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I lost faith in FE


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Dude, seriously?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to cry about "overly-sexualized" media...but this is something I'd expect from Soul Calibur or fanart, but this stuff is official...and it's the new FE.

And pretty much every female character has art like that, but it's the art I felt like picking because you can see her crotch. :awesome:

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Don't lose faith in FE because of the art.

Unless the art is the only reason you had faith in it.

For my part, Valhart's art alone is a justification for all of FE13. Sometimes a single good thing can justify a great deal of bad that comes along with it.

Faith is a personal thing.

EDIT-Can't you see DLC miccy's crotch in her art.

Edited by L1049
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I like Est's FE13 art.

you know what, cool story bro. I'm glad you do. All I want is to enjoy my boobies without all these damn threads "omg its all sexualized and shit (cos that's never happened) and now fe is shit!"

It's why I never go to the FE13 board anymore. ;/

EDIT: also fuck everybody olivia's art is the best ever

EDIT2: actually i think my next avatar is going to be olivia's ass just because

EDIT3: actually instead of trying to pick a fight over this bullshit i'm just going to go to bed. sayonara.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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threads like this are why i hate fandoms

I like all of those pictures except, like, Est and Ike. ;/

I don't like the artwork from the guest art, either, but the official art is perfectly fine. I'm not interested in Awakening at all, and it's for a hand-held, which is a total turn-off for me (I don't know why that happened; I used to love six, seven and eight, all for the GBA, but... I stopped liking small screens and besides that, I don't really know why I'm not so interested in hand-helds anymore), but I can definitiely say I'll still always love FE itself.

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Just be glad this isn't the Pokemon franchise, where people ditch the series for being too mature and complicated.

Pokemon mature and complicated? since when? o_O

Anyway to make this post not off-topic, I don't have anything against the art of FE13, I actually think it better then some past FE art styles.

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I agree, FE is way too oversexualized. I mean, god, why can't things be like the old days? Women shouldn't be showing so much skin, and neither should men. All these revealing images create sinful thoughts in the minds of God's children!

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... And now for some reason I think that people having Olivia's 'lower back/upper leg' area as their profile pic is going to be a thing. I honestly hope it doesn't happen.

Edited by Konnor97
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I liked the old FE style art (FE6-FE12), but I'm not going to "lose my faith in FE" because I don't like FE13 art.

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This artwork has been there for a fair while.

I particularly don't like over-sexualization at all but at this point I'm not taking FE13 seriously anymore, it's for giggles and gameplay.

I mean it is waifu emblem you know.

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