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New Prince of Tennis Mafia: Season 1


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Balcerzak and Paperblade, I don't know if I would support an Eclipse lynch though. But we're not lynching Prims and reading Bal's posts again makes me uncomfortable because of the chunk of post I grabbed a page back that combines with this

To clarify, what I'm mostly still hung up on as far as Bizz is her "early" scum read on scorri. It tripped warning bells, and hence the niggling issues. Aside from that her play has been fine. Leagues above e.g. Elevatorstuck.

but it's not even that, I don't know what he's trying to say because he's making all of these assumptions without flips (me/Prims/Blitz voting block) yet he was sitting there twiddling his thumbs on how he should read Scorri, said the same thing about her maybe two or three times ("she isn't protown but nothing strikes me as particularly scummy either")

scorri just hasn't posted enough. She hasn't been protown, but she hasn't pinged anything big on scumdar.

also, nice guilt trip, because everyone knows how I feel about guilt-tripping:

If sharing what I can on recent developments counts as scummy, then by all means, fucking chalk me up as scum of the year. Better you at least get to see them before trying to kill me than my taking it to the grave, after all.
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although now that I think about it that last quote reads more passive-aggressive frustration than anything but :shrug:

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Don't try to aggressive scumhunt, focus mainly on defending: Get yelled at for anti-town play.

Scumhunt using the best tools available, even if they're shitty ones: Get yelled at for anti-town play.

I'm sorry, now I'm just getting frustrated.

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I'm going to have to cut the rest of my thoughts short unfortunately, due to time constraints. I also likely won't be able to post before cycle end. Reading through the topic again more thoroughly took longer than I thought it would, but I do have a couple more thoughts to share. Although, it's not nearly as much as I would have liked to contribute...

- I really wish Kay would post more. I don't remember who she's voting for or why she's voting for them, and I don't have time to check. It's par for the course for her as far as I remember, but it gives her a really easy excuse to just coast by and be ignored for the most part. Also, her most recent post was not exactly full of contributions.

- To me it seems that eclipse is just pointing out the errors in other's logic and not actually doing much scumhunting of her own. Sure, she's mentioned her thoughts on Bizz, etc. but I don't remember her starting much original conversation.

- Along with Paperblade (although his last post is breaking away from this), Blitz also seems like he's just kind of agreeing with what's being said for the most part without doing much analysis of what other players have recently been doing.

- Scorri however, along with not really posting many original ideas, has refused to change her RVS vote on Bizz, without much more justification than Bizz's reaction to said vote, but that's kinda how Bizz plays anyway (I'm remembering me trying to get her lynched in Duel Terminal and how she reacted to that). For the most part, she's only posted her thoughts on other players when prompted and doesn't seem to have any other scum reads other than Bizz. I'll ##Unvote, ##Vote: Scorri for this Cycle, although I'd like to see more from her in the future.

- I know I had more to say about Bizz, but I can't remember it now, unfortunately. I'll see if I can trigger that memory when I reread tomorrow. She does seem to be calming down though, which is a good thing for both her and the topic.

It's late here, and I'm rushed so I'm sure that there's a lot I've missed and some incorrect judgments I've made, but I'm hoping that there's at least a few grains of good information in this rambling last post of mine.

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Actually something else I want to mention is that I don't know why having an early ED1 on Scorri was scummy, and here's why:

Though I've been kinda waffley on Scorri in general, and I don't like that she doesn't seem to have like any other scumreads of her own besides Bal, I've never actually voted for her/pushed for her lynch. It would have been worse if I threw away my original convictions on Paper just to throw a shaky vote on Scorri based on an ED1 gutread that I was never all that confident in, but the early reads are what help me eventually kick in place for D2.

I don't like 'OMGUS' being thrown around because apparently it means everyone else is allowed to say whatever they want about Scorri but I'm not because it counts as me being too defensive over her suspicions on me. If I see flaws in the way someone is playing I'm not going to ignore it just because they happen to be voting for me. With Life it's the same way, though he's less scummy than all the players that have voted me this game (barring Prims, who voted me out of RVS). I hope this clarifies things a little.

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I feel like I should be looking at Blitz and Kay more while I'm at it because I don't remember their contributions as much. I'm going to do that.

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@Bal: Roles do not have to be passive to give insight into a setup. The wording of active roles can imply things about setup too. For example, in FAYZ, I determined that there was an SK Night 0 because my role PM mentioned that my self protect would not save my life if 2 kills were directed at me on the same night, which meant there were 2 non-mafia kills in the game.

I had a much better post typed up here, but then I remembered you roled scum bulletproof dayvig in that game. There are still alternate explanations, but an SK is an easy logical leap.

Vigilante + Town Driver.

Lazy Role PM craft (could have just c/p from town bulletproof using same wording)


Something tells me Kaoz would double-check things of that nature though.

Although you do raise some interesting points. With the way my role PM was laid out, I have drawn certain assumptions from it.

Assumption #1, everybody has the same base stamina (could be false).

Assumption #2, everybody has a number of action possibilities equal to their base stamina + 1. (That is, integer increments of stamina starting at zero and working their way up to an alpha strike where the user blows their entire load of stamina at once.)

Assumption #3, Kaoz designed the town win con well enough to be vague about the number of threats.

Assumption #4, I'm town. Oh wait, that's not an assumption, that's explicitly laid out.

That said, I also went back and double-checked the rules, which does falsify one of my assumptions.

False Assumption #1, roles are unique.

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Vigilante + Town Driver.

Lazy Role PM craft (could have just c/p from town bulletproof using same wording)


is this your role?

and what do you mean by the line underneath it?

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btw, I have a long chain of 6hrs of classes now

I will try to make it here again, but I may not be able to do so (that is in between the 10 mins of free time we get)

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So, I have basically no thoughts on mafia right now. My brain is fried and I'm feeling out of my depth. Like... I've been staring at this screen and rereading for the past hour and can't think of anything to say. So, I'm going to sleep I think and hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to give a little more input on things. Sorry.

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so how about the fact life doesn't think i'm mafia but still has his vote on me???

i can't handle this hypocrisy i need another break

Two reasons.

1. I'm kinda busy IRC with packing to fly to Canada so I'm not as active as I'd like to be. Like even posting

2. While you might not be mafia, I honestly believe that you're a negative for the town. Or that you'll drive us into a hole by lynching whoever you want or that you're actually anti-town but some sort of wolf. It's this gut feeling I have.

But hey, if it really bothers you that I have a vote on you, I'll move it.


##Vote: Kay

Start talking.

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2. While you might not be mafia, I honestly believe that you're a negative for the town. Or that you'll drive us into a hole by lynching whoever you want or that you're actually anti-town but some sort of wolf. It's this gut feeling I have.

but that's not what i'm trying to do, did you even read prims's take on it or are you just being stubborn like you always are

to the point: you're misinterpreting the rhetoric that I use in my posts but I can give that a pass because you haven't played in a while

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I was hoping my break would help matters. Now I'm in a worse mood. After talking it out, I'd like to conduct an experiment. This is for my sanity, and because I do not want another game to end with bad blood.

1. Apologize after mistakes.

2. No personal insults, no matter what.

3. If something's bugging you emotionally, try to put it into words. If the emotions get worse, step out.

I want to see if the Forest can go one game without a yelling match. This game feels like it will erupt into one at any moment, and I don't like that one bit.

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Balcerzak (3): Paperblade, Levity, Blitz, Prims

eclipse (2): Kay, Prims

scorri (2): Helios, Radiant Dragon, eclipse

Prims (2): eclipse, Balcerzak

Levity (1): scorri, Life, Prims, eclipse

Kay (1): Life

Helios (0): Kay

Paperblade (0): Balcerzak, Prims, Levity, Blitz

Blitz (0): Radiant Dragon, eclipse

Radiant Dragon (0): Paperblade, Prims, Balcerzak

Life (0): Levity, eclipse

Should be correct. The cycle ends in 13 hours and 1 minute. Again, please remember to send in your actions if you have any.

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- I really wish Kay would post more. I don't remember who she's voting for or why she's voting for them, and I don't have time to check. It's par for the course for her as far as I remember, but it gives her a really easy excuse to just coast by and be ignored for the most part. Also, her most recent post was not exactly full of contributions.

I'm voting for Eclipse formerly because I thought it was a hammer game because I'm dumb and didn't want Paper to be speedlynched, and currently because rubbish reasons for not contributing are rubbish IMO. And I didn't say a lot in my last post because mostly my opinions were the same.

##Vote: Kay

Start talking.

Nice votepark.

Please point to where I directly said I keep reads to myself.

I don't really like this post tbh, you don't exactly say things directly that much anyway (both as a general statement regarding people discussing their playstyles or even mafia as a whole to a lesser extent, and also you personally)

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Going to bed, but since deadline's coming up and I like to oversleep, gonna say that I would rather lynch eclipse than Bal. While I feel Bal's focus has mainly been defensive and that some of his scumhunting / gametheory has been illogical, his efforts seem honest, at least, like he's doing what he can to provide the town with :words: even though he finds D1 meaningless. eclipse's content seems fake to me for reasons I mentioned when I switched my vote to her. Feel people are probably giving her too much of a pass.

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If you're going to quote me doing something scummy, I'd like solid proof of it. If it's meta, I'd like to be labeled as such. I feel that I shouldn't have to press that out of people.

Apparently, I'm still your top read, if your vote says anything. Then again, you're not saying much, so it's hard to tell who else you don't like.

Of the wagons, the one I like the most is my own, because it'll take me out of a game, give plenty of reads, and probably be the least painful mislynch in terms of roles (and the following statement will make sense: I will be furious if there's less than eight townies in this game). However, trying to drive a lynch on myself will probably irritate Kaoz, and would also be quite anti-town, so even if I'd rather not be in this game, I think it would be playing incorrectly if I did try it. Out of the rest of the wagons, I dislike Bal's vote train the most, because I think that wagon was built on iffy reasons (ED1 fluff isn't the strongest thing to start a wagon on, IMO). I don't mind the players on the scorri wagon, but I have a feeling that it's a misguided one, due to off-limits things. I'm currently on Prims, and won't object if he's lynched, because I felt he was being far too defensive about an early wagon, and that feeling hasn't gone away. This, however makes me most uncomfortable enough to switch my vote. Why should you care if you look scummy for changing your vote because your views changed? I have no issues going where I think my vote is needed, and I honestly don't care if the rest of you think I'm scum.


##Vote: Bizz

Paperblade's lack of opinions as of late is beginning to bother me. If I am lynched, I hope the rest of you have the guts to play in a manner that won't stress you out, 'cause my death will be a waste if town's too worried about being the next mislynch. This will be my last post of the phase.

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Of the wagons, the one I like the most is my own, because it'll take me out of a game, give plenty of reads, and probably be the least painful mislynch in terms of roles (and the following statement will make sense: I will be furious if there's less than eight townies in this game). However, trying to drive a lynch on myself will probably irritate Kaoz, and would also be quite anti-town, so even if I'd rather not be in this game, I think it would be playing incorrectly if I did try it. Out of the rest of the wagons, I dislike Bal's vote train the most, because I think that wagon was built on iffy reasons (ED1 fluff isn't the strongest thing to start a wagon on, IMO). I don't mind the players on the scorri wagon, but I have a feeling that it's a misguided one, due to off-limits things.

This whole entire :block of text: bothers me and gunks up the post way too much, but feelings on the Bal train are at least legit.

Not much else to say about the vote switch since your votes change at a rapid pace of once every twenty posts or so (exaggeration) and your whole "I don't mind dying for the Good Of The Town" fucks up my read on you too and it's super frustrating.

Bal's interactions with Blitz actually kinda make me feel a little better for reasons I can't really explain but I think it's mostly I'm starting to get the feeling I've kept my vote stuck for too long but Ugh I don't know which of the current wagons I really agree with the most because I'm really unsure of a lot of things right now. Still don't like Paper's lack of recent content, despite his few posts looking pretty all right.

Let me look back.

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