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Connecticut Elementary School Shooting


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Edit: Adding more. Anyway, everyone knows my viewpoint on this. The sooner something's done about the number of guns on the streets, the better, I believe. My mind won't be shifted until I'm proven wrong.

Edited by Raven
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A gunstore in Austin is now giving discounts to teachers for concealed carry classes. It's things like this that make me proud of my state.

Congrats. Now we just have to wait until another kid who has had incompetent mental health treatment has a bad day, takes the gun, and we have another massacre on our hands.


Since no one's posted this yet, this is an article about the sad state of mental health in this country. It's not just about gun control; it's about mental health as well.

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Huh that explains alot actually. I'm all for guns, but all the survivalist people I've met are batshit crazy. They don't care about laws and somehow manage to get their hands on full-auto assault rifles and the like. They give responsible gun owners a bad name.

Congrats. Now we just have to wait until another kid who has had incompetent mental health treatment has a bad day, takes the gun, and we have another massacre on our hands.


Since no one's posted this yet, this is an article about the sad state of mental health in this country. It's not just about gun control; it's about mental health as well.

If these would be shooters knew that some teachers are armed, I guarantee they would think twice about shooting up schools. Shooters go on rampages in gun-free zones for a reason.

Edited by redturtle806
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If these would be shooters knew that some teachers are armed, I guarantee they would think twice about shooting up schools. Shooters go on rampages in gun-free zones for a reason.

This completely explains why Europe has not seen an influx of pig americans causing mass shootings.

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I'm sick of posting about gun rights. All I've gotten are negative responses, and it doesn't look like anyone is gonna yield on either side. So I'm gonna make everyone happy and just not post in this thread anymore.

Although I ain't even mad, because even if guns are completely banned in the US I'll just buy a couple from family/friends and continue to practice my right to self defense. No government has the right to take that away from me.

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Huh, thanks for the link, Anouleth

If this page can be trusted, in response to the Texas district's concealed carry policy, the president of the U.S.'s National School Safety and Security Services advised against having teachers armed. Reasons being, far as I can tell, that it'd be a logistics nightmare to set up/keep track of, would put a heavy burden on the teachers that participate, and might introduce further complications should somebody manage to lift the teacher's weapon.


Since no one's posted this yet, this is an article about the sad state of mental health in this country. It's not just about gun control; it's about mental health as well.

I believe Nintenlord gave the source article 3 posts above :p

While I'm waiting to find something of relevance about the observed effect allowing teachers to carry weapons has, what do you guys think about school resource officers/SRO's, basically miniature police departments assigned to guard a school? My high school had a department of them, though I forget if they ever saw any action, definitely they didn't see any weapon violence. I'm also trying to find something about their observed possible effects on safety.

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what do you guys think about school resource officers/SRO's, basically miniature police departments assigned to guard a school?

If I lived in a gang infested area and had to go to that school because my parents couldn't do any better, I'd be happy to have them there if they actually have any power to do anything. I remember in my high school these two kids got into a fight and the police came in a flash, but my school was pretty high end and strict about violence, and the police station was pretty close by anyway.

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Obama's got balls, and he's using them.

No, he doesn't. This is coming almost a week late. That shows that all Obama gives a shit about is his approval rating.

I watched his nation address. I thought it was pathetic because it was after the election. The man doesn't have the balls to pick a side from the get-go and stick with it. He tries to make everyone happy which just shows how out of touch with reality he truly is.

Same shit happens with Israel every time he tries to take control of the Middle East.

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No, he doesn't. This is coming almost a week late. That shows that all Obama gives a shit about is his approval rating.

oh, the stench of hypocrisy!

first you criticize gun control advocates for jumping prematurely on the gun control bandwagon after this tragedy.

then, when president obama reserves enough time for us to contemplate the tragedy before addressing the nation, you criticize him for being insincere.

but what else can we expect from life admiral?

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first you criticize gun control advocates for jumping prematurely on the gun control bandwagon after this tragedy.

then, when president obama reserves enough time for us to contemplate the tragedy before addressing the nation, you criticize him for being insincere.

but what else can we expect from life admiral?

I think it's tasteless for anyone but him to get on the bandwagon.

He's the President of the USA. If he's planning on doing something, it should have already been done. But this is Obama we are talking about. The man who does nothing to help his own nation but believes that he's a hero in the Middle East. Makes me sick.

Seriously. His address was also trying to appease gun holders and supporters of the Second Amendment because it is their "god given right" to bear arms. Either Obama should be telling the nation within 24 hours (because I heard about this shit a good 3 hours after it went down while I was in Vegas) that he's going to strike the amendment or not say anything at all. That's how Stephen Harper would have done it and that's why Stephen Harper also has a positive approval rating and has held one since... the Conservatives got into power. That's about 2007, right?

Edited by Am Yisrael Chai
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so you hold him to a double standard compared to the rest of us? as the face of the nation, acting rashly (or at least, appearing to act rashly) is the least prudent course of action.

it's funny how you ascribe all of these traits to obama that are very clearly the spawn of your own delusional thinking as opposed to actions and words from the man himself. every word that comes out of your mouth about obama is a strawman; the degree to which you do so is absurd to the point where i think you may just be humoring yourself as opposed to stating a real opinion. in either case, though, i am getting a hearty chuckle.

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so you hold him to a double standard compared to the rest of us? as the face of the nation, acting rashly (or at least, appearing to act rashly) is the least prudent course of action.

Where's my double standard, dondon? All I need to do is point to Harper and say "Obama should be more like him". Harper doesn't give a shit about his approval rating and yet keeps getting re-elected. Harper doesn't play both sides of the coin; he chooses one and sticks to it hard. Sorry if comparing Obama to a better man and politician is your opinion of a double standard.

Also, here's an article for you. If I give you a chuckle, this one should have you on the floor rolling in laughter. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2012/12/18/278706/israeli-squads-tied-to-newtown-carnage/

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If Stephen Harper jumped off a bridge, does that mean Obama should as well?

But seriously, the first time I saw Obama, he was pretty choked up. If he'd announced some form of gun control then, it'd have looked like at best a kneejerk reaction to a tragedy without appropriate forethought, at worst an opportunist looking to use the tragedy for his own agenda.

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If Stephen Harper jumped off a bridge, does that mean Obama should as well?

Depends how high.

The point that I'm trying to make is that Harper will say shit like this when Obama won't. Remember that it cost Canada a spot on the UN Security Council and in leu of that, Harper still goes ahead with that comment.

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No, he doesn't. This is coming almost a week late. That shows that all Obama gives a shit about is his approval rating.

But if he had said anything earlier, he would have been talking about it "too soon", and "politicising" the tragedy.

I watched his nation address. I thought it was pathetic because it was after the election. The man doesn't have the balls to pick a side from the get-go and stick with it. He tries to make everyone happy which just shows how out of touch with reality he truly is.

Ugh! How dare he try to make everyone happy! Wouldn't it be so much better to live in a dictatorship where the government doesn't have to care about petty things, like "approval ratings" or "public opinion" and just makes whatever legislation it wants? It's not like any legislation has to receive a certain amount of bipartisan support to get anywhere in Congress. It's not like he has to negotiate with a Republican House, and a Senate in which he lacks a filibuster-proof majority.

I think it's tasteless for anyone but him to get on the bandwagon.

He's the President of the USA. If he's planning on doing something, it should have already been done. But this is Obama we are talking about. The man who does nothing to help his own nation but believes that he's a hero in the Middle East. Makes me sick.

Seriously. His address was also trying to appease gun holders and supporters of the Second Amendment because it is their "god given right" to bear arms. Either Obama should be telling the nation within 24 hours (because I heard about this shit a good 3 hours after it went down while I was in Vegas) that he's going to strike the amendment or not say anything at all. That's how Stephen Harper would have done it and that's why Stephen Harper also has a positive approval rating and has held one since... the Conservatives got into power. That's about 2007, right?

Any such move would be massively unpopular. Very few Americans are in favour of a blanket ban on guns. It would be also be impossible to get Republicans to vote to repeal the amendment. Hell, I doubt he could even get most other Democrats to vote for it. However, milder acts of gun control have high levels of support among the general populace (even if politicians don't like them).

I don't really know much about canadian politics, but from what I hear, Stephen Harper has at times, actually had quite bad approval ratings. And it's very specious to compare the relatively minor change of abolishing a gun registry to the suggestion you make, which would abolish rights held by Americans for more than 300 years, and in fact, can be traced all the way back to the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in the United Kingdom.

Edited by Anouleth
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