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Is anbody else here a brony?


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I just... don't understand the appeal of the show. Grown men's fascination with it will baffle me to the end of time.

But do what makes you happy I suppose.

I've only watched clips and various parody animations "brony" friends have linked to me, but I can see where the appeal comes from. It's a cutesy, bright cartoon with comedy and character interactions that leave lasting appeal. The characters are all acted well, and each has an individuality about them that seems to shine through pretty well. I'd guess from the bits I've seen that the show's like the new-age Powerpuff Girls in a way, something that is fairly girly in appearance but is actually enjoyable for the whole family.

But if Powerpuff Girls had a fanbase that's worse than furries. Which is saying something.

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I haven't researched it but I heard Lauren Faust was behind the ever popular Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (a show I could never really enjoy). That show apparently had a cult following too, which was confirmed by the dozens of people at my college with Bloo? Blue? Keychains and shirts and such.

Either way, Faust is quite capable of creating shows with huge fan-followings.

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ive seen it and it still shouldn't be acceptable to call yourself a brony in the year of our lord god two thousand twelve

you can just say you're a fan of the show in normal terms and get the point across without the stigma

So it's fine to like the show but not fine to call yourself a brony?

Never heard that one before.

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I've never been a big fan of the CMC episodes, but this one was surprisingly good, especially since Luna appeared (she needs more screentime).

But my favorite of the season so far has been The Crystal Empire. I instantly loved it when I saw it and was surprised to see so many disappointed by it online.

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I'm not that big CMC fan either but I've been wanting Rainbow to acknowledge Scootaloo for awhile now and this episode made that happen. And I also enjoyed Luna getting some screentime.

I too enjoyed the Crystal Empire but sadly I don't think it was as good as A Canterlot Wedding I still liked it though.

Edited by Rainbow Dash
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I haven't researched it but I heard Lauren Faust was behind the ever popular Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (a show I could never really enjoy). That show apparently had a cult following too, which was confirmed by the dozens of people at my college with Bloo? Blue? Keychains and shirts and such.

Either way, Faust is quite capable of creating shows with huge fan-followings.

I suppose that had a bit of a following, but it reached nowhere near the intensity and obsession that MLP has. Go on Deviantart and search for any movie or videogame followed by the word "pony." The odds of you receiving some hits are fairly high.

So it's fine to like the show but not fine to call yourself a brony?

Never heard that one before.

It's easy to understand someone's discomfort when talking with someone that identifies as a "brony," especially in a serious manner. It indicates to the average person an unnatural interest in something that is meant as simple entertainment, to the extent that they think using a term to identify themselves is something worth noting in the general public. It's much like "Trekkies." People are unnerved by them because of the implied unhealthy fascination in a make-believe world.

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It's easy to understand someone's discomfort when talking with someone that identifies as a "brony," especially in a serious manner. It indicates to the average person an unnatural interest in something that is meant as simple entertainment, to the extent that they think using a term to identify themselves is something worth noting in the general public. It's much like "Trekkies." People are unnerved by them because of the implied unhealthy fascination in a make-believe world.

Just because I called myself a brony doesn't mean I'm unhealthy. It's just a simple way of saying I'm a fan of the show. Nothing more nothing less.

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I too enjoyed the Crystal Empire but sadly I don't think it was as good as A Canterlot Wedding I still liked it though.

I liked A Canterlot Wedding when I first saw it...but upon re-watching and really thinking about it, I don't think it was all that good. In particular I find it funny how people criticize Sombra for having little or no depth, but the same people love Chrysalis even though she has less depth (she really has none). She just has more screen time.

It's easy to understand someone's discomfort when talking with someone that identifies as a "brony," especially in a serious manner. It indicates to the average person an unnatural interest in something that is meant as simple entertainment, to the extent that they think using a term to identify themselves is something worth noting in the general public. It's much like "Trekkies." People are unnerved by them because of the implied unhealthy fascination in a make-believe world.

...I guess. I feel like people want to identify as bronies not because they actually like MLP that much, but because they want to go against the status quo. From what I've seen, few bronies actually think MLP: FiM is "TEH BEST EVAR," etc. They just really like the show and their enjoyment of it is similar to any other random good show out there. But they're not "supposed" to like it, so there's an appeal to the rebel side of them to be more vocal about it than usual.

And for the comments about sexual attraction to ponies, bronies are not cloppers.

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Just because I called myself a brony doesn't mean I'm unhealthy. It's just a simple way of saying I'm a fan of the show. Nothing more nothing less.

I'm telling you how it's interpreted, not what it means by definition. It doesn't matter, for example, that someone may be labeled a sex offender for mooning someone. When the average person hears another is a sex offender, they will think of them far more darkly regardless.

So while you may think it just refers to you being a fan of the show, that's generally not how the label is interpreted by many.

...I guess. I feel like people want to identify as bronies not because they actually like MLP that much, but because they want to go against the status quo. From what I've seen, few bronies actually think MLP: FiM is "TEH BEST EVAR," etc. They just really like the show and their enjoyment of it is similar to any other random good show out there. But they're not "supposed" to like it, so there's an appeal to the rebel side of them to be more vocal about it than usual.

That's great, but the vocal and incredibly obsessive minority that use the term to identify themselves definitely cast the term in a dark direction.

And for the comments about sexual attraction to ponies, bronies are not cloppers.

To the average internet-goer the term seems to be a gateway towards fetishism.

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That's great, but the vocal and incredibly obsessive minority that use the term to identify themselves definitely cast the term in a dark direction.

But that's kind of the point I was explaining. Perhaps I should add that the reason I gave might not be a conscious reason for every vocal brony.

To the average internet-goer the term seems to be a gateway towards fetishism.

The average internet-goer must be a moron.

Should I have known that already?

While what you said might be true...it really makes no sense to me. Is a sexual attraction the only reason people think others will like something that society tells them not to like?

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Curiously, I rarely see MLP fans being the ones to turn a discussion of ponies towards the subject.

liberal use of quotes

in short it's terrible

That may not be what you intended rehab but it is what you should have intended!

I am now envisioning you being tried for libel B[ Though I'm rather sure the internet would manage to acquit you

[spoiler=Pinkie Pie is the source of most of the laughs the show has caused me to have]

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The average internet-goer must be a moron.

Okay, that's one interpretation. Either way those morons as a whole shape interaction with people. I might think a fedora looks pretty cool, and hey I like the look of a duster, but there's no way in hell I'm going to buy these things to wear around because all of those morons think it's out of style.

While what you said might be true...it really makes no sense to me. Is a sexual attraction the only reason people think others will like something that society tells them not to like?

It's not the only one, but it tends to be defaulted to. For what it's worth I personally feel a lot of the obsessive fanbase does seem to have some repressed sexual underpinnings to it.

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So it's fine to like the show but not fine to call yourself a brony?

Never heard that one before.

From what I've seen so far it, the term and anything associated with it does have a tendency to attract the evil eye from Anti-Bronies. Some people don't care about the general reaction just simply liking the show, while others just don't want to bring it up on the risk of people jumping to conclusions to say the least.

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I just... don't understand the appeal of the show. Grown men's fascination with it will baffle me to the end of time.

But do what makes you happy I suppose.

It's not as simple as "the show is so fackin good I gotta HVDAODA GRRRRGHAAH"

It's collective. A lot of bronies are just misfits who connect with other misfits, that's why there are brony communities online.

I mean, back then, when the original show aired there was either know internet or if there was, it was slow as shat

it just wasn't established in society.

Now internet is like, engraved in our lives; in our world. A lot of people meet over the internet.

Lonely people just...don't wanna be lonely.

It's not just the show, I mean, it's the whole deal. Just like pop stars these days aren't JUST mus--JUST songs.

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I'm actually not a fan, honestly.

The character designs are awesome. The artstyle is very expressive. The soundtrack is great. The voice direction and performances are wonderful. The "camera direction" if you can call it that, looks very professional...

But I have yet to see an episode with which I did not have an issue or two with it. Mind you, I haven't watched too many episodes.

But for example, I didn't like "A Canterlot Wedding" at all. For one thing, it begins with a never before heard relative of our lone wolf protagonist that she supposedly was very close to. Being the head of the Canterlot military made his sudden appearance even harder to believe for me.

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I'm actually not a fan, honestly.

The character designs are awesome. The artstyle is very expressive. The soundtrack is great. The voice direction and performances are wonderful. The "camera direction" if you can call it that, looks very professional...

But I have yet to see an episode with which I did not have an issue or two with it. Mind you, I haven't watched too many episodes.

But for example, I didn't like "A Canterlot Wedding" at all. For one thing, it begins with a never before heard relative of our lone wolf protagonist that she supposedly was very close to. Being the head of the Canterlot military made his sudden appearance even harder to believe for me.

"I could like My Little Pony but sometimes the episodes use questionably logical plot mechanics."

Congratulations, you missed the point by a huge margin.

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