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Has anyone ever rage quitted at a game?

Gold Vanguard

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Well, if I forget to save after spending a few hours playing ANY RPG...

That game usually collects dust for a few months.

I'm not stubborn enough to go after the same boss more than 5 times usually, so if I can't beat something after 5 attempts, I give up. The boss that gave me the most ragequits is probably that gigantic one in Sonic Adventure Battle 2. I can't remember it's name, but man that thing was a ***** when I was younger.

Donkey Kong Country gave me more than a few ragequits when I was a kid too.

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If ur worried about that try thinking about where you respawn cause you might die at least one second.

That doesn't help much when the game makes you respawn right in the middle of territory where all the enemies are...

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Minecraft and Spelunky both have a love/hate relationship with me. I suck at them, but keep getting drawn back in.

As for true Ragequit, I actually quit FE4 for a few months after accidentally loading a savestate...five chapters back. One of the downsides of Emulation I guess.

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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. Rage quitted because of how bad it was.

I rage quitted after fighting decus, how the hell am i supposed to beat him!?

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The only occasion I remember was during the final mission of Valkyria Chronicles 2.

I was cleaning up the enemies when I encountered the boss, who proceeded to one-shot my characters one by one. Worse still, reinforcements started building up, so I was back right where I started, but with like one or two characters left...

Well, I eventually beat the mission at a later date.

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i ragequit sonic 06 every time i play it by dying in a new seeminly impossible way

i don't know what draws me back to it all the time

also FFIIIDS multiple times due to being an unfair piece of shit

Edited by General Horace
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If ur worried about that try thinking about where you respawn cause you might die at least one second.

I've been spawn killed loads of times, due to campers (which is mainly why I end up rage quitting).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Will probably do so with Kingdom Hearts: Re-Coded, because I'm being punished for having a bad sense of direction. :(:

(no, I am NOT screwing around in the sector to grind, I can't find the damn door out!)

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Megaman does this to me. Megaman 2 - Wily Fortress in particular, awesome music but it's a pain to get to the boss and the boss himself is a pain. Guts Man's stage is a nightmare. Ice Man's too. On the first game, Megaman is made of concrete. >>:

Also, Tibia. Yeah, I used to play this crap when I was younger. Took a long time until I gave up completely (I'd still play the same if it were single player, without lag and without the absurd exp/itens loss).

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Will probably do so with Kingdom Hearts: Re-Coded, because I'm being punished for having a bad sense of direction. :(:

(no, I am NOT screwing around in the sector to grind, I can't find the damn door out!)

I'm pretty sure I ragequit that too, just too much random bullshit.

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