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What's with these profile pics?

Gold Vanguard

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I actually stopped using my breast emphasizing avatar of Micaiah because of that trend.

I used that avatar, to make fun of the artwork, but after that trend I figured it would end belittling the discussion about the artwork instead.

Besides, it probably failed it's purpose anyway, since most people probably didn't catch the reference.

I didn't exactly want to empathize the breasts in the first place. The Dead or Alive promo image I wanted to imitate, actually stopped before the breasts showed. The problem was, that in order for them to look similar I needed to show skin color. And Micaiah's throat is covered by this huge gold metal thingie.

Edited by BrightBow
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I have to admit, I would like to join the fray. Problem is, only females are sexualized. There aren't any males running around in their underwear.

Like Palla, Olvia, Nono, Micaiah or Soiree do. The best I could choose is probably Sothe's belly shirt and I think this is insufficient.

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people should have more shirtless dudes amirite

hell yes

EDIT: i am all about equal opportunity sexualization despite my purest love for the ladies

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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I actually stopped using my breast emphasizing avatar of Micaiah because of that trend.

I used that avatar, to make fun of the artwork, but after that trend I figured it would end belittling the discussion about the artwork instead.

Besides, it probably failed it's purpose anyway, since most people probably didn't catch the reference.

I didn't exactly want to empathize the breasts in the first place. The Dead or Alive promo image I wanted to imitate, actually stopped before the breasts showed. The problem was, that in order for them to look similar I needed to show skin color. And Micaiah's throat is covered by this huge gold metal thingie.

Dude, your Micaiah DoA av was da bes, trend aside. I was sad you took it down, it was funny regardless.

I would proudly wear an av showing Vaike's cleavage with the I'm a fighter tag

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Dude, your Micaiah DoA av was da bes, trend aside. I was sad you took it down, it was funny regardless.

I would proudly wear an av showing Vaike's cleavage with the I'm a fighter tag

Thank you a lot. I might use it again, once things have cooled down a bit.

But considering that the whole trend seemed to have started when Mr.Sparkles put up an image of Olvia's butt to express his feelings of being harassed by the mere existence of threads discussing the issue, it would just end up contributing to mock a topic which is rather important to me.

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Rather then having the males join them, I would prefer if the girls simply stop looking dumb.

why do you hate nice things

Also, I didn't really start this. I threatened to and promptly went to sleep. Esme used the avatar before me, and some other guy who wasn't either of us cropped it originally.

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why do you hate nice things

Also, I didn't really start this. I threatened to and promptly went to sleep. Esme used the avatar before me, and some other guy who wasn't either of us cropped it originally.

I stand corrected then.

But I don't hate "nice things". I just don't see the point in having such silly designs damage the games atmosphere.

I mean, this is the Internet. You would be able to find suggestive art for any Fire Emblem girl in less then a minute. And those will show a lot more then IS could possibly get away with.

So even from that perspective, I see no point in making the characters look silly like that.

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It only damages the game's "atmosphere" if you let it, since the designs, be they silly in your eyes or not, were intended, and therefore part of what the designers wanted for this "atmosphere"

if you don't like them then whoopdiedo that's fine and all, but the only one letting the game be ruined by it is you.

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But I don't hate "nice things". I just don't see the point in having such silly designs damage the games atmosphere.

I mean, this is the Internet. You would be able to find suggestive art for any Fire Emblem girl in less then a minute. And those will show a lot more then IS could possibly get away with.

So even from that perspective, I see no point in making the characters look silly like that.

I love the designs :/ And they were probably designed like that because some people like how they look.

You seem to talk like they're objectively bad.

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I love the designs :/ And they were probably designed like that because some people like how they look.

You seem to talk like they're objectively bad.

Well, it is just my personal opinion. It just so happens that I personally dislike the shift a lot so I advertise it quite emotionally.

I'm not too fond of character designs like this in general. But in Fire Emblem, it's a special case.

After all, Fire Emblem is not a war game where you only send nameless redshirts without any identity into battle.

The soldiers are all unique and yet no less vulnerable then the faceless goons on the opposite side. They die, and it's all over for them.

To me, this creates an absolutely wonderfully immerse atmosphere. It makes even the most casual move feel like it has weight to it.

But the new designs kinda ruin this immersion to me.

I think that if I see someone who is supposed to be a soldier, she should look like she cares about the consequences of the war's outcome and that she is able to return back home to her family in one piece.

But the soldiers in this installment look like they think it's more important to show of their bodies, then it is to avoid returning in a coffin.

Obviously, the old art still had it's fair share of issues in that regard but it looked a lot more convincing to my eye.

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