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What has Fire Emblem taught you?

Gold Vanguard

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Clearly you've never used the Broken Lance or the Short Bow.

One is a detriment to your survivability and the other is a detriment to your funds.

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- If you're dropped on a mountain, there's no telling where you'll land.

- Armor Knights without their armor on are surprisingly fast and delicate.

- Xane is the toughest Fire Emblem unit; he can stand on LAVA and live to tell about it.

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- Ballistas are useless.

- Rocks are as strong as pebbles.

- You can never count on reinforcements to help you. They're just a bunch of Red Shirts who were supposed to help you, but will need YOUR help after they Leeroy Jenkins around and get owned. They're also jerks who steal all your EXP.

- I still don't understand why axes are inaccurate and weak agaisnt swords.

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My guess is that it might be harder to hit somebody with the edged end section of a weapon some feet long than it is to hit somebody with just about any part of a long and often double-edged blade, that the end section of an axe being heavier than the rest of it makes it relatively difficult to wield dexterously and still put in as much power as necessary, and that it'd be relatively easy for a sword user to parry massive axe swings as the axe user has to be wary of the sword getting under their edged end or swatting at it, perhaps except in the cases of the most skilled and powerful axe users.

That is of course, however, a total layman's guess.

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-If you give a little girl a shiny rock, they will become a huge dragon and oblitherate everything in their path.

-Thieves have better eyesight then everyone else.

-Sand slows down horsies.

-You can still use cool magic books if you can't read.

-If your army is full of wyverns riders, then your country is corrupt.

-Pegasi hate guys.

-Pegusus riders enjoy dying when I play FE

-So does Heath.

-If someone is ugly, they're probably evil.

-Slow people are usually really terrible at fighting

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  • 2 weeks later...

And books break if you read them too many times. Thats right, they BREAK...

Wait, just what kinda books are we reading? Will my Harry Potters disintegrate if I read them too much?biggrin.gif

FE taught me that an enemy with a 2% crit rate can crit and kill you....

Edited by Zera
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you only have to stand next to someone for a while and talk 3 times to make them your wifu.

I'm one out of three with my prospect. I'll brief you on how it goes after the other two support conversations.

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Fire Emblem has taught me that if you have bad luck your more likely to randomly take 3x more damage when someone hits you than someone with good luck, unless the person who hits you is using bronze weapons.

Edited by Zelos
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