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What has Fire Emblem taught you?

Gold Vanguard

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It taught me that jumping backwards can make you dodge a throwing knife/spear. I has also taught me that there are people who can transform into dragons, big cats, tigers, lions, wolves, hawks, ravens, and herons. Also some people can transform into dragons or giant rabbit-like creatures with special rocks. It has taught me that people can change what they're good at just by using a special crest/at will, but only at headquarters. It has taught me that by using a special crest, you will magically get new clothes, the ability to know how to use a new weapon just like that, and possibly a horse. It has also taught me that in some cases, people who are good with swords and are on foot can travel distances farther than those with books, bow and arrows, axes, lances, or special sticks.

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It taught me that jumping backwards can make you dodge a throwing knife/spear. I has also taught me that there are people who can transform into dragons, big cats, tigers, lions, wolves, hawks, ravens, and herons. Also some people can transform into dragons or giant rabbit-like creatures with special rocks. It has taught me that people can change what they're good at just by using a special crest/at will, but only at headquarters. It has taught me that by using a special crest, you will magically get new clothes, the ability to know how to use a new weapon just like that, and possibly a horse. It has also taught me that in some cases, people who are good with swords and are on foot can travel distances farther than those with books, bow and arrows, axes, lances, or special sticks.


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It taught me that jumping backwards can make you dodge a throwing knife/spear. I has also taught me that there are people who can transform into dragons, big cats, tigers, lions, wolves, hawks, ravens, and herons. Also some people can transform into dragons or giant rabbit-like creatures with special rocks. It has taught me that people can change what they're good at just by using a special crest/at will, but only at headquarters. It has taught me that by using a special crest, you will magically get new clothes, the ability to know how to use a new weapon just like that, and possibly a horse. It has also taught me that in some cases, people who are good with swords and are on foot can travel distances farther than those with books, bow and arrows, axes, lances, or special sticks.

And Konnor wins the thread.

But what it taught me is that. If I'm skilled enough I can back flip 20 feet in the air while spinning towards my opponent and hit them with a sword.

Also if a Sword is cool enough it can shoot laser beams and/or Fire

Edited by Jediwaki Kuno
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It taught me that INCEST is EVIL!

FEMINISTS too but that's a given.

It also taught me that I can only use something made of steel after hitting stuff with something made of iron 50 times or whatnot.

Edited by Xinnidy
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It's taught me that walking diagonally does not exist. Also, if I move or attack anything, I'll turn grey all over for some inconvenient reason and can't move at all...unless someone dances for me or sings to me and I can run around like a crazy person again, only to turn back grey moments later.

Edited by Magnus Blade
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If I believe hard enough, I can carry a man riding a horse and still do flashy sword attacks as necessary.

Additionally, if I attack someone by throwing something at them, they won't notice me. Even if I'm carrying a man on a pony.

Edited by Iridium
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It has taught me to not mess with people who have books. It has also taught me any person can become over 4 times stronger over 2 months if you really try(Or 5 times in 2 weeks if your name is Est). And if you're lucky, you can dodge wind, blizzards, fire, meteors, lightening bolts, light, and darkness. And if you're almost dead, you fight as well as when you're not even scratched. You can also fall asleep when standing. You can heal people if you tie a glittery rock on a stick and wave it over their head. Oh, and horses can't walk through water. If you're a Pegasus knight and you class change, you can sometimes upgrade to a wyvern.

Edited by astra knight
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Swords can shoot lasers. And fire. And tornados. And blades of wind. And bigger wind blades. And take people's life force and feed them to it's user. And can descend slower if someone throws it in the air and jumps towards it. And change shape depending on it's user. And pierce armor. And hurt mounted units alot FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE. And be thrown like a Javelin. And have awesome crit rates. And make you class change if your name is Roy. And can be held by you in one hand if you ride a horse.

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When people die they just fade away

Yes. Star Wars also taught me this..

Fire Emblem and Star Wars are therefore... in the same universe. Mind = Blown

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