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Level 21 promotions


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The best thing would be for someone to look into what makes the trainees promote in FE8, but other than that, at the current moment, it's not possible without ASM hacking.

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how DO the trainees promote the way they do? because I'm really interested in making a more custom gameplay where the main character starts as a civilian(added a standing animation) and can choose between THREE classes at the beginning rather than two

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As I said before, it's not currently known. Hacking FE8 is venturing into uncharted waters and what you'd be looking at would take Serenes Emblem-level hacking at least.

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Yes it is possible

But no, not really with an event.

I'm actually kind of interested in making a hack that does this, but I don't know when I'll get to it, if at all, and if I did, it wouldn't be for FE8. I do think there's a code somewhere which promotes units in FE8, but not "automatically at level 21".

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I found the code to promote units, but I'm not sure if it's at all possible that when you force a promotion whether a choice will be available.. I've been searching the hex editor for the start of the class data, but I'm not very skilled at finding hex offsets

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I was also thinking of adding a feature to name your main character and choose male or female, but I'm not sure how I'd do it yet.. I imagine the custom names would just be a repointer for the link arena team name creator, and female would probably be another promotion event where you choose male or female civilian, then go on to choose the class from there

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I'm sorry to say that I think all of the stuff you want to do would be rather difficult and require programming changes (commonly referred to as "ASM hacks"). I personally lack experience in FE8 and don't have much time to invest into these things, so I can't be of much help, but I figured I'd at least let you know that what you're trying to do is a bit... difficult. XP

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well the difficulty I don't mind, but I just don't have time for much right now, I just wanted to accomplish SOMEthing before my leave is over haha so thanks for the input and advice, I'll work on something a little simpler for the next few days... but I'm still gonna try the promotion idea..

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how DO the trainees promote the way they do? because I'm really interested in making a more custom gameplay where the main character starts as a civilian(added a standing animation) and can choose between THREE classes at the beginning rather than two

... Use Ewan/Amelia/Ross' slot for that character and edit the trainee class to your 'civilian'?

They should still promote the way they did at level 10.

I don't know about 3 classes promotions, but in Sacred Stones there was that option for the trainees if you did both Eirika and Ephraim's route in your previous saves, so the only thing to do should be editing the ASM conditions that trigger the trainees promotion choices, unlocking Super Trainees from the beginning.

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... Use Ewan/Amelia/Ross' slot for that character and edit the trainee class to your 'civilian'?

They should still promote the way they did at level 10.

I don't know about 3 classes promotions, but in Sacred Stones there was that option for the trainees if you did both Eirika and Ephraim's route in your previous saves, so the only thing to do should be editing the ASM conditions that trigger the trainees promotion choices, unlocking Super Trainees from the beginning.

or provide a save with both routes done

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making a character promote ate level 21 would just involve taking the levelup routine and having it branch exchange to the promotion routine if the character is level 21

(no this is not nearly as easy as it sounds)

as for making it a choice that's serenes emblem-level asm, you'd have to program the entire menu and choices from scratch pretty much if you wanted it in fe7 (in fe8 you could just find the asm for that and alter it)

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[technical speak incoming]

if you could find the asmc offset where eliwood/hector is promoted (i don't remember where it is offhand) you could just follow that (i have doc on it somewhere that lists all the bl's called) to find which routine is the promo routine

from there you could hijack the level routine and tack

// C ver
if (!_unit._class._isPromoted) goto promoRoutine(_unit);


@ asm ver
   @ [insert ldrb's and whatever to get the 'promoted' byte from class data]
   cmp     r0, #0x1       @ or whatever
   beq     RETURN
   @ [insert setting up params and what not]
   bl      asm_promoRout  @ which you can find out through methods you probably already know

   pop     {r0}           
   bx      r0             @ you know what this does and how to change it to your needs

to the end

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