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Void Mafia - Game Over


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Cohosted by Kaoz


If you break a conduct rule, you die and lose. If you try to break one of these rules to give your faction an advantage or to otherwise screw up the game, I will go out of my way to make sure it doesn't work.

[spoiler=Conduct Rules]1. This is an OC game. This means you can talk to whoever you want whenever you want about whatever you want unless I say otherwise.

2. If you are dead, you may only talk to other members of your informed faction, and even then only for strategy purposes. Knowledge may not be transferred from a dead player to a living player.

2.1 Don't talk to dead people about the game, even if you're also dead.

3. Don't quote anything I tell you in private unless I tell you otherwise.

3.1 The only exceptions to this rule are item descriptions and win conditions.

3.2 You aren't allowed to talk about your character at all. This is because character names will likely be appearing in updates and I don't want another Disgaea Mafia. This means no "Add up the value of the letters of X" or "Tell me if your character appeared in the last update" or any of that. I am including this rule because I actually like writing flavor heavy updates but not if it means that I'm playing the game for the town. If you are struggling with paraphrasing your role or other night result to other people without breaking this rule, I can provide a summary of your role for you.

4. Do not share screenshots or encourage others to share screenshots. Technically you can take a screenshot if you want posterity of something (as editing is allowed), but you can't share that screenshot with anyone but the hosts until postgame.

5. Play to win, but don't make the game less enjoyable for others.

Gameplay mechanics are things that aren't really possible to break, but are here to explain how the game works. Check this if you aren't sure how to do something, and then ask me if you're still confused.

[spoiler=Gameplay Mechanics]1. Inspection results are not guaranteed to be accurate.

2. Vote with ##VERB: USER. If you intend to remove your vote, you should post ##Unvote. I only really care about the ## tags and the username, because it makes it easy for me to count up votals.

3. Death may not be forever, NUDGE NUDGE WINK WINK.

4. Vote ties will result in no lynch.

5. Be active and talkative. The town will almost certainly lose if they don't use OC to their advantage. If you want to idle your ability for whatever reason, say so in your role PM or I will have to assume you are inactive.

6. There are exactly 19 players in this game. The list of players is 100% complete. In other words, there are no hidden players.

7. Days last 60 hours and Nights last 36. If a phase ends early for some reason, you'll get an extension in the following phase equal to the leftover time in the previous phase up to a maximum of 24 hours.

7.1 Days end early if all actions are in and a majority as determined by me is reached.

7.2 Nights end early if all actions are in.

8. You can't target yourself.

9. You can target the dead but I can't guarantee anything will happen.

10. This game starts on Night 0. During Night 0, there are no kills, but everything else is fair game.

11. There are items in this game. Some items have passive effects and others are active. Actives items will have their commands in their description.

11a. Items can be passed at night along with other night actions, which is done with the command "Night X - Pass ITEM to USER." Passing items has the lowest priority in the game.

11b. If a player is killed, the killer will get the item. If they are lynched, a random member of their wagon gets it.

11c. You cannot use an item and pass it on the same night.

11d. If you have multiple active items for some reason, you can only use one of them.

12. If your role PM contradicts any of these rules, your role PM is right. There are still no hidden players though.

Here is a list of known factions in this game. There might be more.

[spoiler=Known Factions]The Citizens of Antioch, aka the town, made up of the terrified locals of Antioch that wish for nothing more than for these nightmares to just go away. You are loyal to the royal family and their knights, who have protected you for these past years and have made great efforts to keep the peace. You have no doubt they will continue to do their best against this new threat as well.

The Werewolves, aka the mafia, a pack that wishes to exert its dominance over the people of Antioch, and would certainly like this Void that's infringing on their turf to leave as well. It is very difficult to track them down as it seems impossible to determine the difference between a human and werewolf short of seeing them actually become a wolf. However, dead werewolves are fairly obvious, as once dead they revert to their lupine forms. As a result, it is not uncommon to see suspects brutally killed.

The Void, aka the cult, a mysterious entity that seems to be possessing denizens of the city and using them as puppets towards some enigmatic end. Rumors say that people who go too close to the rift become changed, as though they were replaced by a doppelganger who acts and looks just like them, but now has some sort of ulterior motive... But that's ridiculous, right?



Kay - Varg, Antioch Voyeur - Lynched Day 1

Strider - Arianne, Void Hivemind - Killed Night 1

BaldrickĀ - Reyes, Antioch Item/Alliance Cop - Lynched Day 2

BBM - Fintan, Antioch VigilanteVoid Memory - Killed Night 2

Paulina - Bernard, Antioch DoctorVoid Cunning - Killed Night 2

scorri - Quinton, Antioch Universal BackupVoid Recruit - Killed Night 2

Mancer - Ciel, Antioch Trader - Lynched Day 3

Roxie - Lionel, Antioch Guard - Killed Night 3

Deliriyum - Ridley, Antioch Vanilla - Lynched Day 4

Shinori - Isabel, Antioch Beloved Princess - Killed Night 4

13theclipse - Mila, Antioch Tracker - Killed Night 5

Rapier - Gerry, Antioch Vanilla - Lynched Day 6

SB - Zita, Antioch Vanilla - Killed Night 6

Sho - Orrell, Antioch Vanilla - Lynched Day 7

Bluedoom - Katrina, Antioch Vanilla - Killed Night 7

Loocy - Desmond, Antioch Kidnapper - Killed Night 8

CT075 - Todd, Antioch Vanilla - Endgamed


Elieson - Ezekiel, Magus - Won Night 2

Helios - Sullivan, Werewolf - Won Night 8

Potential Subs (in no order):






Role PMs are going out, don't talk til all PMs are out.

Edited by Paperblade
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Okay, all PMs should be out.

Also, to clear up any confusion: If you have a quoted bit of text at the bottom of your role PM below the win condition, that's an item.

Town win condition:

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.

[spoiler=N0 Flavor]Two nights ago, in the ghettos of Antioch, an inventor by the name of Ezekiel was in his laboratory, working on a machine. Not just any device, but one that would allow the visiting of other worlds. It was his magnum opus, and the product of years of research. Accompanying him was a girl, perhaps in her late teens. Normally, Ezekiel did not take apprentices, but she was the daughter of one of his closest friends. Besides, she was quite talented at this whole business. On that fateful night, they succeeded in their attempts.

Unfortunately, the universe is not a welcoming place to prying eyes. No sooner than did his invention begin to work, than did a rift appear in the office, consuming everything it touched, his apprentice and most of his research included. Ezekiel fled for his life, and the rift expanded, taking most of the nearby neighborhood.

By sunrise, it a fourth of the city was covered by the rift, which seemed to lead to an empty world if its appearance was a clue. A state of emergency was declared by the crown prince, who, in lieu of his father's illness, took lead of the knights, and began to sought out a solution to this problem.

Ezekiel, however, was nowhere to be seen.

Also, I'm reposting this rule because it's important.

3.2 You aren't allowed to talk about your character at all. This is because character names will likely be appearing in updates and I don't want another Disgaea Mafia. This means no "Add up the value of the letters of X" or "Tell me if your character appeared in the last update" or any of that. I am including this rule because I actually like writing flavor heavy updates but not if it means that I'm playing the game for the town. If you are struggling with paraphrasing your role or other night result to other people without breaking this rule, I can provide a summary of your role for you.

It is now Night 0. Night 0 ends in 36 hours at 10:30AM GMT-8 on Sunday, January 13.

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Hi guys.

If you guys want to get in contact with me, you would be able to on Skype. Or you can PM me for it.

I'm MancerNecro or thegreatestnecromancer@hotmail.com on Skype I think.

Tell me if you can't get me.

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Chat nicks for me are Lucina, Lucy or Loocy. My skype username is also provided on my SF profile page if you want to contact me that way. If I'm on the computer, I pretty much always have skype open so that's the fastest way to contact me if you really need to.

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Skype name is zanypaulie.

And I'm derping in irc as Xinnidy if you don't know that's my previous name.

I apparently was so hype about starting a mafia game I forgot to put contact info in here and wondered how people I have as old contacts talked to some of you, go me. \o/

I blame doofus.

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Hi all.

Skype is Elieson. With the period at the end.

I'll hop on IRC if you PM me. I have my phone on all the time and you all know I check it every 10 minutes.

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Okay so I'm sleeping and I might not be around much tomorrow because I have a lot of homework to do and then I'm visiting some family friends, so yeah. If I haven't spoken to you yet, you're a terrible person who should hang out on Skype and IRC on times that are convenient to me and not you.

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Guys, if you contact me and find that I have not replied for a while, it's likely because I'm doing my homework or something. I'm juggling a few hours of mafia with an hour or two of homework (I spend more time on mafia than homework even though I'm not supposed to).

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skypename is camtech075, if i'm on just ping me and i'll respond if i'm not doing anything else

the other surefire way to get me is to PM me on SF, since i'm rarely on irc these days

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