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I lost faith in FE


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You are aware we are talking about people working in the video game industry. This is probably a near-guarantee.

And if they wanted to sell the art more in Japan, they'd go straight into the moe territory. *convulses* dear lord no, make it go away...

Iunno, I'd say they're there. Sumia is pretty moe. Somoe.

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Seems like aiming for the people who would like to have the opportunity to impregnate a little girl, will work out in Nintendo's favor.

Though, please forgive me, for not being all that exited about this new direction.

I admit I don't really know the first thing about advertising science, but the Nono deal comes off to me more as fanservice than as "COMING SOON, OUR FEATURED ATTRACTIONS: BUY THIS GAME, RANDOM PERSON OF QUESTIONABLE TASTE AND MORALS, AND GET A FREE UNDERAGE GIRL"

Then again the thing to wonder about fe13, for me, is a bit less whether this one game has totally crossed the line, and a bit more whether it's something I can come to expect from the series in the future. One game with this sillyness, alright IS you've got enough goodwill built up to at least get one honestly creepy thing free. If shit starts getting more of the bad kind of anime as time goes by, ehhh mebbe we gonna hev eh problem

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Anyway, for me personally, story and atmosphere is an important factor of enjoying a Fire Emblem. The series is really good with atmosphere. With it's permanent deaths, it really manages to put weight on any single turn.

The artwork does of course also add to this. until now, it had been far away from the usual fantasy artwork, with the bikini armor outfits and all that.

The worst we got, were high heels. I actually complained about stuff like that, long before FE13 was announced. Those complaints are so hilariously out of place now.

Anyway, the art really drags the whole thing down. Sariya might be the best written character in the franchise, but with her decision to enter the battlefield in her underwear, I just can't take her seriously.

Just try to imagine her wearing a big red clownsnose to understand my complaint.

Sadly, but perhaps being fair, ALL Dark mages/Sorcerers of any gender sports that outfit in FE13. I recall seeing Libera's broad shoulders/somewhat well muscled body wearing that black semi transparent clothing as an ingame graphic somewhere.

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It's strange why they decided to put her in such clothing. Perhaps they wanted the character to wear such clothing because the character feels she wants others to view her as someone who's older than she looks.

I don't really care what their reasoning or intent was. Someone at IS decided to put in a 10 year old girl who walks around in lingerie, who you can court and fuck (and has the mentality of a little girl too in case otaku pedophiles get boner-killed by women who are capable of independence or maturity). Even if he had the sense of mind to write in a torturous and belabored explanation for all this, it's still super fucking creepy and not something I like to see in my game. There are a million and one ways for Nono to express her "personality" that don't involve being dressed up like a piece of meat at the market.

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Then again the thing to wonder about fe13, for me, is a bit less whether this one game has totally crossed the line, and a bit more whether it's something I can come to expect from the series in the future. One game with this sillyness, alright IS you've got enough goodwill built up to at least get one honestly creepy thing free. If shit starts getting more of the bad kind of anime as time goes by, ehhh mebbe we gonna hev eh problem

Of course, if this was just an one time thing, I wouldn't be so upset about this but...

This game was a success. It sold like crazy. So we are going to get more like this.

As a result, my enthusiasm about the future of the series is awfully low at this point.

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I'm afraid (as in actually afraid, not figure-of-speech afraid) that we still can't really know where they'll take things until the next game, regardless. The trend isn't looking great, but then again it's not like we haven't gone whole games without Manaketes before.

And the game did enough things right that I don't think it's certain they'll fully associate the success with Nono, more that most [at least Japanese, possibly more] fans aren't exactly going to go on strike because of it.

That doesn't totally spell doom right? haha

right? <_>

Edited by Rehab
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I don't really care what their reasoning or intent was. Someone at IS decided to put in a 10 year old girl who walks around in lingerie, who you can court and fuck (and has the mentality of a little girl too in case otaku pedophiles get boner-killed by women who are capable of independence or maturity). Even if he had the sense of mind to write in a torturous and belabored explanation for all this, it's still super fucking creepy and not something I like to see in my game. There are a million and one ways for Nono to express her "personality" that don't involve being dressed up like a piece of meat at the market.

I don't think she looks as bad as you described, but I can understand why some people would think that way. To me it's just a piece of fictional art/design, so as wrong as it might be (as you described in your post which I agree with), I'm not bothered by it.

Then again I'm not bothered or fazed by many things.

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Something is only sexual if you think it is. I don't find Nono sexy because she's just a kid in a two-piece (or looks like it, at least). Hell I've seen toddlers on the beach wearing two-pieces, you'd be strange to think that is sexual.

I've seen a kid in a two-piece. Nono's not one of them- I mean, have you seen her legwear?

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Does the questionable content extend into in-game, or is it just the art? The OA has been a place for fanservice and sexualisation of underage girls for a long, long time, I don't see this as being an indication of slipping standards unless the actual game is being tainted.

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It's just the art. And honestly, the "I lost faith in FE" is just an expression. I think it's going a little to far reguarding the art. Just that. About the game itself...I haven't really been paying much attention to it, but it does intruigue me a little, and I wouldn't mind trying it (a few concepts about the game interest me). "The OA has been a place for fanservice and sexualisation of underage girls for a long, long time" - Well, no...not really. Not at this level at least. And I wasn't pointing it out on underage girls, but rather a few more characters in general.

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Skin implies a buff and well trained woman and not some meager girl who'd run away from away from battle at the first occasion.

Come on. Her face is a face of sheer terror. Running away seems to be exactly what's on her mind right now. It looks really silly. Especially with that awkward hopping pose. And it really doesn't help, that Patria is supposed to be the calm, mature sister.

The outfit looks really cool, though.

Edited by BrightBow
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Come on. Her face is a face of sheer terror. Running away seems to be exactly what's on her mind right now. It looks really silly. Especially with that awkward hopping pose. And it really doesn't help, that Patria is supposed to be the calm, mature sister.

The outfit looks really cool, though.


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Is there something wrong that sentence? Did I get the grammar wrong? Did I say, that her face is scary or something like that?

I mean, I'm well aware that my English skills leave a lot to be desired. But you would help me if you would be more specific.

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Is there something wrong that sentence? Did I get the grammar wrong? Did I say, that her face is scary or something like that?

I mean, I'm well aware that my English skills leave a lot to be desired. But you would help me if you would be more specific.

The part of the sentence you got wrong was thinking Palla's face made her look scared.

I'm sorry, dude, that's hilarious.

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So, how would you describe her facial expression then?

I say she looks mildly startled, and her pose agrees with me.

EDIT: Alternatively, she's turning to urge her comrades on as she charges into battle. I think that to be less likely, but either is more fitting for the expression than "she looks terrified".

My sister, if I recall, used the words "anime girl attacking face".

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That doesn't totally spell doom right? haha

Amazingly, I would not feel a sense of doom if the devil acquired creative control of Fire Emblem and made it worthless. The series is just not that important to me. I would be worried by the existence of the devil, though.


I don't see what the problem is, really.

Things that aren't practical aren't problems, but I'm not sure every pointer is a reasonable argument that the outfit is optimal. For instance, it's worth saying that the gauntlets would only protect the entire forearm assuming a particular angle (such as a stabbing attack coming from 12 o'clock). And talking about the mount protecting the rider doesn't go too far if the mount isn't well protected.


I think it would be pretty easy to pierce this pegasus through the neck with a lance, insofar as the front of its neck seems unprotected. Granted it's a very small picture, so maybe there is some protection...? And someone who's riding an injured horse is pretty vulnerable to the horse turning them into a casualty of war.

I understand how a charge by a group of horses (flying or not) could make it difficult to attack the necks of the horses without being trampled or speared by the riders (thus palla's protection against stabbing attacks, I'm sure). But I'm not sure an individual pegasi or cavalryman is quite so able to control their relative position to their opponents. Insofar as FE battles are still struggling to advance beyond a series of one on one bouts (AFAICT), the ability of armor to make sense in battle as we understand it doesn't seem too useful in suspending disbelief.

Ya, I'm more or less talking about visuals in general rather than the original art as though IS had no control over it. I don't particularly mind it though, it's just shooting the breeze.

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I say she looks mildly startled, and her pose agrees with me.

EDIT: Alternatively, she's turning to urge her comrades on as she charges into battle. I think that to be less likely, but either is more fitting for the expression than "she looks terrified".

My sister, if I recall, used the words "anime girl attacking face".

Okay, I admit. Zooming in on that face makes quite a difference.

To me, it looked more like she was looking at the floor.

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