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1 Week


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Only one week until Awakening, so, how will everyone celebrate? I have actually planned to take full advantage of my spare period next semester to get some game time in whenever I can. None of my friends have a spare then, so it will just be me and Awakening skulking in a lonely hallway of my school for an hour a day. Has anyone else set aside some time for the game? Any plans?

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I still need a 3DS and I don't even have enough for one yet and I still have to purchase FE13 and watch my studies suffer as I play the game all day and all night.


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Got a big project due on Feb 8. Since i have to wait for my 3ds bundle to arrive to my friends house, hopefully it would come after said date so I can be free from any pressure and play the crap out of the game. So hype!!! >__<

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See when a new issue of a certain comic book by IDW comes out. Pick the game up (and the comic in question if possible, and if I don't have the comic by then), put the game and comic away, then head to school.

Sometime afterwards, I might just listen to Dancing Mad when I'm up to Gangrel, and The Touch when I get the Divine Falchion. (And hopefully get the money to fix/replace my 3DS.)

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I have the 4th off so I'll walk to EB games and get my pre-ordered copy, and on the 6th I'm getting my tonsils removed so I'll have a week off with the game, so that should make the week off slightly enjoyable.

Edited by Zelos
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Play all day, everyday, with small breaks for required sustenance and waste removal, and larger breaks for restorative sleep. Downing Tylenol as needed to ease inevitable headaches.

And transcribing some supports once I've unlocked them. (Gotta do something to help out, since I've got time.)

Disclaimer: Hyperbole was NOT used in the entirety of this post.

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I honestly won't have any idea what I'll have due before, during, and after the release (since school starts for me this week), but I will make an effort to:

1. Calm the heck down before, during, and after the release mayhem.

2. Try very hard not to raid and pillage Gamestop if the bundle does not sell until the 5th (which it probably will).

3. Try very hard not to run out of my classes, screaming in pain and ecstasy that the game is here but I don't have it yet, on the 5th, when I probably won't get it till after classes.

4. Have enough constitution to unpack the gorgeous 3DS and turn on the wonderful game without fainting from the sheer glory and beauty of it all.

5. Manage to balance my school and life with the extra heavy added weight of Awakening begging to be played at all hours of the day.

.....Yeah, that'll be one helluva week.....

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Considering I depend on my dad to cross the border and pick up the game, I'm not gonna have it until the night of the 4th at best. However, that matters little when school won't start until at least one week after so I'll have all that time to play without worries to my heart's content.

In the meantime I guess I'll let the excitement/anticipation be while reading out what everybody else who gets it beforehand to write about it until I have it in my own hands.

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On the 4th, the real wait begins (Europe).

I feel sorry for you guys, I've heard that the European censors are worse than North American, you have all my good wishes.

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I silently weep and watch other people's playthroughs on youtube as my parents work on trying to find jobs while drinking away their own frustration, with the occasional banter of why I didn't get classes soon enough. Seeing as how, oh I 'unno... winter finals were taking up the majority of my focus?? And I had no idea when my registration appointment was??

And then over the next few months, I work on trying to keep myself away from Gamestop and selling my old games for spending cash, as this'll bring more fights, thus realizing that I need to worry about my needs and not my wants.

*end pity party*

Edit: And then over the next week, I play Awakening '95 (Bet you all can guess what it is. go on, take a wild guess), and take a long, long... VERY LONG and bloody vacation in Jugdral.

Edited by N.G
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I pre-ordered the game as soon as I heard about tha art book so I'm hyped! I can play my 3DS at lunch as long as I hide in a secluded area right in front of a teacher who doesn't care about the electronic's rule at my high school. I can play this after homework and stay up past my bed time playing too! And thats my schedule for the next 3+ years!

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Feb 4th is back to university, however as first week, only some jokes and the such.

Luckily, here in Brazil starting on 11st is Carnival Week.

So, only on the 18th things will get serious! Two weeks to play the game, hell yes!

Edited by Lanko
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I'll probably wake up absurdly early to start the download, go to class, then come back and hope to god it's all done.

Edited by Agro
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i will end up heading there immediately after school (or during lunch since its in walking distance and you can leave the school in lunch and study halls) and then play it endlessly staying up way to late(or not sleeping)

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'cause I am going CRAZY.

C-REY-zy decla-REY-tion that you have there.

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids to recoupe-REY-te from the dehyd-REY-tion that might occur from not being able to sit still from the agonizing wait.

The du-REY-tion of time that you still have to wait must be killing you, though.

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