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DLC Conversation/Script Thread


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Old Hubba: Oho! You're back again! What impeccable timing.

Chrom: I don't like the sound of that…

Old Hubba: No, it's good news! All the Einherjar you defeated have gathered in one place.

After you defeat them this time, I can finally seal them back into their cards!

Chrom: Wait…that actually IS good news.

Old Hubba: It is, isn't it!

…There's just one tiny little catch…

I, uh…Well, I sort of…forgot to get you allies. So both armies will be after you.

Welp, good luck then!

Chrom: *Sigh* I knew there had to be something…

Begin battle:

Ced: King Marth, enemy reinforcements have arrived in the northeast and southeast.

King Marth: How did we not see them approach?

Ced: They didn't approach, sire. Not exactly.

It seems they were summoned from another world…

King Marth: Damn…Will this land never know peace?

Ced: We are ready for them.

Our forces in the southeast castle and on the eastern plain will crush them.

King Marth: Good. Commence the attack.

We cannot stand idly be whilst they summon even more of their kind.

Camera pans over to Leif's group

Finn: Lord Leif! Enemy soldiers to the north!

Leif: The otherworldy force we were warned about, no doubt. I hear they are strong.

Still, they are no match for the famed heroes we count among our allies.

My father, Lords Seliph and Sigurd… even King Marth himself.

Finn: Don't be too humble to name yourself, my lord. But aye, our victory is assured.

Camera pans over to Chrom

Chrom: Looks like we'll have our hands full here.

Robin: I liked them better when they were on our side…

Chrom: Victory here will win peace for this Outrealm, at least.

It will be difficult, but we must prevail.

Robin: Unfortunately, the enemy armies are thinking the same thing.

…Both of them.

Chrom: I like it no better than you, but we've no other choice. Let's finish this!

After first player phase:

Leif: Lord Sigurd, King Marth's forces are taking the offensive.

Sigurd: He means to trap the enemy between us.

Leif: There is no time to lose!

Sigurd: Aye, but this is no typical foe we face. We must cling fast to caution...

Camera pans over to Prince Marth's group

Caeda: Lady Deirdre! The force that appeared up ahead is hostile. I'm certain of it!

Deirdre: Then they have come at last. Will the bloodshed never end?

Caeda: You mustn't waver now, my lady.

Let us be the strength behind your conviction.

Peace will come, in its time. Today, we must defeat the enemy before us.

Deirdre: You are right. Thank you, Lady Caeda. I will trust in your strength.

Camera pans over to Seliph:

Seliph: It was the enemy's choice to invade, and it is our duty to defend the land.

These should be simple facts, but...

[spoiler=visit north village near Prince Marth's group]

Maiden: Gods! Where did all these soldiers come from?

Things used to be so peaceful! Are you with them? Are ya?!


Take this, and then take yer scuffle somewhere else!

[spoiler=visit south village near Chrom's group]

Villager: So, uh, just between friends—

Do ye think ye'll win?

'Cause see, I bet me life's savings in gold on ya, so, er…

Well, how about I tip the scales a bit?

Take this and CRUSH them brutes!


Chrom: It's finally over, thank the gods. There were so damn many of them...

Frederick: It was no easy fight, milord. But then, what battle is?

Chrom: I hope we brought a measure of peace. The grasses here have seen enough red.

Frederick: I could not agree more.

Robin: Chrom, look what I found.

Chrom: Another card? Let's see... "Seliph, Scion of Light."

Hmm...Seliph figured prominently in the Jugdrali sagas.

Didn't he end the strife the plagued the continent for decades?

It seems we've found a real treasure.

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Okay, got my claims taken care of.


Battle- No one defies the empress and lives.

Convo w/ Cherche

Sigrun: No one defies the empress and lives.

Cherche: Oh, so just by being here, I'm expected to submit to your ruler?

Sigrun: There is one other option: you can die!

Death- Beware, Empress! They are... strong...


Battle- Whatever your motives... you must be dealt with.

Convo w/ Henry

Henry: Oh, are we fighting? Because I'm kind of powerful.

Soren: Why should I care? If you're an enemy of Ike's, you have to deal with me.

Death- I... miscalculated...


Battle- You move well. I can tell I'm going to enjoy this fight...

Convo w/ Say'ri

Mia: You move well. I can tell I'm going to enjoy this fight.

Say'ri: As will I, from the look of it. But I shall let our blades decide.

Death- Ahh... well fought...


Battle- Hmph... You're outmatched.

Convo w/ Walhart

Ashnard: You wear a bold expression, but you're outmatched.

Walhart: You are lost. But once I have broken you, I will put you on the right path.

Death- Good! How my heart quickens! We must do this... again...


Battle- Who are you? Begone from this world! I command it!

Convo w/ Emmeryn

Emmeryn: Now... you face me...

Sanaki: Why are you on a battlefield if you can barely talk?

Emmeryn: My... reasons...

Death- Nngh... I am empress and apostle! You shall pay for this affront...


Battle- You'd do better not to fight me, but I won't stop you.

Death- I've no choice. I must withdraw...


Battle- Leave or die, but don't waste any more of my time.

Convo w/ Owain

Owain: At last I have you, archenemy! See how my sword hand-

Sothe: Huh? I don't even know you, so you can skip the speeches.

Death- Agh, I have to retreat...

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[spoiler=SB1 Before Battle Script]

Old Hubba: Ah! You have returned once again! Huzzah!

Chrom: Old Hubba. Now then, where are we off to? One of your troubled Outrealms?

More historical heroes we need to defeat, I assume?

Old Hubba: Yes, indeed, indeed. An army of rogue Einherjar. ...Er, two armies, in fact.

And, um...well, they shooed me away before I could convince either you were allies.

Chrom: They shooed you away...?

Old Hubba: Said my staring was all creepy! Pah! Why would I peep at a mage?! All those robes.

No, it was the pegasus knight BEHIND the mage I was looking at, heh heh... Mmm...

Chrom: *Sigh* Let's just get to the battle...

Begin Fight:

Edward: Empress! A party has appeared just outside this chamber.

Sanaki: A force from another world...

Edward: Can we count them as allies?

Sanaki: With no proof of such, we must assume they stand against us.

Edward: Then we must take them down.

Sanaki: Yes.

Edward: There are several other chambers down here as well...

Sanaki: Yes, there may be more enemies waiting inside any of them.

Be careful, Edward.

Edward: Always.

Robin: Hmm...it appears to be some soft of subterranean ruin.

Chrom: It's close quarters--we'll need to position ourselves carefully.

Have we located the enemy?

Robin: The first room on the right-- units are mobilizing against us.

Chrom: I see several other rooms as well...

There could be more enemies inside any of them.

Robin: Or perhaps allies...

Chrom: In any case, let's start with the flies in swatting distance. Move out!

[spoiler=Assorted text]

After first player phase:

Elincia: Visitors from another world...

Why would they come all this way? Just to fight against us...?

I pray we're not making a terrible mistake here...

Camera pans to Shanna's group after enemy phase:

Shanna: I hear troops marching... What's all the commotion?

Lugh: It appears another army has joined the fray.

Shanna: Are they with us or against us?

Lugh: An excellent question. But as I see it, any enemy of our enemy--

Shanna: Is a friend!

Lugh: Or at least a stroke of good luck. Let's not jump to conclusions.

Shanna: Then let us confirm it firsthand. Come on!

Doors to Titania's group open:

Titania: What? Who opened the door?

Soren: Take care. It could be a trap.

Titania: ...What's going on outside?

Soren: Seems the fighting's begun. I don't recognize one side...

Titania: More enemies?

Soren: A logical assumption.

Titania: Then they must fall. Follow me!

Doors to Ike's group open:

Ike: What? The door just...

Elincia: How fares the battle out there?

Ike: Hard to say from here, but it appears they've called in reinforcements.

Elincia: What should we do?

Ike: We? We should fight. But you should stay here.

Elincia: What? Why?

Ike: Because I can tell you have your doubts, and doubts will get you killed out there.

Let us deal with the battle until you sort it out.

Elincia: No, Ike. I cannot stay behind while you all put yourselves in danger.

I will fight with you.

Ike: ...You're certain?

Elincia: I will fight with you. Yes. I won't waver.

Doors to Roy's group open:

Lilina: Roy! The doors have finally opened!

Roy: Then there's still hope.

Let's get back in the fight! The others need our help.

Lilina: Agreed!

Doors to Sephiran's group open:

Sephiran: Huh? Why did the doors open? ...Why now?

Micaiah: I didn't touch them... It must be a trick of some kind.

Sephiran: The enemy seems to have enlisted some kind of otherworldly force.

Micaiah: If they think that's all it will take, they're in for a big surprise!

[spoiler=Roy-talk with Chrom]

Roy: Thank you for your help, er...

Chrom: Chrom. I'm the commander of these otherworldly forces.

Roy: Why are you here?

Chrom: Er, yes... the reason why we came? ...Here? ...Today? ...That reason?

(Damn...Neither side believes they summoned us...)

(But I can't tell him the truth...)

Roy: Did you say something?

Chrom: No, it's nothing.

Would you believe I'm not really certain why we're here myself?

Roy: Really?

Chrom: There was a sudden surge of light, and then boom! We woke up here.

Roy: ...But none of your troops seem surprised or disoriented.

Chrom: Well...*ahem* That's because we... have drilled for this situation.

Roy: ...You train to be transported by random surges of light?

Chrom: They could strike at any moment! We must be prepared.

Roy: That's...interesting.

In any case, we are most grateful for the help. Thank you.

Chrom: Of course.

Chrom: *Once Roy leaves* Grrr... Damn you, Hubba!

[spoiler=after battle script]

Chrom: That's all of them. But these ruins go deeper...

Robin: I don't sense any threat. I think it's safe to say we're done here.

Chrom: Then it's time to go.

Robin: Chrom, one moment. We found this in one of the western chambers.

Chrom: An Einherjar card? "Elincia, Devoted Queen."

She was a great hero of Tellius, if I remember correctly.

What's her story, I wonder?

[spoiler=Elinica Convo]

Elincia: I knew you were not my enemy. I should have listened to my heart.

Please forgive me for wronging you.

My name is Elinica. I don't suppose you have heard of me?

Have you heard of Elinica? Yes.

Elinica: Then I've underestimated you, my lady. (wonder if it's my lord for a male avatar)

After such brilliant fighting, I should put nothing past you again.

Lady Robin, was it? I wish to ask you something. (Lord for a male avatar?)

Your world has kingdoms, yes? Or something akin to them?

They come in many forms in my world, and each is led by a ruler.

Some are strong and kind, but far too many are tyrants of the highest order.

Tell me, what is your ruler like?

He must be flawless for one as great as you to serve him...

Do you serve a flawless ruler? No.

Elincia: Really? That surprises me.

I know kings are only mortal, and mortals are flawed, but still...

There must be rulers greater than me.

I tend to hesitate when the situation calls for swift decisions.

Still, I endeavor each day to serve my people as best I am able.

Could it be your ruler has the same doubts?

What about the other kings and leaders of your world, Lady Robin?

Surely they must all see things quite differently.

Please, tell me more about them. Such insight may make me a better queen...

Mmm...I see... Thank you, Lady Robin.

You know tales of many kings and the myriad paths they walk.

I feel as if I see things more clearly.

Will you be returning to your own world now?

If so, I should very much like to join you.

It's the least I can do in exchange for the knowledge you've shared.

Recruit Elincia? Yes.

Elincia: I'll join you on the battle lines.

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Chrom: There was a sudden surge of light, and then boom! We woke up here.

Roy: ...But none of your troops seem surprised or disoriented.

Chrom: Well...*ahem* That's because we... have drilled for this situation.

Roy: ...You train to be transported by random surges of light?

Chrom: They could strike at any moment! We must be prepared.

lol Chrom, you so silly

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Chrom: There was a sudden surge of light, and then boom! We woke up here.

Roy: ...But none of your troops seem surprised or disoriented.

Chrom: Well...*ahem* That's because we... have drilled for this situation.

Roy: ...You train to be transported by random surges of light?

Chrom: They could strike at any moment! We must be prepared.

Ahahaha, Chrom, you are such a terrible liar. XD

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Sorry for the delay, was at an anime convention all weekend (Cosplayed Lute, no one recognised me XD)

[spoiler=Smash Brethren 1]


>Talk with Tharja


Might I borrow you for a moment?


What...what can I do for you?


You wield dark magic, right?




Hee. Then maybe you can help.


With...what, exactly?


Teach me some of the hexes you use in your world. That's as basic as dark magic gets, isn't it?


Hexes? I don't really dabble in...I mean...it's not really right to...


Don't try and hide it. You wield frightful power. You derive great pleasure from the torment of others!


...Oh. Is that a vulnerary over there? I'd better pick it up...Good-bye!


You can run from me, but you cannot run from your dark destiny! Hee hee...


>Battle with Lissa


Please! Leave this place!


Hey, you want to gripe? Gripe to my brother.


I'm sorry...Ike...


>Talk with Cherche


There, there...


Is something amiss with your mount?


She's in pain. A rock got wedged in her hoof


Oh, that is dreadful. May I have a look? ...Ah, that's no so bad. I can get that out for you. You just need to...There.


Oh, you did it! Thank you!


You are quite welcome. My Minerva often chips her talons and loses scales. I suppose I've got a knack for these things.


You'll have to teach me some of those tricks later.


I would be delighted.


>Talk with noire


Hey, listen...


Wh-what is it?!


What was all that screaming about blood and vengeance and such?


Oh, uh...Heh heh. That? Nothing.


You almost seem like two people. Is that how folks in your world act?




...Uh, well, it helps to be ready for it when making conversation, for one.


...Oh. In that case, don't worry. It's just a me thing.


So everyone else is...er, normal?


Hey! I'm totally normal!


Uh-huh, totally normal...


>Talk with Stahl


Do you need any help over here?


So far I'm holding my own. Thank you


What about supplies?


I think I'll manage.


*sigh* All right, I'll try asking elsewhere


Are you always this fastidious?


It's all I'm really good at. Pretty pathetic, right?


I didn't say that. Being prepared saves lives. Our group could stand to learn a thing or two from you


Really? Wow, I...Um...


Did I offend?


No, I'm just not used to compliments. I'm trying to figure out how to react.




>Talk with Kellam


Knight from afar, I just wanted to thank you for fighting alongside us.


...I'm sorry. Are you talking to me?


Who else would I be talking to?


*gasp* You actually see me?!


Don't be silly. How could I miss you in that hulking suit of armour?


Ah, so what you REALLY saw was my armour.


Hmm, perhaps. I grew up amidst men in hulking armour, after all.


And here I thought she noticed ME...


>Talk with Gaius


Hey, wait a minute!


Something wrong?


Did you change clothes when I wasn't looking?


Haha! You must have bumped into my twin brother.


Aren't you two a little young to be fighting?


Yeah, probably.


Don't your parents worry?


...We grew up in an orphanage




And my caretaker there was killed in the war.


I'm sorry to hear it.


It's all right. Ithers have seen worse.


Nothing a little sugar won't cure. You want a bite of this?


Oh, s-sure. Thanks!

Also, for SB2 I'd like to claim

Lissa -> Lucia

Miriel vs Lute

Morgan (M) vs Ephraim

Inigo vs L'Arachel

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For SB2 I'll do the before and after battle scripts plus:

Sofiya-battle with Kellam

Titania-talk with Sumia

Ashnard-talk with Aversa

Mist-talk with Owain

Nino-battle with Cordelia

Lilina-battle with Avatar(F) if it's not already claimed

Amelia-battle with Lon'qu

Florina-battle with Olivia

Eliwood-battle with Tiki

Hector-battle with Kjelle

Percival-battle with Cynthia

Mia-talk with Inigo

Edited by Ace Tactician
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I want to take fore tomorrow's Smash Brethren 2:

Seth Battle

Battle w/ Stahl


Matthew Battle

Battle w/ Vaike


Ike Battle

Talk w/ Lon'qu


Lyn Battle

Battle w/ Lucina


Shanna Battle

Battle w/ Nah


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I want to take fore tomorrow's Smash Brethren 2:

Seth Battle

Battle w/ Stahl


Matthew Battle

Battle w/ Vaike


Ike Battle

Talk w/ Lon'qu


Lyn Battle

Battle w/ Lucina


Shanna Battle

Battle w/ Nah


I was going to do Ike's talk with Lon'qu but, you can have it, I'll do Kellam's battle with Sofiya instead.

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You move well. I can see you're gifted with a blade.


As are you. A shame we have to fight.


It is. But I will enjoy trading blows with a true master. Shall we?

Avatar (F)>Lilina

Avatar (F)

Hmm... She looks strong... Will you not let us pass? I do not wish to come to blows.


Then leave! You're the outsiders here, remember?

Avatar (F)

If only our way home wasn't through you...

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Did the battle convos for Serra, Lyon, Wolt and Karel, and Zihark -> Gaius, as well as claims this post. 4am, so probably not going to get any more

[spoiler=Smash Brethren 2]


>Talk with Lissa


Whew...What a mess.


Hello, stranger. Is something wrong?


Hmm...sort of...


Go on- let it all out. I'm a good listener.


Are you sure?


Of course. Queen Elincia has said you will change the tide of battle. I want you to be in the best spirits possible.


Well...it's my brother. He got mad at me again. He says I don't follow orders well.


Your own brother?


I know! Can you believe it? I'm out here fighting my butt off, and Chrom just tightens the leash. I'm a sister, not a terrier. Ugh...


Ha ha. Poor thing. But I have a younger brother, too...So I understand a bit where Sir Chrom is coming from. He's just worried about you. That's all it is.


...He's not a control freak?


Try to put yourself in his position...How would you feel about it?


Hmm...I guess that's true. Thanks! I feel a lot better now!


>Talk with Gaius


Do you have a moment?


Mm-Hmm. What?


One of my comrades saw you slip into the enemy ranks...


Uh, it's called recon. How do you fight an enemy you don't know? ...What? You don't trust me?


Just checking. You are from another world, after all. It made some of my people...nervous. Sorry if I gave offense.


...Hmph. You're a myrmidon, right?


Yes. ...So?


Well, you just seem far from the archetype, know what I mean? Most myrmidon chatter about 'cut you down' this or 'face my blade' that. Guess it's different in your world.


Hmm...I don't think our world is so different, but Ike runs a tight ship.


I see...


You sound let down. Should I play up the 'cut you down' business, then?


No, no! I like your kind of myrmidon. Trust me. I think we'll work together just fine.


Best of luck, then.


You too.


>Vs Miriel


You look powerful. And smart, too. You might even stand a chance against me...


It seems ill advised to judge opponents based solely on appearances.


Unless you're intelligent enough to understand what you're seeing. Now, will you face me or not?


You see? I could tell...you were strong...


>Vs Basilio


I see you've got talent. You might just stand a chance.


Doesn't anyone just shut up and hit each other anymore?


Have it your way.


You have humbled me...I thank you...for the lesson...


>Vs Virion


You dare challenge a legend, commoner?


I'll challenge anyone I have to to protect this land!


I...couldn't stop them...


>Vs Inigo


My lovely lady. Shall we just leave this ugly fighting and have some tea?


I'm afraid you're not my type. For tea, that is. You'll do just fine for the ugly fighting.


Perhaps the messengers of justice the sagas spoke of were...you...


>Vs Libra


Will you not end this fight and leave our world?


You have gone astray...We have come to guide you back.


You're not the first to say it...But you'll die just like the others!


No...no, no, this isn't...how it was supposed to go...


>Vs Morgan (M)

Morgan (M):

Oh dear. He looks tough. ...Do you think we could, maybe, talk this out first?


Talk? You're the ones who picked this fight.

Morgan (M):

...Yes, I suppose it would seem that way. I suppose force is the only option here.


I may have lost...but I know the others will finish this...


>Vs Anna


So, I know this great way to get rich quick. Why not lay down arms and pick up some tips?


Why would I care about your schemes? Just fight!


Hmph...Don't celebrate yet...You just caught me on a...bad day...

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Seth Battle


Warrior from afar! Was ravaging your own world not enough?!

Battle w/ Stahl


Warrior from afar! Was ravaging your own world not enough?!


Um, we didn't ravage there, and we're not ravaging here... Hello?


Well, it's your turn to be ruined, rogue! I'll drive a lance through that evil heart!



Why?! Nngh...Princess Eirika...

Matthew Battle


A mark's a mark. Nothing personal.

Battle w/ Vaike


A mark's a mark. Nothing personal.


Oh, so you're looking for a Mark, then? Too bad you found a Vaike!



I lost... A shame... But it was a good...fight...

Ike Talk w/ Lon'qu


Do you need something? You keep glancing this way.


It's nothing.


Lazy eye, huh?


...I can tell you're a force to be reckoned with, so I was observing.




The reason I throw myself into battle after battle is to get stronger. I've met few as strong as you. I could probably count them on one hand. Which means...your technique merits closer observation.


I see. Well, observe all you want, but won't you get distracted?


It's you I'm interested in. Not the flies I swat down while I watch.


Ha! Fair enough.


Just do what you do. ...If I could put in one request: take on someone strong.


I'm not putting on a show here, you know...



Ahh... I'd fight on if I could...

Lyn Battle


I didn't choose this fight, but I won't run from it!



I thought I had you, but...rrgh... you were one step ahead...

Shanna Battle


I won't lose to the likes of you. Come on!

Battle w/ Nah


Cease your struggles! You cannot triumph over me!


But the laws of Ilia say I must try, and that's more than enough for me!



Wait...how did...ooh...

I don't think Ike talks before he fights.

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Old Hubba: Ho ho! Look who's back! Er, I mean, right on time---as predicted!

Chrom: Yes, Old Hubba. We've come to do our part to save the Outrealms.

We'll defeat these rogue Einherjar until they're weak enough for you to capture.

Old Hubba: Why, what an excellent summary of the story up until now! Well put, well put!

Even better: I tricked one of the phantom armies into thinking they summoned you!

It was easy! Their leader swallowed Hubba's bait-- hook, line and sinker!

Chrom: An unfortunate metaphor, but good news nonetheless...

Begin Battle:

Hector: We've received word from Eliwood. He made it through.

Roy: Good. If Father is in position...

Hector: Then we have the enemy surrounded.

Lyn: Roy, this is our chance. We should strike while we have the advantage.

Roy: I agree. We can't have them calling for reinforcements.

Rally the troops!

Chrom: Are you the one who, er...summoned us?

Elincia: Yes. I am Elincia of Crimea.

Chrom: The queen of Tellian lore?

Elincia: ...Lore, sir?

Chrom: Er...My, would you look at all those enemies!

Elincia: Yes. I fear the scales are tipped woefully against us.

Chrom: Should we be expecting any further opposition?

Elincia: No. Our scouts have confirmed the surrounding area is clear.

Chrom: Then it's simply a matter of taking down all the enemies in sight.

Heh--perhaps "simply" isn't the best choice of words...

[spoiler=Mist-talk with Owain]

Owain: Stand back, wench. The epic power of this clash might blow your face off.

Mist: Uh..."wench"? Me?

Owain: Indeed. But fear not. It is my destiny to save you and all wenches.

Honor and glory pump through my every vein. They whisper to me: "Sic semper wenchicus"!

Mist: ..."And thus to all wenches"?

Owain: Now, feast you eyes as I unleash the ultimate of defenses on your behalf!


Mist: Oh gods...I do need protection...

Owain: Ha! Have you fallen for me already? Was it the bulging muscles?

The rapier wit?

Mist: More like the rapier twit...

Nino-battle with Cordelia:

Nino: I have to win and prove my worth to Mother!

Cordelia: Then I pray that fate treats you kindly--because I cannot.

Deathquote: I...agh...can't let it end here...Mother...I'm sorry...

[spoiler=assorted text]

After first player phase:

Innes: Lord Eliwood. Roy's forces are mobilizing to the north.

Eliwood: Then it's time to take the offensive. Come!

Ephraim: Looks like that's our cue!

Zephiel: Prepare to ride!

Eirika: Even warriors from other worlds would come to torment this land? Well, if the others say it to be true...

Mia's deathquote: I...I guess I needed more training...

Perceval-battle with Cynthia

Cynthia: Aha! Sir knight! You look more chivalrous than most. I choose you to face me in a clash of two heroes! Draw your blade!

Perceval: Then who am I to refuse, miss? Have at yo--Huh?

Cynthia: Ta-da! Hero pose!

Perceval: ...What happened to our clash?

deathquoute: Blast...such power...wasted on the wrong...army...

Titania-talk with Sumia

Sumia: Um, greetings.

Titania: Ah, hello, visitor. How can I help you?

Sumia: I've just been admiring you. You give such smart orders, and you move so briskly...

Titania: I'm nothing special, but thank you. I'm flattered all the same.

Sumia: Nothing special! But...oh, you are! I was hoping to ask you a favor.

Titania: What's that?

Sumia: Could you teach me how to be a reliable fighter like you?

I'm such a klutz, and I'm always getting in everyone's way.

Titania: Well, you could find more reliable fighters than me... But I suppose there is one piece of advice I'd have for you already.

Sumia: Really? Oh, do tell!

Titania: Have more confidence in yourself.

Sumia: Confidence? ...But I'm terrible at confidence!

Titania: If you had no place in this army, your commander wouldn't let you fight. Or do you consider your commander a man of poor judgement?

Sumia: No! Of course not.

Titania: Then believe in yourself. No one else is going to do it for you. Once you have confidence, the rest will fall right into place.

Sumia: All right. I'll give it a try.

Titania: That's the spirit.

Sumia: Well, I should get back to-- AAAH! *Sumia trips and falls*

Titania: Had a little spill?

Sumia: You see? Complete, utter klutz.

Titania: I suppose I had the "falling to place" part right, anyway...

Amelia-battle with Lon'qu

Lon'qu: A woman?! Ick...

Amelia: ...Y-yes. So? Afraid you'll lose?

deathquoute: I was going to win... I felt it...What...went wrong...

Hector-battle with Kjelle:

Hector: If it's a fight you want, don't expect mercy to-- Huh?

Kjelle: YOU! You...are...AMAZING! That armor! The body it encases! Every bit, perfection!

Hector:...So...we're going to fight, yes? Good.

deathquote: Ugh...I pictured a better end...

Zihark's deathquote: Agh...I seem to have only... gotten in the way...

Sophia-battle with Kellam

Sophia: Leave this place...or I will have... no choice...

Kellam: Holy dragonstone! You can SEE me?

Sophia: ...Y-you can HEAR me?!

deathquote: I couldn't...defeat you...after all...

[spoiler=after battle: Elincia lived]

Chrom: That should be the last of our adversaries.

Elincia: So it seems. I thank you, sir.

Chrom: It had to be done, for the good of all... Summon us again, if the need arises.

Elincia: Oh! Wait, sir... I found this lying on the battlefield.

Chrom: A card? Hmm... "Eirika, Restoration Queen." She's the queen from the old Magvelian tales, isn't she?

Elincia: ...Sir, I must confess that I have no idea what you are talking about.

But if the card will serve you, it is yours. I entrust it to your tactician.

[spoiler=Eirika Recruit Convo]

Eirika: I have lost. You fight well, tactician. Just say the word, and I promise to stay at your side, always. ...What? No, that's not a proposal!

Ugh, this stupid dress... It's all this bouquet's fault! I shouldn't have caught it. It just invites misunderstanding. Here, I'll give it to you.

Oh, I must look a fool...

Does Eirika look a fool? No

Eirika: Well...thank you. That's kind of you to say. To be honest, I am rather fond of this gown, despite what I said... Perhaps some of your ladies would like to try it on later?

Oh, how rude of me. I haven't even introduced myself. ...What? You say you already know who I am? ..."Naive"?! Wh-who told you that?

...Well, I suppose it might by partly true. I just can't bring myself to doubt family or friends. Doubt leads to distrust, and that just feels wrong to me.

If that's what you call "naive," then I suppose that's how I'll stay. And what of you, tactician? Say a friend of yours came to you seeking help... But he was no longer the person you knew--he was trying to trick you... Would you still give him the benefit of the doubt?

Would you trust a friend who'd changed? No

Eirika: You wouldn't?! I mean... of course you wouldn't... That's all right. I appreciate your honestly. ...Robin. You're a tactician. You're clever, and wise... Do you think you can teach me how to be less easily deceived? I promise to be an attentive pupil!

Recruit Eirika? Yes

Eirika: Let's go, then.

[spoiler=after battle script: Elincia KO'd]

Chrom: That seems like the last of our adversaries.

Robin: Indeed. But you remember how real peace is achieved in these Outrealms...

Chrom: Step by step, one "peace" at a time? Hmph...Yes, I suppose we still have a battle or two to truly finish the fight, eh?

Robin: Chrom, something else--I found this in one of the chambers we cleared.

Chrom: A card? Hmm... "Eirika, Restoration Queen." She's the queen from the old Magvelian tales. I wonder what she has to say...

Eliwood-battle with Tiki

Eliwood: Go back whence you came, or we will have to cut you down.

Tiki: I refuse. Can't you hear it?

The earth beneath our feet begs to be free of your conflict!

Mia-talk with Inigo

Inigo: Um...pardon me.

Mia: Hm? Oh, one of the warriors from afar. What can I do for you?

Inigo: Oh, it's just... Things have gotten so chaotic. I thought you and I could sneak in a little diversion. Something more fun.

Mia: Sure. Count me in.

Inigo: Agh, I knew she would say no... Wait, what? You said YES?!

Mia: Of course. Why not?

Inigo: It's just I-I-I've had so little exposure to...what's the opposite of rejection?

Mia: All right. I'm ready.

Inigo: ...Hm? Ready for what?

Mia: A practice fight.

Inigo: Fight?! I thought I said "fun"!

Mia: Fighting IS fun.

Inigo: But we're already fighting another battle!

Mia: And that battle's not going anywhere. If enemies come, we dispatch them.

Inigo: *Sigh* This might be even worse than rejection... All I wanted was to chat over a nice cup of tea...

Mia: Tea? Well, why didn't you say so?

Inigo: You'll join me?!

Mia: If you beat me.

Inigo: Really? Ha! In that case, you are doomed! Doomed, I say, to a nice cup of tea! En garde!

Florina-battle with Olivia

Olivia: Are you sure you want to fight me? You could do so much better.

Florina: Not at all. I'm the unworthy opponent.

But I'll do the best I can.

Olivia: ...No. I'LL do the best I can!

Deathquote: See? Useless...

Edited by Ace Tactician
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And here's some more~ A quick note, the talk between Avatar and Elincia is generic for both genders, other than gender pronouns. This should be the last of the unclaimed.

[spoiler=Smash Brethren 2]


>Vs Morgan (F)



Morgan (F):

...Have you nothing to say? Usually, at least one or two words are exchanged. 'You shall not pass' or 'may the better man win' or the like.



Morgan (F):

All right, then let's skip he prologue and get right to it!




>Vs Avatar (M)


This land is ours! Return to your own world, invader!

Avatar (M):

Not until peace is restored. I don't care how strong you look. I must prevail!


Nngh...I thought I had more...in me...


>Vs Laurent


Ah. A dark mage. And talented, I see. ...Wait. Mother would consider it unwise to judge him based on looks...


...Enjoying your monologue?


You just got...lucky...nngh! I'm still better...than you...


>Vs Brady


You want a piece of me, geezer? HUH?!


Wh...What wretched manners! And you call yourself a PRIEST?!


The gods are watching...You have won today, but punishment will come...


>Vs Gaius


Please don't make me fight a battle I'm unsure of. Leave. If you could just leave, I coukd...


Cakes. Cookies. Snacks. That's the price of making Gaius go bye-us.


Really?! In that case, I think I have some right-


Woah, woah! I was kidding! Do I look that easy to buy off? I like my sweets, but this is one battle I can't back out of.


Who is right...?


>Vs Ricken


Get away from me! I loathe children.


And I loathe people who treat me like one! Watch this!


That's...one way to end a...profitless fight...


>Vs Yarne


Hmph. Shoo, half-man.


Y-you dare insult a taguel? We'll see who's half of what!


How! ...How could I be defeated by such...maggots...


>Vs Gangrel


This land doesn't belong to you! I'll defend it with my life!


Yes, all six years of it! Stupid brat. Play hero somewhere else!


I was ready...to win, but...


>Vs Flavia


Well, you're a tough little mage, by the look of it. Why not join the winning side?


I have! My allegiance is sworn to the Kingdom of Etruria!


You've tested...the limits of one...but you will learn...the potential of many...


>Talk with Gerome


Thank you for coming to our aid, warrior from afar.


I only fight here because my army does. Direct your thanks elsewhere.


But your presence here has changed everything! We may yet carve out a new fate for ourselves!


That simple, is it?


...Isn't it?


I've seen more than a gory eyeful of what 'fate' has in store for my world. And I've seen the mangled corpses of those who thought to outrun it.


You insult me, sir. I have lived no fairy tale, either. I was left kingdomless, masterless- but I fought through that destruction. I believe I can face my fate head-on and dash it aside!


Face it head-on?


That's right. Don't outrun it. Face i! Fight it! Find the event, the person, who will make the difference. For me, it was one mercenary leader. Haven't you ever felt it before? 'This moment will change everything.'


Perhaps I have...


All right. Then you should understand what I meant. You've given us a chance to shape things differently.


I see...Then let us hope it goes as you say.


It will!


>Talk with Gregor




Did you need something?


You are tactician for your army, yes? Why you not mingling more with comrades? Gregor very worried.


Mind your own business.


Oh but this IS Gregor's business. Tactician and units must be like well-oiled sandwich at all times.


I tell the others what they need to know.


And you call this leadership? Teamwork?


You can call it whatever you like. As long as Ike finds me useful, that's all that matters.


This Ike, he is your commander, yes? Then making nice with comrades helps Ike as well.


Are you done? I do things my way. Please stop talking to me before we both start talking like idiots.


*sigh* So young. So with the stubbornness...


>Talk with Avatar (F)


...How did they let themselves get cornered in a rat hole like this?


Lady Tactician?


Oh! Er, hello. Did you...Did you overhear that? My apologies.


it's all right. The truth is, it was my intention to be chased into these ruins.


Huh? Why?


Better the cat is busy pursuing the queen rat than pawing at her subjects.


Heh, I see. A diversion. That's very noble...But it works only so long as the queen doesn't get caught.


Indeed. That's why I summoned a new toy for the cat to play with- you.


...Fair enough.


Good luck, my lady. I know we will prevail!


So basically, we're Elincia's meat shield... She's a more brutal strategist than she looks.

Edited by Wheels
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[spoiler=Smash Brethren 1]

Nowi battle w/ Leonardo

Nowi: Hey! Play with me.

Leonardo: Hey! No. We're enemies, remember?

Nowi: Oh. In that case, I'll roast you alive!

Leonardo: ... Well, I'd say you pretty well covered both extremes there.

Death: Rrgh... Damn their strength... They're too experienced...

Olivia talk w/ Ray

Ray: You.

Olivia: Uh, me?

Ray: You come from another world, right? Can I ask you a favor?

Olivia: What is it?

Ray: They say you're a good dancer. Can you show me? I'm curious if I've ever seen moves like yours.

Olivia: Do I have to?

Ray: Dancers in our world give warriors the will to keep fighting. Maybe you have the same power.

Olivia: Yes, but I... I just... I have this thing about dancing, see?

Ray: What? Are you sick?

Olivia: No, just... painfully shy.

Ray: But they say you're amazing! How did you develop stage fright? Your world must be one strange place.

Olivia: Um, I guess?

Death: If I can't stop them... How will Lugh?

Henry battle w/ Soren

Henry: Oh, are we fighting? Because I'm kind of powerful.

Soren: Why should I care? If you're an enemy of Ike's, you have to deal with me.

Death: I... miscalculated.

Owain battle w/ Sothe

Owain: At last I have you, archenemy! See how my sword hand--

Sothe: Huh? I don't even know you, so you can skip the speeches.

Death: Agh, I have to retreat...

Edited by Fayt
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