Snike content is okay, although something about the tone of his posts is off??? I'm not really sure though

bluh that took a while. now it's almost 2:30am, wheeeeeeeee

so stuff that people need to mention in their posts:

1) who are your top scumreads? and why?

2) would you have Shinori shoot them?

for tl;dr, Rapier and BBM for reasons stated are my top scumreads right now (and Aere is probably lurkscum), and either could be shot by Shinori and that would be swell.

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Elie, full scum unlynchable is fucking stupid even for bastard games, because if town/3rds lose all their killing roles, scum autowins

doesn't sound very fair to me

Are you trying to be ignorant, or is it just natural for you? The weather is quite coulded today, as is your mind.

1x Unlynchable vs the alternative (Feeding you a large spoonful of Bullshit),

What if he's Suicidal Unlynchable Vengeful? Do the rules say that isn't a possibility either, or is the fog clouding the lens of my Monocle today?

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Allow me to clarify, for Manix, and anyone else. This is Trainwreck Mafia. Roles are not indicative of Alignment, and if you ever begin to think so, you should be slapped with a fish.

In response to this, you realize

and I did ask for clarity from Shinori, and this exchange is going nowhere because it's just role spec right now

I also retract my statement about not being scummy on Elie, this is really giving me bad vibes from his insistence that it's only one-shot

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brain in bed thoughts:

he claimed unlynchable; not lynchproof (lynchproof generally implies a limit)

unlynchable generally implies cannot be lynched outright

I still want the clarity point from Shinori about it though

okay, going to bed for realz this time

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and with that I'm going to sleep.

Elie, I said this in my post above, but why Rapier/BBM? I want a full explanation.

Our good lad BBM&Ms sheeps and waffles, and I don't particularily like it.

Admitted Sheeping (but he later clarifies with a cruddy argument)

Calls to lynch Shinori today

30 minutes later, says don't lynch Shinori today

Back to lynching Shinori Today

A finely sharpened Rapier seems to have only 1 scum-hunting strike worth of post, MAYBE a second strike, and doesn't really seem to be giving us anything to work with regarding him or his reads on us other than I'm weird, Manix is weird, Psych is weird, et-cetera et-cetera. I find that he may simply be unable to fabricate any form of argument on Day 1, because by now, there should be something worth arguing about.

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In response to this, you realize

and I did ask for clarity from Shinori, and this exchange is going nowhere because it's just role spec right now

I also retract my statement about not being scummy on Elie, this is really giving me bad vibes from his insistence that it's only one-shot

You can't really give yourself a foot to stand on with your second line, since you said it after I provided you with something worth thinking about.

Because honestly, you're being just as stubborn, by saying "Bronori must be telling the truth, he wouldn't lie, that's silly" I'm not saying I believe him outright, but what on this fair planet gives you the right to believe him as though he were declaring Mars to be red?

When Shinori clarifies his unlynchable status to be permanent or otherwise, I'll work with that. We seem to have interpreted his definition of Unlynchable differently, and a simple explaination will no doubt clear things up for us both.

- !!!CLUSTERFUCK ALERT!!!: this game is a trainwreck. ideally it will be a fun, balanced trainwreck! but overall the set-up is incredibly silly and you should expect incredibly silly things

I just want some clarification from the source is all.

And with that, I bid you adieu

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I apparently missed a few things.

Snike, you haven't mentioned yet why you think I'm scummy. And also, Marth is the person I've been going after the most- yet you think we're both scummy enough to deserve being shot?

1. You're scummy for malarkey like this. And for saying that BC Rapier is scummy he's town. That doesn't make a shred of sense, meta included. And for generally not being useful/memorable in a good way.

2. Bussing is a thing that happens in mafia games. Manix already mentioned this but may as well repeat to get the point across.

3. You're also getting your knickers into a knot when you're 3rd out of 5 in one user's list at that point in time. I'm claiming this because instead of answering scumnori's question, you provided the quote above. What.

@Boron: You should probably go check my vote of you before the vengeful for remarks regarding the whole redundant/not making sense . Also I brought up the rapier fail bc you didn't mention it when it's a fairly (IMO) strong point to vote Rapier over, stronger than his tunnelling even.

Also, to rebut a point you made about him not producing much even before he was inactive, this game started before he was even home, if what he said about being on the road for 7 days was correct.

Aside: People asking why they're scummy, almost directly, irritates me to no end. Yes, I know why me? != fry me, but it is still really really annoying/defensive(IMO) play.

Rapier is scum because his content is weak/full of stuff and he apparently is voting Elieson for delayed voting a user(?), and he's doing that thing where he accuses someone else of having reading comprehension issues when they point out that his argument is flawed, a tactic that is dubious to understate things.

Helios is scum because I think he's active lurking. Nothing is memorable, and he certainly was redundant a while ago with the mancer defend, but I don't actually see anything particularly pro-town in his actions/words so far. This is my weakest, so that's why he's at the end.

also mods votals plz.

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Our good lad BBM&Ms sheeps and waffles, and I don't particularily like it.

Admitted Sheeping (but he later clarifies with a cruddy argument)

Calls to lynch Shinori today

30 minutes later, says don't lynch Shinori today

Back to lynching Shinori Today

Please read that second post, Elieson, it says that we shouldn't lynch Shinori RIGHT NOW, as in let's not hammer him until near the end of the phase, not let's not hammer him until another day. Also, where am I sheeping? Where am I waffling? Call me unmemorable if you want, and you might be right because I've been busy the last couple days, but other than that first post where I used Shinori's argument, I've kept up my own reasonings for finding people scummy.

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@Snike- I wasn't getting my knickers in a knot. I mentioned it because this is the first time you've said anything about why you find me scummy, and you'd listed me as one of your scumreads several times. I wanted you to actually give a reason. And I repeat, my point in Rapier's defence was a joke, not something that I was meaning for people to take seriously. And I didn't answer Shinori's question about who I wanted shot because I'd answered that question just one or two posts before he'd asked it, when I called for Marth to get shot. I didn't think that I needed to repeat myself. Also, all your reasons for voting me are for things that happened after you listed me as one of the people you would want shot. I don't like it when people do that, because it seems to me as if you're making up a reason for your read after the fact.

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(8 - 2) Shinori - Snike, Manix, Levity, Helios, Psych, MancerNecro, Admiral Shin, Elieson

(4) Bluedoom - Kay, Shinori, BigBangMeteor, scorri

(1) BigBangMeteor - Cam

(1) Elieson - Rapier

(1) Rapier - Boron

(1) Snike - Aere

Not Voting (1): Bluedoom

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to hammer. You have about 8 hours left in the day.

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@Snike- I wasn't getting my knickers in a knot. I mentioned it because this is the first time you've said anything about why you find me scummy, and you'd listed me as one of your scumreads several times. I wanted you to actually give a reason. And I repeat, my point in Rapier's defence was a joke, not something that I was meaning for people to take seriously. And I didn't answer Shinori's question about who I wanted shot because I'd answered that question just one or two posts before he'd asked it, when I called for Marth to get shot. I didn't think that I needed to repeat myself. Also, all your reasons for voting me are for things that happened after you listed me as one of the people you would want shot. I don't like it when people do that, because it seems to me as if you're making up a reason for your read after the fact.

Great walls Batman.

1: That's still: "Why me?". In this case, I think it should = Fry me when you've had ample time to go after me in the past 48 hours before that post.

2: It's easy to dismiss previous comments as jests after they were said.

3: So you just want Marth shot? No Alternatives? That's not really an acceptable excuse given what other people have said.

4: Misrep. You were unmemorable before that exchange, and now you're memorable in a negative sense.

also Prims does that mean the L-1 from a while ago was false, seeing as you had Elieson incorrectly listed as voting Shinori in the prior two votals?

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Also, I was doing some rereading/ISOing and I don't like what Scorri's done at all. The beginning was RVS and then getting jumpy about the quick wagon on her. I know she was stressed out and all, so I'll give her a pass for that. But she still doesn't contribute for a bit, until she starts pressing Shinori for sheeping Bizz on a post where her reasoning was vibes. That's okay, but she didn't do anything other than press that point. Then a few posts later she says she's fine with lynching Marth or Boron despite never having said anything about what either of them have done. Then in her latest post she advocates shooting either Rapier, Boron, or Elie. She still hasn't said anything about Boron, or about Rapier/Elie, and Marth is suddenly absent even though she didn't say why she dropped him. Except wait, she didn't, because she's still voting for him.

So tl dr; I wouldn't mind having Scorri shot either (but I think I'd still advocate Marth over her).

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Great walls Batman.

Your post directly before this one is longer than the post of mine you were quoting.

1: That's still: "Why me?". In this case, I think it should = Fry me when you've had ample time to go after me in the past 48 hours before that post.

I don't actually think you're scummy, because you've done a lot of scumhunting. It's just that saying someone is scummy multiple times without giving a reason is something that I don't like, and generally when that happens in conjunction with them then giving reasons that couldn't have been the original reason, it irks me even more.

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