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North American release: Feb 4, 2013, EU release: April, 2013


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Scan of the Australian Gameinformer preview

EDIT: My favourite line? "I began to look into support conversations because I never knew what was coming. In one scenario, a character creates racy posters of Chrom to inspire others to join the army"


...Frederick... FRED, NO. JUST NO.


I'll give you 2000 gold for a medium size.

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That Sumia really likes dirty underwear?

Obviously she's a domestic goddess who's taken on human form.

...Also, saying that Sumia really likes Chrom's dirty underwear sounds somewhat... wrong. In some way.

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I come bearing potentially good news about the game's Australian release.

I've just returned from EB Games after placing my pre-order for a copy of it, and during the process the clerk told me that their database says that the game is scheduled for Australian release on Monday 1 April, 2013. I pointed out that even EB's online shop listing for it doesn't specify an exact date, nor has any retailer in Europe as far as I know, and they reaffirmed that this date is what their database says. I guess I'm somewhat skeptical that this is a hard date - it'd be nice, but odds are it's a temporary filler date until they get hard release information.

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Actually, on that note I just realised that it's an unusual choice for a placeholder date. Let's assume for a moment that it is definitely not legitimate and that they don't know for sure. By default, the actual release date has to be later in the month, so to the uninformed consumer the revelation of the actual release date comes off as having to push the release date back for whatever reason. False as this is, it's not exactly positive PR for EB, and actually if they'd done the opposite it'd come off as good PR for them: had they set the placeholder date to 30 April, adding the correct date would almost certainly be earlier than that, so to the untrained eye they'd have the appearance of doing people a favour by bringing the release date forward. It's just simple trickery to take advantage of the ignorance (if you can even call not obsessing over release dates "ignorance") of the wider part of their customer base for their benefit, just like every other bit of advertising ever.

Or I could just be spewing nonsense again. Eh w/e, this train of thought amused me.

Edited by Rhinocerocket
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Yeah we do celebrate it, but not very prominently

EDIT: Cordelia got the spotlight on the FB page today

Today’s character spotlight is Cordelia, an Ylissean Pegasus knight who has been friends with Sumia since childhood.

Edited by Wheels
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Not really related to the American release, but we finally got to learn that (at least in 2012), that Japan was able to sell 455,268 copies (most likely this doesn't include the bundle). Hopefully we'll be able to make this the first million selling Fire Emblem in history.

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