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Localized Names

Elinor Cross

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It's French so I would say Pan.

Yes that's right, Pan as in Frying Pan.

That was my first guess, actually

So, it's likely, Pan-Nay, probably meaning you'll say 'penny' with a Jersey accent

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Panne sounds exactly like Pan as in Pan's Labyrinth so I'm fine with it.

All the names are good, guys. I actually hated a few of the originals anyway. Soiree was stupid. "Oh look, I named my child "party"!" Sort/Sol was... eh. Velvet was too obvious for me. Donny/Liz were far too comtemporary for my liking. The only one I have an issue with would be Cherche and that's only because it seems very difficult for the uneducated like myself to figure out how to pronounce. But, seeing as we have voice acting I don't think pronunciation will be a problem now. Didn't mind Callum but Kellam has a more fantasy-feel to it. Say'ri is fine, it just emphasises the foreign feel and gives the characters a bit of a naming convention.

We've already heard from Reggie that Ylisse is pronounce like the first part of "illicit" and we've got voice acting as well. Shepherds and Risen are also genius concoctions by Treehouse. Actually, Shepherds and Morgan are like the best best moves in existence.

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It's French so I would say Pan.

Yes that's right, Pan as in Frying Pan.

Having taken french for three years, this is the correct pronunciation for "Panne". I would say "Pan" with more of a silent "n" if I were to say it out loud, however.

Edited by Leif
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What if it's "loo-chee-nuh"? (Which, considering the name origin, wouldn't be too surprising, personally.)

I hope this is what they do because its the only one that makes sense lol

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I don't really care much for most names. But I'm definitely glad that they changed Mark to Morgan since I would prefer not to be reminded of FE7 and it's attitude towards genocide. I hope NoE will have this change as well.

Stahl is somewhat awkward but the German translators usually change names like that anyway. For example they changed Duessel to Duennel, Haar to Darahan and Mist to Alja. And they renamed all the replacements characters by simply translating them into Japanese. So I assume that they will do so here as well.

Amd I hope that NoA stood consistent with their Radiant Dawn translation and keep Shamans named as Light Priests. :lol:

Edited by BrightBow
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Soo have they released all the new names somewhere or are you all refrencing their facebook?

There's some preview pictures flying around with a list of some characters, in conjunction with the Facebook stuff and all that too.

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When I learned that Chrom's name stayed the same, I was so happy, I could jump for joy. I also happy Lucina kept her name.

Mark to Morgan is pretty awesome, reminds me of Morgan Freeman.

Some localized names made me go "What? Why?" Like Serge to Cherche, Sol to Stahl, Ronku to Lon'qu,

Fauder to Validar

Iris to Ylisse and finally Perezia to Plegia.

I've come to accept those localization's, although I was hoping they would stay as they were.

All in all, I'm liking the localization's thus far.

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Considering Cherche looks like a Japanese fetish-take on a French maid, I think her new name fits. Personally I don't see why everyone is so up in arms over anything. Fire Emblem has a long history of significantly altering character's names from the Japanese releases to the English versions. Look up some of the names from PoR or RD and you'll see what I mean (I'm sure some of you already know this, I'm not trying to sound patronizing). Here are a few of my favorite changes:

Aran was originally Brad

Soren was Senerio

Bastian was Ulysses

Titania was Tiamat

Astrid was Stella

Ilyana was Elaice

Rhys was Kilroy

Stefan was Sōnbaruk

So yeah, some of the names changes will throw us for a loop, but at least we can take comfort in this not being a new change in NoA's naming schemes.

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Definition of PANNE


: a silk or rayon velvet with lustrous pile flattened in one direction —called also panne velvet


: a heavy silk or rayon satin with high luster and waxy smoothness

Origin of PANNE

French, from Old French penne, panne fur used for lining, from Latin pinna feather, wing — more at pen

First Known Use: circa 1794

noa you're so clever

.... And to think, I thought NOA pulled a random name out of their Hammerspace and said, "this is great name!" Wow. That's... dang.

...I must be a weird person to have wanted Mark just for the reference. But Morgan is a gender-neutral name, like Robin, so that fits much better.

I expected "Sort" because of the whole theme naming, but Stahl's fine with me.

Cherche is a French word, to my knowledge. I couldn't help but think of Chrono Cross when I saw Serge for her Japanese name.

Now that I think on it, what're they gonna do for n_n?

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Nn's name is supposed to be borderline incomprehensible but they can't leave it as is, maybe Un?

Jerome, Serena and Cynthia are fine the way they are

They might change Laurent to Lawrence, Bredy to Brady, Chambray to Cambric and Degel to Desiree or summat

Don't know what they'll do with Eudes, Azur and Noir

Licht to Richter

Mariabell will probably stay the same

Guire will either stay the same or become Guile

I hope Tiamo stays the same

Grego will either stay the same, become Greg or Gregory

I think Nono will stay the same (Manaketes get weird names)

Not sure what they'll do with Riviera

Sallya will probably stay the same

Olivie will be Olivia

Henri might stay the same or become Henry, or they might try to give him something that looks a bit more exotic

They kept Flavia so they'll probably keep Basilio

I think they might change Gangrel to Gangleri

Lenha will probably become Len'ha

Don't what they'll do with Inverse, I hope they keep it though

Valhalt to Valhart

Paris will either stay or be changed to something manlier

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Is there any reason why they can't just leave her name as it is, though? Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't really see a reason to change it to a different name that doesn't make sense when we've got a perfectly good senseless name already.

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Actually I think they might change Brady to maybe Bradley, like the fuhrer in FMA. And I think they might Change Serena since we already have a Selena. Richt's name is what I'm most curious about to see what they do. His name can be read as Richt, Licht, or even Lihto (Lee-toe).

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Is there any reason why they can't just leave her name as it is, though? Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't really see a reason to change it to a different name that doesn't make sense when we've got a perfectly good senseless name already.

Besides the lack of vowels?

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Guire will either stay the same or become Guile

Well, there is only one solution with this name...i will listen

every time he's gonna be out.

I've already resolved that if Gaia does become "Guire" or "Guile", I will be playing Guile's Theme on the LP every single time he Lethalities.

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I've already resolved that if Gaia does become "Guire" or "Guile", I will be playing Guile's Theme on the LP every single time he Lethalities.

"Go home and cultivate an S support!"

I can live with that.

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