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Ema Skye

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a mere Silver Sword

I'd like to see what you consider a good weapon!

Chapter 6 9/48

Is Abel meant to be this good? It's a little scary.

It took me a long time to deal with the initial swarm, and random bullcrap kept ruining my run to the throne, but Wolf killed the boss. With a Steel Axe. Doing 2 damage.

Worth it.

Chapter 6x

Yay self-improvement.

Name   Level  Class     HP SM SK SP LK DF RS
Marth   8.04  Lord      24  6  9 11 12  7  1
Abel   10.47  Cavalier  28 11 11 11  4 11  0
Jeigan  4.17  DragonKn  23 10 11  8  1 12  3
Kashim  9.42  Hunter    24  9  8  8  4  7  0
Lena    8.74  Mage      16  6  8  8 11  4  3
Wolf    6.35  Warrior   34 11  5 11  7  7  0
Athena 10.15  Pegasus   25 10  8  9  6  8  6

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Mercurius :P:

Since I'm not gonna have the chance to do this for a while, stat update. This is right before 17x.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       9.56  24   8    0    5   12   13    9    0
Caeda     Paladin    5.29  28  12    0   17   23   22   13    6
Jagen     Paladin   11.71  27   9    2   12    9    5   10    7
Bord      Horseman   1.15  34  16    1   15   13    5   10    3
Julian    Thief     12.16  24  10    0   11   17   15    7    0
Roshea    Cavalier  16.41  33  11    0   11   13    4   11    0
Radd      Cavalier  13.59  27  14    0    8   10    4   13    0
Jake      Ballista   5.15  21   6    0    3    4    6   15    0
Boah      Sage       4.55  22   3    5    7   11    5    5    8
Astram    Hero       5.20  30  11    1   15   15    5    9    3

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Can we even get Mercurius without Minerva?

Chapter 7 6/54

On the way down, Wolf became capable of using the HAMMAH. It's the best way to deal with the next two armoured bosses since Lena doesn't reliably double.

Not much else to say. Jeigan and Athena flew around, and Abel makes use of his all-round skills.

Chapter 8 5/59


Both Wolf and Abel were capable of ORKO'ing the cavs, which was nice. Kashim and Jeigan held off the horsemen while Wolf, Abel and Marth assaulted the throne, weakening the first wave of the eastern squad. Lena and Athena finished them off.

I have a dilemma in chapter 9. I can get the Wyrmslayer on turn 6, but I can seize on turn 5. Not sure if it's worth it or not.

Edited by Minor Baldo
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1. I always thought the sisters didn't appear unless Minerva was recruited. This is the first time I won't be recruiting her.

2. Completely forgot about him. Ok then.

Chapter 9 5/64

Thieves should really be free for door-opening purposes. I AM NOT MADE OF DOOR KEYS, GAME.

Wolf cleared a path through the enemies as a Horseman. Athena, Abel and Lena backed him up, and Caesar went to go get some money. I was all set to use the Wyrmslayer (I even made Athena a myrm again) but it turns out Wolf 3HKO's and doubles him. Too used to the harder difficulties.

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1. Chapter 9, right?

2. The stuff in there isn't worth the Master Keys, IMO, but it's a bit late now!

3. Chapter 10 (the big chapter with Minerva) has Door Keys for sale. They also have Bridge Keys. I recommend buying at LEAST three Door Keys and two Bridge Keys (make that six Door Keys if you don't plan on shopping in Chapter 14 AND want the Silver Card, and seven if you don't think you'll make it to the Chapter 15/16 shops; you have no excuse for missing the Chapter 18 shops).

EDIT: Oh, right, chapter progress!

Chapter 17x - 20

Reclassed Jagen to Sage and Roshea to Archer.

Roshea shot the Paladin reinforcements to get himself to 20, then promoted. Radd got a good chunk of experience here, too. Bord helped to shoot down the boss, and Marth was somehow useful. Through a minor miracle, snagged the Wing Spear before leaving. Jagen's staff level is nearly acceptable; I'm aiming for the top, but if he winds up where I think he will, my dumb strategy should work.

Chapter 18 - 6/109

Reclassed Roshea, and Jagen to Dracoknight, and Bord to Hero.

With two mobile Ridersbane and two more grounded ones, the enemies didn't stand a chance. Jake helped to snipe annoying things.

Chapter 19 - 5/114

Reclassed Roshea to Paladin and Bord to Horseman.

Caeda cleared the way for Marth, who actually got to kill something! Radd managed to hit level 17, so he promoted mid-map. He's got Strength in spades, but is lacking in Speed. Jagen was on treasure duty, as was Julian. Got all the Spheres, but will probably regret missing the Speedwings.

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1. Yes, chapter 9. I am a doofus.

2. I worked out beforehand what 10 items I was going to get with the keys. I only got the Bullion, because I figured 15,000 gold right now was more valuable than most of the stuff I can get later, (plus, I may not have time to get to some chests).

3. I already stocked up on Door Keys in Caesar's chapter, but I never would have thought to buy Bridge Keys. Thanks.

The REAL Chapter 10: 8/72

Wolf became a Warrior again, and led the charge. Abel and Jeigan went to get the Master Seal. Lena went shopping, since there was nothing better for her to do once the dragonknights were dead. Kashim, with the help of Athena and a Vulnerary, got not only the Levin Sword (dammit thief, I wanted the Physic) but took out the Sniper for a shiny Silver Bow.

Edited by Minor Baldo
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Chapter 20 - 5/119

Reclassed everything that's supposed to wield Ridersbane/Wing Spear to Dracoknight. Reclassed Bord to Hero.

Two and a half flying fortresses of doom was more than enough to finish the map, and since I didn't touch the bridge, the four Silver Lance Paladins were inconsequential. Recruited Lorenz for his lance.

Chapter 20x - 18

Reclassed Bord to Horseman, Jagen to Sage, Caeda to Paladin, and Roshea to Archer.

Roshea gained a lot of Speed on this map. Everyone else, not so much. Used my generics as shields when possible, so Caeda wouldn't kill everything. Recruited Ymir, 'cause I think he's gonna be helpful.

Chapter 21 - 3/122

Reclassed Roshea to Dracoknight.

Roving Dracoknight killer was the right choice for Bord. Roshea had enough AS to double the Sniper. He couldn't double the boss, but it didn't matter 'cause Caeda could. Went shopping, of course.

Chapter 22 - 7/129

Roshea basically murdered anything that came near him. . .which wasn't much. Stormed the castle, then had Radd go to town on Michalis (protip: Radd's bulkier). Jake killed quite a few things that could've been bad.

Reclassed everyone for Chapter 23 in this table.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      13.13  27   9    0    8   14   14   10    1
Caeda     Paladin   12.12  33  13    0   21   25   25   14    6
Jagen     Sage      15.19  27   5    6   11    6    6    5    6
Bord      Horseman   8.23  36  18    1   19   16    8   11    3
Julian    Thief     14.25  25  12    0   11   18   16    9    0
Roshea    Paladin    9.64  49  16    1   22   19    6   16    6
Radd      Paladin    7.55  40  19    1   15   13   10   16    6
Jake      Ballista  14.07  26   9    0    8    6   10   15    0
Boah      Sage       7.55  22   3    6    7   13    5    5   10
Astram    Hero       7.21  32  12    1   17   16    7    9    3
Ymir      Hero      11.11  43  18    1   21   19    5   12    3

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Chapter 23 - 7/136

For this to work, the real Gharnef couldn't be in my path. Otherwise, Marth would be doubled and die. The wrecking squad of Roshea, Radd, and Caeda kept things off of Marth, and Jagen got some staff experience in. Jake had fun bombing things.

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Chapter 11: 9/81

Athena promoted and reclassed to Dragonknight. Jeigan needed to not miss the horsemen, and after that those two cleaned up all enemies except before Marth even reached the valley. On the turn he did, Athena drew the manakete forward. She and Abel finished it while Wolf tanked the Sniper. Kashim killed some mercs.

Chapter 12: 7/88

Superb, am I.

Athena and Jeigan became Paladins. Standard rush, but turn 4 was when the fun started. Wolf weakened the General with a forged Steel Bow, allowing Athena to kill him with a Javelin. Abel killed the first cleric with a forged Javelin, sending it to the convoy. Kashim grabbed it and traded it to Jeigan, who opened the door. Thankfully the Sniper didn't double Jeigan, who countered.

On turn 5, Captain Kashim and Jeigan could do enough to kill off the Sniper, then Athena and Wolf killed the sage boss. Abel stood on the throne with a Steel Lance. He killed the first cav but missed a hit on the second.

Turn 6, Jagen kills the second cav with a Javelin, Abel and Wolf 2HKO the paladin boss, and Athena runs as though her life depends on it.

Turn 7, Jagen trades a Master Key to Athena, who gets the Boots. Marth seizes.

Thanks to the Fire Emblem, I got everything except the Dragonpike, and only used one of the other Master Key.

2 down, 8 to go.

Name   Level  Class     HP SM SK SP LK DF RS
Marth   8.90  Lord      24  6  9 11 12  7  1
Abel 15/1.00  DragonKn  33 18 15 14  5 14  3
Jeigan  6.63  DragonKn  23 11 12  9  2 12  4
Kashim 14.53  Pirate    27 10  6  9  4 10  0
Lena 13/1.00  Bishop    23  9 11  9 16  5 11
Wolf    6.35  Horseman  35 15 13 14  9 11  1
Athe 12/2,39  DragonKn  31 15  9 10  7 14  3
Caesar  5.63  Mercenary 21  5  9 14  6  7  0

Yes, Marth hasn't gained a level in 6 chapters. I'm sure this won't come back to bite me!

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Chapter 12x: 20/88

Abel and Athena spammed axes. Jagen spammed staves, Wolf spammed bows when he didn't ORKO.

What's the ruling with penalties in Gaidens? Can they be included in the 20 turn allowance, like in other games?

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If your turn count + penalties is less than 20, it doesn't count for turns.

Ex: Undrafted unit meatshields in Ch.6x. If you finish the map in 16 turns or less, then it won't count for the total. Finish in 17 turns though, and it will count.

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Chapter 24 - 4/140

Reclassed all Paladins to Dracoknights.

Radd got the Gradivus + Spheres combo, because he was too slow to accidentally gib the entire map (and subsequently doom himself because he couldn't dodge everything). One shot of Gradivus and one from Roshea's Dragonpike (I think I picked this one up in Chapter 12) were enough to do the boss in. Jake bombed squishies, and my decision to snipe a Sniper turned out to be the move that saved the run. With Radd's Strength, I was able to OHKO the Sniper. Jake and Caeda teamed up to kill the other one, and Roshea killed a Mage Dragon. Due to unit placement, I was able to rig it so that the dragons had no choice but to attack a fully-healed Roshea (this is why Jagen was converted to staffbot, folks). Ymir smacked anything that got too close to Marth. Marth had an easy stroll to the throne. Bought lots of Seraph Robes and Dracoshields from the shop. Also bought out their Arms Scrolls.

Chapter 24x - 20

Reclassed Radd and Caeda to Paladin, and Roshea to Sniper.

This level was dedicated to getting Julian's HP up. Thanks to the amount of abuse my guys received, Jagen and Boah both hit A staves as Sages on this level (in Jagen's case, it was on turn 20).

Endgame - 4/144

Reclassed Radd, Roshea, and Caeda to Dracoknight.

Dumped a lot of defensive stat boosters on Radd and Roshea, because I wasn't sure if the latter would hit the magical 22 Speed mid-chapter (spoiler: he maxed his Speed naturally before facing Medeus). Shoved 3 Speedwings into Bord so he wouldn't be doubled by Medeus, and two into Radd so he would have an easier time killing things on the way to Medeus. Caeda got the Energy Drops, Radd got the Secret Books and enough Goddess Icons to make me sleep better at night. Roshea got the remaining Icon, and the Dusts were split evenly between Jagen and Boah.

Did the dual Geosphere on turn 1, which made getting to Medeus that much easier. The dual Fortify after the blast made life that much easier for me. By placing Bord and two Dracoknights in that weird alcove, and the third Dracoknight to the right of Marth, I was able to have all four of them converge on Medeus on turn 4. For this strategy to work, each attacker needed to do an average of 15 damage; Roshea and Caeda were doing 19 apiece. By passing Gradivus and the Spheres to the Dracoknights, and having Bord "chip", I was able to do this without having to rely on a double Parthia, which was my original strategy (which in turn was shot down by Bord's lack of Speed lategame).

FINAL STATS (massive jumps are due to stat boosters):

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      17.40  29  12    0    8   17   16   10    1
Caeda     Drakky    17.07  41  23    0   23   23   28   16    3
Jagen     Sage      18.40  28   5   10   14    7    7    5    8
Bord      Horseman  10.78  43  19    1   20   22   10   11    3
Julian    Thief     17.28  27  13    0   12   18   18    9    0
Roshea    Drakky    17.26  53  23    1   26   23   10   23    4
Radd      Drakky    11.52  53  21    1   22   19   14   24    3
Jake      Ballista  20.95  27  12    0   12    7   14   17    0
Boah      Sage      10.19  30   3   10    8   14    6    5   11
Astram    Hero       8.27  33  12    1   17   16    7   10    3
Ymir      Hero      12.71  44  19    1   22   19    5   12    3

Unit analysis:

Marth - This one was just fast enough not to be doubled by most of the map, so I guess he did his job.

Caeda - Her Strength stank, and that held her back quite a bit.

Jagen - His conversion to staffbot was really helpful, especially once Roshea proved that he could fill Jagen's shoes and more

Bord - Fell off late, which was a disappointment. Having another way to get rid of armors early made up for that, though.

Julian - Rather frail during his entire existence, but having that extra chip was nice.

Roshea - MVP of this run. I asked him to gain Speed, and he did so in spades. This made life easier for everyone!

Radd - One-blick wonder of the run. Didn't turn out quite as bulky as I liked, but being able to OHKO with effective weapons was hilarious.

Jake - Long-distance bomber who did exactly what I needed him to.

Boah - Staffbot, still useful.

Astram - His time to shine is midgame. Once the rest of your units catch up, he falls off (though Silver Sword chip is nice).

Ymir - If you're really hurting for a late-game Hero, he does the job fine.

OVERALL: Had to do a little bit of improvisation towards the end, but I'm happy with how my team turned out. This team was somewhat risky, because if Roshea hadn't cooperated, I would've had to resort to a little more prayer during the later chapters.

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Chapter 13: 3/91

Back to a paladin squad. Midia joined them to talk to Astram, Abel and Wolf beat the boss.

Chapter 14: 6/97

Wolf murdered everything in his way. Abel having enough speed to double the sniper made me happy.

Chapter 15: 5/102

Fed the lovers to Gharnef.

Chapter 16: 7/109

It occurred to me afterwards that I could have had Chainy talk to Marth on the EP and possibly not lost a turn. But I couldn't be bothered, I've been out of it pretty much since chapter 6.

Chapter 17: 3/112

Charge. Again.

Chapter 17x: 16+4/112

Training and stuff

Name    Level Class    HP SM SK SP LK DF RS 
Marth   15.38 Lord     30 11 11 15 18  9  1
Abel  15/8.05 DragonKn 37 21 19 18  7 15  3
Jeigan   9.44 DragonKn 24 11 12  9  2 13  5
Kash  17/2.23 Horseman 31 13 15 13  5 13  3
Lena  13/5.83 Bishop   24 11 12 10 20  5 14
Wolf    17.07 Horseman 47 23 19 20 11 18  1
Athena   6.13 Paladin  36 18 11 12  9 13  6
Caesar   8.40 Merc     24  8 10 15  7  7  0
Chainy   1.38 Chameleon

Chapter 18: 6/118

I had to feed Marth a shield so that he'd survive the march.

I remember this chapter having a lot more reinhorsements.

Chapter 19: 5/123

Got the three spheres, a bullion, a Speedwings, and a Robe. I still have one Master Key left; flawless victory.

Chapter 20: 5/128

Camus died to a forged Poleax. This is probably the best Abel ever.

Chapter 21: 3/131


Chapter 22: 7/138

I can finally use the Gradius, time for some glorious EP combat.

Chapter 23: 7/145

The first, and only time I’m using Lena!Chainey. Used a Geosphere to determine the NW Garnef was real, which wasn’t ideal, but it never seemed to change so I had to live with it. Marth had to run around him.

Chapter 24: 4/149

I gave Abel the Iote’s Shield so he could tank the snipers. Athena used a Dragonpike forge to make up for never doubling. Wolf became Warrior for the first time in ages since it gave him good mountain movement.

Name    Level Class    HP SM SK SP LK DF RS 
Marth   18.47 Lord     32 14 13 15 21 12  1
Abel 15/17.52 DragonKn 43 24 23 23 10 15  4
Jeigan   9.90 DragonKn 24 11 12  9  2 13  5
Kash  17/6.14 Warrior  40 16 13 15  7 13  1
Lena  13/9.52 Bishop   26 14 12 12 21  5 16
Wolf    20.00 Horseman 52 24 21 23 14 20  1
Athena  10.91 Paladin  39 19 12 14  9 13  6
Caesar   9.23 Merc     25  9 10 16  7  7  0
Chainy Numbers Chameleon

24x is free turns.

F: 4/153

Abel and Wolf were in the the SW group, so they just killed everything in their way.

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