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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword's First Anniversary Approaches!


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So, the newest addition to the Zelda series, Skyward Sword, was released in the US in November of last year! I forget the exact date, but it was somewhere around mid-November. It will be a year old soon. :)

I personally think this game is the most amazing game ever outside of FE, and it brought back my old love for Zelda. Before it, I was starting to love other games more. It's not that I thought Zelda was going downhill, I just felt that other franchises were getting better. I was obsessed with Mario games like the Galaxy games and Super Paper Mario, and of course, I started playing FE, which easily became my favorite series ever. I just loved the plot, the characters (I hated Groose at first, but he got awesome as the story progressed. Everyone else is either awesome or just really interesting!), the fact that Link could upgrade his equipment, I enjoyed every single dungeon, and even the extreme linearity and limited exploration didn't bother me, and normally, I really like when I can explore a whole lot. I think I felt that if Link could explore anymore of the Surface World or the islands in the sky, I'd get totally and utterly lost. There was very nearly nothing I didn't like about the game.

Skyward Sword, along with the remake of Ocarina of Time for the 3DS has made Zelda my favorite after FE once again! I hope the upcoming 3DS game (if we ever get anymore news about it... Come on, Nintendo! Aonuma basically said one was in development! DX) keeps this love burning, and if Skyward Sword's massive success has anything to say about it, it will. It didn't earn the Game of the Year and Wii Game of the Year awards for nothing! ^^

So who else is a Skyward Sword fan? Beaten it yet, even? Discuss the game all you like here. :)

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I haven't even played it yet, because I'm too lazy to get a Wii Motion+ just for one game.

And I do have the 3DS OoT, but 1. the 3D on such a small screen isn't that great for me, 2. I find the control stick weird, and 3. I've played OoT countless times on other platforms, so all in all I haven't had much Zelda fun since Twilight Princess or Spirit Tracks (which was basically just Phantom Hourglass, yet I hated that so much more than Spirit Tracks).

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I actually liked Fi. I love her dancing and singing. It's so beautiful! And somehow, her robotic and calculating personality just fits her. She does repeat things much the same way as Navi in OoT, but I didn't mind. I like her voice too, just like I liked Navi's.

Oh, I also forgot to mention that I enjoyed the gameplay with the Wii Motion Plus! Swinging Link's sword feels even MORE natural than it did in Twilight Princess. And the coolest thing of all is the Skyward Strike! That attack is so epic. I think part of the reason for that is that it kinda reminds me of the shockwaves Ragnell and Alondite emit in the FE Tellius games and I loved that too. lol


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A year? Daaamn I swear it was only a few months ago that I pre-ordered it.

I played Skyward Sword a while back and it is far from my favorite. I dunno... something about it felt off. The overworld (Sky) was severely lacking and the sidequests were meh. Fi, while not annoying as Navi, was kinda useless. The dungeons were pretty cool though and so was the incorporation of the Wii Motion+. An okay addition to the series but it isnt better than MM felt lacking.

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I believe this game is probably the only main console Zelda game that i came close to actually loathing. The story of this game is pretty damn good, but a fantastic story does no good for a game if that game has shit for controls, too much handholding, crappy exploration, and needless busywork.

We get great characters like Zelda, Groose, Ghirahim, and Impa. And we get a pretty engrossing tale and some swanky visuals. But we dont get much else. I didnt have a problem with the controls with the flying, but fighting was an asspain. The Stamina Meter seemed pointless. There isnt a lot of variety when it comes to the enemies. On top of that, exploration in this game is a joke. Theres just not much to see outside of Skyloft. Skyloft was a neat throwback to Clock Town in MM, but outside it in the sky itself, there was nothing but a bar and a bunch of rocks. That area with the big cloud was neat until you realized theres hardly anything there aside from that big Island in the middle. The surface left a lot to be desired with not a lot to uncover.

Do not get me started on the Silent Realms. Ugh...it felt tacked on to me. I hated that dynamic and i hope i never see it in a console Zelda again.

Omg and then there's Fi. Look Fi, ive been playing Zelda years before your Sword ass has even been a twinkle in the developer's eyes. I do not need you to tell me what a bomb does, what the dowsing does, that my Wiimote needs batteries, that im low on hearts, and how to solve that puzzle! D:<


Oh ho! What above having to fight the Imprisoned multiple times? Nothing i hate more than having to do the same boss fight over and over again. Its the only complaint i had with Okami. Three Orochi fights? Yer fucking kidding me.... Sure we had the Groosinator (<3) but ehhhh.... fuck...

And thanks for hijacking the villain again. At least it wasnt Ganon this time...


Ehh, i guess it could have been a lot worse. It could have been Phantom Hourglass.

Like i said, at least the story and many of the characters were awesome. Batreux is my hero.

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shit for controls

...Really? I didn't have any issue with the controls at all. It just took some getting the hang of. At least they were better than TP's controls in the Wii version. Just shaking the Wiimote to swing the sword was neat at first, but it got boring. Skyward Sword's more natural motion controls still feel awesome, imo.

The Stamina Meter seemed pointless.

Again, I'm surprised to hear this. I liked the stamina meter. It added challenge to the game, imo. Plus, Link getting tired after running is more natural and realistic than seeing him constantly dashing about without even slowing down once. He feels more like a person to me with the stamina meter. The shield meter is neat and realistic too. Over time, tools get used and worn down. A shield is no exception. Again, this made Link feel more like a person, imo.

Oh ho! What above having to fight the Imprisoned multiple times?

Okay, yeah, that guy kind of got annoying. I'll give you that one. xP

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I really liked this game. The story was really good (finally we learn the origins of the Master Sword), the characters were unique, Link showed personality (one of the things I liked about Toon Link), and I kinda felt like I was Link.

Downsides? Well... Fi got on my nerves a bit, shields breaking was somewhat meh (and then the Hylian Shield appears and reminds me why I love it), and Imprisoned^2 and ^3 annoyed me much. And no chickens, 0/10.

While it does have shortcomings, its pros out weigh the cons. It's in competition with OoT and ALttP for the position of my fave Zelda game. I like this so much, in fact I'm doing a 6 heart quest in commemeration of SS's 1 year anniversary. Sure, I planned before, but now I have more motivation to do it.

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...Really? I didn't have any issue with the controls at all. It just took some getting the hang of. At least they were better than TP's controls in the Wii version. Just shaking the Wiimote to swing the sword was neat at first, but it got boring. Skyward Sword's more natural motion controls still feel awesome, imo.

Well, sure. TP on the Wii is bonafide ass on wheels when it comes to combat. I play that game on the Cube because its just...better that way. So SS's combat controls were a step up, but still it got a bit unresponsive in places. (Deku Babas!!!! argh.gif)

Again, I'm surprised to hear this. I liked the stamina meter. It added challenge to the game, imo. Plus, Link getting tired after running is more natural and realistic than seeing him constantly dashing about without even slowing down once. He feels more like a person to me with the stamina meter. The shield meter is neat and realistic too. Over time, tools get used and worn down. A shield is no exception. Again, this made Link feel more like a person, imo.

Meh. Giving Link dialogue trees and options to choose what he says made him feel more like a person to me. Much more than having limits on nearly everything he does. Oh yeahhh....the menus in that game...bleagh. Shield breaking was annoying but it didnt bother me that much. Having limits on my inventory was bothersome though. Adventure pouches... D:

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And those limits added to the challenge of the game as well, imo. I always felt that 3D console Zeldas weren't hard enough compared to most of the handheld 2D Zelda games. But Skyward Sword was pretty difficult for me. Still not quite as hard as ALttP or the Oracles, but imo, those were damn hard. I like hard, but not THAT hard. xP

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I like MM better (purely from nostalgia), but SS was boss. From a gameplay standpoint I think it's the strongest entry in the series. I don't know what problems other people encountered, but I never had any issues with the motion controls at all. They felt fluid and enhanced the gameplay. Usually I'm not a huge fan of "swing the wii mote its like a sword!" or "point the wii mote and shoot its like a bow/gun!". Those motion controls feel tacked on a gimmicky to me. SS I felt like utilized the motion controls better, to where even though it was just "swing the wii mote its a sword!" it felt more fluid and responsive than other games that utilize the same thing.

Oh and yeah, TP is a gamecube game, fuck the wii version.

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The only thing that bothers me, is that you can't skip scrolling text anymore no matter how often you have to read it.

I wonder why they took that out. It worked well enough in OoT and onward when it didn't involve an owl.

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I really enjoyed the game when I played it, but it wasn't particularly memorable.

I did like the motion controls, except during some boss battles, where things got a bit too hectic sometimes, and I was pleasantly surprised by the dungeons--even if they were all forest, fire, water, desert all over again.

Meanwhile, I was kind of bugged by the constant hand-holding and endless collection messages. I wasn't fond of the linearity either and the sky overworld was kind of boring.

All in all, it was a pretty great game.

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Huh? The dungeons weren't forest, fire, water, then desert. They actually changed up the order this time. It went forest, fire, desert, water, then none of these (a ship), then fire again. And even then, I didn't find Skyview Temple to be all that forest-like either. In fact, its name isn't even forest-related.

I do wish Skyward Sword had more dungeons though. Like the number ALttP had. That was one thing I loved about ALttP. Lots of dungeons!

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Even though it couldnt beat Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time for me. I really really enjoyed this game and it became one of my favorites after those. I loved most of the things. If I had to say something I hated, it would be the lack of option of turning Fi off. She started irritating me after a while. The story was great, so were the characters. Groosse <3 Impa <3 <3 and Ghirahim <3 <3 <3. I loved the stealth sequence where you lose all your items and the Ancient Waterway is one of my favorite dungeons in the series now. I think the enemies were also pretty interesting to fight.

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I loved Skyward sword. I liked the controlls, the dungeons,the story and while I dreaded the silent realms, they where great in the fact that it was one of the few area's in gaming where I was actually worried about failing.

It does have one MASSIVE flaw though and that there are a lot of fetch quests, search quests and doing other boring stuff of no importance.

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Huh? The dungeons weren't forest, fire, water, then desert. They actually changed up the order this time. It went forest, fire, desert, water, then none of these (a ship), then fire again. And even then, I didn't find Skyview Temple to be all that forest-like either. In fact, its name isn't even forest-related.

I wasn't talking about the order X D

But I guess it depends on your viewpoint, I could tell Skyview was a forest temple, due to all the greenery inside and it's located in the forest region. Similarly, the ship was in the middle of a sand sea and has a sand palette.

However, I did enjoy the dungeons and, at least with the Sand Ship, they did a wonderful job hiding it as a desert dungeon.

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Oh yeah...Ancient Cistern. That was a BADASS dungeon. It was the only time during that game i was really excited and just plain happy to be playing it. (Besides wandering around Skyloft) Holy shit, that level. Soooo much fun.

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Oh yeah...Ancient Cistern. That was a BADASS dungeon. It was the only time during that game i was really excited and just plain happy to be playing it. (Besides wandering around Skyloft) Holy shit, that level. Soooo much fun.

IKR? It was a pretty amazing dungeon. My second favorite in SS is the Sandship mostly because the time mechanic is one of the most interesting puzzle mechanics Zelda has used to this day and because I'm a big bow fan :P.

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It's definitely not my favorite Zelda.......it's not my favorite 3d zelda either...but I do really love the controls (even with the troubles I had with a few things).

However, I haven't finished it yet -_- so I haven't read any posts here.

I was already thinking about getting back to it. I just have one more dragon to go to.

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I've always been a fan of desertish and fiery dungeons, so I liked the Lanayru Mine, the Earth Temple, and the Fire Sanctuary best out of all the dungeons. But I liked every dungeon to some extent! The puzzles were unique and the dungeons themselves were very well designed! :D

That last dungeon in the game was especially unique. I mean the last one in the game. Just...wow. lol

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