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Do you want to have kids?


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i think he meant more towards "If our genes don't give our kid some horrible mental disability that will hold him back his entire life" or something

which is still kinda bad i guess because having autism or aspergers or adhd isn't really the end of the world and isn't something that should be viewed entirely as negative.

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Erogenous zones or not their primary function in biology is to provide milk for infants, not to be a sex object. Whatever people do in their bedrooms is their business, but it's not like boobs are necessary for the act of intercourse.

1. sex is/can be a goal onto itself. That is well within humane nature

2. taking this, what is "primary" and/or "secondary" is nothing but a matter of interpretation

3. Which leads to the inevitable conclusion that both being an erogenous zone(sex) and providing milk for infants are biological functions of the breast, and which one is the primary is a matter of interpretation.

4. By the way sex is more than just fucking

5. and if reproduction were the purpose of sex I don't think most couples would have half as much of it as they do.

@Balcerzak: I agree about the hormones. The secretion of hormones due to taking the pill has horrid effects on auqatic life. As far as I know, several species of fish have started facing fertility problems due to all those estrogens and whatnots messing up their own hormonal householding. A spiral is more preferable than condoms, though, in my opinion.

Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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i think he meant more towards "If our genes don't give our kid some horrible mental disability that will hold him back his entire life" or something

which is still kinda bad i guess because having autism or aspergers or adhd isn't really the end of the world and isn't something that should be viewed entirely as negative.

But that isn't really dependent on one most of the time...unless the mother smokes while pregnant.

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Then again, I do not think of you as the person anyone would be completely straight with, so I very highly doubt your view of the world is correct. Also my post does deal with your views but then again who am I to assume you read through them anyway.

Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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Is that directed to Lumi? I find it unprobable it's referring to me since I haven't called you out, but since you didn't quote her I can only assume it's me you're talking to.


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I think there was supposed to be a reason that many men are attracted to larger breasts. I can't quite remember what it is, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with the monkeys that came before us.

But we did not come from monkeys





Awwwwwwww poor little chaaaiiirrrr XD

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Then again, I do not think of you as the person anyone would be completely straight with, so I very highly doubt your view of the world is correct. Also my post does deal with your views but then again who am I to assume you read through them anyway.

No need to act like that.

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No need to act like that.

Way to post a couple of minutes before me, gosh. :(

And to be on-topic: No, never. I despise children and never want them ever. :P

Edited by Wicked Witch of the East
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That's debatable.

Anything's debatable!! But so far evidence has been pointing toward *primeaTes that don't relate to monkeys at all whatsoever

darn pokemanz

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Breast pumps exist. My mom was able to pull it off over lunch break, so I don't think it's ridiculously time-consuming.

That being said, unless my body refuses to provide for a theoretical baby, I'm sticking to the stuff that's been sustaining baby humans for the majority of humanity's time on Earth.

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Anything's debatable!! But so far evidence has been pointing toward *primeaTes that don't relate to monkeys at all whatsoever

darn pokemanz

lol Primeapes

That's not true, considering monkeys are primates themselves, and therefore other primates would be related to them.

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lol Primeapes

That's not true, considering monkeys are primates themselves, and therefore other primates would be related to them.

Yes but we're supposedly not direct descendants, but perhaps could still be related. It's like even if we are related, we don't come from them, so we aren't actually... them.

But I think as far as I heard in both classes I took just for credits if we are related, it's distant... I don't quite remember though~

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IIRC Lumi was trying to get more at it being especially stupid that women are expected to cover up their top where guys aren't, if the only reason is because breasts produce milk, since breastfeeding is among the most natural things ever and healthy besides.

Taking the argument to covering up erogenous zones, regardless of whether anybody else has gone there, assuming that is the reason (whether or not that's fully the case), I think that makes it odd that we all have a heck of a lot that we aren't expected to cover, at least not for that reason. At least as far as my current point in time goes; I seem to remember hearing that displaying the nape of the neck was once considered obscene or something :Kappa: I kind of assume it's still in the process of eroding a bit.

and then rehab realized how well and truly this post had jumped off the rails

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Feet and ears are erogenous zones too, but I don't see people getting wigged out about the idea of babies playing around with them. Why the big deal with breasts?

Anyway, a pretty huge factor in erogenity is mindframe.

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Feet and ears are erogenous zones too, but I don't see people getting wigged out about the idea of babies playing around with them. Why the big deal with breasts?

Anyway, a pretty huge factor in erogenity is mindframe.

Not always. The lips, shoulder blades, thighs, butt, belly button, cheeks and the neck can also be erogenous zones. My best bet is that the breasts and penis are by far the most common erogenous zones.

EDIT: maybe also interesting to note is that in Victorian Britain, it was considered obscene for women to show any leg, though showing breasts was quite alright (take the last bit with a grain of salt, my mind is a bit foggy). Whether or not the legs were considered main erogenous zones at the time I don't know however.

Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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My best bet is that the breasts and penis are by far the most common erogenous zones.

Yes, let us forget such anatomical features as the vulva and clitoris.

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