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Localized Names

Elinor Cross

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...but for what's relevant to this translation, she doesn't have a name. This quote is the false part of the statement.

If her English name is Serena then it won't be because it was changed since that was her original name

Am I making sense?

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If her English name is Serena then it won't be because it was changed since that was her original name

Am I making sense?

You're making sense, but you're still missing the point.

Her "original name" should have no bearing here, and it really doesn't exist. There's a set of (hilariously limited) katakana that the translators should consult but her name isn't Serena yet. My money is on a translation to Serena and I'm hoping deep in my heart for a translation to Serena but her name *isn't* Serena.

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I'm not saying her English name is Serena, I'm saying her Japanese name is Serena, and *IF* her English name does end up being Serena then it wouldn't be because they changed it from her Japanese name, it would be the same as her Japanese name. I'm also not saying that her English name has to be the same as, or even based on, her Japanese name, (I'm one of the few people here who likes Ylisse), I was trying to point out that the two "Selenas" already have different names (Serena (Jp)/Whatever it ends up being (Eng), Celina (Jp)/Selena (Eng).

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I can't wait until Sigurd is localized as Zigludo and all hell breaks loose.

Considering that Altea, Medeus, and Alm kept their names, I think that the localizations on this website are probably pretty safe. What this means is that I highly doubt that Celica, Sigurd, or Serlis will be altered. I'd say the real wild-card among the lords would be Leaf - he'll probably keep his name, but it's not impossible they might swap it to Leif to match Sigurd's Nordic theme.

That said, the spotpass teams - should they choose to keep them - will definitely be one hell of a mess. If I got to change one, one I'd just love to see is Cyas -> Scias

Edited by Iridium
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Considering that Altea, Medeus, and Alm kept their names, I think that the localizations on this website are probably pretty safe. What this means is that I highly doubt that Celica, Sigurd, or Serlis will be altered. I'd say the real wild-card among the lords would be Leaf - he'll probably keep his name, but it's not impossible they might swap it to Leif to match Sigurd's Nordic theme.

That said, the spotpass teams - should they choose to keep them - will definitely be one hell of a mess. If I got to change one, one I'd just love to see is Cyas -> Scias

Huh. Could have sworn there was an official source that referred to Sigurd as "Zigludo". Guess it wasn't that one.

I do hope Julius and Julia are localized as such. I've always thought that Yurius and Yuria are way too literal, specially since Julius is supposed to reference Julius Caesar.

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Huh. Could have sworn there was an official source that referred to Sigurd as "Zigludo". Guess it wasn't that one.

Nintendo Power, in days of old, did call him that once. However, Serlis is the only name from there that's constant with literally any other source.

Incidentally, that same source calls Zigludo's game "The Descent of Jihad." I don't think this name would fly nowadays, even if it was official.

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Nintendo Power, in days of old, did call him that once. However, Serlis is the only name from there that's constant with literally any other source.

Incidentally, that same source calls Zigludo's game "The Descent of Jihad." I don't think this name would fly nowadays, even if it was official.

Possibly, they realized that Ziguldo, was silly and fixed it... 'The Descent of Jihad' sounds like a shoddy google translation... hold on...

*google translate in progress*


I don't mean to be "that guy", but I really hope a magic trick happens and Celice's name stays like that, unlikely though it is, I've already accepted it, but... that's... it...

That aside, the name I'm curious to see, is Eltshan(Eltoshan, however it is), how are they gonna handle that unpronounceable name?

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I was happy about Morgan's name. Female Mark just makes me scratch my head lol

However, if Gaia's name changes to Guire/Guile, I'm okay with that. If it changes to Gaius, forever in my team due to the Tales reference right off the back. Too bad he can't do any Hadou Meppu

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Uh, Eltshan is easy to pronounce. So's Eltoshan.

...whoops you're right, in retrospect the pronunciation wasn't the issue for me

rather, which one of those was his name... exactly?

I can tell that, as far as Skasaher goes, it'll prolly be changed to Scathatch, like from the Irish myth... dunno why, but I feel it.....

Or not...

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Since both were named "Mark" in the Japanese version, it's safe to say that Morgan will apply to both the Avatar's son/daughter. Morgan is a gender neutral name.

Edited by Leif
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Since both were named "Mark" in the Japanese version, it's same to say that Morgan will apply to both the Avatar's son/daughter. Morgan is a gender neutral name.

I guess that's true. Changing the name across genders would be a little odd. Though, I was thinking that they might want to keep the FE7 reference (though the Lyn DLC makes it less of any kind of actual reference) somewhere and just thought that Marc didn't fit a female character.

I'd prefer it if they had them both as Morgan though.

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Ugh, it's so stupid how people are complaining about the name "Sully" reminding them of Monsters, Inc. when it was around long before that. It doesn't even have the same spelling. Hell, I've never heard anyone say that Monsters, Inc. ruined Uncharted for them.

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So tonight I've become involved in a small argument where I'm apparently a fool for even considering that, despite my personal dislike of the name, there is a very real possibility that the protagonist of FE4 might officially be localized as Serlis as per an official website's history section.

It occurs to me that, three weeks from now, he, Leaf, Sigurd, Finn, Othin, Wolt, Katarina, and Celica's names will all make their English-language debut within games. I'm tempted to get the popcorn, alcohol, and lurker goggles ready, because I've got a feeling that this is definitely going to be something I want to watch. These tears are going to be delicious. (Celice, Leaf, Othin, and Wolt are probably the only ones who are at-risk, though.)

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Leaf may become Leif, Wolt may become Walt, just my guess.

I'm thinking that Sigurd might become Siegfried, Finn might drop an N, Katarina might become Catalina, and these could happen as well. Possibly.

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I doubt Sigurd would change since Sigurd is a fine Norse myth reference in itself, and FE4 was basically a big pile of Norse and Celtic references thrown together when it came to naming. There's no reason to change it to Siegfried at all unless they want to randomly throw in a Germanic reference for some reasons.

As long as it's something that makes sense and not some weird bs like Zigludo I'll be okay though.

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Isn't it a little presumptuous overall to assume we're getting all the DLC? I'd think it'd be possible that they only throw out DLC pertaining to FE7-11.

I wouldn't like it, but it's there unless somebody's actually heard that the DLC that's getting translated is all of it.

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But what about the skills and stuff from the DLC that hasn't got to do with FE1-FE6? Like the Paragon Manual or the Demon Fighter Scroll? Arum and Celice didn't make it outside Japan, after all.

Or how about the new DLC, the ones created for Awakening? Like Infinite Divine Weapons and the Strongest One's Name? Those are supposed to be new, so they'll come out, but what about Eltshan and Katarina? Will they be the rewards? Or will they change them?

I think it'd be easier to just translate the Japanese DLC and throw them out there, even if people don't know who the heck Katarina or Leaf or Arum is. A lot of people probably won't even know Micaiah, Elincia, Ephraim, or Eirika if Awakening's their first FE game, which it will be for a lot of people.

To give everything Japan got without introducing those unknown characters would require making new maps... which I deem highly unlikely. (<- I thought that about that FE13 3DS, but hey, it's coming to North America. I was wrong.)

Either that or NoA won't give them at all... which I hope never, never happens...

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