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Trainwreck Mafia - Game Over


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Your post directly before this one is longer than the post of mine you were quoting.

I don't actually think you're scummy, because you've done a lot of scumhunting. It's just that saying someone is scummy multiple times without giving a reason is something that I don't like, and generally when that happens in conjunction with them then giving reasons that couldn't have been the original reason, it irks me even more.

The relevant part of my post which prompted that response is shorter than said response, though. But uh enough of that. Let's have someone else come in and give some exposition, or something. 8 hours left guys.

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(9 - 2) Shinori - Snike, Manix, Levity, Helios, Psych, MancerNecro, Admiral Shin, Elieson, BigBangMeteor

(3) Bluedoom - Kay, Shinori, scorri

(1) BigBangMeteor - Cam

(1) Elieson - Rapier

(1) Rapier - Boron

(1) Snike - Aere

Not Voting (1): Bluedoom

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to hammer. You have about 6 hours left in the day.

Edited by Prims
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in my role PM (i swear if i get modkilled for quoting MYSELF i'm going to be very upset)

quick heads up, I'm going to be a little bit inactive for the next week or so due to midterms

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wait who is kneecaps

if you're referring to shin i think it's "if he would otherwise be the hammer vote his vote negation doesn't work"

That strikes me as incredibly conditional. Though, given that this is a bastard game, I can't dismiss that yet.

Also prims Marf has 3 votes not 4, unless BBM is some kind of permavoter in the sense that his vote still counts even after he switches wagons.

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That strikes me as incredibly conditional. Though, given that this is a bastard game, I can't dismiss that yet.

Also prims Marf has 3 votes not 4, unless BBM is some kind of permavoter in the sense that his vote still counts even after he switches wagons.

That is exactly my role how did you guess!?!!11!!!1?!!?!1?

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That is exactly my role how did you guess!?!!11!!!1?!!?!1?

Hard work and perseverance.

On a more serious note people need to get in here.

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That strikes me as incredibly conditional. Though, given that this is a bastard game, I can't dismiss that yet.

Revoting for Shinori, only just realised my nega-vote skill doesn't work when someone's at L-1.

I can see why you're confused but what I THINK it means is that shin can still hammer

otherwise it's kind of pointless

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(9) Shinori - Snike, Manix, Levity, Helios, Psych, MancerNecro, Elieson, BigBangMeteor, Admiral Shin (L-0!)

(3) Bluedoom - Kay, Shinori, scorri

(1) BigBangMeteor - Cam

(1) Elieson - Rapier

(1) Rapier - Boron

(1) Snike - Aere

Not Voting (1): Bluedoom

So everybody was about to string up Shinori and he was all "What the hell? WHY DO YOU GUYS ALWAYS LYNCH ME DAY 1. <.< <.< <.< <.< Lol." because that is how Shinori actually talks. Then he pulled out a gun and shot Snike instead because fuck the police right?

Snike, Passenger Cop Interceptor, has been shot!

The knowledge that Snike would never be able to target somebody as Town Interceptor was so sad that everybody just kind of gave up on the whole "lynch Shinori" thing and went to bed.

You have 24 hours to send in your night actions. Please do not post at night unless your role allows you to do so.

Additionally: night actions are compulsory tonight! All players with at non-factional active night abilities must use at least one. If they don't send in an action, it will be decided by the RNG.

Edited by Prims
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Okay vig shoot Shinori tonight please

You fucker. We are NOT lynching Shinori again for any reason, because Snike WAS NOT scummy.

I see the exchange between BBM and Snike to be favorable for Snike, so we are doing something about BBM tomorrow if possible

Manix has been modkilled and revived.



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I honestly hope everyone is taking notes for preparing a case for tomorrow against their scumreads

I want tomorrow to be productive (and don't bother Shinori, you are confirmed scum because you never contributed anything after your claim which is scummy as fuck in addition to the Snike shot)

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Well Ah do declaire, Ah have been havin' trouble sleepin' sho' nuff, but Ahm sure Mr. Manix can keep me up. Luckily, Ah can talk at nigh' since Ahm usually so quie' durin' the day but Ah still can only make 3 comments.

That scandal wuz jus' awful and Mr. Shinori painted a big ol target on himself. Ah do say tha' Misters BBAYM and Elieson have been pretty nasty in mah eyes, but Ah may be remembrin' wrong, cuz Ah think Mr. Elieson may have gone on un cleared himself, but Ah am not sho'.

Anyway Mr. Manix, anythang else you'd like to talk about? Ah do thank tha' Miz Bizz is startin' to give meh a vibe, because Ah am startin' to think that doctuh thang is a bit suspect.

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I honestly don't have a problem with Bizz right now, nothing seems wrong with her at all imo (see large post)

The no doctor thing is probably legit, considering trainwreck

Elie is definitely suspect now, after his insistence that Shinori could have only been 1-shot unlynchable. The fact that he didn't mention this earlier also irks me to high hell.

I need look at Shinori interactions now because they might reveal something else

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