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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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I was wondering why you didn't say anything about Shinori's claim. However, that explains something else, and it looks like you need to be alive for now.


##Vote: Bitto

From what's been claimed so far, here's what I've inferred:

- Shinori did not kill (because shooting oneself is detrimental)

- Shinori confirms Paperblade's role

- No one has claimed hooked (exactly two people should understand this; the rest of you can wonder about it)

- No one's claiming the extra kills

- Helios got an innocent result

- I can't explain why I think Psych is clear, but I'm pretty sure he is

- BBM is an outlier whose role, if town-aligned, shouldn't be used

- Rein's role can only be confirmed by Helios, and that would be a waste of time

- As long as I'm alive, I can ensure the town sees another day

Which leaves Excellen and Bitto to claim. Of those, Meesh was worse before subbing out.

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I was wondering why you didn't say anything about Shinori's claim. However, that explains something else, and it looks like you need to be alive for now.


##Vote: Bitto

From what's been claimed so far, here's what I've inferred:

- Shinori did not kill (because shooting oneself is detrimental)

- Shinori confirms Paperblade's role

- No one has claimed hooked (exactly two people should understand this; the rest of you can wonder about it)

- No one's claiming the extra kills

- Helios got an innocent result

- I can't explain why I think Psych is clear, but I'm pretty sure he is

- BBM is an outlier whose role, if town-aligned, shouldn't be used

- Rein's role can only be confirmed by Helios, and that would be a waste of time

- As long as I'm alive, I can ensure the town sees another day

Which leaves Excellen and Bitto to claim. Of those, Meesh was worse before subbing out.

I am getting all sorts of bad vibes from you Eclipse. This isn't like you. You have soft claimed to all hell but won't actually claim, and I don't like that. I REALLY don't like that. Mod says it's potential mylo and unless you claim fully I'm going to act under that the entire time. Even after you claim I will still act as if under mylo warning. If you are gonna hint at something so big, then just claim it our right.

"No one has claimed hook" blah blah blah, you are still hiding stuff it seems. And I don't like that either. Stop beating around the bush with random stuff that doesn't make sense, this doesn't help town and it makes it seem like you know a lot more stuff than you actually should.

Of course no one is gonna claim the extra kills. Most likely scum kill and a vig kill of some sort. I'm willing to be manix actually had neighborized Prims, so when prims got vigged or something manix died with him. It seems more logical.


"Psych is inno lol idk why but he is" yeah no this doesn't fly, stop that. If you don't actually have reason for him being defintely innocent then stop saying it.

miller stuff. ;/


##Vote: Eclipse

No. I really don't like how you seem to have all this information that you shouldn't have and you keep hinting at all this other stuff but you won't actually admit to anything.

Also didn't you think Meesh was pretty town? I forget.

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##Unvote (BBM)

Gonna take my vote off him for now and think about things a little. It would make sense if Kay is a safeguard since it's really weird that I didn't get hooked, not to mention no one has claimed hooked. Plus I got a town result on her. She needs to explain her role a little more though so we can see if her role can really coexist with Shinori's, otherwise we probably will have to lynch one of them.

Eclipse is acting really weird and I don't understand why she doesn't just claim and cut the vague bullshit if she doesn't have some claiming restriction. She hasn't really been helpful all game either, and all the things I mentioned about her before still stand.

Can more people talk please?

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Shinori, which post are you talking about exactly? Or did you mean posts?

Kay's role seems really fishy. Bizz saw fit to give Shinori a hated modifier of some sort to offset Doc, but Kay gets two shots of Doc and a shot of Safeguard for free? I mean, sure, two-shot Doc isn't as good as infinite-shot Doc, but seeing as we're in potential MYLO D2, after a scum death (meaning it might have been potential LYLO if whatever killed Prims had killed somebody town instead), two-shot Doc with no drawbacks seems plenty strong to me. I'm thinking she might be Godfather. Kay, who did you target last night?

Also, Kay didn't specify, but I think Meesh/Bitto should probably claim next. Then Excellen, then Rein (if he has anything more to his role than Miller), and then Eclipse, but I'm not sure how much of her role Eclipse is going to claim/is allowed to claim.

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I'm assuming that Kay targeted me, but she hasn't actually said anything so don't quote that. Keep in mind though that there is multiple killing roles in this game, so I'm starting to think that having a couple protective roles might not be so improbable. Also since this is a Levity game I'm positive there is an SK too so yeah.

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It still doesn't make much sense to me for one doc to have a hated modifier that he's not even allowed to claim and the other to have 2 shots with no drawback, plus a safeguard shot. And for that matter, safeguarding you was really risky. What if they'd tried to kill you and the Safeguard had nullified any Doc protection from Shinori? I'd argue that Safeguarding the claimed Cop is almost anti-town.

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People I will not vote for today:

Psych - perhaps meta, but the most acceptable scum dayvig I've seen was the claim sniper.

Paperblade - Shinori ties

Helios - claimed cop

Shinori - claimed doc

eclipse - interpretting crumbs

myself - obv

People I either skimmed over or didn't decide on:





I think that's the full roster, yes?

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No, this is not what I had meant. I meant, if Prims was scum and Manix was nonscum, Prims would know Manix was not lying to hide being scum. Therefore, Manix would be either survivor, which scum wouldn't really want dead because survivor is basically guaranteed to joint with scum at LYLO, assuming everyone is purely playing to win, and is otherwise presumably like a vanilla townie. Therefore, scum would want a mislynch over a survivor lynch, and Prims meta indicates to me that he actively pushes for mislynches as scum, IIRC. So, I think it is likely that he wouldn't commit to wanting a survivor lynch to that extent, again, as scum, with no other motives than wanting a survivor lynch over a mafia lynch.

I was ruling out the possibility of the additional motive of Prims suspecting Manix of being a lying townie. I made the assumption of thinking Manix would play typically and not fakeclaim as town just to get reactions, though, so this was a flawed theory. Instead, I thought the most likely reason for Manix to fakeclaim was to remove himself, as a town power role, from the list of nightkill targets.

So, I was saying that based on this, Prims was likely to be town, and if he wasn't, Manix was likely to be mafia also.

Does that clear it up?

Reposting, because I find this interesting in light of flips.

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btw, there is this one thing bothering me

Prims said the miller and he himself got a drift that Helios soft claimed alignment cop

can someone iso Rein for me so that I can find where Prims got this drift of Rein agreeing with him that Helios is an alignment cop?

(I am basically thinking Rein could be buddies with Prims)

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Oh right, more things to ask


What flavor did you get that told you you were on Rein the previous night Shinori?


Ask the mod what happens to the vote of the silenced person please


also, has Rein and 8 bit claimed their roles yet?


doesn't 1 shot BP sound like the perfect passive role for a SK?

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Well I think you people have a very double standard considering roles. First off it seems one of the scummier people at this moment is getting ignored due to him claiming silencer, which is a classical mafia role. Then in the same light, a two-shot doctor and safeguard (how does this work exactly, are there two shots for doctor and safegaurd each, or is it two shots for a doctor and safeguard combo action, or two doctor shots and unlimited SG shots etc) doesn't really seem all that bad.

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Okay, I'm back. I think Blitz figured out what I was trying to hint at (as he's town, that's all that matters). I'm not going to say any more than what I have about myself, because it's not necessary.

Blitz, Rein claimed miller.

A BP and two docs is bloody overkill. . .but first. . .Helios, did you get a result on Kay, or did you get a result on someone else?

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A bp and two docs is overkill?

You guarantee us seeing another day.

That could be seen as more than overkill.

The only thing i can think of is a lightning rod, which doesn't actually mean your town. Plus I'm most likely wrong and that's not what you are.

You've been vague all game and generally we don't let stuff like this slide. I don't get why you are being so vague about it yet soft claiming so much about it. How about you stop being vague about other things if you aren't gonna stop being vague about that?

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