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So I'm back in school for the first time in almost 2 years


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And I feel older than everyone. I'm only 19, but everyone around me looks like little kids. Sure, I'm a bit behind with only 42 credits, but still man I remember when I was a freshman a couple years back everyone was 18-20 and looked the part. Now I'm here and I see all these 17-18 year olds and they look like they're 16 and are even shorter than me.

TL;DR: I feel like an old man lol

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Helios, I think I can feel you here. When I'm with my friends in school, I'm actually wondering if we're the same age at all or not because of the way they act.

I can give examples of some if the horrible things that they can suddenly and randomly just decide to do, if you like.

Edited by MancerNecro
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Do you mean you just had your first day of school!?

I'm SO proud of you!


I just started Law School last August; I graduated from College in '08. I visited the main campus that semester and ran into freshmen. They're so -tiny- and -adorable- omg.

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And I feel older than everyone. I'm only 19,but everyone around me looks like little kids. Sure, I'm a bit behind with only 42 credits, but still man I remember when I was a freshman a couple years back everyone was 18-20 and looked the part. Now I'm here and I see all these 17-18 year olds and they look like they're 16 and are even shorter than me.

TL;DR: I feel like an old man lol

Until you have a 5 year old at age 19, like me, you ain't old

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Honestly I feel that way and I didn't miss any years of school. Maturity speaking, the people in the class below me are much more immature; two classes below? I honestly don't associate with enough to make a judgement.

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Hmm, so it's high school and not college? I'll pretend I'm resisting the urge to say that's interesting. I dunno. Seems unfair I would have a HS degree and you would not -> the story of educational systems. Of course, people who are 19 generally seem adorabuu to old man me.

Either way, good luck, I hope you get something out of it and enjoy the experience!

Edited by Mouse
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Don't know if you're trolling or not but I'm actually supposed to be a third year in university, but was out of school for 3 semesters and only have 42 credits (or 3 semesters).

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Don't know if you're trolling or not but I'm actually supposed to be a third year in university, but was out of school for 3 semesters and only have 42 credits (or 3 semesters).

Not trolling. 19 is fairly young for university here, don't know what country you're in, or a lot about your education history, etc, but I assumed you were in a college-like setting since you had a count of your credits. Then I read melon's comment and felt a little bit more confused.

I've included a spiel on the high school/college timeline that people often "normally" go by in the US, if you've never gotten it before, go ahead! This is not trolling, it is just typing up silly information pointlessly and possibly even inarticulately or inaccurately.

Generally, students in the US, if they graduate high school "on time," spend 4 years of their life in high school: grades 9-12. Occasionally, grade 8 may be included in a high school, or grade 9 may not be, other stuff like that.

People usually graduate from grade 12 - senior year of HS - when they are 18, or shortly before their 18th birthday, and while gap years are popular in many circles, their freshman year of college - if "sought out" immediately - will be spend during the time in which they are 18 or 19 years old.

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I live and go to school in the US. I actually just skipped a grade though, and since my birthday is in the summer I've just always been the youngest kid wherever I went to school. The only other time I've actually felt super older than everyone was when I was a senior in high school and I'd see my little brother who was a freshman and all his little friends.

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Helios, I think I can feel you here. When I'm with my friends in school, I'm actually wondering if we're the same age at all or not because of the way they act.

I can give examples of some if the horrible things that they can suddenly and randomly just decide to do, if you like.

Haha I remember Marth telling me the same kind of thing.

If you'd like to share I'm willing to listen.

Until you have a 5 year old at age 19, like me, you ain't old

He came as a package deal though doesn't count jk your son is going to be a G

Honestly I feel that way and I didn't miss any years of school. Maturity speaking, the people in the class below me are much more immature; two classes below? I honestly don't associate with enough to make a judgement.

That's too bad. I've been blessed with a lot of great friends both RL and online, and though all of them have their flaws, they're all pretty cool people. I met some other guys and gals today who were underclassmen (and it felt really obvious to me before they told me they were based off their actions) but they were pretty nice people.

Also you'd really like my Speech prof. He was a playwright/director for a theater he made in San Diego, and he's one hell of a public speaker haha. One of those underclassmen guys was a theater major and was just amazed at how good the prof was.

My jealous hate for you is like an undying Sun now.


But it's actually just mad love and respect because we're bros lowkey

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One of the weirder things they did was to suddenly jump out and and do push ups in the middle of the class, just at a point where my teacher was extremely angry.

Another of my friends randomly did headstands and handstands in class and tossed chairs around like some kind of clown.

I know a female in class who picks fights and arguments with all the teacher that taught her (she's a student councillor as well). She complains of not having time to do homework when she spends all her time, including staying up till 4-5am playing games.

They caused so many teachers to flip out, it's not even funny.

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Haha I remember doing some pretty stupid stuff with my friends in high school. Like one time a friend of mine and I just started doing yoga in the middle of class, and when the teacher kicked us out we went outside and started doing yoga in front of the window of the classroom, so that way all our classmates saw us but the teacher didn't notice.

We also created a game called the "Spanish Inquisition" which went from putting plastic spoons into students' and teachers' hoods and back pants pockets without them noticing. It spread all around the school and became a big thing.

A friend of mine and I used to have pokemon battles in class and at lunch which was pretty fun. Everyone claims to be "too old for pokemon" but when they saw us battling they hyped it up so much.

I also started the Tetris movement at our school where tl;dr I put Tetris on everyone's graphing calculators and we all started playing it in class. I had the high score from freshman to one month before senior year ended, and someone beat my high score by like 100. I wasn't sure how he got it because I swear the calculator can't even process the buttons being pressed fast enough once you get to like 45000.

Just a couple funny things some friends and I did when were in high school. Just gotta have fun man those are the easy years of life.

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Haha I remember doing some pretty stupid stuff with my friends in high school. Like one time a friend of mine and I just started doing yoga in the middle of class, and when the teacher kicked us out we went outside and started doing yoga in front of the window of the classroom, so that way all our classmates saw us but the teacher didn't notice.

We also created a game called the "Spanish Inquisition" which went from putting plastic spoons into students' and teachers' hoods and back pants pockets without them noticing. It spread all around the school and became a big thing.

it might be a sign of my tiredness how brilliant these strike me as being

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I also started the Tetris movement at our school where tl;dr I put Tetris on everyone's graphing calculators and we all started playing it in class. I had the high score from freshman to one month before senior year ended, and someone beat my high score by like 100. I wasn't sure how he got it because I swear the calculator can't even process the buttons being pressed fast enough once you get to like 45000.

The tetris movement. How can I keep from singing.

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