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Pokemon X and Y


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Then why Patrat...?! I'd much rather have Rattata... Sentret... or Zigzagoon; but not Bidoof. Please, not Bidoof. I hate Bidoof. :(

Actually~ I take that back. Bidoof is better than than the rest... it makes an excellent HM slave. XD (Although Zigzagoon does that just as well... while looking better.)

Edit: @RayDavid99

Haha... Same here!

Hm, I wonder if it'll be on the eShop...

Actually, I don't. It's going to be on the eShop. It is Pokemon, after all.

They're probably still testing things out, using only existing Pokemon, or just not showing them off.

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For whoever thinks that it's too early for the sixth gen...

2004 - Ruby

2007 - Diamond

2010/2011 - White

2013 - XXX X and Y

Where's the problem?

Anyway, am I the only one who thinks that the overworld looks awful for 3DS graphics?

The battle animations are cool, but the overworld (when you move around your character)?

They could do A LOT better, and I hope they'll polish things up for when the game is released.

Worldwide launch is a good thing.

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Another set is coming out? Great!

I feel as though I'm falling behind. I still haven't finished platinum version or white version and I have yet to obtain a copy of white/black 2.

Looking at the starters, I don't know which one I'll pick. In the other gens the choice was always so easy for me (charmander/totodile/treecko/omgiforgotwhoichoseingen4/oshawatt)

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The overworld in Pokemon usually doesn't look stunning. Notable exceptions being Ho-oh and Lugia's chambers in HGSS, Peak of Mt. Coronet in Plat, N's Castle, and White 2's Reversal Mountain.

This is not an excuse for making a below-average overworld quality for the sixth generation.

Overworlds in Diamond/Pearl, Black/White were in the average quality of the DS, even though there were better games at it.

Overworld in X/Y is awful for the 3DS. It seems like it could almost run on a normal DS. I'm a bit disappointed.

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I am f**king EXCITED for this one! Pokemon X and Y look amazing on the 3DS to me! Finally, we have an extremely ambitious game that uses full 3D battle models for the Pokemon, and a full 3D overworld and character. It doesn't get better than this!

I think I feel the same way as everyone else about the starters, and that's "they look ok." Sure, I'll probably decide on which one I'll get as soon as I see their evolutions, but Fennekin and Froakie don't look too bad. We'll see what happens when more information is revealed about them down the line.

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But what I (and everyone else, don't deny it) really want are NEW EEVEE EVOLUTIONS. GIMME GIMME GIMME.

Don't tell me what I want. Leafeon is all I need.

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>Worldwide Release


Not really too sure what Chespin is, but Fennekin and Froakie are adorable. Plus Fennekin doesn't look like it could evolve into a Fire/Fighting type. :P

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Yeah, the last thing I want are more of those damn things. They focus on Eevee way too much already.

Eevee only gets its evolutions every two generations, so it's about time. I want a ghost/flying/rock type evolution. I wonder what subtypes the starters are going to have.

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Eevee only gets its evolutions every two generations, so it's about time. I want a ghost/flying/rock type evolution. I wonder what subtypes the starters are going to have.

If Eevee were to get new evolutions this Gen, my guess is Dragon. Not much of a reason other than I'm in the bandwagon of ''Eevee's been getting the types that used to be Special pre-GenIV'', with Dragon is the only one left. But eh... *shrugs*

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>Worldwide Release


Not really too sure what Chespin is, but Fennekin and Froakie are adorable. Plus Fennekin doesn't look like it could evolve into a Fire/Fighting type. :P

I'm honestly hoping that Fennekin does end up a Fire/Fighting type.

I'm just hoping because the uproar would be delisciously hilarious. And I just noticed Fennekin isn't an animal from the Chinese Zodiac, unless you want to get technical about canines.

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