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How I See Drafters Here - Pasts and Gifts


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Jedi: Right when you joined the site, IIRC, you went right to the drafting forum. You may sign up for a lot of drafts, but you're heavily devoted on getting them all done. Blacklisting yourself from future draft until further notice is a good idea, since making Integ mad is what we don't want to do now, haha. You're great drafter, as well as a great pal, and I'm sure you'll get a flier in FE6 some day!

Breezy: You may not draft much, but hey, you're part of our #sfdrafts thingy. Whenever you do draft, you seem to have good teams. It'd be nice to see you draft more.

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PKL: The starter of oh-so many drafts. I find it funny how you're one of the ones to get on Sharpy's case when you yourself have a huge backlog. :P Anyway, I have to say you're one of the ones I look up to when it comes to drafting, and I can thank you for how much I improved in drafting. One of these days, when we clear a lot of our backlog, I want to go against you in FE12. FE9 too, when I get a new copy.

Kalas: I went 'WTF' when you firstpicked Soren that one time. But then I realized that not our drafters care about LTC too much, and that they want to get through the game with their favorites. I do love getting the chance to draft Priscilla, haha. You're a good novice drafter, and I'm honored that you even look up to me. I'm not that great, but I like the attention. :P:

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Sorry I'm moving rather slow, I need to think up of what I want to type. >_<

Ayayaya, you *HAD* to bring the Soren bit up, didn't you? >_<

I'm being honest! Anyway:

Cam: I...I don't believe we interacted all that much. All I know is that you're really good at FE4 LTC and the ELIWOOD SKYPOINTER thread. The competition between you and Horace in the FE4 Folgore Rangers Drafting Tournament was hilarious to keep track of, and when I finally start the FE4 draft that's been rotting in my backlog, you'd be someone I'd ask for advice.

Peppy: TBH, I haven't seen you draft all that much, but you do seem to have great teams whenever you do. You're someone I want to verse in an FE12 draft, and I hope we can be in more drafts in the future.

Ice: Heya. Uh...I don't think I've seen you draft at ALL. O.O Sure, we have that small FE5 competition going that I might not get to, be warned. Other than that, you're a really cool guy, and I'm sure you have Nanna on ALL of your teams! :P

SB: You're always nice competition, and you're always reliable help when it comes to discussing strategies. The SFDTT2 FE6 draft is on hold right now for me, but I'm trying my best to beat your turncount, since Xin's is unbeatable comparing his team and my own. :P It's always a pleasure discussing drafts with you, pal.

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Darros: Lover of Aideen and hater of Midir! Someone else I haven't seen much draft, but is always around in #sfdrafts, haha. Anyways, you're a really cool guy, and it's a shame we haven't talked all that much. I can probably tease you about Aideen. :P

Konnor: So many RNG style drafts...could you put up another one? The FE7 one was really fun, and I want to get another wacky team again. Besides that, I haven't seen you much in the subforum. Nice guy, though.

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Integ: Our leader? Is that a good start? I don't want to say something stupid. >_< Actually...our leader is a stupid start. What to say, what to say...I know! It seems like a lot of work keeping all the drafts organized like you do, but you do it very well. Also, it's a good thing you posted that topic about how we should keep our drafting habits under control, since it has been getting a bit bad. Also, I like how you don't necessarily care about turncounts, but rather getting the shit done. Just something I noticed, and I could be wrong. Anywho, I'm glad we're pals, since I'd hate to be on your bad side.

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Strider: I'm too incompetent. :< I should actually decide to play FE2 just so we can duke it out, but meh. Aside from that, I don't know you too well other than the fact that you're active in #sfdrafts. Maybe that should change? o3o

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I wish there would be something to say about me but I'm too new here and we haven't been in the same draft yet. Maybe if these threads become a thing again next year.

Whoever posts, I shall take note of.

Hawkeye: Hmm...uh...maybe join the drafting community full time? You seem like a nice guy. Hawkeye's pretty awesome, too. Man, I hope I didn't fail. >_<

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