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Pokemon Adventures R/B/G/Y Mafia


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Actually you easily could because though voyeur and watcher aren't the exact same, they're really similar. Now you see that it looked fishy for town, but yet it was true. So now you have the argument that "well you can't say we're faking it just because we have two similar roles because Cam and JB did! I don't get it either but I didn't make this game BBM did and who knows what he's thinking?!?" So yeah you'd be gaining towncred. Besides I did this with Baldrick in Schoolteacher Mafia and you learned how to play mafia from Obviam do you really think it isn't unlikely that you wouldn't try to pull some tricky shit like that?

Are you kidding I can think of a case for everyone in this game to be scum if I really wanted to since no one has played perfectly (myself obviously included). Thing is, which I know you and Boron realize, is as long as I'm proven town, then there's nothing you two can do to win the game, hence why you're trying to mislynch me instead of pushing an easier case or Mancer (I mean seriously you two have contradicting evidence through your roles why else wouldn't you be attacking him more aggressively instead of myself who you even admit to playing obvtown until this phase where I'm able to play with minimal effort since I've already found out the scumteam). The only things you guys can do to claim that I'm scum is that I'm lying about my role (which we all know I'm not), I wanted to lynch JB (like everyone else lol), and that I'm playing lazily D4 since I have no need to scumhunt anymore.

Why would I clear SB as the town!doc when if I was scum I would try to push his mislynch since he has the easiest case against him and if it wasn't for his roleclaim he would have been lynched (see: Boron). Mancer is so confused right now because of his lack of confidence that it's obvious he doesn't have a buddy helping him out. He didn't even remember that his role result from N2 proves that I'm town until I reminded him inthread lol. If he was my scumbuddy things would be a lot more coordinated between us, kinda like how you and Boron helped each other out in your scum PM chat on ways to try and build a case against me to try and mislynch me. Also, Mancer wouldn't have been so aggressive on JB if he was town; he would have been more hesitant and only started pushing JB until later when other people were seeing him scummy as well, and before that only mentioning "yeah JB looks scummy" but never pushing the case (like what Boron has done this game) because he'd fear of looking scummy for pushing a mislynch. Town has no need to fear of that because they know they aren't scum and know they need to lynch scum through who they think is scummy in order to win the game.

Again, I really have nothing I need to say so I can only hope that Elieson and SB see the light.

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But you're still not proven town by anyone but Mancer and his result that you got rolecopped.

All you're stating is a bunch of meta ("if Mancer was scum he wouldn't be this confident" blah blah, "you learned to play from Obviam") and things that are just your words without proof ("we all know I'm not lying about my role"). It doesn't prove anything.

And we all claimed before JB got lynched, so if we really did it for town cred, there was the chance the lynch would switch to me or Boron because of suspicious claims. That's basically what got JB lynched, and there was no guarantee it wouldn't switch to us. It'd be an unecessary gambit just for some lousy town cred.

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But really that's a waste of everyone's time because there's a 99% chance Boron/j00 are the remaining scum and in FE I'd attack someone with a 99% chance lol.

It's obvious I can't convince you or Boron to change your minds since you're the scum team so I'm just going to focus on what Elie, Mancer, and SB want me to say. though again SB and Mancer should see me as cleared town and Elieson is silenced sooo I really don't have to do anything.

When he flips scum SB doc me so that I don't die. I'll target Elieson to make sure that he's Prof. Oak, and then we'll lynch Boron and win the game yeah yeah yeah

TL;DR: Boron/j00 scum team, Helios is lazy town, Mancer and SB are confused town, and Elieson is silenced obvtown

I'll answer anything SB wants me to in order to make him feel more comfortable with lynching either you or Boron, but I'm not going to answer anything you or Boron say anymore since it's pointless.

You got a result that someone rolecopped me. Scum wouldn't rolecop their buddy and you know that! So that means I'm cleared town!

Again, I really have nothing I need to say so I can only hope that Elieson and SB see the light.

Hey SB Elie look at me Mancer says I'm town vote the same as me pretty plz coz then we win

If your case and arguments are sound you wouldn't need to resort to this

like repeating this at the end of your every single post this phase

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god damn it

I'm confused as all hell now.

I think what we need is a damn flip

We could no lynch but if either of the safeguard claims are true and are scum then I can't keep Eli alive. Fuck me why did I sub in on MYLO


##Vote: Helios

something about his last few posts with j00 have been bugging the hell out of me. I don't know what it is but >.>

I think part of it is that some of his posts kind of give the impression he's barely trying, but gah this sucks

this was a horrible idea me

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I already explained why I have to be town. As long as you're not being super paranoid then it's pretty self explanatory anyway.

It's not meta, it's scum's thought process and how they play. It doesn't have to be Mancer specifically, it could be anyone who is in scum's shoes (you and Boron).

JB didn't solely get lynched for his claim lol I don't know why you and Boron keep acting like that was solely the case (wait yeah I do you're trying to make Mancer and I look bad lol). He got lynched because he looked scummy. We were wrong, yes, but hey that's how the game goes sometimes. And again I already explained why you two would claim similar roles, especially when those roles aren't easily provable but easily debatable either. Especially since people thought you were town until a little before JB was going to get lynched, having Boron lynched off and flipping as scum pseudoclears you as town!JoaT, which you can then use to proceed to mislynch Mancer, then myself or JB and win the game. So it's not quite as unnecessary as you pretend it is.

Not really. I just know they're being paranoid since Boron and you are coming out full swinging as a last resort to save your hides. However, if you arent' looking through paranoia goggles, it's obvious I'm town, and when they understand that then the game is over and town wins!

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j00 (2): Mancer, Helios

Helios (3): Boron, j00, SB L-1!

Not Voting (1): Mancer

With 6 players alive, it takes 3 votes to lynch at deadline and 4 to hammer. There are slightly more than 27 hours left in the phase.

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god damn it

I'm confused as all hell now.

I think what we need is a damn flip

We could no lynch but if either of the safeguard claims are true and are scum then I can't keep Eli alive. Fuck me why did I sub in on MYLO


##Vote: Helios

something about his last few posts with j00 have been bugging the hell out of me. I don't know what it is but >.>

I think part of it is that some of his posts kind of give the impression he's barely trying, but gah this sucks

this was a horrible idea me

Hahahaha yes I'm barely trying because I don't need to try! Don't be paranoid and the game is obvious! But okay what would you like me to explain to prove that I'm town and j00 is scum?

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Hahahaha yes I'm barely trying because I don't need to try! Don't be paranoid and the game is obvious! But okay what would you like me to explain to prove that I'm town and j00 is scum?

Not really. I just know they're being paranoid since Boron and you are coming out full swinging as a last resort to save your hides. However, if you arent' looking through paranoia goggles, it's obvious I'm town, and when they understand that then the game is over and town wins!

Hey SB Elie look at me Mancer says I'm town Boron and j00 are scum vote the same as me pretty plz coz then we win + 2

How about explaining how you're obvtown

or Mancer for that sake

he could be teamed with Elieson as there's nothing contradicting that

I'm not obvtown and I know it but you're playing so bad it's hard to see you as town, which is why I'm not putting weight on the other possible combinations

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Explain everything, why Mancer and you are town, and why Boron and j00 are scum.

But >effort ;/. Do you really think it's necessary? Do you really think I'd push on Straw so hard to be lynched if I was his buddy, do you really think I'm fakeclaiming this role and being Red, do you really think through my interactions with j00 that I'm not just lazytown who figured out the game and wants it to hurry up and end before the semester starts, etc etc? I guess I'll explain if you're still paranoid though.

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dude saying "I want to end the game as soon as possible" is hardly your best move because if we lynch scum we're doing the opposite of ending the game as soon as possible

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Explain Helios because I'm at a loss.

It would help if you didn't sub in just now I forgot you weren't around til now ;/. Alright I'll get srs and clear things up in a sec.

@j00: Well yeah but I still want to win this game so lynching scum is the only option. When either you or Boron flip scum then we'll just quick hammer the other and it'll be game and yay

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Why Helios is Obvtown

  • Role isn't fakeable since there's never been a role like it before. It doesn't actually rely on flavor, the point of it is to battle trainers to get stronger and as a result gain more roles. For example, after battling Mancer and Kay I gained a networking ability that I tried to use on Kay last phase since she was the most obvtown to me at the time, but she died ;/. I'd ask what j00's results were since he claims to have targeted Kay, but I'm pretty sure it's against the rules to tell people what the exact wording of their results in their Role PMs are and I don't want to bait to modkill him.
  • There is no reason for me to have pushed so hard on Strawman if he was my buddy. If he was getting zero attention all game, why would I put pressure on him and try to lynch him so aggressively when if I was scum I could have easily tried to push a lynch like Wren/Iris/SB, Shinori (due to his overreactions lol), or pushed harder on JB since he was the main main scumspec at the time (I voted him but instead switched to Strawman and pushed on him until he was modkilled) and get an easy mislynch. Afterwards, why would I push JB so aggressively if I knew he would flip town? That would make me look scummier, and if I was scum why would I want that extra attention? It's because I'm actually town and really thought (along with Kay/Paper and Mancer) that JB was scum.
  • I was never once voted or even looked like a scumspec until right before JB was going to flip town when j00 casually states "wow if JB flips scum we'll have to suspect Mancer and Helios and their flavorful fakeclaims".
  • I've put way too much attention on myself and have been helping keep discussion active in this game as much as possible which is protown play. Scum prefer to have discussion die down and keep the game moving slowly since it makes things more easy for them to get mislynches.
  • Extremely active scumhunter and my cases on people clearly aren't bsed or anything.
  • Mancer's role clears me since scum would never rolecop their buddy (and it's obvious the rolecop is scum since no one claimed rolecop. rolecop is probably j00 since he has the JoaT role).
  • I'm RED, the main protagonist of the manga! You know he has to be in this game!
  • Through my interactions between j00 and Boron it's obvious they're pulling out my little mistakes in the game as well my lazy play this phase in order to try and prove I'm scum since that's literally all I can do. They know how much myself and my role threatens their victory and need me to be lynched in order to achieve victory. Isn't it convenient that I haven't been expected of being remotely scummy all game, and then all of a sudden it's MYLO and Boron and j00 are going all out to try and get me mislynched? You don't think that's even a little bit suspicious? I'm getting gang banged for crying out loud lol.

Don't overthink it man, it's really obvious. Just don't fall for their tricks to try and confuse you.

Why Mancer is Town

  • Look how confused he is in this game. It's obvious that he's playing by himself because if he had a scumbuddy he wouldn't be this lost and things would be more coordinated.
  • His role is extremely difficult to fake due to its uniqueness. Seriously have you ever heard of roles that are like mine and Mancer's? Props to BBM these roles are really creative.
  • He's been an active scumhunter and contributed more than most people in this game, which is obviously protown.
  • He's put a lot of attention on himself this game, like contradicting evidence that j00 gave out, which scum wouldn't do.
  • His role proves that I'm town and scum would have no reason to try and clear me inthread.
  • We both pushed hard on JB last phase together. Everyone knows that scum doesn't try to make their buddying obvious until the end of the game where they need to push a mislynch to win (like what Boron and j00 are doing right now) since that puts targets on both their heads.
  • Through their interactions it's also obvious that j00 and Mancer are on opposite sides. After all, they contradict each other with their role evidence, and j00 originally wanted to push a Mancer lynch but then all of a sudden decided to join Boron to try and mislynch me since I'm lazy. It's MYLO, so there is 0 reason for scum to try and bus their buddy since that's way too risky for them.

So if we can agree that I'm town, and that Mancer is town, and that through the information given inthread that j00 is on the opposite side of Mancer and myself, and that j00's role evidence and Mancer's role evidence contradict each other, and that Mancer's role proves I'm town yet j00 is still pushing my lynch, then it becomes obvious. On top of that, my role proves that you're town, and Elieson is cleared town!governor who isn't a threat to scum since he's vanilla and silenced, then it comes down to j00 and Boron being the final scumspecs.

Does this all make sense? Anything I need to clear up?

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If necessary I can prove through scumhunting methods why Boron and j00 are scum buuuuut this approach is better since if I prove I'm town then I have 100% evidence that they're scum through hard role evidence sooo that's why I've been doing that. It's like how people will believe a cop report over someone's scumhunting case.

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Okay, there's quite a bit of stuff that has happened while I was gone, so I'm going to try to tackle it page by page.

[spoiler=page 40]

Mostly because I thought you two claimed the same thing and I felt j00 was townier. Yes I missed some things because reading this whole thread in detail would have taken another few hours, and I can miss/forget things out of that whole 40 odd pages. I'm still pretty sure Mancer is scum though. I'll have to look into Helios more though.

First, j00 and I didn't claim the same thing. He's a JoaT with a 1-shot safeguard, while I am a full safeguard. Short of us claiming the exact same role, I don't see a problem with this. Second, if you think one of us has to be scum because we have a shared component, this is role spec and it won't help you scum hunt. Because suspecting people based solely on their role turns out so well, right? Is there anything I have DONE that makes me scummy enough?

No it's stupid because if I clear 3 or 4 people and ONE of the people I didn't clear flip scum (like you or j00) then I'm obviously going to get lynched. The best decision for scum to do in this situation is basically trying to get some momentum on some townie by taking advantage of confusion to cause a mislynch, which I'm NOT doing but you two ARE doing. This is probably really clear to me since I've been scum so many times lately and know what the thought process is like (I was in this same situation in .hack// and did the exact same thing for example) but maybe for other people it isn't. If Elie, Mancer, or SB really wants me to answer j00 or Boron's post to make them feel less paranoid then I guess I will, but otherwise it's a waste of time and less beneficial for me to do so.

Helios, it's potential MYLO. LYLO and MYLO are the best times to pull off this "clearing" gambit because you only need one more mislynch and if you can get that mislynch the game is over. Also, ENOUGH WITH THE SELF-META. Personally, I think it makes you look worse. You're basically telling us how you think as scum and town, so therefore you are town because of what I am doing. You're telling us how to think and perceive you. Hadn't I said it earlier this game? Meta is unreliable because the smart ones will one day learn to take ADVANTAGE of their perceived scum and town meta and fool everyone.

Also, you are still so full of yourself! What are you saying in the bolded part? That we're not worth your time, so someone else can answer this for you because this is so weak and stupid it does not even deserve your attention? Because this is what it sure sounds like. You're trying to write us off as paranoid. You're not even listening.

The point is I'm pretty much obvtown. My actions this game make little sense at best to be scum (why would I push Strawman so aggressively, how could I fakeclaim a role I've never even heard of?, why would I keep discussion alive, and if you guys (SB, Mancer, Elieson) take a look at that it's pretty clear. Once you realize that I'm a cleared townie (which SB and Mancer should know) then it's obvious that I'm not lying about my role and its results (what's the point of lying as town in this situation?). Therefore, my POV becomes town's POV and the rest of the game is simple. That's why I see no reason to argue about this and waste time. If you really want we can NL, I'll battle Elieson, and SB docs me so that I can't die. If I don't get experience from battling Elieson, then he's telling the truth and it's 15892370450897243% confirmed that Boron and j00 are the scumteam. But really that's a waste of everyone's time because there's a 99% chance Boron/j00 are the remaining scum and in FE I'd attack someone with a 99% chance lol.

Helios, any person can say that they're obv!town and point at their actions in-game to say "why would I be scum and why would I do these things?" Here's the thing: I CAN'T READ YOUR MIND. No one can read your mind. How do we know what your motivation and plans were throughout the game? How can we tell what you've been thinking? We cannot predict how the game will turn out ahead of time, so we go with the flow and take things in stride. You're trying to dismiss all suspicions on you with a simple little sentence, just as how you've been trying to condense arguments against you in a simple little sentence.

No, we DON'T realize that you're cleared town. So what would make a living player "cleared town"? Someone whose role and alignment has been confirmed by an oracle. Someone who has been trolled by scum so much that there has to be no other possibility other than they're town (see Elie in schoolteacher mafia). So stop saying that you're confirmed, cleared town. You really aren't.

Look at the bolded. Do you realize just how full of yourself that you are being? You are saying that you are automatically right and that everyone else is wrong. What in-thread basis do you have? All we have is your word and not much else. Can you see why j00 and I at least are so frustrated? Right now, it's all about YOU. YOU. YOU. YOU!

You're shutting your ears to everyone else who disagrees with you and you just brush it off as if it is not worth your precious time. You're basically trying to stifle discussion with a simple "I'm right, they're wrong" and just get everyone to mindlessly follow your word. How does this help town?

[spoiler=page 41]You're doing it again. You're not explaining yourself and just saying "I rest my case" with no further explanation, and you're being a hypocrite again. Tell me again, why are you allowed to be wrong JB's flip and still town? Why am I not allowed to have faulty views on the SB slot and still town? Why is j00 not allowed to forget that SB slot could doc protect and still be town? Yes, Mancer, that goes to you as well. Why are you and Helios allowed to make mistakes and still be town, whereas everything j00 and I have done means we're scum? This is such a ridiculous double standard.

@j00: A) I've got important RL shit that I'm doing right now so I can't focus on this game much right now and I'd like it to end before school starts B) There's no point in arguing you because neither of us will change each other's minds since I'm obvtown and your'e obvscum and C) Your logic is easy to refute because in reality all you're doing is just saying 'we can't know you're telling the truth. we can't know WHO is telling the truth!' which just means you're trying to say "we don't know" when in reality we do know that you two are scum.

A) And don't you think other people have "important RL shit" that means they can't focus on this game as much as they want? I myself am not going to be around for most of tomorrow and will miss phase end. Don't you think I would like this game to end while I'm still around? You don't see me brushing off discussion and trying to get everyone to "hey vote this guy he's confirmed scum because I said so we can worry about everything else tomorrow".

B) Subjective. You're certainly not being obv!town now, misrepping and ignoring and suppressing discussion. If j00 is so obv!scum, why don't you go back and provide posts on WHY he's so obv!scum?

C) You yourself haven't answered any of the points that j00 and I have refuted, and once again, this is just on your PoE. You're ignoring everything you don't like, doesn't fall in your favor, and saying that it doesn't matter. How is this a town behavior?

So Mancer cleared me as town, I cleared SB who is now even MOD CLEARED (lol Boron was still trying to push this lynch even though it was obvious SB was the doc when it said potential MYLO AND I cleared him through my role but scum gotta do what scum gotta do)

How the hell can I predict the future? You do realize that I stopped pushing on this slot so much on D4, right, because my opinions can change? SB is all but mod-cleared NOW, but he wasn't beforehand and this slot's play was hardly clean. How is it fair to say that I'm scum because I had poor judgments about a player slot that was not at all cleared at the point I had my suspicions? Also, tell me, WHEN was I pushing for a lynch on SB this phase? WHEN.

Also, in regards to the italics, oh my gosh would you just SHUT UP? This is so fucking patronizing and is completely unnecessary. You did this before last night, and I just did my best to ignore it, but I am not taking it a second time. Why is it necessary to say this kind of stuff? Earlier, you said that you weren't "pushing me so hard" because "you didn't mean to make me angry and you're afraid of doing it again." But I'm starting to wonder if that's just what you WANT to happen. You WANT me to be angry so I'll lose all sense and lash out and become incoherent, so you can twist it to your advantage. Town doesn't need to stoop to something as low as this.

but I'm not going to answer anything you or Boron say anymore since it's pointless.

What. Are you just shutting down discussion, just like that? You haven't even bothered to acknowledge any of j00's or my points that we have brought up. How is this supposed to be TOWN behavior, again? As town, don't you want to make sure you AND THE REST OF YOUR SIDE have enough information to correctly lynch? How is anything good going to come out of simply saying, "not talking to you anymore, because it's pointless"?

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Why Helios is Obvtown

  • Role isn't fakeable since there's never been a role like it before. It doesn't actually rely on flavor, the point of it is to battle trainers to get stronger and as a result gain more roles. For example, after battling Mancer and Kay I gained a networking ability that I tried to use on Kay last phase since she was the most obvtown to me at the time, but she died ;/. I'd ask what j00's results were since he claims to have targeted Kay, but I'm pretty sure it's against the rules to tell people what the exact wording of their results in their Role PMs are and I don't want to bait to modkill him.
  • You never mentioned that you gain abilities, and your role is still possible to fake because you even asked Kay what her character was. You know that town has little reason to lie, and if you're scum you could just say that you've battled those who've claimed strong trainers and got experience. Still think Mancer is your buddy so you'd know what he is.
  • <b>
    <br style="font-weight: normal;">Ehh I may as well out it since scum knows it. I'm Red, the protagonist of the manga. I don't really have a role, I just battle people and if they're strong trainers I gain experience points. I battled Kay N1 and Mancer N2, and gained experience points on both of them (this is why I asked for your character Kay, if you said someone who wasn't a gym leader or dex holder I'd know you were lying). Now my plan plan is pretty simple: I battle JB tonight. If he gives me experience, he's lying and if he doesn't then he's telling the truth about his role (since the pokemon fan club president isn't a strong trainer). If I get killed tonight then it's pretty obvious that JB is scum, and if I don't I out my results. Pretty simple right?<br style="font-weight: normal;">
    <br style="font-weight: normal;"></b>
  • There is no reason for me to have pushed so hard on Strawman if he was my buddy. If he was getting zero attention all game, why would I put pressure on him and try to lynch him so aggressively when if I was scum I could have easily tried to push a lynch like Wren/Iris/SB, Shinori (due to his overreactions lol), or pushed harder on JB since he was the main main scumspec at the time (I voted him but instead switched to Strawman and pushed on him until he was modkilled) and get an easy mislynch. Afterwards, why would I push JB so aggressively if I knew he would flip town? That would make me look scummier, and if I was scum why would I want that extra attention? It's because I'm actually town and really thought (along with Kay/Paper and Mancer) that JB was scum.
  • It's not proof though, I think the strawman push is the towniest thing you've done this game, but Shinori had a lot of votes at the time and was likely to get lynched so it could have been done for towncred. The Strawman lynch didn't get anywhere, and while it looks town it's not definite proof that you're town for the rest of the game.

  • I was never once voted or even looked like a scumspec until right before JB was going to flip town when j00 casually states "wow if JB flips scum we'll have to suspect Mancer and Helios and their flavorful fakeclaims".
  • I was genuinely thinking JB's last moments were town and that the most plausible explanation for us being off the whole game would be if you two were lying, since we were so heavily in flavor/rolespec for a while. You didn't look like a scumspec even when I said that, I didn't become truly suspicious until you started voting Boron for defending JB and such when JB flipped town.

  • I've put way too much attention on myself and have been helping keep discussion active in this game as much as possible which is protown play. Scum prefer to have discussion die down and keep the game moving slowly since it makes things more easy for them to get mislynches.
  • Easy way to appear pro-town when there's a permanently inactive slot, two other really inactives and a silencer around. Said inactives looked really bad too and one of them were mafia. I did believe you were town. It's not enough to convince me you're still town.

  • Extremely active scumhunter and my cases on people clearly aren't bsed or anything.
  • In this phase, they are. Read from start of phase, you've been disregarding me and Boron early on because "we're obvsly scum why should you bother explain" which is horrible. By ignoring our logic you're making yourself look bad in front of the two other's you're not accusing. They deserve answer and reasons.

  • Mancer's role clears me since scum would never rolecop their buddy (and it's obvious the rolecop is scum since no one claimed rolecop. rolecop is probably j00 since he has the JoaT role).
  • Still think you and Mancer are scum it's not like his role is unfakeable and that jigglypuff result is still not making sense

  • I'm RED, the main protagonist of the manga! You know he has to be in this game!
  • No, he hasn't. The fanclub president certainly didn't have to, yet he was. Flavor doesn't mean anything

  • Through my interactions between j00 and Boron it's obvious they're pulling out my little mistakes in the game as well my lazy play this phase in order to try and prove I'm scum since that's literally all I can do. They know how much myself and my role threatens their victory and need me to be lynched in order to achieve victory. Isn't it convenient that I haven't been expected of being remotely scummy all game, and then all of a sudden it's MYLO and Boron and j00 are going all out to try and get me mislynched? You don't think that's even a little bit suspicious? I'm getting gang banged for crying out loud lol.
  • We've been presenting proper logic and poked holes in your case against us. We get "lol you're scum" back. All of a sudden it's mylo and you and Mancer jumps on Boron, that case came before the case on you, so you can't say we just jumped on you first thing. We've jumped on you back because we're defending ourselves.

Don't overthink it man, it's really obvious. Just don't fall for their tricks to try and confuse you.


Why Mancer is Town

  • Look how confused he is in this game. It's obvious that he's playing by himself because if he had a scumbuddy he wouldn't be this lost and things would be more coordinated.

  • His role is extremely difficult to fake due to its uniqueness. Seriously have you ever heard of roles that are like mine and Mancer's? Props to BBM these roles are really creative.
  • Both of your roles are really dependent on flavor. His jigglypuff result doesn't make sense, and all the other results are easily faked if Helios and Mancer are scumbuddies. I don't have proof for my claim but you saying his role is "unique" is not proof either.

  • He's been an active scumhunter and contributed more than most people in this game, which is obviously protown.
  • He also tunneled JB like ridiculously hard

  • He's put a lot of attention on himself this game, like contradicting evidence that j00 gave out, which scum wouldn't do.
  • I claimed Blue, he mentioned jigglypuff and THEN I said I didn't have jigglypuff. One of us is lying or some random person has jigglypuff, idk. It could have been done to distance himself from me.

  • His role proves that I'm town and scum would have no reason to try and clear me inthread.
  • I still think you're scumbuddies 'kay

  • We both pushed hard on JB last phase together. Everyone knows that scum doesn't try to make their buddying obvious until the end of the game where they need to push a mislynch to win (like what Boron and j00 are doing right now) since that puts targets on both their heads.
  • Same to you buddy! You and Mancer are pushing on us really hard too, and for the record, you and Mancer both pushed Boron at the beginning of the phase. Our pushing is more of a result of you guys pushing us, so bringing that up is hypocritical and bad because you did it first already.

  • Through their interactions it's also obvious that j00 and Mancer are on opposite sides. After all, they contradict each other with their role evidence, and j00 originally wanted to push a Mancer lynch but then all of a sudden decided to join Boron to try and mislynch me since I'm lazy. It's MYLO, so there is 0 reason for scum to try and bus their buddy since that's way too risky for them.
  • You've been playing a lot more shit than Mancer this phase, I reasoned my votechange already, one of the reasons was the accusation of Boron using my claim as a fakeclaim which was plain grasping. You played a lot better before this phase so seeing you get so sloppy caught my attention.

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On phone but guys I will literally copy my role PM on here, modkill myself, and have you all see for your very own eyes that I'm town. I'd rather not do that though since I want to win with the town buuut because I want town to win I'll do that.

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3. Trying to modkill yourself tactically will result in me making sure your faction being worse off than it was before you did so, so don't do it.


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