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Void Mafia - Game Over


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[17:49:27] SB: what is rapier doing

[17:56:19] Sho: ?

[17:57:04] Sho: I have no god damn idea

[17:57:35] Sho: can we lynch him?

[17:57:41] Sho: oportunist/10

[17:57:59] Sho: also fuck yeah

[17:58:07] Sho: my duelist rank is now 6969

[17:58:46] SB: I think we probably can

[17:58:57] Sho: weee

[17:59:15] SB: we'll test your theory then i guess

##Vote: Rapier

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I can work with this as well.

##Vote Rapier

@Marth: If your case on me is that Elie mistook a role that has something to do with the dead as a coroner N0, you're getting really desperate. If you recall back in N0, I even didn't understand my role completely because it's a role I've never had before and I wasn't really sure what to call it. I cleared things up later with Elie though. I trusted him because he told me he was a third party that had to fight the cult and that he was willing to help the town out, so I figured he was pretty trustworthy.

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How the hell are you supposed to know that Xinn used his role or not? Especially when he had idled the phases before? And I've been inactive because I think no one will lynch me that way? Didn't Core and Kay get lynched partially for being inactive (and Kay predominantly)? Sounds like a great idea to keep myself alive longer. It's not like suspicion will wrongfully mount on me or anything like right now...right? And how is it my fault that the main people I talked to ended up dying or leaving the game? Why would Sho kill Rein or Rein cult Sho if they were already so close, so why would I kill the only people I talked to on a regular basis about the game? Again, if you're going to use logic one way, don't switch it up to make things convenient for you.

How do you know this?

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Rapier was lynched.

Dear Rapier,

You are Gerry. You are a priest of the local church. You have spent a lot of time praying to the gods about the werewolf threat. Even despite the sudden appearance of this new otherworldly threat, your faith has not been shaken.

But not even your faith makes you immune to the Void. In fact, you don't have any special abilities.

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.

Night 6 ends on Monday, February 4th at 10:30PM GMT-8.

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SB has died.

Dear Jack SBarrow,

You are Zita. You are the armsmaster for the Antioch city guard. You are very organized, as your position would imply. You are much beloved by the other members of the guard, although you aren't exactly sure if it's just because you're good at your job, or if it's due to your... generous... um, what was I talking about again? Oh, right, your role!

Just because you're easy on the eyes doesn't mean you can distract just anyone. In fact, you don't have any special abilities.

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.

Day 7 ends in 60 hours at 10:30AM GMT -8 on Thursday, February 7th.

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Sho was lynched.

Dear Sho.M.the.Tits,

You are Orrell. You are a miner working in Antioch. Your work is both extremely lethal and important. Unfortunately, it is also incredibly thankless and low paying. As a result, you spend most of your free time either drunk out of your mind or at a brothel (it would be both but they've implemented a policy against that since less sober men are more likely to hurt the girls). Needless to say, you are a dwarf.

But just because you're a dwarf doesn't give you an eye for fine wares. People who think that are pretty racist and insensitive, actually. In fact, you don't have any special abilities.

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.

It is now Night 7. Night 7 ends at 10:30PM GMT-8 on Thursday, February 7th.

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