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The Legend of Zelda 3 heart challenge challenge

Komeiji Koishi

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Do a 3 heart challenge of your favorite Zelda game. Any other challenges can be added at your discretion.

HOW WAS THIS THOUGHT UP OF, you ask? Well, over in the "Last to post wins" thread, I was thinking about 3 hearting OoT, when Emerald Knight said he thought of 3 hearting TP, then ZM said he was doing a 3 heart quest in WW, then it spun off from there. So yeah.

Aplicants are allowed to join if they want, however they aren't forced to if you don't join, it's thought that it's because you suck. If you'll join, post saying which game(s) you'll be 3 (or 6, in case of SS) heart questing, along with any other challenges you'll be doing, and I'll add your name to the first post.

Spiriter Kalas: three/six heart quests in both SS, and OoT, with only one of each of the first two shields in SS.

ZM456 3 heart questing both WW and MM. Successfully beat WW.

Emerald Knight: 3 hearting both TP and MC.

Zak Defender of Tinny: Three hearting LA and OoS. Failed 3 hearting LA due to... programming?

Otacon: 3 hearting OoT with a Giant's Knife and beating Kid Link's section of the Spirit Temple before Adult Link's.

PKL: 3 hearting WW

Make sure to post progress at a regular rate (once at the end of each dungeon), along with any deaths. Just because some takes the game you want, doesn't mean that you can't play it yourself too, join the fun!

Edited by Spiriter Kalas
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I've already done 3 heart + no fairy or healing from bottles challenges for Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. I almost did Wind Waker but I got bored in the Tingle Quest lol.

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Just beat the Savage Labyrinth leading up to the Triforce chart with just three hearts and no fairies. When I restart this run, I'll go through all 50 floors with no fairies, potions, or the glitch you can do to skip floors.

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May want to state the spirit temple part of my challenge more specifically:

What i'm trying to do is beat Young Link's part of the Spirit temple before i turn into Adult Link for the first time.

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in twilight princess you are forced to take the first heart container i though

also i beat legend of zelda1 with 3 hearts and all of the gameboy/gamboy color zeldas with 3 hearts and i think i did minish cap i'll see if i can find my cartridge to see if i finished it

i might do twilight princess or skyward sword possible occarina of time, depends on what i do when i wake up

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Link's Awakening Log #0

(playing the DX version BTW. The screenwarp glitch in the original trivializes the entire game)

I played for ~10 minutes. All I really did was get the Sword and do the 90 Enemies Glitch to get the Blue Tunic early, no dungeons or anything.

Edited by Zak Defender of Tinny
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Ocarina of Time Quest Log 1

Link wakes up and does his weekly money earning by raiding people's houses for green and blue rupees, and making rupees somehow appear in midair. He then steals a sword and buys a shield so Mido would stop being an Ass-Hat and let Link through. Being the awesome person he is, he saves a talking tree from the Evil Squirrel invading him, grabbing a Slingshot in the process of saving the talking tree. While in the talking tree, Link finds a heart stone after defeating the Evil Squirrel, but passed it up because it looked gay.

After leaving through a magic portal, the talking tree gives Link a SHINY GREEN STONE. The talking tree then dies for no other reason than to traumatize the player Link, but fails because he already is traumatized enough as it is. Link leaves, but Ass-hat- I mean Mido then frames Link for killing the talking tree dead- which is weird because he was no where near the talking tree when he was killed dead. After figuring out how stupid that plot point was, Ass-Hat runs to his house to cry like the wuss he is. Link didn't care.

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Let's start this three heart run, shall we?

Link -> Connie

Epona -> Horse(I tried naming her Applejack, but it wouldn't fit.)

Now that the names are unboring let's get started.

Prolougue: Her name is Horse


You all know how this goes, herding. Before that Ilia stole Horse. Herding, I am best herder. Hurrdeeng

Chapter 1: Darn it Talo


So yeah, kids in my yard whining about a Slingshot, I round up the rupees for it after doing things around town. After I go through the shooting tutorial, I remember Rusl dropping off a stick. Sword Tutorial. Then a monkey shows up and the kids follow. I save them and blah blah.

Chapter 2: OH NO


The day where I'm supposed to go to Hyrule and rub elbows with the royals. Nope. Ilia gets mad and runs off with Horse, and then some green dude(King Bulbin by the way) rode in with a possy and bad things happened. All after I expertly herd herdable animals! I do wolf things. Midna is a cool bean.

Chapter 3: Weapons and light bugs


So I head back to town to get the sword and shield, which I did. Then the fun part starts, looking for the light things I turn back to normal, with new duds. Anyway, monkey, blah. Temple. I ignore the pieces of heart, since this is a three heart run. I know I can get up to four, but I'd rather not. After I kill Diababa in a quick fashion, I get the first Fused Shadow and ignore the Heart Container!

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Chapter 1: Tailto Cave

So after getting my swordsie, I tried screwing around in the Kennel World (look it up) to get rupees because I wanted the bow early, but it ended up not working. Aww...

So anyways, generic stuff, give shrooms to the witch, sprinkle "magic powder" onto Tom Nook and making him turn into Mario, and getting the Tail Key (which kinda looks like a Jester Head key to be honest).

So then some kind of hooting bird came down and TLDR'd at me. After tapping A, I went off to the Tail Cave. Which was easy. It was also aptly named, as inside, I found some tails and a cave.

The problem came when I pwn'd Moldorm and sent him at whoever is playing A Link to the Past (I think Peppy). The doors were locked until I picked up the Heart Container. I suppose it's alright if I let that slide, but if it happens again, I'm regrettably going to have to drop this...

Edited by Zak Defender of Tinny
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I will consider the one to take up the 3 heart challenge of the original Legend of Zelda (and succeed) as the biggest boss in all of the realm.

No way will i do it! Im good at that game, but im no masochist!

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Chapter 2: Bottle Grotto

Well, after going through town, a bunch of kids came in and tried telling me "ZOMG SHIT WENT DOWN!!!" so I went forward, picking up a heart piece (It's totally OK as long as I don't get 4), kicked some Moblin Ass, and rescued Mario Cameo #2. Then I went to Bottle Grotto and wreaked shit there, until...

Well, the Genie boss was easy, if a tad annoying since his message popped up whenever he came out of the bottle (I don't think he was that noisy in the original LA either. >_<). The problem was, when I killed him, I was locked in the room facing the heart container he dropped.

"Errrr....." *Se+St+A+B save and restart*

*goes back to the boss room*

*would have had to fight boss again if I didn't shut game off*

Well, it looks like a 3 heart challenge of this game is impossible. Sorry guys. :<

EDIT: Fuck it, tomorrow, I'm starting on Oracle of Seasons.

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Oracle of Seasons: Ch.1

So I woke up to see this pretty lady dancing. She's not as attractive as the girl from Ages IMO, but still pretty cute. Anyways, this evil tornado came by and sucked her up. I tried blaming Sety, but he's off in another game, so instead, I go to talk to this tree like some kind of hippie. Except there was this gate blocking my path. So I had to go through this cave with SDGWRB ETDFB EBVWSSCAREH bats and ended up finding a sword. I went to the gate and somehow made it open by twirling around. Eh, whatever works.

The tree is too lazy to save the girl and told me to do it instead. Lazy bastard. He then gave me a key and told me to go to some dungeon.

Inside I fought AHHH SCAREH SKELETONZ and stuff. I saw the old man from the original Zelda, except now he looks like some kinda green jedi or something. Either way, he still says pointless or obvious stuff. I ended up finding a bag full of seeds that combust when I drop them. Remind me never to trip. >_>

So I went through, and got caught by one of the rape hands near the boss. Ahhhhhhh!!!

So after working my way back there, I made it to the boss, a unicorn dragon. Manly. I killed it forever, and it dropped a heart. Being the vegetarian that I am, I left its heart on the floor to rot instead of eating it, and went forward to get the first essence, the Fertile Soil

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The Wind Waker - 3 Heart Playthrough Final Boss

Link: Ugh...agh... *gets up clutching his arm* That hurt like hell...

Ganondorf: This is foolishness...a future...for you?

Tetra/Zelda: Ganondorf, you're an insane prick! *stumbles over to Link with the Master Sword* Let's kick his ass! Then return to the world above to...not drown!

Link: ...Yeah. *takes sword* YEAH!

Ganondorf: Heh...motherfuckers... *takes out dual swords* See how much your precious CHEESE TRIANGLES are worth!

Ganondorf is easy. Used the elixir soup and did the typical speed run strategy to battle him. Link runs to the back a bit, which makes Ganondorf jump over Zelda so she can actually shoot him. Link then gets a few spin attacks in and Zelda shoots another light arrow, causing Ganon to bitch slap her. Link gets pretty pissed at how Ganon hurt his girlfriend and goes one on one with him. Thanks to the double magic power, Zelda wakes up quickly. Link runs over to her to talk, then gets his shield ready. Zelda shoots, shield gets hit, Ganon gets hit, and Link shoves his sword through Ganon's forehead. That fight took less than a minute and thirty seconds.

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I did a three hearts, no shield, no potions playthrough for Spirit Tracks, but my brother's don't believe me even though they were watching parts of it.... I got all the heart containers now though.... And now there's no proof.

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Chapter 4: New Kakariko


Hooboy, after fooling around I run around out in Hyrule field, towards twilit ridden areas of course. Anywho, I make it to Kakariko Town where I'm greeted by those portal tings with dreadlocks. I quickly dispatch them and get the grapevine light holder from Eldin and hunt the bugs, yay. Barns OP. RIGHT, I almost forgot my fight with King Bulbin with only half a bottle of milk and a red potion.

Chapter 5: Watch out, we've got ourselves a tribe of hardcore motherlovers over here.


So yeah, climbing up the mountain when a Goron stops me, forcing me to go back to Ordon but guess what! I got Horse back. Anyway, after learning a new technique and getting the Iron Boots I stomp back towards Death Mountain. SUMO SUMO SUMO SUMO SUMO SUMO SUMO SUMO SUMO. Gor Coron kind of looks like my grandfather.

Chapter 6: Lava hurts


After a detour back to Kakariko to pick up the shield I couldn't afford forgot, I rock and roll in the Mines. A lava bath takes two hearts luuuuul, I didn't die though. Blah blah, Hero's Bow, which makes me feel like a hardcore marksman because it's easy to aim.* Anyway, I fight the boss and win easily. Three heart run, heck yeah.

Chapter 7: Lanaryu too big


So after all of that(and buying bombs and a bomb bag), I have to travel to the Lanaryu province. After I cross the bridge a piece of it is teleported to the desert for some unexplained reason. Anywho, after that I reach the Lanaryu province. Funsies. After going to Hyrule town to see Ilia and the map I go to the Great Bridge of Hylia. FIRE FIRE EVERYWHERE. Lake Hylia, yeah. Anyway, after flying through a cave I run to the Zora fountain. SUPER UNCLOG BURNING SPIRE FROM EARLIER. Bug hunt and bug queen yay. Bomb Arrows OP

Chapter 8: Ilia has amnesia


Fweeeee, ran back to Hyrule town to help Ralis, and get the Zora armor. Not a sissy tunic, armor. This part is rough if you're dumb about it, which almost happened to me luuuul. After that I go back to Upper Zora River just to get a second Bomb Bag and then I buy some water bombs. Lakebed Temple awaits~

Chapter 9: Where all da mermaids at


So yeah, this temple is fun when compared to Water Temple and Great Bay Temple. Anyway, I got through this rather quickly. Clawshot is fun. Morpheel is fun, well the second part is. An attack in the first part took two too many hearts. The second part feels like a battle from Monster Hunter Tri. Awww yeah, three heart run.

*Link's Crossbow Training is fun. I suggest you all play it if you can find it. I'm playing the GC version by the way.

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Ocarina of Time Quest Log 2

After watching Ass-Hat run away like a damn pansy, Link goes into the Lost Woods. Using his newly acquired Slingshot, He shot a log because he hates logs. A Deku Scrub notices this this and spits a Seed Bag at him for some reason.

Link crosses a bridge to GTFO of the Forest, when suddenly, the green haired Stalker/Yandere Saria f*cking appears out of f*cking thin air, I mean seriously. Back to the matter at hand, Saria says words, but Link didn't really listen he was staring at that loli chest of hers. Saria then gives Link a POORLY MADE FLUTE, THINK OF THE SPLINTERS HE'LL GET! Link runs away, leaving Saria and her loliness behind. Ouch, Friend Zoned, still, LinkxSaria OTP.

Link runs 20 feet, when suddenly(!) that Annoying Owl appears. He says shit we don't care about, when the player Link keeps pressing B, accidently causing him to repeat what he said. FMHL. Link then runs across Hyrule field when the Annoying Owl finally decides to STFU, Gawd. Link runs through the Field, and takes a day and a night, which are apparently each 2 minutes long.

After vandalizing some boxes and *almost* dieing to a spider, Link sees another Loli girl, Malon. She calls him Fairy Boy, making Link feel like a wuss, heh, petnames NOT SARIA, 0/10. Link runs only to find that Annoying Owl. Jezus man, not even Saria was this stalkerish.... Anyway, after telling Link stuff he already knew ("The Princess is inside the Castle"), Link sees Loli #2 Malon. She apparantly laid an egg and wants Link to hold it (Remember kids, the Daddy Seahorse carries the eggs), uh....

Figuring he had to sneak into the castle, Link walks in a 45 degree angle near a guard- and fails near instantly, idiot. After thinking he should get like Solid Snake, he finds a cardboard box and... wait, wrong game.... uh.... After realizing he can't be Solid Snake, Link sneaks around normally. An area with cool music happens. He finds the princess Pea-wait no, Zelda, and she says stuff everyone and their mothers already knew. After looking through a window, Zelda gives Link a love letter to him, because she knew he was coming, or something. Link ignores it, deciding to give it to a random female person later besides, LinkxSaria OTP. After learning a song from the World's Worst Whisteling Whisper/Ninja, Link appears outside of the castle somehow. Content with what little he's done, Link goes to a ranch, because screw linearity.

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Unfortunately, I don't believe I can 3-heart LttP.

I mean, I do not know how to.

It's basically the only one I'd want to :(

Let me know if there's a workaround on a port.

EDIT-Ahaha bobflac is a man with guts and honor. It's too bad he serves Mundus.

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