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Ema Skye

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I was worried at first since I have two gaiden people, but then I saw that Meatshielding is OK, so I'm better now.

Oh, and I choose the Red Thwomp, or... the one who hasn't been chosen, to be clearer.

Edited by Spiriter Kalas
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Team analysis!

Caeda - Wing Spear/10.

Bord - Comes early and was picked to deprive everyone else of a competent early bosskiller. I'll decide what I do with him as he levels.

Julian - Bloody fast thief utility with combat to boot.

Roshea - Battling as a cavalier, leveling as an archer. I'll decide his path depending on how fast I can get Radd up to speed.

Jake - Remote offense. Recruited him specifically for Chapter 16.

Radd - I need to feed him experience like mad, but if I can turn him into what I want to, he'll trivialize most of the game.

Boah - Staffbot, and a needed one.

Astram - Covers my Chapter 13 weakness nicely.

Ymir - Lategame sniping on a horse.



Kalas - He'll either need to fall behind on turns to get Darros, Merric, and Wendell, or his team will be Cain/Navarre/freebies until Chapter 12.

Sharpy - Is not playing, so lol. Not a bad team, but Wolf will take time to get up to speed.

Rein - Half his team shows up before Chapter 6, and that amuses me. Heavily weighted on Class B, which is eh.

Elieson - First I stole his thief, and then I stole his ballista. Good offense in Ogma/Hardin, but I'm not sure how he's gonna manage with no staffbot.

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Fortunately, I cram Vulneraries on my team like it's nobody's byznays.

Trust me. After a Julian solo, I learned how to properly utilize Vulneraries to their fullest.

Edited by Elieson
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team thoughts

Ghost: Barst, Draug, Cord, Wrys, Vyland, Roger, Beck, Dolph. Lorenz, Samson



Cord: elieson now knows better than to talk about his picks with me around

Wrys: naglfarsig

Biraku: YES

Roger: idk, that base speed though




Samson: everyone left was a chump. costs turns, but I might recruit him anyway


Jeorge: not manly enough. PROBABLY WILL GET WRECKED BY A THIEF

Arran: not samson enough. LEFT IN HIS VILLAGE

Maria: not even a man. LEFT IN HER JAIL CELL

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TEAM THOUGHTS everyone else was doing them.

Marth- Rapier+Boots/10


Nagi/Gotoh- Manakete/Staffbot

Cain- He's the Goast Ghost in the stable. He's what Cain was to Abel. Mr. Catch Him If You Can. He's going OUUUUUT in a Blaze of Glory- er. Red hair. Mains swords. Biblical Reference. Red hair.

The Pope- Staffbot and Excalibur at base/10

Navarre- Killing Edge is awesome, Myrmidon means he's an instant Bro, f*cking Badass.

Darros- Folgore Blue MEANING HE'S MARRIED TO LUCINA, IN AMERICA. Recruited because Axe user, and somewhat because I was told to Troll Elieson.

Merric- Instant Excalibur, Green Hair, awesome.

Horace- Shin's Rival, A THWOMP

Tiki- LOLI/10

Maccallan- red THWOMP, doesn't afraid of anything


Linde- Skimpy dress which doesn't appear in battle/10, Prf weapon


Jeorge- Weird name/10, near instant Parthia

Arran- Jagen in next game, SO NO GOOD


My team is Awesome

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Elieson's Pro team. Look at all that Male Class B (All 2 of them). Also, 4 units that don't need Master Seals

Marth, Because Marth. Nuff said.

Jeigan, Best damn Jeigan in the game. Gonna try to pump him as a Wyvern as best as I can, to train for a Hammer user for Ch7.

Slogma, Clutch for Ch2 and 3, as Steel Sword and insano Merc speed are best used all the time.

Hardieno, Predicted MVP, as Instant Silvers and free recruitment are like, impossible to ignore. Considering he arrives with Sedgar, I think mop up duty will actually be pretty easy in Ch5.

Gordibyss, I always get stuck with this shit. Like always, reclass to Cavalier in Ch4, and grind my teeth until he promotes.

Sedgarchomp, My walking General. Ch6 should be pie with him blowing through the opposition. After that, I'm looking at Horseman/Warrior->Hero, since I don't have much in the way of Axes until Jagen or Hardin promote. Fucking boss. That Hero move and Axe use will make him clutch, and his speed jump will make it that much easier.

Rickachu, At least I've got a thief, so as far as opening doors, I can save a little bit, and also, I can snag some treasures while waiting for the boots, and even snag that Silver Card without sacrificing too much (if he develops ANY battle potential).

Mathikarp, God damnit, pisspoor stats and ranks mean I have to keep Lena alive for this piece of dirt. Well, at least he's kinda tanky mid-late game, and I could use that for a Javelin chucker.

Tomapi, Another reclass-to-Cavalier unit. Hopefully, the 2 levels to get him there won't be too difficult. Those Promo bosses are shweet.

Midialga, Prepromo, and free, means one less Master Seal to worry about. I'm more interested in reclass, and showing her how to use Axes early on.

Shiftria, If I get her, at least I'll have a decent mid-game growth unit, and she comes after the Wooden Cavalry, so ehhh.

Minervachu, Eh, I dunno. Flying axe? Worth the wait and effort? Likely no.

Looking forward to having Jeigan, Hardieno, Sedgarchomp, and my plethora of reclassed Paladins running the show. In you face, Team Macho Mangod! You keep that Cord, I got something better. Gordin :/

Free Maria, Jeorge, and Arran. Words cannot fathom the amount of joy that is being flushing down the toilet at this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I traded games with Sharpy.

These chapters are about ten thousand times easier with meatshielding allowed!

Chapter 1 10/10

Nobody has enough speed to double, not even the speed cavalier, and every enemy is 3HKO'd by Iron Swords.


Silver Lance helps this chapter not take forever. As usual, Jeigan is contractally obliged to miss the boss at least once.

Chapter 2 8/18

Doga holds up the eastern squad while the others head west. Kashim is recruited, and actually had good damage output, especially with Steel Bow. Savepoint took much of the frustration out of killing the boss quickly.

Chapter 3 7/25

Finally somebody doubles! Unfortunately, it's Reynard. He went down after several Steel Sword hits.

Abel is an aboslute beast with the +Str +Def level ups! Alec could learn a thing or two from him.

Chapter 4 8/33

Lena the mage roasts armors for dinner, and laughs at cavaliers without 1-2 range. Jagen the draco grinds axes while helping to clear a path, and Abel the cav took on the horsemen with his shiny forged Javelin.

Chapter 5 6/39

Pretty much the same thing. Wolf got a little exp.

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Chapter 1 - 8/8

I probably could've done this in one less turn, but I don't think I would've been able to kill off as many people. Caeda used Javelin "chip" to make sure Jagen wasn't too overworked. Marth cleaned up, and got a pretty good level in the process. Thanks to some early asset liquidation, I was able to purchase a Javelin for Jagen.

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Chapter 2 - 6/14

Had to do this one carefully. Got Jagen to draw everything, then got the meatshields to draw them south. Marth and his crew went north, and a crit from Caeda made the boss kill more reliable (Jagen would've KO'd with the Silver Lance, but being able to switch to an Iron Sword was welcome). Bord chipped, got a couple of kills in, and got Speed. WHEEEE!

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Chapter 3 - 8/22

Had to bait the enemies west intelligently, which cost a turn. In the meantime, I grabbed the Devil Axe, and passed it to Bord. Boss died to a Silver Lance and a Devil Axe to the face. Navarre was not recruited because Caeda was occupied elsewhere (namely, killing the arrow guys). Julian managed to get a little bit of experience.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       4.00  20   6    0    3    9    9    8    0
Caeda     Peggy      3.33  17   5    1    8   14   11    8    6
Jagen     Paladin    3.04  21   7    1   11    8    1   10    6
Bord      Fighter    4.27  22   9    0    5    8    1    5    0
Julian    Thief      3.10  Base everything

Chapter 4 - 6/28

Reclassed Jagen to Dracoknight.

Caeda's Wing Spear is the I Win button. She took out the starting thief, flew over and hit a random cavalier, then hopped the river to off one of the bow horses, then nixed the healer, then killed the boss. Jagen was able to absorb an Iron Bow, and he did just that. Julian nearly died, but thanks to some fancy positioning, I was not only able to save him, but I fed him a couple of kills. Marth blicked the armor, and Bord got in hits where he could (read: not very many).

Chapter 5 - 4/32

Reclassed Jagen to Paladin.

The hardest part was getting Caeda to the boss. Once I got rid of the arrow guys, it was a matter of blick and seize. Roshea didn't do much, sadly.

Chapter 6 - 6/38

This chapter required a bit of thought. Way too many archers stood between me and the boss, so it was a matter of either distracting them or running them over. Roshea and Julian were on loot duty. Eventually got Caeda to the boss, but she didn't kill. Jagen finished the job and broke his starting Silver Lance.

Chapter 6x - 20

Reclassed Jagen to Sage, Caeda to Myrmidon, Bord to Hunter, and Roshea to Archer.

This was a stat-gain run, and Roshea cooperated. Everyone else, not so much.

Chapter 7 - 6/44

Reclassed Caeda back to her original class, Jagen to Paladin, and Bord to Fighter.

Bord and Caeda wrecked lots of things. Roshea stayed an archer to get rid of the flying nuisances. Jagen poked here and there, and Julian smacked what he could.

Why is Caeda so tanky, and yet so unable to kill things in a timely manner?

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       6.43  21   7    0    4   10   11    9    0
Caeda     Peggy      9.62  20   6    1   11   18   14   10    6
Jagen     Paladin    6.47  25   8    1   11    8    2   10    7
Bord      Fighter    9.42  26  11    0    6    9    3    6    0
Julian    Thief      6.85  19   7    0    7   13   10    6    0
Roshea    Archer     8.14  24   8    0   10    8    4    8    0

Chapter 8 - 5/49

Reclassed Roshea to Cavalier, because I need mobility.

Caeda flew and bought herself another Spear, then smacked the boss over the head. Marth and company went through the hard way. Roger was a sad casualty of the resulting massacre. Radd got a couple of arena rounds in.

Chapter 9 - 5/54

Reclassed Radd to Cavalier, because I like having him on a horse. Reclassed Bord to Pirate, for water-walking.

Roshea is really fast (relatively speaking), so he was able to double some things. The Devil Axe guy hit himself over the head, which gave Radd some free experience. Caeda cut a swath through the non-axe guys, and Julian got a little bit of combat in before getting my swag. Marth was way too weak to dent the boss, I used Jagen (Silver Lance) followed by Bord (Devil Axe), and it all worked out somehow.

Chapter 10 - 8/62

Reclassed Bord to Fighter, for the extra Speed.

Bord stayed near Julian so the latter could retrieve the Levin Sword and Physic. One of the Dracoknights went 'round the long way, so Bord and his Silver Axe were plenty busy. Everyone else went the other way. Caeda managed to kill the boss via critical (though Jagen was nearby to finish him), and rather than wait for Roshea to fully bait the Hero, Caeda blicked him, too.

Chapter 11 - 9/71

Reclassed two female generics to Pegasus Knight - one to get to Anna, and the other to ferry Caeda.

I had to resort to desperation tactics to pull this turn count (i.e. doing stupid things like having Caeda finish the Killer Bow guy from range, and having Jagen bait Khozen). Thanks to enemy AI, I was able to trick them into killing Hardin (finally), which saved Radd. Bord's purpose in life was to trigger a save point. The rest of my guys went out and dealt justice. Jake get.

I have been getting extremely lucky with Radd and Roshea. Defense and a point of Skill aside, this is an average Caeda.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       7.20  22   7    0    5   10   11    9    0
Caeda     Peggy     13.51  20   6    1   14   20   18   10    6
Jagen     Paladin    8.23  26   9    1   11    8    3   10    7
Bord      Fighter   12.55  29  12    0    8   10    4    7    0
Julian    Thief      9.11  21   8    0    9   16   12    7    0
Roshea    Cavalier  10.31  28   9    0   10   11    4   10    0
Radd      Cavalier   5.41  22   9    0    5    7    3   10    0
Jake      Ballista   1.16  Base everything

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Stat tables on touchpad are a pain in the rear. I'll do them as soon as I have a real mouse (since I'm tired of misclicking all over the place).

Chapter 12 - 9/80

Reclassed Jagen to Dracoknight, for great Boots justice.

Caeda wasn't strong enough to kill the Sniper in good time, and Jagen couldn't double, and that cost me turns. I had to restart several times due to accuracy issues, one of which required Jagen to kill everyone on counter attack or die. To add insult to injury, Jagen was doubled by both the mini boss and the real boss. This meant that I had to use multiple people to kill the big things, which put me behind schedule. Got the Boots, though.

Chapter 12x - 20

Reclassed Jagen to Sage, Bord to Hunter, Roshea to Archer, and Boah to Sage.

The name of this game was keeping everyone alive, and thanks to the enemy swarm, I had lots of opportunities to staff spam. Due to time constraints, I recruited Horace instead of killing him.

Chapter 13 - 3/83

Promoted Caeda and reclassed her to Paladin. Reclassed Jagen to Paladin, Bord to Fighter, and Roshea to Cavalier.

Caeda disarmed herself to bait Astram, while Midia ran behind her, carrying a Levin Sword. Julian and Boah went north, while Radd and Bord went south. Recruited Astram, who then made a beeline towards the boss next to Caeda. Boss died to Caeda's Silver Lance and Astram's Levin Sword. Marth's contribution was a couple of Levin Sword strikes.

Chapter 14 - 6/89

Reclasssed Caeda and Jagen to Dracoknight.

Astram and Caeda boogied towards the boss. Jagen, Roshea, and Radd kept the archers busy, and Bord, Boah, Julian, and a generic swarm went for the Silver Card. Snagged the card on the last turn, and Astram dealt the finishing blow to Jiol via Armorslayer.

Chapter 15 - 5/94

Reclassed Roshea to Archer and Bord to Hunter.

Caeda escorted Marth to the throne, with Astram forging his own way through the desert. Jagen retrieved that Energy Drop, and everyone else stayed in the center, sniping things. In the weirdest twist of fate, I was able to get Midia across the map to go shopping.

Chapter 16 - 6/100

In what has got to be the biggest waste, used an Arms Scroll on Radd to get his lance level up to Ridersbane.

Caeda opened the prison on turn 1, murdered the unsuspecting guard, then moved a bit so that Marth could recruit Xane (just to get him out of the way). Astram ran behind Caeda, and dealt much pain with a mere Silver Sword. Bord and Roshea shot at the starting Dracoknights, with Julian and Radd on mop-up duty. Jake bombed the Fortify guy, thus fulfilling his purpose in life. Jagen helped to kill things, and Boah kept everyone alive. The Arms Scroll usage paid off near the southern exit of the prison, as Radd was able to OHKO the weaker guys with Ridersbane. Bord promoted mid-chapter, and his biggest contribution was absorbing a Ridersbane for Radd. Caeda miraculously had enough to ORKO the boss, and Marth seized.

Chapter 17 - 3/103

Reclassed Caeda and Jagen to Paladin.

Not content with the mayhem he created in the previous chapter, Astram blicked the boss on this chapter, thus saving me much headaches. He also single-handedly got my Fortify and VIP Card, and his girlfriend went shopping. Axes are about to rock!

Edited by eclipse
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