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Which one of these sites do you frequent the most?


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I don't really use any of those three sites. Of them probably the one I find most often through Google results is Tumblr, and my housemates go on Reddit all the time.

I almost never browse the internet without already having a clear idea in mind of what page I'm looking for, or at the very least a specific set of search terms to try in Google. In my experience entertainment-focused "content portal" sites like Reddit, Digg, StumbleUpon, Facebook, etc. are more oriented toward people who are bored and have trouble finding things that hold their attention or simply who are lacking in Google-fu. They are great, though, when you're tried and you have a bunch of time to kill and just want to find something new and interesting to read, look at or watch without needing to think too hard.

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I've actually literally never been on any of the three sites by any margin more than "clicked something somebody linked me, read one page, returned to what I was doing."

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I frequent 4chan, most particularly /v/ and /tg/, sometimes venturing out to /soc/, /x/, /a/, and what have you. I read some Reddit threads that are occasionally linked, but I don't make a habit of going there. Same with tumblr.

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I take back a part of my previous comment, I just spent a good chunk of my afternoon reading through a couple of the niche-appeal subreddits. The discussions on Reddit definitely have a compelling appeal of their own, far above and beyond the (generally paltry) web content that gets linked.

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My friends have some (art) tumblrs, which they basically use over deviantArt if quite to its exclusion, and tumblr's more or less a good way to keep track of them, plus other art stuff. Reddit has some subsections that are indeed actually interesting and can get pretty niche, though I haven't latched onto any.

I don't often visit 4chan, but I tend to spend more time reading there than is prudent when I do. The place has produced some of my favorite stand-alone posts ever, yet most of the boards seem to have the most emotionally draining and toxic atmospheres I've ever seen.

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