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Revert to the Dark (OOC/Discussion)

You Know Shinon Is God

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Oh, good!

Since Ilyana is traveling with the merchant convoy and all, does she have be in Daein the whole time? I mean, as long as she's affiliated with the place, is it alright if she travels from place to place?

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I'm writing Tormod's part now, and I was wondering how much he'd know about the endgame events, especially the parts with Zelgius and Sephiran. Do I make an educated guess about how much he was told, and assume he wasn't part of the group so what he does know he only heard second-hand?

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It's alright. I'm waiting on Florina, really, and then I'll post again. I'll post for Pelleas in the same post.

Snowy, you don't have to always have them in every post, so you should be alright. If it gets too difficult you can drop them or give them to someone else. But like I said, I might drop the limit for characters soon, because we'll be needing several more (like, say, Tibarn), and we have most of the RPers we're going to get, if not all.

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I couldn't think of anything to do with Mia until after the meeting with Ranulf. Anyone with suggestions/ideas PM/AIM me (OSnow3 on AIM). As for Sanaki, assume it happened very shortly after any ongoing actions with any characters who might have been present.

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It's alright. I'm waiting on Florina, really, and then I'll post again. I'll post for Pelleas in the same post.

Snowy, you don't have to always have them in every post, so you should be alright. If it gets too difficult you can drop them or give them to someone else. But like I said, I might drop the limit for characters soon, because we'll be needing several more (like, say, Tibarn), and we have most of the RPers we're going to get, if not all.

Oh seven hells. Im sooooooo sorry. I got a flu and was sleeping and shit. D: Ill try my best to post later today if im feeling up to it.

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Florina, that's fine. I was actually sick this week, too. I'm just not sure if you wanted Soren to get suspicious and possibly listen to them and hear what Ranulf said. But that's up to you.

Snowy, once we get a reply from Florina, I'll be able to post again and hopefully move the GMs. Somehow "the GMs" sounds cool.

Also, I need to find something very signifigant for Shinon to do. Because he's that awesome. So awesome, on my last playthrough of PoR, he got third place...

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I think it's more a matter of 'I want to keep the person In Character instead of just letting you mold them to the needs of the post'.

On that note, I want to make this clear regarding Mia. I know Mia is hyper and obsessed with finding her rival in the games, but I'm trying to... I don't want to call it 'downplay' so much as 'flesh her out' as more than a genki girl obsessed with finding a rival.

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Yeah, a lot of FE characters don't ever get development besides that ONE trait that pretty much defines them. -Cough Ilyana-

I know Pelleas' epilogue said he learned to speak easy to all, so I'm going to have him the same as in the game in the beginning and develop more as the RP goes on. He did even develop in the game, which made me le happy.

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I'm fine with you guys controlling my characters you know. I just don't want it becoming counter to how I'm trying to build them.

And yes, Sanaki is sick. She's collapsing under stress. She is not poisoned or anything. Keep that in mind if you post including her.

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And yes, Sanaki is sick. She's collapsing under stress. She is not poisoned or anything. Keep that in mind if you post including her.

Oh i know, but Sephiran doesnt quite know that just yet. An Empress falling sick is a bit suspicious. Just being in character. Although im not sure what you plan for her so when i make a post, ill wait on you for everything else. :):

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I don't have any major plans for her ATM. I just feel that a strong and healthy Sanaki would be something capable of quickly quashing any dissent in Begnion. Not to mention her falling ill will aid dissentors. She's not exactly an idle woman. Don't worry, I have plans for her in the future, but for at least the next RP day or so, she's sick in bed.

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