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3DS games?


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That game was amazing, and the gyro aiming is so smooth. It's smoother than playing an xbox 360 shooter. Devil Survivor Overclocked and paper mario are good too. If I could go back, those are the only games I would buy.

Tales of Abyss and Kingdom Hearts were eh ok imo, but nothing great.

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I'd like to get Kingdom Hearts, but I haven't played Birth By Sleep and I'm not buying another one from the series until they release it in a playable form digitally. Not gonna buy another PSP because they were too skittish to put it up on the PSN.

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I'm getting a 3DS XL in January after univeristy expenses are done.

And i'm gonna get Kid Icarus : Uprising, from what i read and was told, it seems an amazing game, plenty of levels, difficulty, unlockables, etc. So i guess that will keep me occupied until mid-february when FE13 will be reallistically withing grasp here.

I thought of RE:Revelations but they said the campaign is like 10 hours...but i intend to get it.

EDIT : Oh, KI:Uprising also comes with a support thing to put the 3DS in. Think it can be useful if you are at home or somewhere with a desk. Also has some AR cards.

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hmm, My brother has Kid Icarus and Devil Survivor so I can play those without owning them.

I was thinking about Tales of the Abyss but I've never played a Tales game before in my life and I'm super skittish about jumping into series I haven't played before, though a JRPG sounds somewhat appealing.

Not much into rhythm, fighting, Sonic, Kingdom Hearts, or ports of N64 games(as much as I liked them in the past), but thanks for all the recommendations guys.

Haven't been much into Paper Mario or Resident Evil games in the past either so I'm not sure on those.

But seriously, y'all are awesome. I'll probably look more up about Tales of the Abyss since it sounds like something long I can get into. Thanks!

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I thought of RE:Revelations but they said the campaign is like 10 hours...but i intend to get it.

This is true... but Raid Mode with online co-op is where the game truly shines. Plus the hell mode campaign is fun too. Raid mode has 20 Levels, 3 difficulties, leveling up to 50, custom/upgradable guns, and an epic marathon bonus stage that takes you through every area in the entire fucking game. I probably sunk 10+ hours into the bonus stage alone. Also that bonus stage/hell campaign kinda feels like an old school RE game, because you get very little ammo so you have to make your shots count.

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I say get Tales of the Abyss. I liked it even though hearing Luke complain about everything got annoying real fast but at least it ended fast too. The game will pick up of course, and so will the battles once you get more skills and artes. The 3D in it isn't great, its a shame there isn't ANY 3D in the anime cutscenes, but at least the Mystic Artes and character close ups look nice. I rate the game a 8.0. Without ANY extra content from the PS2, and not very good 3D I give it that rating.

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Me and my friends were discussing the flaws in ToTA a while back, we agreed the game had some terrible pacing and there was some major inconsistency with characters. Couple that with some impossible to know sidequests... well it's annoying

I think Symphonia had a solid idea of sidequests as most of them were after points of no return and were near the end of the game, making them far more enjoyable.

I will give Abyss some credit however, it has my personal favorite battle system in the series, note I haven't gotten to Graces and I'm not an import fan, it's more free then Symphonia and Vesperia battles were way too slow for my liking. So if you enjoy a quick paced monster killing, it's solid, especially when the Arena opens.

So if you get Abyss I advise going blind as it's more fun NOT knowing about all the stupid extras, but even then the pacing is balls, but hey, not every RPG is FF4 which was the king of pacing in RPGs... well IMO at least.

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once you start the level you have to play through the whole thing or you loose everything you invested.

I'm sorry, not every video game has checkpoints on every corner.

We are talking about stages that can take up to 30 minutes or so.

The stages are designed to take 10-15 minutes if you're skilled enough or take a low enough difficulty level.

Alternatively to both, sleep mode.

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OoT 3DS is amazing, and I hear Sonic Generations is as well. I got Crush 3D for Christmas, if you like Puzzle games that one is fun. Also from the eShop, VVVVVV is a good game.

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I'm sorry, not every video game has checkpoints on every corner.

Kid Icarus Uprising is a game that has checkpoints on every corner. You die and you continue right were you were. Difficulty is not the problem here. The problem is, that you can't end the game without loosing all the stuff you threw in the cauldron at the very start.

The stages are designed to take 10-15 minutes if you're skilled enough or take a low enough difficulty level.

Alternatively to both, sleep mode.

With Brawler Claws with Running Speed +4 and Lightweight maybe. Also, the flying parts always take close to 5 minutes by themselves and the ground parts are significantly longer, not counting the bosses.

If you don't exactly try to get a speed achievement, then we are talking about 15 minutes and go higher from there. Honestly, the game considers it an achievement to beat a certain stage in less then 25 minutes. They all take a while.

Going 15+ minutes without saving is too long for an handheld. And it's not like you can just do some levels that are shorter because this applies to all levels because they all follow the same formula which always includes close to 5 minutes of flying. The only alternative is the boss rush, and obviously that one isn't much shorter.

The lack of a temporary save is a bad design choice. Plain and simply. And this design choice is not helped by the fact that you have to pay a large sum of money to start a chapter that will all be lost if you end prematurely. There is no reason that this couldn't have temporary saves. The Fire Emblem series has those even in the console entires, even though you only loose your chapter progress in those games.

I didn't say the game sucks or anything. It's my favorite game on the 3DS. But a flaw is a flaw.

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Wow, all this over games?!

I thoroughly enjoyed Tales of the Abyss. Like most of the series, it started with a lot of questions and ended with slightly less questions. It gets cheesy, but eh. I thought the battle system was fun, without being annoying. This game was why I bought a 3DS, and I don't regret it.

Tried OoT, but it's not my thing. Will get around to the Kingdom Hearts game later.

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Zero Escape is pretty great, although yeah, you need to be careful of that bug that will kill your save. If you can skirt around it (not that hard) the game is really quite great, though if you played 999 you may find the story a tad lacking.

Oh ya, I never did get that bug, even though I forgot it existed so I don't remember how to trigger it. I had better look into it so I can warn somebody in particular.

I also really enjoy Zero Escape and heartily recommend it as a followup to 999.

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About KI : Uprising controls, while researching and reading opinions about the 3DS XL, it seems that this ''uncomfortable controls'' is on the 3DS, which could cause even hand cramp.

Read that on the 3DS XL, KI:Uprising doesn't have this problem. A quote :

''Although it’s a highly enjoyable game, we found Kid Icarus: Uprising genuinely uncomfortable to play. Using the left trigger shoot and the circle pad to steer can cause horrendous hand cramp over time, but that has changed with 3DS XL. The console’s chunkier design feels more like an Xbox 360 control pad, meaning that hand cramps are a thing of the past. Plus Kid Icarus: Uprising has gorgeous visuals that truly sing on the 3DS XL hardware.''

There was a really other good review about the thumbstick of the XL, but i couldn't find the site again =\

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Hey guys, how's the new 999 game for the 3DS?

If you want to avoid nearly any spoilers, and just a simple comparison to 999, I'll go with (I think) what other people in the thread for that game here were already saying, which is that it won't be as intense an experience as 999 was. I don't read/play many visual novels so.

I finished it (mostly, I suspect there's a secret ending I didn't get but I gave the game to my brother so I haven't played it in a while) and loved it.

Also, I liked the puzzles in 0 escape more than in 999, 3d has something to do with that, but isn't the whole story, I think.

Here is the link to the aforementioned thread:


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3DS XL just arrived...went to play Kid Icarus and...damn, not only hand cramp but finger cramp as well.

I even followed the advice of holding the 3DS with both hands instead of just the left hand. I actually don't have problems on the wrist, but thumb and indicator fingers get a good bit of cramp.

Altough i felt the same on RE:Revelations and even some other rpg action game... maybe it's just time i need to figure it out...

The problem here is moving the analog with the thumb and pressing L with the indicator...finger cramp ftl

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have Code of Princess 2d/3d a arcade beat um up where u lvl up and with 50 unlock able characters but the length of the game is quiet short since i was able to beat game in 2 days

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This would be the second topic I'm closing due to necroposting. Please stop that.

EDIT: My brain thinks it's February FSR. Re-opened.

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