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Trainwreck Mafia - Game Over


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Okay, here are my thoughts as of now:

I don't like BBM any more than I did before. Aside from that weird exchange with Snike right before Snike was shot, the majority of what he's been doing this phase is pushing scorri and arguing about his/Psych's role. Regardless of what his role is/was, that alone doesn't make him scum or town. I understand that he's been pursuing scorri in late D1 as well as this phase, but I'm not sure why just her. While he has mentioned a few others, he seems to have devoted much of his time to getting a case on scorri. I'm pretty sure she's not the only person who is guilty of the things he accuses her of doing (or not doing), so why is he tunneling on just her?

That said, if Beloved Princess is one of his abilities, a lynch probably wouldn't be the best idea unless you guys are absolutely confident that we can afford to lose a day phase.

Aere has posted very little, and hardly any content. Actually, ISOing Aere shows that he made absolutely NO content at all in D1 and maybe 2-3 content posts in D2? While his last post does give content, he only discusses his thoughts on like 5 players and doesn't refer to any D1 events that should or should not have influenced his opinions on users.

Rapier, I feel that he's only focusing on what's "going on" at the moment that he posts and not so much on the "big picture" of what has happened in the entire game. I don't like this.

I think Helios needs to post more content. I can't remember much of what he's done before just a few hours ago. (Same applies to Kay, although I think she has less spam than Helios.)

Right now, I wouldn't mind an Aere and Rapier lynch. I wouldn't be opposed to lynching BBM if it weren't for Beloved Princess. I don't like Helios or Kay all that much either right now, but I don't feel as bad towards them as the former three.

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One thing I forgot to mention. I understand that there's a lot of insanity in this game right now, which makes it frustrating to comb through and look for reads. But regardless of spam, you all should be keeping up with and following the game. Not posting content because there's "too much spam to read through" is hardly an excuse.

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I see that nobody is agreeing with me about Scorri, so I'll pursue someone else now. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Kay

This is reasoning mainly from Helios, but Kay didn't do anything at all D1 (less than Scorri even) and even though I've seen her reading the thread a couple times she's only made a few posts D2, where she, as Helios said, picked at a not very good reason for voting someone, and then returned to not doing anything.

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That is true, I had forgotten that Kay had taken leave of our kingdom. I guess that point is no longer valid. However I still don't like what she did against Helios. It's perfectly okay to reprimand him for that, but actually voting for that seems really lazy.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Kay

I am not bad at bolding, bolding is bad at me.

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That is true, I had forgotten that Kay had taken leave of our kingdom. I guess that point is no longer valid. However I still don't like what she did against Helios. It's perfectly okay to reprimand him for that, but actually voting for that seems really lazy.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Kay

I am not bad at bolding, bolding is bad at me.

How is it lazy? Opportunistic I can see the basis for, but lazy? I just think he looks worse than Marth right now.

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Rapier I'm not as sure about, but he seems to just be being himself, Aere just seems like lazytown. I'd be okay with a Rapier lynch, I guess, but my opinion of him is basically neutral.

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Ouch! That hurt, I was here the whole time!

Boron, I'm not sold on Rapier. Although he's concerned with only what's going on, he's not terribly active so it could just be that. BBM's vote on Kay is a little fishy, why vote for someone who was absent for a fair portion of the game? Just curious.

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Ouch! That hurt, I was here the whole time!

Boron, I'm not sold on Rapier. Although he's concerned with only what's going on, he's not terribly active so it could just be that. BBM's vote on Kay is a little fishy, why vote for someone who was absent for a fair portion of the game? Just curious.

Even if a player is not terribly active, they have to see the "complete picture" to have good reads. If you focus only on what's happening while you're present and not on what has happened while you were away as well, then you're going to miss certain things players have said or done that may be important. To figure out who is scummy, you need to have as much info as you can. Rapier only focusing on stuff that's happening around him does not make me happy at all.

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because I haven't seen his reads yet and he's been posting a lot.


I'm sorry what, I can't hear you over the hypocrisy

but that aside, weird reasoning. Helios had provided at least something, although yes it could be better

tack a claim on and I really don't believe him (why didn't you claim you had it D1 so we could have been aware of it?)

I should have been a bit more active today, discussion literally lulled without me pushing you guys everywhere (there's a problem here, in case you didn't notice)

might get listpost the second out later, depends on whether I feel like staying up after doing calculus homework

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DAY 2 ONWARDS: the first time there's no majority at the time deadline, there will be no lynch. the second time, the game will instantly end in universal loss.

Alright, I believe it's time that we made ourselves stand firm on our lynch options.

As I said prior to a few dozen contributions, I believe that Aere, Rapier, and BBM are all worthy of a vote for today. However, due to the circumstances of Young BBM's Beloved claim, I'd prefer not to risk the consequences of him being true to his word.##Vote Rapier

I have voted for Rapier only because Aere is leading in votes, and only requires a few more until hammer. Meanwhile, Rapier was sharing his two-count vote with others, and with Anna as the RNG goddess, who knows what might happen.

Given the situation, it would be beneficial for those not voting, or those who are voting for a person unlikely to be lynched, to consolidate soon, to prevent a lynchless day from occurring. Unless the majority suddenly feels to change their mind, it looks like Aere and Rapier face the majority of today's election.

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It appears as though my Enter key failed to work as needed. For simplicity in searches by our generous host;


##Vote Rapier

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It's not a given for either side, Mancer, and I've made like 8 posts, many being relevant. Helios active lurked quite a bit.

I'm also effectively vanilla now, which kinda limits the fun I could be having. I guess everybody is ignoring Helios, so ##Unvote

##Vote: rapier to save myself.

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So it's like a Policy Lynch thing? Well, at least there's still a chance that Rapier might be the Scum Driver we're looking for. It's like the Riot thing became a Policy Lynch + 1 Second Majority Lynch.

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