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The Great Purge


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A nation's destiny can only be decided by its people. If they want it to burn, let it burn, baby.

When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.

When the birdies find they can vote their trees kindling, that will galdrar we're far from the forest.

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Please, just... just stop talking. This is just embarrassing.

yeah this is exactly what i meant by "a lot of posts in this thread would be a good place to start imho"

since it's relevant, guide to posting on the internet without seeming like an insufferable shitposter

- don't use memes just for the sake of using memes like the asshole four posts above me

- don't use special snowflake text colors, your posts gain nothing from it and you look like an attention whore (there are too many people who do this on sf)

- don't roleplay outside of a roleplay forum or post "xD wacky" shit in general, this isn't gaia online

- generally try to follow the somethingawful maxim: "Am I making a post which is either funny, informative, or interesting on any level?" for new threads, "Does my reply offer any significant advice or help contribute to the conversation in any fashion?" for replies

Hope That Helps :):

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- don't use special snowflake text colors, your posts gain nothing from it and you look like an attention whore (there are too many people who do this on sf)

I am sorry that my blue bothers you~

But whether it makes me look like an attention whore or not is not something that I will not worry about because I know which one is true. People who immediately come to that conclusion are probably people I would not enjoy getting to know x3

Edited by Freohr Datia
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yeah this is exactly what i meant by "a lot of posts in this thread would be a good place to start imho"

since it's relevant, guide to posting on the internet without seeming like an insufferable shitposter

- don't use memes just for the sake of using memes like the asshole four posts above me

- don't use special snowflake text colors, your posts gain nothing from it and you look like an attention whore (there are too many people who do this on sf)

- don't roleplay outside of a roleplay forum or post "xD wacky" shit in general, this isn't gaia online

- generally try to follow the somethingawful maxim: "Am I making a post which is either funny, informative, or interesting on any level?" for new threads, "Does my reply offer any significant advice or help contribute to the conversation in any fashion?" for replies

Hope That Helps :):

BTW the asshole 4 posts above you would be night :P

xD whacky!!!

SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH Mouse gets hit for 308 damage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mouse becomes tame.

Edited by Mouse
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Prims I'm operating on the assumption that you're serious about telling people what to do and aren't just looking to own tryhards okay cool the risk has been taken

it's pretty tough for people to hear you if you introduce yourself by rattling off a list of grievances. Blacken had to be really fucking persistent. To get the change it's my understanding that you want, I think you'd have to convince people that you deserve to be heard out, that you know what you're talking about, and that your advice is worth the trouble of following even if people have to consciously change to do so. Or by serving up an outsize serving of shame, but I'd think that requires that people be receptive to that approach (not everybody is) and enough leverage that you aren't just dismissed (not as easy to actually cultivate as it is to say).

Adding to the complication of actually trying to change ftff (man does that ever sound self-absorbed to actually type out), the whole section of the forum is expressly dedicated to posting whatever. Telling people that "whatever" doesn't actually mean "whatever they feel like," where at this point topics are free enough to have complete subject changes welcomed with open arms, is, I think, a hard sell. That going at least as much for the people running it as for the people using it as a means of communication. It seems more straightforward to post what you think deserves to be posted, in the way it deserves to be posted, and see if it strikes a chord with anybody.It could mean many things if it gets no traction, but one of the easier conclusions to draw would be that you wouldn't immediately see the kind of conversation you'd like to see even if it was the only thing allowed. At least not from the people doing most of the current posting.

Further, it's an entirely different matter, if not often much, much easier, to analyze what's wrong with something, than it is to create something and see it succeed. I don't think this is contrary to what you say, but it's a lot easier to be brushed off if somebody can just respond, "And who are you supposed to be?"

It's also easy to immediately turn a lot of people off by implying in any way that they should follow an example of Something Awful's. Different posting standards aside, the first thing to come to mind is "what, those douchebags who think paying to join a forum makes the experience any better?" Even if SA has any number of easily arguable virtues, and even if its workings have nothing to do with your point, it's just really hard to bring into a conversation as legit support without things spiraling out in unnecessary directions.

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Prims I'm operating on the assumption that you're serious about telling people what to do and aren't just looking to own tryhards okay cool the risk has been taken

Heehee I figured it was the latter, but also aiming to tell people they're horrible and why at the same time~

But as for the rest yes Rehab you made a good post as usual ^~^

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