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Omg... Lon'qu/Owain... I dunno if it's because I just finished watching an anime episode and this song, but... that made me feel all emotional inside. ;___;

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Time for me to wrap up my Future Past 1 claims.


Chrom: ...Cynthia?

Cynthia: F-Father?! Is that really you? But... what are you doing here?! You died! You died years ago!

Chrom: N-no, I'm not the Chrom you once knew. I came here from another world through a place called the Outrealm Gate. The divine dragon granted us a brief visit to your world in the hope that we could help.

Cynthia: ...You were sent by Naga?!

Chrom: Yes. Cynthia...I'm so sorry. I understand it was my death in this world that set this whole tragedy in motion...

Cynthia: Father, please... don't be sad. You were a great hero and the exalt! I can't bear to see you looking so down. I worshipped you growing up... You were--you ARE my hero! What do you think Lucina would say if she saw you looking this glum?

Chrom: Lucina...? Is she still in Ylisse?

Cynthia: Yes. She's defending Ylisse by herself while we collect the Gemstones.That's why we have to win this fight! If we don't return, all hope is lost!

Chrom: Then swear I'll do everything in my power to see you safely home to Ylisse.

Cynthia: Thank you, Father. I just need you to lend me your strength for today.If you can get us out of here, I know we can handle the rest ourselves. We won't let this happen again. We'll prove that we can protect everyone!

Chrom: Well said, Cynthia. I'll be ready to leave this world in your capable hands.

Cynthia: Thanks. I won't let you down. And I'll fight all the harder knowing I have the faith of the greatest hero of all...

[spoiler=Cynthia>Outrealm Cynthia]

Outrealm Cynthia: What the...? Is that...me?! But...how come I can see myself? Was there always a mirror here...? ...... Huh. You know, I actually look pretty good! My complexion's surprisingly rosy... Nice shine to my hair too. And my clothes are holding up WAY better than I thought. I figured I'd be a wreck at this point, but... maybe things aren't so bad after all! Seeing myself like this kinda puts things into perspective. I feel a lot stronger now!

*Outrealm Cynthia leaves*

Cynthia: Good thing I didn't open my mouth, or she would have totally freaked out, but yikes...Bleak future me is looking pretty rough. That girl badly needs a bath, some sleep, and a new wardrobe! And yet there she is, fighting so hard to save her world, in spite of it all... That's probably exactly how I looked before I went back in time... Maybe I've just gone soft since then. Maybe I should be working harder... Well, I guess protecting this world's Cynthia would be a good way to start!

[spoiler=Nah>Outrealm Nah]

Nah: So that's the me of this world... Looks like she's in pretty rough shape. She's struggling just to hold it together. Back in my own time, we stopped here when we were recovering out world's Gemstones. But we didn't stay in this place for long... If we had stayed for longer, I wonder if we would have ended up trapped like this...This world's a lot like the future I'm from. But there's something different about it. Everything just seems to be headed in the worst possible direction. But I'm not going to sit idly by as it slides into ruin! So don't you worry, other me - I'll protect you, no matter what! Just stay strong for a little while longer...

[spoiler=Noire>Outrealm Noire]

Noire: Stay strong, Noire of this world...I'd say this to your face, but you look pretty panicked already... Best not to surprise you. But rest assured, I've got your back. And I swear I'll get you out of here alive. ...... You know, something about this place seems really familiar...Yes-this is the building we stopped to rest after we collected the Gemstones. I remember we talked about maybe staying the night here.But something about it didn't feel right, and we left soon after we arrived. Our future was like this one, but... I guess we were a tiny bit luckier. Seems the me of this world made a few unlucky choices... But that doesn't mean she deserves to lose her life! Looks like it's up to me to make sure that doesn't happen.

And that's a wrap!

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[spoiler=Chrom x Inigo]

Chrom: Inigo.

Inigo: What? No, it's not possible...

Chrom: I know what you're thinking, Inigo. But I'm not truly your father- at least not in this world. By Naga's power, I've been sent here temporarily from a world of my own.

Inigo: I see... ......

Chrom: You don't believe me?

Inigo: No, I do. It's just... my father passed away when I was very little. So I'm not sure what I'm supposed to feel around you.

Chrom: Oh... Well... I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you.

Inigo: Don't apologize! You fought to keep us safe. It's funny, though. The stories about you were definitely true. Just standing near you gives me the courage to fight. And the strength and kindness and dignity in your eyes befit a king. You're every bit the man Lucina told me about. You and she are... very alike.

Chrom: Well, I would say you and I are alike too.

Inigo: ...We LOOK alike. But even though I share your blood, I cannot wield Falchion. I have no way to protect my friends... to give people hope...

Chrom: Of course you do.

Inigo: Just look at before. I made a split-second decision that may have cost us everything. If I were smarter- stronger- then I wouldn't have put the others in danger. I would have found a better way to save them. You see? I'm not like you. I'm not half the man you were...

Chrom: You're wrong. You did what you did because you thought it would keep everyone safe! You believed that you could save them all and acted accordingly. Ylisse is lucky to have a prince like you. And any who disagree can answer to me.

Inigo: Father...

Chrom: You have the Brand, and that means you ARE my son through and through.

Inigo: ...Thank you.

Chrom: The Chrom in this world may have died before you and he could speak. But I know he would say the same thing. And another thing- you give me too much credit. Put in the same condition as you back there, I may not have acted in time. You can be greater than your father- greater than I. And that's why I intend to do everything in my power to keep you safe.

Inigo: Huh? But, Father...

Chrom: Not another word. I crossed between worlds to see this done. I'm going to be the father that your true father couldn't. Will you fight by my side, Inigo?

Inigo: ...... ...Yes. Thank you, Father.

Chrom: No thanks needed. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Inigo: Just promise you'll stay alive.

Chrom: All right. I promise!

[spoiler=Stahl x Brady]

Brady: Huh? Hold your griffons- green armor? No, it can't be!

Stahl: Brady...

Brady: Pop? Is that really you? I thought I recognized you! What are you doin' here? I thought you were dead!

Stahl: Well... the Stahl in this world probably is. But I'm not him. I've been sent here from another world to help you.

Brady: So you're n-not my pop? I see... ...... BAWWW! *sniff* I'm s-sorry! It's just... when I see your damned face, I just... Gaaah!

Stahl: I'm sorry, Brady. I was trying to stay out of sight. I know you can get emotional at times.

Brady: I'm just happy to see ya, Pop... I really, really am!

Stahl: You made a tough choice back there with your friends, Brady. I saw the whole thing.

Brady: I know, I just... *sniff* I hate myself for being so powerless...

Stahl: I completely understand. But you made the right choice, and I'm proud of you.

Brady: It tore me apart to do it. But you know what you said to me once? "When you're unsure in battle, ask yourself what you can do for the greater good."

Stahl: I taught you that? That's sound advice. But your friends gave you an important task. I would have done the same thing as you.

Brady: But was it the right choice?

Stahl: Only time will tell. Right now, that's not what you should be thinking about.

Brady: I... I know. I need to make sure the Gemstones reach Ylisse!

Stahl: Exactly! And I'll be right here to help in any way I can.

[spoiler=Henry x Brady]

Henry: Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in! Though, I guess we're outside...

Brady: Pop?! You're not dead! Did you use your hexes to preemptively bring yourself back or something?

Henry: No... But wouldn't THAT be fun! "Presurrection"! Anyway, I'm not the Henry you know. I came from another world to help you. It's called an Outrealm, because it's a realm outside this one. Get it?

Brady: Er... yeah, I get it. It's a shame you're not my real old man, but at least you're alive, um, legitimately.

Henry: Uh-huh. So which Risen do you want me to kill first? It's the least I can do for you since the other me is a smelly, wormy carcass now. Just point me at your most hated enemy, and I'll blow him off the map!

Brady: I wish it were that simple, but this battle is all but lost. You should go back to your world before things get any worse, Pop.

Henry: Huh? Why?

Brady: Uh, how about 'cause the valley is swarming with foes and we might drop like flies? You don't have to die to save somebody else's world.

Henry: Why not?

Brady: Beeeeee... cause you don't?

Henry: Sorry, but I'm not about to abandon my son when he's in danger. I like danger! And I'm also surprisingly okay with death. And flies. To me, this world's as cozy as a blanket. Nya ha ha!

Brady: Pop, you're kind of freaking me out.

Henry: I have that effect on people. But don't worry. I'm not actually going to die. Now shoo! Get on home to Ylisse! I'll take care of things here.

Brady: ...... Well, I don't know how to say no to that. But seriously, you'd better not die. 'Cause if ya do... I may not be you, old-timer, but I know a few measly curses of my own.
(Brady leaves)

Henry: I hope they're measly. I don't want you dabbling in curses. You're too nice for that. Besides, they take a toll on the body. ...Oh! Want to see my rashes sometime? Anyway, I'll have this all sewed up in no time, so forget the curses and get moving!

[spoiler=Gregor x Yarne]

Yarne: F-Father?!

Gregor: Ah... Gregor's cover is blown.

Yarne: Father, it's really you! I... I...

Gregor: Ay-ay is right! *Sigh* Gregor was hoping to stay out of son's peripheral vision... But oh well. It seems family reunion was in cards.

Yarne: I can't believe you're still alive!

Gregor: Listen, Yarne. Gregor you see here is not Gregor you know. This Gregor come from whole other world to rescue you.

Yarne: Another world? Oh... Then my father really is gone. *sniff* Is that why you were avoiding me? You didn't want to confuse me?

Gregor: Maybe a little. Gregor feared you might break into snivelly taguel tears. But... is not easy on Gregor, either, seeing you in trouble like this.

Yarne: Father...

Gregor: Oy! Gregor is not your father! N-now go on, before this get any harder...

Gregor will watch back and make sure no one lays hand on other Gregor's little boy.

Yarne: All right, but... can I call you "Father" anyway? You're still him to me, whether you say so or not.

Gregor: Bah! Do what you like. Just make sure you stay alive.

Yarne: All right... Father. Thanks for coming to save me. I'm glad I got to see you again.

Edited by 春閣下
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Claims Lists (Link to DLC page)

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[Note 2: Items not on list have been posted.]

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Conversations:

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Hot-Spring Scramble]Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Sully - Pikayoshi

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Kellam - Pikayoshi

Panne - Pikayoshi

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Basilio - Pikayoshi

Flavia - Pikayoshi

Yarne - Zeem


Avatar > Lucina - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (spouse) - Faye

Avatar > Owain - Faye

Avatar > Inigo - Faye

Avatar > Severa - Faye

Avatar > Severa (spouse) - Zeem

Anna > Say'ri - Faye

Flavia > Anna - Faye

Flavia > Tiki - Faye

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Emmeryn > Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay > Priam - Faye

Aversa > Tiki - Faye

Aversa > Gangrel - Faye

Owain > Laurent - Faye

Brady > Gerome - Faye

Cynthia > Kjelle - Faye

Severa > Lucina - Faye

Morgan (M) > Inigo - Faye

Morgan (M) > Brady - Faye

Morgan (F) > Cynthia - Faye

Morgan (F) > Severa - Faye

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Faye

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Faye

Laurent > Brady - Faye

Noire > Lucina - Faye

Noire > Kjelle - Faye

Noire > Cynthia - Faye

Nah > Lucina - Faye

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

Nah > Severa - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 1]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Henry - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye


Vaike - Faye




Ricken - Faye

Libra - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Ultimafangirl

Frederick - Faye

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Stahl - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Wheels


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Henry - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 2]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Virion - Ultimafangirl

Vaike - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gregor - Levant Fortner

Henry - Wheels

Donnel - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Wheels

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Ricken - Wheels

Gaius - Drgnquester

Libra - Sangyul

Henry - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Pikayoshi

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Ace Tactician

Lon'qu - Wheels

Libra - Faye

Henry - 春閣下

Donnel - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Sangyul

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Libra - Faye

Henry - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 3]Pre-Battle Script - Shirley

After Prep-screen Script - Shirley

Misc. Script

-Children's Deathquotes - Tsamimi


Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Lucina - Ace Tactician

Chrom - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Mothers]Avatar (F) - Black★Rock Shooter

Sully - Ultimafangirl

Sumia - Wheels

Maribelle - Pikayoshi

Olivia - Wheels


Laurent - SniperGYS

Miriel - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Frederick - Wheels

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Silver Lightning

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Ace Tactician

Libra - Tsamimi

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Ultimafangirl


Gerome - SniperGYS

Cherche - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Drgnquester

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - 春閣下

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Ultimafangirl

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Shadow Stalker X

Libra - Faye

Henry - Sangyul

Donnel - Faye


Severa - Levant Fortner

Cordelia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Naui

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Wheels

Vaike - Silver Lightning

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Zeem

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Shirley

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Ultimafangirl

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Post-Battle Script:

-If all children survive - Shirley

-If 1-3 children don't survive

-If no children survive - Tsamimi

Edited by Tsamimi
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OMG. I forgot about my claim for Inigo -> Stahl... I'll...get to that asap... and edit this post with the conversation. >_>;;

Here is the Inigo -> Stahl conversation!

[spoiler=Inigo -> Stahl]


Inigo?! That's you, isn't it? I'm so glad you're safe!
What? FATHER?! I must be seeing things... How can you possibly...
You're not seeing things. But I'm also not the Stahl you know. I came from another world to lend you a hand. I may not be your father, but you're still my son...if that makes any sense. Here, I'll watch your back.
...N-no! Don't!
Wh-what? What's gotten into you?
I'm really happy to see you, Father. And I appreciate that you're here to help. But I refuse to put you in danger—even if you did come from some other world. I've already lost you once. Just stand back and watch me fight. ...You're in danger here. Go!
Stop that, Inigo! You don't need to play the tough guy! I'm fine! I can take care of myself.
I don't want you to!
You don't trust me? Then I guess you've heard the stories.
Huh? What stories?
About how average I am? About how I don't stand out in any way?
...... Well, neither do I.
Everything I do turns out average too. I'm completely forgettable compared to my friends. That's why I was prepared to sacrifice myself to keep them out of danger. Although even that turned out to be a middling success...
You were ready to die for the others?
I know—I'm a hypocrite. I told Owain not to waste his life, and what do I do? I guess I'm just selfish. But if someone has to die, I couldn't let it be them. I'm sorry, Father. Your son didn't turn out all that clever.
He turned out just fine. And I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I feel like it's my job to take hits for the team. They tell me I'm too nice for my own good.
You get that too?
Heh... Oh, yes. Listen, let me fight with you, Inigo. Maybe neither one of us is the best fighter around, but together? I think we could get through this. We could get you home where you're needed.
All right, Father. But promise me you'll be okay. I couldn't stand to watch you die.
Neither one of us is going to die. I promise. We're going to be okay.
I believe you. Things are finally starting to look up.
That's the spirit. Now let's go get those Risen!

I think I love you, Stahl. I'm not cheating on Chrom.

Edited by Shirley
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I errrrr... Want to compile the Hot Sping with Future pAst 1 and 2 parent convos. I do have the FeMU thing for 2 though:

Is that... Master Grima? No, it can't be. It has been ages since my master took that form... Could she be some emmisary of Nagas sent from another world? That damned Dragon has no right meddling with my heart...But it is too late. I cannot knowingly fight her. Forgive me, Master Grima. I must Withdraw...

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Wait! Inigo, is that you?

Father?! I thought you were dead!

Nah, I'm not your real father, kid. I came from another world.

But you ARE my father there, right? I'm so happy to see you. ......

What's wrong? Are you hurt?

No, no. It's just...seeing you like this has thrown me for a loop. I was ready to make my last stand, but this changes everything.

Yeah, nice stunt by the bridge, by the way.

You saw all that?

Look, I think it's pretty sweet that you put your friends first. But as your father, I want you to put YOU first. I didn't cross between worlds just to get a front-row seat at your "last stand."

...I'm sorry.

It's all right. I should've gotten here sooner. Then you wouldn't be in this position. I'm sorry, Inigo. I blew it.

Why are you apologizing? Like I said, I'm happy just to see my father again. You have...n-no idea...

Hey! You all right?

Ugh, and now I'm getting all blurry eyed. I know you're not even him, really. But I was so young when you—

Shh... Hey, I understand. You've been through a lot.

*Sniff* Oh, gods... Now I'm really getting w-worked up... *sniff* I don't know if I can fight like this... Ahh... *sob*

...... ...Here.

Is this...c-candy? But why?

I dunno. Usually babies cry when you take candy from them. I figured I'd try the opposite.

...Heh. *sniff* This is the same kind you used to give me when I was little. It made me stop crying every time. You may not be the exact same person, but...you're still definitely my father. Oh, Father... I've missed you. *sob*

Hey. That candy was supposed to make you STOP crying. Yeesh... Well, may as well let it all out. 'Cause once you're done, we're gonna litter the valley with these Risen. No one's gonna touch MY son.

Owain? It's you, ain't it? Thank the stars you're alive!

F-Father?! Is that you?

Sure is. Except I'm not REALLY yer pa. I came here from another world.

...Another world? I guess anything is possible...


What's the matter?

I was just mullin' over what ya did back there, Owain.

You mean at the bridge? I know it was stupid. It was suicide. Go ahead and tell me off...

Tell ya off? Now why would I ever do that?

Well, you look pretty upset...

No, I was just thinkin' it takes real stones to do what ya did.


I couldn't have done it myself. And my world's got its share of wars too. Even if I KNEW somethin' would do me in, I don't reckon I'd take the chance. Sayin' ya wanna save yer friends is one thing, but actually doin' it? That takes real gumption—especially in a nightmare world like this.

...You really mean it?

Sure do! Ya done good, Owain. In fact, I couldn't be prouder! I wish everybody back home could see ya right now. But you've struggled enough. Now it's yer pa's turn to fight and make sure ya get home to Ylisse. Ya still got plenty'a livin' to do!

Thanks, Father. I'll find even better ways to make you proud—you'll see! No matter where you go—even if we end up worlds apart... I want you to always know that you made me a better man.

Pop? Is that you?! How in the hell can that be?

I'm not the man you think, Brady—not the father who met his end here. I have been dispatched here from another world in order to help you.

Heh... I thought something was fishy. You're too young to be my pop. So did you come from the past?

Yes, in fact. I see Maribelle and I raise a very perceptive son. ...Your tone could use a bit of refinement, but I'm willing to overlook that.

Can it, Sir Nosy! You'd rebel too if you had to grow up with two meticulous parents.

Is that why you talk like that? You're "rebelling"?

Yeah. My ma and pop were way too overprotective. But I know they did it out of love. I wish I hadn't fought back so much. Now I'll never get to see them again... Sometimes I wish I could visit the next world just to say I'm sorry.


Well...I guess I might finally get the chance.

And what do you mean by that?

I never should've abandoned my friends back at the bridge. I deserve to die, and I probably will.

What?! Don't speak such nonsense!


Now you listen to me, young man. The only way you'll keep living is if you WANT to keep living.


And sometimes wanting it isn't enough. Look at your father. He wanted to live with all his heart...but reality had other plans in store. So how do you expect to stay alive in a world like this if you DON'T want it? Stop blaming yourself and start looking toward your future. Because if you don't, I'll never leave. I'll be far too worried. Do you want your overprotective, meticulous father to nag you forever?

...... It's funny. You said something like that once before...right before you died. I'd almost forgot...

Good. I'm glad the other me didn't neglect to tell you.

You know, this has been a real wake-up call. I guess I do need to snap out of it.

That's the spirit.

...But hey, let me tell you something. Since I was too busy bawlin' my eyes out to say it to my real pop, I just wanted you to know that as much as you crowded me... I still liked having you around. ...So don't even think about dyin' on me again, or I'll break your face!

Duly noted. I promise never to elicit such harsh words again.

Whew... All these Risen do tire a noble out... What I wouldn't give for a freshly brewed cup of tea and a few moments to relax. ...Hmm? Now who is that running this way?

FATHER! That's really you, isn't it?

Aieee! ...Good gods, my boy! My heart nearly stopped. So you must be this world's Yarne... You do know how to startle your elders, don't you? Truth be told, I was hoping to avoid this meeting... Alas, it seems my destiny is, as always, to be noticed.

Well, when you talk to yourself and gesture dramatically like that... *Sigh* Never mind. What are you doing here? You're supposed to be dead.

Ah, you mean your FATHER is supposed to be dead. But I am not your father. I am the OTHER Virion who is NOT dead! You see, I came from another world.

...Er, why would you do that?

A little bird told me you and your companions were in dire straits. And when presented with the opportunity to help, I... I... *gulp*


*Ahem* Forgive me. You are not REALLY my son, but it distresses me to see your life in peril. My usual grace and composure, they... Oh dear? I'm starting to...to sweat. From my eyes. I am quite sweaty.

Father, you're crying! No wonder you didn't want us to cross paths. Ohh... *sniff* Oh, Father!

Ah-ah! Dry those tears, my boy. A son of any Virion must maintain his dignity. Besides, your eyes will get red.

Um... My eyes have ALWAYS been red. You know that.

Ah yes... Like your mother's. Such a lovely color! But enough sentimentality. Since you know I am here, I can no longer protect you in secret... However, I still have your back... And YOU have a mission to see through!

Don't worry, Father. I will!

Yarne! You're alive!

Wh-what? Father?! But I thought you were dead!

I'm not the Stahl you know. I came from another world.

Wha...? Why would you do that?

To save you, of course!

You're here to help? Then don't save me. You have to rescue my friends! They're stranded on the other bank...

I know. I saw. It must have been hard to leave them behind. That took courage.

I didn't want to do it, but I had to honor their wishes. I had to! *Sniff* What would you have done? I'm scared I made a mistake...

You didn't, Yarne. Trust me. I know how it feels to make a tough call and be left to wonder if there was another way. But you can't get hung up on things like that. You need to keep moving forward.

How can I?

Listen—life lays a lot of choices before us, and sometimes they're all bad. You have to be able to pick the least of those evils and live with it. I know I have. But if you stop to question it, you'll never get to the next choice. You'll never get anywhere. Understand?


You know what you need to do now, right?

Yes... Deliver the Gemstones. I don't know why I was so clouded... I have to hurry up and finish my mission!

Good. And I'm going to help you. You ready?

I am now. Thanks, Father!

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Okay, here is another batch of my claims. That should take care of all my Summer of Bonds claims. I'll get workin' on my Spa of Bonds claims this weekend, training up my parents in the meantime. I hope I don't take too long for my Future of Despair claims. But if I do, again, I give permission in advance for someone to do any of my Future of Despair claims if they manage to reach it before I do.

Anyways, onto business.

[spoiler=Spa of Bonds Enter Battle Quotes]

Avatar: So these are hot springs… They have their own beauty about them, hmm? I need to put these Risen to a swift end and give the others a chance to recover. Lately it’s been battle after battle…

Chrom: You Risen stick out like sore thumbs in a place as tranquil as this. Seriously, can we not even take a bath in peace? Oh well. A Shepherd’s got to do what a Shepherd’s got to do!

Frederick: Hmm… The rocks here are slippery from all the moisture… I’d better lay out some dry rags before milord and lady take an exalted spill.

Miriel: Hmm. These springs all derive from the same mountain… And yet olfactory analysis reveals that each pool comprises different minerals. How is it that one water source yields such disparate boons to the body? Visual corroboration must wait until I clear the steam off my glasses. …Again.

Donnel: Is this really just one big bathtub? I reckon it’s bigger’n a lake! Heck, my whole village could fit in here at the same darn time! I’ll have to take ‘em out here for a spell once we’re finished savin’ the world.

Lon'qu: This moisture, this humidity, this slippery footing… I could train here. Yes… But not until I kill these Risen, hop in the bath, and warm up first. Brr…

Ricken: The hot springs smell wonderful! The waters must contain healing agents. I wonder if I could use them to concoct some new kind of vulnerary… Only one way to find out! But first we need to take care of these pests.

Tharja: A public bathing area? In the nude?! Has this whole town gone mad? Wait… What if they have? That’s it! The steam is hexed to loosen inhibitions! Hee hee… I know exactly who to try it on once this battle is over…

Olivia: I’ve been to hot springs before while touring the land… But I was always there to dance—never to enjoy the springs myself. Today will be my first chance! I’m so excited!

Henry: Ooh, hot springs! I’ve heard of these! You sit in the water for a while, and the minerals do stuff to your body. I wonder if the minerals can help me cast any awesome new dark magic!

Owain: My blood simmers with a fervor far greater than ever before! But why?! No mere battle has stoked this fury. This source is deeper… More powerful! What? N-no, it had nothing to do with passing by the ladies-only bath, I swear!

Inigo: At least the Risen had the courtesy to show up before we got into the baths. Had they waited a bit longer, we’d have been stuck throwing buckets at them! …You know, that actually sounds kind of fun. I’ll have to give it a try…

Brady: You idiots. Of all the places to attack, why pick a public hot spring?! What if an old-lady tourist got scared and fell and broke a hip or whatever? You think it’s funny? We’ll see how funny it is when I smash YOUR hips to bits!

Morgan: I’ve never been to a hot spring before! At least not since I lost my memory. I understand that people often come to places like this with their families… Maybe Father/Mother and I’ll make a tradition of coming here, just the two of us!

Laurent: Just as I’d begun a fascinating chemical analysis of the water in this spring…my glasses fogged up and I couldn’t finish my work. Then YOU showed up. Do you have any idea how much I abhor being interrupted? Prepare to find out!

Noire: This is pathetic. Attacking a hot spring? What is with you awful creatures? Are you waging war on the tourists and the elderly now…? THIS BOILING PIT OF RELAXATION HERALDS YOUR FUN-RUINING END!

Now onto my Summer of Bonds convo claims.

[spoiler=Chrom and My Unit]

Part One

Robin: The Outrealm’s hottest resort, huh? I don’t doubt it. This place is amazing! We could have a lot of fun out here. Swimming, collecting seashells…

Chrom: It’s true we don’t get very many chances to relax in our own world…

Robin: Ack! Chrom?! You heard all of that?

Chrom: If you’re going to talk to yourself so loudly, I’d suggest moving farther down the beach.

Robin: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be daydreaming like that in the middle of a battle.

Chrom: Not at all. Everyone needs to unwind now and again. You should enjoy yourself. I’ve seen how tense you tend to become in the heat of battle, Robin… If this isn’t the place to let your hair down a little, I don’t know where is.

Robin: Is that an order? Because if it is, I’m not complaining! Seriously, though, I’ve never been anywhere this beautiful before. It’s so relaxing… Or perhaps I’ve been here hundreds of times and I just don’t remember…

Chrom: Robin…

Robin: Sorry. Didn’t mean to get all somber on you there. If my commander’s ordered me to let my hair down, who am I to argue? I spotted an interesting creature when I passed by that tide pool over there… I’m going back for a closer look! –leaves-

Chrom: Heh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Robin so excited. This place really is everything it’s cracked up to be. I owe it to him/her to help him/her enjoy it as much as s/he can while we’re here. I only wish I knew how to go about it… Should I spoil him/her like Frederick does me? Maybe I’ll help him/her gather seashells. ……Or maybe not. I feel ridiculous. I’ll think of something.

Robin: -comes back- Chrom, check it out! I caught that weird creature! Isn’t this thing bizarre? I wonder if we could put it to any tactical use…

Chrom: ……

Robin: What’s wrong, Chrom? Don’t you like it? I know it’s not the most cuddliest critter, but it’s kinda cute in its own way!

Chrom: Hmm? No, no, it’s fine. I was just distracted, sorry. Don’t worry about me. Go frolic with your weird little friend to your heart’s content.

Robin: Well, when you put it that way…

Part Two

Robin: Hey, Chrom! How goes the battle on your— …Huh? What’s up with all these seashells?

Chrom: Oh, hello, Robin. I was trying to fashion a necklace out of them. It didn’t go well.

Robin: You were fashioning a necklace…? Has this been a hobby of yours for long? It looks as if they’ve been completely pulverized. What went wrong?

Chrom: Well, I can at least say I have a talent for smashing things in frustration…

Robin: So it seems… And what’s that behind you? What are all those charred lumps?

Chrom: Those are…er, WERE fish. I was trying to cook them. They got burned.

Robin: That’s putting it kindly…

Chrom: Yeah, it didn’t exactly pan out as I’d intended.

Robin: Huh. Well…I guess even the greatest of chefs burn things now and again… And I’ll pretend I haven’t noticed the collapsed sand castle or the half-built raft… And what is that? A bug-infested tropical fruit salad? …I’ll just ignore that too.

Chrom: That would probably be for the best.

Robin: Listen, Chrom, I’m sure my excitement for the beach earlier was infectious, but…well, maybe it’s best you save these…activities…for after the battle’s done.

Chrom: No, you’re right. But first, there’s one more thing I want you to see. Now that it’s done, I think it might’ve been a terrible idea, but…

Robin: Really? There’s more? What is it this ti— Oh my!

Chrom: So…what do you think?

Robin: …… Pfft… Ha ha ha… AAAAH ha ha ha ha ha! “Chrom & Robin Were Here.” Ha ha! Did you write this all by yourself?

Chrom: Yes.

Robin: Ha ha! Just the image of you slaving over this giant scrawl is enough to—! Ha ha! I’m…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be mocking my commander in a time of war… B-but… Ha ha ha! I’m sorry! It’s just too funny!

Chrom: So did you…like it?

Robin: Like it? Ha ha! Are you kidding? I loved it!

Chrom: Whew. Then it was worth the effort. …And the humiliation. I’m glad I was able to do something to make you happy.

Robin: Wait, Chrom… Don’t tell me all of this… All these ruined projects… That was you trying to make me happy?

Chrom: Is that so strange? I mean, you’re the whole reason we were invited here in the first place. So I’ve been trying to figure out some way I could show my gratitude. And, you know…you don’t have any memories from before we met. So I thought I might be able to help you make some new ones…

Robin: Oh, Chrom… I didn’t realize. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Chrom: Well, I’m not sure thanks are in order. After all, all my ideas ended in disaster…

Robin: Heh. Well, that may be so, but I still owe you one. After all, it’s no fair if I’m the only one having fun. So once this battle’s over, let’s think up something we can enjoy together. Deal?

Chrom: All right. You’ve got yourself a deal.

[spoiler=Sumia and Lissa]

Part One

Lissa: Wow! Look at that ocean, Sumia! We have GOT to go swimming!

Sumia: Absolutely not, Lissa. We didn’t come here to have a good time.

Lissa: Aw, but look at this place! Blue sky, golden sand, and alllll that beautiful water! It’s so pretty, twinkling in the sun. How can we NOT go splash around in it?

Sumia: Lissa, please. We’re Shepherds. Proud warriors serving in Chrom’s army—

Lissa: Uh-huh. So why do you have YOUR swimsuit then? Hm? …HMM? Don’t try to hide it! I see it peeking out of your bag there.

Sumia: M-my swimsuit?! I don’t know what you’re— Ohh, you mean THIS?! Uh… It’s…not a swimsuit. It’s, um…my aquatic battle outfit! For…combat in water! I bought it as soon as I realized we might have to fight on the seashore. When you’re doing battle in the waves, you need complete freedom of movement!

Lissa: I don’t see how wearing a swimsuit under armor helps with that at all…

Sumia: Well…y-you wouldn’t! Because…it’s actually really complicated. Yeah, I barely understand myself! Ha ha.

Lissa: But didn’t the merchant explain? You sure did spend a long time talking to her. From where I was, it looked like you got her to show you every style she had. You compared cuts and colors and patterns almost like you cared about how they looked… But why would you, if you’re only gonna be wearing the suit during battle?

Sumia: Er, right… Good question! I can totally explain that. Definitely. You see…er… I thought, if I’m buying one ANYWAY, I might as well get something flattering. I mean, have you ever seen swi—er, aquatic battle suits like this back in our world…? …Oh, all right, FINE! I admit it! I was excited about swimming in the ocean too. Okay? This isn’t an aquatic battle suit at all… I’m sorry I lied to you, Lissa.

Lissa: Oh, you don’t have to apologize. I totally understand! Soooo…seeing as how we DID buy these suits…we probably SHOULD try them out… Even soldiers deserve a break sometimes, right?

Sumia: Well, twist my arm, why don’t you…? Hee hee! Okay, it’s a date! But first, let’s finish cleaning up this mess here on the beach!

Part Two

Lissa: *Sigh*The swimsuit looked SO good when the merchant showed it to me… But when I put it on, it was all baggy and loose, and it looked TOTALLY ridiculous.

Sumia: I’m disappointed with mine, too. I swear it didn’t look THAT small at the stall! It doesn’t matter how cute it is—if you can’t wear it in public, what’s the point?

Lissa: Yeah, I know exactly what you mean! Unlike me, though, I’ll bet you look good in almost everything you wear. I couldn’t help noticing what a great figure you have when we were changing. I would KILL for curves like yours! What size are you, by the way?

Sumia: Gosh! I never thought I’d be having this conversation with a princess!

Lissa: Aw, come on! We’re friends! We can talk about this kinda stuff, can’t we?

Sumia: Well, I guess. But a girl has to have SOME secrets, so don’t go telling anyone!

Lissa: Oh, absolutely! Cross my heart and hope to die!

Sumia: Okay, lean in close. I’m going to whisper it, just in case any men are eavesdropping…

Lissa: Like this?

Sumia: Uh-huh.

Lissa: …I’m waiting.

Sumia: …Argh! I can’t do it! It’s just…not something I talk about!

Lissa: Oh, COME ON! You can’t make me go through all that and then not tell me!

Sumia: I’m sorry! I know it’s weird, but… Hey, wait! I just had an idea! Why don’t we swap swimsuits?

Lissa: Huh? Why would we—? …Ohhh, I get it! Mine’s too big, yours is too small… If we trade, we’ll both have suits that fit!

Sumia: Exactly! Now why don’t we hurry up and finish this battle so we can try them on again.

Lissa: Sounds good to me! …Hey, wait a second! You never answered my question!

[spoiler=Lon'qu and Virion]

Part One

Lon’qu: …Virion.

Virion: Why, if it isn’t Lon’qu! What a pleasant surprise. And how may I be of service?

Lon’qu: You’re a skilled archer, are you not? I need to make use of your arm.

Virion: How could I refuse such eloquent praise? I would be delighted to assist you! But what, pray tell, do you require of me.

Lon’qu: I want you to fire arrows at me.

Virion: Er…my! And why, may I ask, would you make such a rash and reckless request?

Lon’qu: They don’t need to be real arrows. Practice arrows will do fine. This sand makes it hard to move. I need to hone my evasive maneuvers.

Virion: Ahh, so this is the method behind your seeming madness? Your diligence, as ever, impresses me deeply. I hold such ambition and determination as yours in high regard indeed! Even a nobleman such as I may learn from your example.

Lon’qu: …So you’ll do it?

Virion: Hmm…

Lon’qu: Delighted to assist me, was it?

Virion: Ah ha ha! Well, of course I am! But please indulge me for a moment first. Pray, look around you—note the sun’s rays beating on the sand, the crashing waves… I long to cavort gaily amidst such beauty! …In a noble and refined fashion, of course. And yet, you would have me participate in a crude display of machismo instead? I cannot help but fear this might cause distress to the many fair maidens present…

Lon’qu: Funny you should mention that. I heard some of the local women talking earlier. They were saying how impressive you look when you fire that bow of yours.

Virion: *Ahem* So! Tell me, Lon’qu, where exactly would you like me to aim?

Lon’qu: ……

Part Two

Virion: Mercy me, however did I allow myself to get caught up in such foolishness? *Sigh* Sometimes my boundless generosity surprises even myself… I must end this quickly, that I may return to the delights of paradise!

*getting struck by an arrow sound effect*

Lon’qu: -appears- Argh! Damn it! How do you keep hitting me?!

Virion: A lackluster effort, dear friend. Let us try once more.

*getting struck by an arrow sound effect*

Lon’qu: Oww!

Virion: Even practice arrows sting when they strike straight and true. Come, end this folly.

Lon’qu: It makes no sense! Even standing in this sand, I should be able to do this!

Virion: Heh… Whether the sport be archery or seduction, I always hit my mark!

Lon’qu: How does the simpering fool always manage to— Argh!

Virion: My dear Lon’qu. Have you yet to see what hinders you? You lack focus, friend! You have done so from the start! It is the warm and pleasant atmosphere of the beach, I imagine. It is causing even one so strenuously uptight as yourself to relax his guard.

Lon’qu: What?!

Virion: It seems I have hit the nail on the head! Like…so!

*getting struck by an arrow sound effect*

Lon’qu: Yargh!

Virion: Surely even you have punished yourself enough by now? Shall we end this?

Lon’qu: …Very well. I must train myself to stop being swayed by distractions. Tell me, how do you stay so focused in a place like this?

Virion: An intriguing question. I believe it is my ability to enter another mental realm. One where I am able to act appropriately, regardless of circumstances. One must remain detached…objective… Therein lies the key.

Lon’qu: Interesting… Sorry to make you do this in the middle of a battle.

Virion: Think nothing of it. It has proved more of a fruitful exercise than I imagined! We must ensure that our post battle frolics are equally fruitful. Share we formulate a plan of approach for the fair maidens on the beach?

Lon’qu: “We”? I don’t think so.

Virion: Oh? And why is that? Naturally you’ll be joining me!

Lon’qu: I will?

Virion: Surely you don’t intend to refuse me after I have assisted you so?

Lon’qu: Rrgh… I…I suppose not…

[spoiler=Chrom and Stahl]

Part One

Stahl: Phew. Well, this area’s clear.

Chrom: Good work, Stahl. It’s nice to know we can always count on you.

Stahl: Just trying to do my part! Against the weaker foes, at least…

Chrom: Don’t sell yourself short, Stahl. You’ve become one of our most reliable soldiers. I often call you are bastion in stormy seas, you know. Others agree.

Stahl: R-really?! I-I’m not used to such praise. You’re making me blush! Still, I’m glad you find me useful. I do try to serve best I can…

Chrom: You really need to stop being so modest. Your results speak for themselves.

Stahl: Wow, Chrom, to hear you say that is hugely encouraging. Inspiring, even! From this day on, I solemnly swear to redouble my efforts. I won’t rest until I’m the mightiest knight in the halidom!

Chrom: That’s the spirit! I’ll be following your progress closely. And I have every confidence you’ll succeed, Stahl.

Stahl: …Y-you do? And you’ll be following my progress…personally? *Gulp* I…I’m honored that you would place so much faith in me! Honored…and perhaps a little daunted… (S-so…much…pressure…)

Chrom: Stahl, are you all right? You’re suddenly covered in sweat and trembling like a leaf.

Stahl: Wh-who, me? No, I’m f-f-fine! J-just my n-n-normal reliable s-self… *Gasp* G-GOTTA GO! B-BYE! –leaves-

Chrom: …What’s gotten into him?

Part Two

Stahl: *Pant, pant…* *wheeze*

Chrom: Good grief, Stahl. Are you all right?

Stahl: I-I’m fine… *wheeze* Must…defeat…more foes…

Chrom: Wait—don’t let them draw you out of formation!

Stahl: But…I have to…kill them all… Can’t stop… Must win…single handed…

Chrom: Stahl, get ahold of yourself!

Stahl: Wha—?! I…I’m sorry… I just thought… I mean, I know you’re counting on me, so I—

Chrom: Stahl, look at you. You’re as tense as a loaded crossbow. It’s a wonder you can even move with your neck muscles knotted up like that.

Stahl: S-sorry… I just didn’t want to let you down… Not after you put your faith in me…you know?

Chrom: Is that what this is about?

Stahl: Ever since you lavished me with all that praise, I’ve been very anxious… Becoming the mightiest knight in the halidom is a lot harder than I thought! I’m not so arrogant to think I’d actually live up to that, but I knew I had to try…

Chrom: …I see. It seems I owe you an apology. I only meant to encourage you—to let you know that your efforts were appreciated. I certainly didn’t intend for you to try to take on the enemy single handed!

Stahl: No, of course not… I never should’ve—

Chrom: Listen, Stahl… It makes no difference to me whether you’re the mightiest knight in the realm. What matters is that you’re healthy and able to help us win this war. To fight together with us not only as comrades…but as friends.

Stahl: Wow, I… I don’t know what to say…

Chrom: Just say that you understand.

Stahl: Oh, I absolutely understand! In fact, I swear upon my family’s honor to fight harder than anyone has ever— …Wait. I’m doing it again. Heh. All right, let’s just say this: I promise to do my best to help us get through this war—together.

Chrom: That’s more like it.

Stahl: Whew… I have to say, it feels good to get that off my back… My appetites returning already!

Chrom: Ha! Now that’s the Stahl I know. It’s good to have you back, friend.

[spoiler=Vaike and Frederick]

Part One

Vaike: Aw, man, is this great or what? Clear water, blue skies, white sand… Time to finish cleanin’ this mess so we can get to havin’ fun!

Frederick: Do not allow yourself to be distracted, Vaike. The battle is not won yet. A single moment’s lost concentration is all it takes for a soldier to lose his life.

Vaike: You think ol’ Teach don’t know that? Relax already! Nobody’s sayin’ we should up and throw a clambake or anything! Would it kill ya to loosen your codpiece and enjoy life a little?

Frederick: It very well might. I remind you again—we are in the midst of battle.

Vaike: At ease, Commander Killjoy! Ya gotta learn to lighten up! Just ‘cause ya dress like a tin can don’t mean ya gotta be as stiff as one. Heck, maybe that’s the problem right there—it’s like a million degrees out! You should try bein’ like Teach here. Lose the armor, and get some air!

Frederick: You presume to know the discomfort of armor? You who wear almost none?

Vaike: Hey, just ‘cause I don’t know what it feels like in there don’t mean I ain’t right! Bah, I’m done listenin’ to you anyhow. All the Vaike hears is the sweet call of the sea!

Frederick: ……

Vaike: What’s with the grimace? You getting’ constipated or somethin’?

Frederick: Very well. If this is how it must be…

Vaike: Finally comin’ around to Teach’s way of thinkin’, huh? All right! Let’s get ya outta—

Frederick: Unhand me and stand to attention, soldier!

Vaike: Huh? What’s with you all of a sudden? Did all that sun finally get to ya?

Frederick: Your slovenly soldering will disgrace this army no longer! You will learn the focus and resolve of a warrior, or you will die trying! The road to discipline begins here!

Vaike: You gotta be kiddin’ me…

Part Two

Vaike: *Pant* *huff* *gasp* Can’t believe…the Vaike is havin’ to…run laps in the sand like this… Who woulda thought Frederick could be…so punishing…

Frederick: I don’t recall ordering you to take a break! Keep those feet moving, soldier! One and two and one and two!

Vaike: Eh?! How are ya always…right behind me? How do ya…keep up in that armor?

Frederick: You’re wasting valuable breath, soldier! One and two and one and two! Keep it up!

Vaike: But this sand’s so damn…deep…*gasp* I can barely lift my…legs…

Frederick: Precisely. Running through sand punishes the muscles of the lower body. That is why it presents such a fantastic training opportunity.

Vaike: But…*huff*…dammit, it…hurts… I can barely…move… -collapses off screen, then comes back- Urgh… Just gonna…rest for a second… The Vaike’s…*pant*…his his limit… *Wheeze*

Frederick: It is only by pushing beyond one’s limit that new strength can be attained. You wish to become stronger, do you not? Then you cannot waste this opportunity. Back at it, soldier!

Vaike: B-but I’ve been running for hours! I must be plenty strong by…now… *Pant* *gasp* P-please… The Vaike’s beggin’ you… Just lemme…take a quick dip… Between the sweat and the sun, I’m gonna shrivel up and die here!

Frederick: *Sigh* Very well. I suppose it can’t be helped.

Vaike: R-really…?! You’re gonna…let ol’ Teach cool off in the drink…?

Frederick: But of course. If you’ll just strap these weights on for me first…

Vaike: Oh, for the love of the gods!

[spoiler=Miriel and Sumia]

Part One

Miriel: ………………

Sumia: Er… Miriel?

Miriel: I am quite well, thank you.

Sumia: O-oh, really? That’s good to hear. …But what I was actually going to ask is: Why are you staring at me like that?

Miriel: I would prefer it if you refrained from addressing me directly. It is imperative that you pretend I’m not here, or the results will be compromised.

Sumia: The results? What results?

Miriel: The results of my observations, of course.

Sumia: Observations…? Er, what observations?

Miriel: I’m trying to determine if you are a simple clod, or if your clumsiness is in fact an act. Dissimulation intended to elicit attention and sympathy from male colleagues.

Sumia: What?! You think I PRETEND to fall over just for attention? That is so unfair! I’m a little clumsy sometimes, but never on purpose, and never EVER to attract men!

Miriel: You seem defensive, but I mean you no offense. I find it admirable that you can turn an apparent failing to your advantage.

Sumia: B-but I don’t! I’m not that kind of person!

Miriel: Fascinating. You seem sincere. Perhaps the behavior is induced subconsciously. Could this be evidence of a naturally occurring reproductive strategy? It’s hardly difficult to deduce how such a solution would self-perpetuate. Displays of helplessness serve to attract mates of a protective predisposition. This in turn increases the likelihood of infant survival… It’s really quite simple.

Sumia: Um…what?

Miriel: Please continue. Pay me no mind. I must see your charms in action.

Sumia: All right, Miriel, that’s enough! I don’t LIKE being a klutz, okay? I hate it!

Miriel: Good, good! The quivering lip, the tearful eyes… These are powerful signals. Males of the requisite predisposition will begin to congregate around you shortly.

Sumia: GAH! Miriel! You can be SUCH a— Whoooa-AAARGH! -trips-

Miriel: Sumia?

Sumia: -gets back up- Now look what you made me do! I’m absolutely COVERED in sand.

Miriel: Truly fascinating…

Part Two

Miriel: Sumia.

Sumia: What do you want? …You’re not here to stare at me again, are you?

Miriel: That won’t be necessary. I have amassed all the data I require. The evidence is overwhelming. All that remains is for me to deliver my conclusion.

Sumia: Your…conclusion?

Miriel: My objective was to determine whether or not your frequent pratfalls were deliberate. The inescapable conclusion is that they are.

Sumia: Wha—?! No way! Y-you’ve made a mistake! You must have!

Miriel: I’m afraid not. Did I not observe you practicing your poses before a mirror earlier?

Sumia: *Gasp*

Miriel: You were plainly trying to determine the angle from which you looked most pitiable. Now, come! Confess all! The role of the bumbling clod is naught but pretense! A ruse subtly and deliberately enacted to attract the attentions of men!

Sumia: Miriel… Why, you… Tee hee hee hee hee… BWAH HA HA HA HA HAH! Very well! I confess! Every word you say is true! And I would’ve gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for your meddling experiments! My clumsiness, the silly flower fortunes…all of them carefully calculated lies. Every bumbling pratfall, every empty-headed utterance…meant only to attract men. But don’t think I’m sorry. No, not one bit! All’s fair in love and war, sister. A girl has the right to use every weapon in her arsenal. EVERY ONE!

Miriel: …Indeed. It is as I long suspected.

Sumia: And you just HAD to go and find me out, didn’t you? But now you know something you weren’t supposed to know… And I’m going to have to make sure no one else ever learns my secret!

Miriel: Wh-whatever do you m-mean? …What do you intend to do?!

Sumia: Hee hee! You’re the clever one. Why don’t YOU figure it out? Do you REALLY think I’m going to let you blab this to everyone in the army?

Miriel: B-but…surely you wouldn’t…? Not that? Y-you’re not the type… Ugh… Uwaaargh… M-my head is starting to spin… My vision grows blurred… I hear voices…in the distance…

-screen fades and comes back-

Sumia: —iriel? –hear me? Miriel?! Miriel, are you okay?! MIRIEL?!

Miriel: …WAH! Who—? What—? What just happened to me?

Sumia: I don’t know! You said you were feeling light headed, and then you keeled over! I was so worried… It looked like you’d seen a ghost or something!

Miriel: You tended to me as I lay unconscious?

Sumia: Of course! Friends are supposed to look after each other, right?

Miriel: Did I…? Did I just imagine all that? About your…dissimulation?

Sumia: My dissimu-what? What are you talking about?

Miriel: Oh…heh… N-nothing at all… Please ignore me. No, of course not… How could one so guileless ever hope to maintain an elaborate charade? Sumia, I am truly sorry I doubted you, even if it was in the midst of a feverish vision.

Sumia: Er, sure? But I don’t know why you’re apologizing… But hey, look! The color’s come back into your cheeks! You’re going to be just fine.

Miriel: Yes, I feel much improved already. You have my gratitude, Sumia.

Sumia: Hey, anytime!

[spoiler=Maribelle and Miriel]

Part One

Maribelle: Oh my… This heat is absolutely, unutterably unbearable! What have I done to the gods to deserve such unjust punishment? Do they mean to blemish my perfect, porcelain skin with this scorching sun? Or do they think my darling, dainty parasol enough to fend off these ravaging rays? And to add insult to injury, I must watch these fools frolic in the sand like children? The heat has clearly melted away what little reason they had in the first place… Wouldn’t you agree, Miriel?

Miriel: ……

Maribelle: *Sigh* Deep in study again, aren’t you? I must say I admire your strength of will, maintaining focus in the infernal heat… Or have you cast some sort of spell to keep yourself cool?

Miriel: No such spell exists. I simply cannot squander the opportunity to study this behavior in the field.

Maribelle: And what behavior might that be?

Miriel: The loss of human inhibition in response to intense sunlight. It is truly an intriguing phenomenon.

Maribelle: Well, it certainly has me baffled…

Miriel: Clearly, participant observation is the logical next step. Only experimental evidence can provide the further inside I need.

Maribelle: Are you saying you’re going to gather data by playing on the beach? *Sigh* A brain the size of a planet, and even you can’t help acting like a simpleton… Well, at least we have some evidence that you may be human after all…

Miriel: I shall begin by cavorting with the brigands encamped along the beach here. –leaves-

Maribelle: You’ll what?! Miriel, wait! It isn’t safe! Get back here!

Part Two

Maribelle: Miriel! Are you all right?

Miriel: Yes, I am fine. But I failed to collect any meaningful data.

Maribelle: It wasn’t your research I was concerned about…

Miriel: The subjects surrounded me and subjected me to some form of primitive social ritual. They asked meaningless questions about my birth sign and place of origin. I grew tired of being addressed as “baby” and fought my way clear.

Maribelle: I see… Well, we can be thankful that you came away unscathed at least.

Miriel: Such simplistic creatures couldn’t harm me if they tried.

Maribelle: Heh. I suppose you’re right.

Miriel: But it seems I must reevaluate my data-gathering approach.

Maribelle: Perhaps I can be of assistance. May I help you with your research after the battle?

Miriel: I fail to see what scientific value your complaints about the heat will bring…

Maribelle: Hmph! That’s hardly fair. You wish to see what it’s like to enjoy the sun, do you not? Well, running like a ninny through the sand and surf is not the only way to do it! I shall teach you a more sophisticated way to appreciate these tropical climes.

Miriel: Hmm… There may be value in such an approach. Very well—I accept your offer.

[spoiler=Frederick and Kellam]

Part One

Frederick: Hello, Kellam.

Kellam: Y-you noticed me standing here? I guess nothing gets by the great Frederick, huh?

Frederick: What are you talking about? You were standing in plain sight.

Kellam: Well, as you probably know by now, I tend to…lack a strong presence. So, uh…thanks.

Frederick: It isn’t you who should be thanking me, Kellam. Your presence is always felt. And more than that, it is greatly valued. I cannot count the number of times you have come to my aid in battle.

Kellam: Wow… It means a lot to me to hear you say that.

Frederick: I only wish that others among our number were as reliable as you. And as vigilant…

Kellam: Why, has something happened?

Frederick: Local miscreants have been spotted near the camp. I fear they are poised to take advantage of the distraction caused by the brigands. It is up to the likes of you and I to remain wary and ever vigilant.

Kellam: Well, you can count on me!

Solider: -appears- Forgive the interruption, sir! There’s been an incident…

Frederick: Wha manner of incident?

Soldier: A burglary, sir! …All of our swimsuits have been stolen!

Frederick: Damn them. It’s just as I suspected… Cowards and opportunists!

Kellam: The miscreants you mentioned?

Frederick: It would seem so. Men, lead me to the crime scene. –leaves-

Kellam: Wait. I’m coming too!

Part Two

Frederick: Take the prisoner away. See that justice is done.

Soldier: Yes, sir! Thank you for your help, sir! –leaves-

Frederick: …..It is you they should be thanking, Kellam. You certainly have my gratitude.

Kellam: -appears- Oh, I…I didn’t really…

Frederick: Please. No need for modesty. You caught the culprit singlehanded. Had he escaped, it would have been a huge embarrassment for us all.

Kellam: W-well, I’m just happy to have been useful for once…

Frederick: And yet…I still cannot fathom how you apprehended the rogue with such ease…

Kellam: Well, that’s… It’s like I was saying… I don’t have much of a presence… I was standing outside the tent, and he came out and walked right past me. He was looking really shifty, making sure he wasn’t being followed… But he didn’t seem to notice me at all, so I just walked up and grabbed him…

Frederick: Intriguing. This lack of presence of yours is beginning to seem like a rare talent!

Kellam: I…I dunno about that…

Frederick: And this is not the first time. Did a bandit not once infiltrate the Shepherds’ garrison? It was you who captured him, was it not?

Kellam: Oh, right. Yeah. I was napping in the barracks, and the guy didn’t see me…

Frederick: Then we Shepherds have had reason to give thanks for your gift more than once. Kellam, may your gods-given lack of presence continue to protect us all!

Kellam: Um… Thanks? Never thought I’d hear anyone talk about it quite like that…

[spoiler=Donnel and Virion]

Part One

Donnel: ……

Virion: I am warm enough without the heat of your gaze, Donnel. Can I help you?

Donnel: No, sir! I was just admirin’ yer noble fanciness, is all. Reckon there ain’t nobody dresses as nice, nor walks and talks quite the way ya do. I’m awfully sorry for gapin’, but we don’t see so many folks like you back where I’m from.

Virion: Ah! Of course I understand, Donnel. Your reaction is entirely natural. I was born into nobility and raised to take pride in my breeding. One might even say that I am the perfect gentleman! So I daresay I cut a rather awe-inspiring figure to the likes of your good self…

Donnel: Wow, you’re as confident as a bull in a rut! I sure do wish I could be just like ya!

Virion: Do you indeed? Then I suspect you do not know the true burden of high birth.

Donnel: Ya don’t say?

Virion: I do. While it is proper for you to envy your betters, you’re seeing only the surface. Yes, it is true we nobles live in a world of splendor and majesty… We dress in the finest clothes… We cavort with the finest of maidens… We feast upon the finest delicacies! And all with the utmost ease and grace. I imagine a commoner like yourself often dreams of such a seemingly charmed life.

Donnel: You bet yer right arm I do!

Virion: Ahh, dear, simple Donnel… Would that my life were as carefree as you imagine it. But alas, no. When we next speak, I shall tell you the other side of this sad tale…

Donnel: Well, shoot, I don’t rightly know what yer talkin’ about, but sure! Much obliged!

Part Two

Donnel: If yer still fixin’ to tell me more about bein’ a bigwig, Virion, I’d sure like to hear it!

Virion: Ah, but of course. I promised to tell you of the woes of noble birth. Very well… Now, I suspect you have often bemoaned the idleness of the ruling classes, yes?

Donnel: Sure have! We simple folk work doggone hard from cocks crow to sundown! But ain’t one of us could afford to buy so much as a simple crown or carriage or…

Virion: I sympathize deeply, of course. But do you really think we nobles are without hardship?

Donnel: Hardship like hoein’ turnips till yer back’s fit to break, ya mean? I sorta doubt it…

Virion: As I have stated, I am sympathetic to the daily tribulations of the peasantry. But you must understand—we nobles spend our days with our very lives on the line!

Donnel: Yer very lives, huh?

Virion: Indeed. We are expected to protect our subjects, no matter what the cost. In times of conflict, we stand on the front lines with our weapons drawn. We must be a shield to protect the people. And at times, we must die for them. This is our duty. And it is one we may neither shirk not shrink from. Such is the burden of nobility.

Donnel: I reckon I can see what yer getting’ at… So yer lives may look mighty easy, but all that lollygaggin’ comes at a price?

Virion: Precisely, my dear Donnel! I am so pleased that you understand!

Donnel: So yer like heroes, huh? Chargin’ to the rescue when the common folk are in danger! Well, shuck my corn, I oughta tell ya that makes me feel a dang sight safer. It’s mighty nice knowin’ yer all set to throw down yer life for me at the drop of a hat!

Virion: P-pardon me?! Why would I—?!

Donnel: Why, ‘cause I’m a lowly, hard-workin’ peasant, and yer a big, mighty lord! Weren’t ya just sayin’ how it’s yer duty to protect us little folks?

Virion: Ah, well, I should clarify that a nobleman’s duty is to the peasants of his fief—

Donnel: Yee-haw, it sure is a load off knowin’ I got my own personal bodyguard! Thanks for lookin’ out for me, Yer Honor! And keep up the good work! –leaves-

Virion: N-no, Donnel, you misunderstand, I— …And he’s gone. *Sigh* It seems we still have a few misconceptions to address...

[spoiler=Donnel and Gregor]

Part One

Donnel: *Siiigh*

Gregor: Oy, what is meaning of deep sigh, little farming friend?

Donnel: Oh, howdy, Gregor. I was just ponderin’ stuff, is all. Seein’ this pretty ocean got me to thinkin’…

Gregor: Such melancholy is not usual behavior for you, yes? Come, share thoughts with Gregor. Soon we will be kissing sadness good-bye!

Donnel: That’s awful kind of ya, but…well, okay. I s’pose I can chat to ya for a bit. The thing is, I’m wonderin’, Gregor… What do ya think about war?

Gregor: War? Hmm, is quite tall philosophical question… Why are you asking?

Donnel: Well, the thing is, I pretty much hate it. War done killed my pa, and the folks in my village are strugglin’ just to survive… And they ain’t the only ones, neither. People all over the world are sufferin’.

Gregor: Yes, is very sad truth, unfortunately…

Donnel: But at the same time, I been meetin’ all kinds’a fine folks durin’ this campaign… Roamin’ the world, goin’ on adventures… Doin’ lotsa stuff I never done before…

Gregor: Indeed, Gregor is feeling same way.

Donnel: It’s the change of a lifetime is what it is, but it only came my way ‘cause of the war. So it’s got me wonderin’: Should I be thankin’ the war instead’a cursin’ it?

Gregor: Hmm. Is difficult question you are posing… Gregor will need some time to consider.

Donnel: Sure. I ain’t in no hurry. What say we both chew it over for a spell?

Part Two

Gregor: Mmm… Is very beautiful ocean… When Gregor is gazing upon blue waters, he is for short time forgetting about war.

Donnel: Hey there, Gregor. Speakin’ of war…

Gregor: Ah, yes. Is ethical problem from before. Gregor has spent much time considering, but sadly, answer has not arrived…

Donnel: Well, I gots another question for ya. I hope ya don’t think I’m bein’ rude, but…yer what they call a sellsword, right? Doesn’t that mean ya actually NEED wars just to put bread on the table?

Gregor: Unhappily, what you say is truth. But often, Gregor, too, is needing rest from bloodshed. Many times, in fact, he is thinking to himself that no more war would be a good thing.

Donnel: Really? Even for you?

Gregor: Yes, even for Gregor, fearless and extremely handsome sellsword! He has been doing this job for a very long time, you know? But even Gregor must eat, yes? So for coin, he does what he does best. But now, he is very often thinking…maybe time has come for putting down sword and picking up plowshare. Of course, Gregor is also happy that in war, he has met many good friends…

Donnel: Well, I’ll be! I didn’t realize you were thinkin’ of turnin’ yer hand to farmin’… Y’know what? I just had me a great idea! Once this war’s over, why don’t ya come back and live in my village?

Gregor: …Live in your village? Gregor could do this?

Donnel: Sure! Ya could come help out on the farm! Y’know, plowin’ fields, harvestin’ crops…that sorta thing.

Gregor: Hmm… Is nice idea, but…your village was almost destroyed by fighting, yes? Perhaps fellow villagers won’t take kindly to nasty sellsword living next door…

Donnel: Aw, don’t worry ‘bout that. Us farmers always welcome an extra pair’a hands! Yer background won’t matter none, and I’d vouch for ya in any case.

Gregor: Hm, yes… Gregor is thinking this idea perhaps not so bad! Young Donnel is very lucky to have a warm home to return to. Gregor, he not so lucky. He is like rolling stone with no place for feather in hat, yes? Anyway, Gregor is honored by little farming friend’s offer. He will consider seriously.

Donnel: Yee-haw! Once yer mind’s made up, you just let me know, friend.

[spoiler=Libra and Lon'qu]

Part One

Lon’qu: Libra. There you are.

Libra: Good day, Lon’qu. Can I help you with something?

Lon’qu: Drop the pretense—I want the same thing as you. Come and fight me!

Libra: What?! Where is this coming from?

Lon’qu: I’ve been watching you for some time. You style yourself a peace-loving man of the cloth. But your love of battle is as plain as the nose on your face. I know you lust for greater strength, just as I do!

Libra: Is this really what you see in me?

Lon’qu: Stop this foolish charade and draw your weapon. You can cover yourself in all the white robes and piety you like. It won’t hide the bloodlust in your eyes!

Libra: I’m sorry, Lon’qu, but I decline.

Lon’qu: What?! Why? Do you not think of me a worthy rival? Am I not capable of challenging you?

Libra: Quite the opposite. I fear you may have overestimated me. I’m no power-hungry lover of war. I am a servant of the gods. I fight to protect mankind, and nothing else.

Lon’qu: Truly?

Libra: Truly. I’m honored that you consider me a warrior worthy of challenging. But I’m afraid I have no interest in dueling. Now, if you’ll excuse me.. –leaves-

Lon’qu: …..

Part Two

Lon’qu: So this is where you’ve been hiding.

Libra: What is it now, Lon’qu? If it’s about our previous conversation, I told you—

Lon’qu: You told me nothing. I need to know the truth behind the fire in your eyes… You can’t tell me that the fury you show on the battlefield is born of mere piety. So tell me the truth, or you’ll face me in battle. It’s as simple as that!

Libra: And what do you hope to gain by badgering me into fighting you? Please. You’ve exhausted my patience. Leave me in peace.

Lon’qu: ……

Libra: Are you really so desperate to know my past? Fine. If you insist. Although I suspect you’ve guessed one part of my story already.

Lon’qu: And what part might that be?

Libra: That while I now serve the gods with all my heart, I wasn’t always so…priestly. My parents never wanted me, never warmed me, and abandoned me at a young age. I can’t say the the childhood that followed was a happy one…

Lon’qu: …..

Libra: Perhaps some bitterness still lurks in the heart that beats beneath these robes. Maybe it’s the dark shadow of my youth that manifests itself on the battlefield…

Lon’qu: It seems you and I really aren’t so different after all.

Libra: Oh?

Lon’qu: I have a past I’m not so keen on discussing, either. I carry the same darkness as you…

Libra: Lon’qu…

Lon’qu: But you…you’re strong enough to keep that darkness buried deep within you. It’s that strength of will that gives you such power on the battlefield.

Libra: Heh… That’s certainly an interpretation I’d like to believe.

Lon’qu: I’m glad I understand the foundation of your strength now. But I’m sorry for forcing you to speak of such painful memories.

Libra: There’s no need to apologize. It’s not a story I can share with just anyone… I feel better having been able to talk about it with you.

Lon’qu: Then I’m glad. If there’s ever anything you want to say, know that you can say it to me.

Libra: Thank you, Lon’qu.

[spoiler=Chrom and Ricken]

Part One

Ricken: Hey, Chrom! Wait up!

Chrom: What is it, Ricken?

Ricken: You’ve got sand on your shoulder guard. Here, let me brush it off.

Chrom: Oh, I see. Thank you, Ricken. All done?

Ricken: Yep, just like new! Say, can I see your sword?

Chrom: All right, but just for a second. I’m kind of using it at the moment.

Ricken: …I knew it. See here? That’s rust. Let me give it a quick polish here…

Chrom: Look, Ricken, I’m very grateful, but this isn’t exactly the best timing… In any case, why the sudden concern? What’s this about?

Ricken: Well, you know how I look up to you and want to be like you when I get older, right? I figure if I help you out with odd jobs here and there, we might end up forming a bond! And the closer we get, the better I can understand what it takes to be like you.

Chrom: Er, I see… But, Ricken, I’m not sure brushing sand off me in the midst of battle is the best way—

Ricken: Oh, but it totally IS! And I’ll prove it! I’m going to keep it up, no matter what!

Chrom: *Sigh* If you insist. But can I at least have my sword back?

Ricken: Oh, right. Here you go. Now let’s go fight! And don’t you worry about sand anymore!

Part Two

Ricken: *Pant, pant*

Chrom: Ricken, are you all right?

Ricken: *Gasp* Oh, yep! Definitely! Never been better! Just sticking close and watching your back, like I said I would!

Chrom: You sure you’re not overdoing it? It’s much hotter here than in Ylisse. And trudging through this sand is hard work, even without full battle gear. I won’t want you to wear yourself out trying to keep up with me.

Ricken: I’m okay, I swear! Completely fine! I…I’m going to stick with you no matter what… Even if the battle goes on and on…and on…and you move…so fast…I’m gonna…stick… Unnngh… -collapses-

Chrom: Ricken!

(time passes)

Ricken: …Huh? Oh, man! Did I pass out? I’m really sorry, Chrom…

Chrom: No need to apologize. You just need to remember that you’re still young. There are limits to how far you can push yourself—physically AND mentally…

Ricken: Curses…

Chrom: Not what you wanted to hear, I know.

Ricken: No. Not really.

Chrom: Look, I know this is hard, especially coming from someone you look up to. But you have to accept the fact that you’re too young to do everything you want to. You have to take things one step at a time. You can’t rush things. After all, knowing your limitations is an important part of becoming a man.

Ricken: So you’re saying I should just accept the fact that I’m still a kid…

Chrom: I am. But don’t worry—you’re here because you’re already strong for your age. And you’re only going to get stronger. You just have to be patient. Anyway, you can go on fighting at my side, but only if you try not to overdo it. Deal?

Ricken: …Okay, deal!

Chrom: Good. Now, you ready to get back to it? We’ve got some brigands to deal with.

Ricken: Yeah. Th-thanks, Chrom. I won’t let you down!

Chrom: Attaboy!

Ricken: H-hey! Hands off the hair! If you want to tousle something, get a lapdog! Yeesh. I may be a kid, but I still have my pride, you know…

Chrom: Ha ha! Sounds like you’ve fully recovered. All right, Ricken—I’m counting on you!

Ricken: Right!

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Sorry for the double-post, but it was apparently too big to post, it wouldn't submit it.

[spoiler=Ricken and Vaike]

Part One

Vaike: Cripes, this heat is stiflin’… Makes ya wanna hop right in the drink, don’t it?

Ricken: Uh-huh… Sure…

Vaike: Hey, are you even listenin’? …Wait, yer readin’ a book? Here?!

Ricken: I’ve got a lot of studying to do! I can’t afford to fall behind.

Vaike: Lemme tell ya, kid—readin’ books ain’t gonna cause no sudden growth spurts.

Ricken: Huh? What’s that got to do with anything? Reading won’t stunt my growth, either!

Vaike: Yeah, maybe not. But you could be usin’ that time to pump iron!

Ricken: And I could be using THIS time to study! Would you just like me study in peace?

Vaike: Fine, but don’t come cryin’ to me when your brain boils over!

Ricken: Fortunately, my head’s not filled with soup like yours.

Vaike: Hey! I happen to like soup!

Ricken: *Sigh* But I do know what you mean… I know I won’t get to be like Chrom just by reading books all the time. Books won’t make me as strong or as handsome or as kind…

Vaike: It’s always Chrom, Chrom, Chrom with you, ain’t it? Don’t you have any love for the Vaike?

Ricken: Huh? Well, I mean…you’re pretty buff, I guess? That’s kinda admirable.

Vaike: Gee, thanks, kid. I’m touched. But all right, let’s see… If ya wanna get stronger, why don’t ya try liftin’ that big ol’ book while you read it? You can work your arms while ya work your brain—two birds, one stone!

Ricken: That’s actually not a bad idea…especially coming from you!

Vaike: See? Maybe Teach’s head ain’t so full of soup after all! …Wait, waddaya mean especially comin’ from me?!

Ricken: Heh heh. I’m just messing around. Come on, why don’t we both give it a try?

Vaike: …All right. Gimme one of them fancy books of yours. Somethin’ heavy. Maybe Teach can learn a thing or two while he’s doin’ reps!

Ricken: Sure! We can both try to make up for our respective shortcomings. I’ll work on improving my strength…and you can focus on fixing your mental deficiencies!

Vaike: Sounds like a pl—HEEY, wait a minute!

Part Two

Ricken: Eleven… Twelve… *pant* Phew… Working out while reading is a lot harder than I thought it’d be. The words all blue together… Just looking at them is giving me a headache! Hmm… Oh, I know! I’ll just lay the book flat on the ground and do push-ups over it! Okay… One, and… Two… No, this is even worse. My sweat is dripping all over the pages.

Vaike: -appears- Greetings, dear Ricken!

Ricken: Hey, Vaike. Man, this whole reading-and-working-out thing is a real pain. Hey, wait a second—why are you talking like that?

Vaike: Why, whatever do ya mean, my good lad?

Ricken: A-are you okay?

Vaike: Me? I feel wondrous! I assure you there is no cause for alarm.

Ricken: I think there is—you sound like you’ve swallowed a dictionary!

Vaike: Ha! The Vai—I mean, I—have educated myself by reading the book you lent me. Did you know that the three fundamental types of magic are fire, wind and thunder?

Ricken: Of course I knew that!

Vaike: Additionally, there is dark magic, which cannot be cast by conventional sorcerers. It is said that the people of Plegia are especially adept at using dark magic.

Ricken: Yes, it is—by everybody who knows anything! But, hmm… It does seem like you’ve been studying hard. If you keep this up, soon no one’ll need me around anymore…

Vaike: It is indeed true that I have found great stimulation in the world of scholarship. Why, I may even be tempted to lay down my axe and pursue a life of study! Heh he— Ugh! –collapses-

Ricken: Huh? Vaike? Vaike! He…he just collapsed! Vaike?! Speak to me!

Vaike: -gets back up- Unnnnngh… Head…hurts… Like wakin’ from a nightmare…

Ricken: Whoa. Maybe your brain got overloaded by the sudden rush of activity… Like, it shut down from having absorbed more information than it can process…

Vaike: Huh? The Vaike’s what did what, now? You sayin’ you know somethin’?

Ricken: Umm… No! No, I…I have no idea. I just found you lying here. …Really.

Vaike: Huh! Well, whatever. Ol’ Teach is feelin’ right as rain after that little nap! Let’s get back to kickin’ brigand butt, shall we?

Ricken: S-sure, let’s do that! (I think I’ll just keep this little episode to myself…)

[spoiler=Maribelle and Sumia]

Part One

Maribelle: Strange. I can’t shake the uncomfortable feeling that someone is staring at me. Perhaps here on this golden sand, I’ve caught the eye of a hot-blooded gallant… The sun beats down mercilessly, yet it pales in comparison to the heat of his gaze. Hee hee! Oh, Maribelle, you’ve still got the power to inflame men’s passions…

*sound of someone tripping*

Maribelle: Hm? What was that? I could’ve sworn I heard a soft clunk.

Sumia: -appears- Oww! Stupid coconut…

Maribelle: Sumia?! Dear girl, what in the world are you doing hiding behind that palm tree? …Is that a notebook in your hand? Whatever are you writing?

Sumia: Writing? Me? Er, I wasn’t writing, exactly… Just taking some notes, that’s all…

Maribelle: So it was YOU who was staring at me so intently?! All right, what’s this about? Come now, girl. Out with it!

Sumia: Well, er…I’m not sure if you ever noticed, but…I’m kind of a klutz.

Maribelle: Noticed? I’m quite certain every single person in this army has noticed.

Sumia: Right… So…I’m trying to be more useful to people. To not get in their way all the time. In short, I’m trying to be more like you. You’re always so calm and poised, and ever so graceful… I thought I could observe you and, you know, maybe pick up a few pointers.

Maribelle: I see! That’s most admirable, Sumia. Self-improvement should never be discouraged. And yet I wonder at your decidedly ambitious choice of role model… Might it not be a bit more practical to set yourself a more…attainable goal?

Sumia: Oh, I know I’ll never reach your level. But I want to learn from the best!

Maribelle: *Ahem* Indeed. You are wiser than you appear… Very well, I shall instruct you in the ways of the noblewoman. Lesson one: poise! A noblewoman never allows herself to become flustered.

Sumia: W-wait! I don’t have my pen ready! Argh! And I dropped my notebook in the sand! Okay, okay, just a sec. “Flustered = bad.” …Oh, gods! How do you spell that again?! Is it with an “f” or a “ph”? Ugh, I’m falling behind! This is no good! Somebody HELP! *Huff, huff*

Maribelle: *Sigh* Let’s forget poise for now and move on to lesson two, shall we? Attire. Attire is extremely important. A lady must always be impeccably dressed.

Sumia: Right… *scribble, scribble*

Maribelle: Those two are the basics, I’d say. The foundations upon which the edifice of noblewomanhood is built.

Sumia: Great! I think I can remember all that! Poise and clothes! No problem!

Maribelle: But, dear, I’ve hardly begun! There’s so much more you need to—

Sumia: Thanks for the help, Maribelle! I don’t care what anyone says—you’re the greatest! -leaves-

Maribelle: Good gods, did she just run off? Whatever could’ve possessed her? And why am I entirely certain she’s entirely misinterpreted my teachings…?

Part Two

Maribelle: Sumia! There you are. Tell me, how goes the self-improvement? I trust you’ve been putting my lessons into practice with great success?

Sumia: I’ve been trying, but…to be honest, it hasn’t been going all that well… Okay, it’s been going horribly.

Maribelle: I wish I could say I was surprised…

Sumia: I tried to polish my armor, but I rubbed boot blacking on it by mistake… And I was so flustered about my attire that I fell and dropped an armful of lances. Oh, b-but they didn’t get damaged or anything! They’re just…sandy, is all.

Maribelle: *Sigh* In the field of clumsiness, you are a true innovator, my dear. It’s akin to genius. But tell me, is that all that went wrong? If so, you needn’t worry yourself over it. After the battle, I’ll clean your armor and brush the sand from the lances.

Sumia: N-no! You mustn’t!

Maribelle: But, Sumia, dear, we can’t very well leave things as they are.

Sumia: I know! But I’ll never learn if I don’t clean up after my own mistakes. Please, Maribelle. Just give me a bit of time, and I’ll make it all right again.

Maribelle: Sumia…

Sumia: I know I’m a complete clod, and I’m sorry if it holds things up, but pleeeeeease?

Maribelle: *Sigh* As you wish. It’s really not my place to deny you permission, in any case. You’re your own woman, after all. You must do as you see fit. I, meanwhile, must lend you moral support and what advice I may—as a friend should.

Sumia: …A f-friend? Really?! You’re SO kind, Maribelle!

Maribelle: Should you…stumble upon anything you can’t handle, you need only ask for help.

Sumia: Got it! I’ll do that for sure! Okay, I’m off! Bye! –leaves-

Maribelle: Hee hee. She has spirit—I’ll give her that. Perhaps she’s not a lost cause after all… Give her a year or two, and who knows what she might accomplish!

*sound of someone’s tripping*

Sumia: -appears- Oww! My knee! Who left this stupid coconut here?!

Maribelle: *Ahem* Perhaps we should make that three or four years…

[spoiler=Gaius and My Unit]

Part One

Gaius: Oh ho! This spirally blue shell oughta sell for a nice stack of coin.

Robin: -appears- Gaius!

Gaius: Oh, hey there, Bubbles. What’s with the shouting?

Robin: D-didn’t a huge volley of arrows just fall on this exact spot?

Gaius: Oh yeah, a whole bunch of ‘em. But I’m fine. They all missed.

Robin: They all missed, huh? And you’re not afraid the same thing might happen again? Come on, you need to get out of here!

Gaius: Sorry, but not a good time. You wouldn’t believe the treasure that’s just lying here! Look at these shells! I can’t just leave ‘em—they’ve got to be worth some serious cash!

Robin: Seashells? What, you’re going to sell them and use the money to buy candy?

Gaius: Well, something like that, sure.

Robin: Gaius! Look out!

*no damage sound effect*

Gaius: Much obliged, Bubbles. You pushed me outta the way just in time.

Robin: “Much obliged”?! That arrow could have killed you! For the love of the gods, stop collecting seashells and take this battle seriously!

Gaius: What, you’re saying I’m not taking my fighting seriously now?

Robin: If by “now” you mean when you were almost perforated while gathering shells, then yes!

Gaius: Pah, you were distracting me. I’m here keeping an eye on enemy movements.

Robin: You’ve gotta be kidding! You’re blaming ME for distracting YOU?

Gaius: I didn’t say that, exactly. You gotta stop reading so much into everything.

Robin: What?! That’s exactly what you said! Hmph! Fine, do whatever you want. Sorry if my trying to save your life cut into your precious seashell-gathering time! You can jump into the ocean and…and go pearl diving for all I care! –leaves-

Gaius: Huh. S/he didn’t seem too happy about that. That pearl-diving bit was pretty weak too. Shoulda stormed away a line earlier…

Part Two

Gaius: Seems like I got most of the good shells on this stretch of the beach. Oh, wait. Looks like I missed something over there… What the…? It’s wrapped in paper… Hey, this is a piece of coconut brittle! There’s a whole line of ‘em! Sweet, sweet candy as far as the eye can see! Man, this must be my lucky day. Well, time to start filling my pockets! …………

Robin: ……

Gaius: Wha—? Bubbles!

Robin: Good job, Mr. Master Thief. I can’t believe that actually worked.

Gaius: Wait… You’re the one who left all that candy lying around?

Robin: Yep. I needed to figure out a way to lead you here. Who would’ve thought the simplest idea would turn out to be the best?

Gaius: Hmph. What’s with trying to lure me here anyhow? First you run off all upset, and now you’re trying to reel me back in? Like to wear a guy out before hitting him with a second dose of lectures, huh?

Robin: Actually, I wanted to apologize about before.

Gaius: Huh? Did a coconut fall on your head or something?

Robin: Frederick saw our little talk earlier, and he filled me in. He told me why you’re always on the hunt for valuables. It’s not so you can buy candy, is it? It’s so you can help fund the army.

Gaius: *Sigh* That little tattletale… I told him not to say anything—especially around you or Chrom.

Robin: Well, regardless of that, now I know, and I feel absolutely terrible. Thanks for performing such a vital service—and for being so modest about it.

Gaius: Pah, don’t worry about it. If I’d wanted gratitude, I’d have told you myself. …Still, at least now you know I WAS talking things seriously back there.

Robin: Thanks, Gaius. But it really is dangerous out here. Why don’t you call it a day?

Gaius: Are you kidding? The more money we make, the better gear we can buy, right?

Robin: Hm. It’s true we could use the money for new equipment… But it’s not worth risking valuable military assets to acquire funds. And believe me, Gaius, you’re a valuable asset. And an even more valuable friend.

Gaius: ….. All right, let’s say I do hold off on the treasure hunting—what’s in it for me?

Robin: You…you want a reward?! B-but I don’t have anything to offer…

Gaius: Heh, I’m just kidding, Bubbles. These coconut brittles are payment enough. It’s good to know someone like you is looking out for someone like me.

Robin: Gaius…

Gaius: Well, now that we’ve made nice, you can go on ahead. I need to make sure I didn’t miss any of these tasty little fellas. –leaves-

Robin: What? But it’s too dangerous! They’re firing more arrows! Gaius, wait! Listen, I’ll give you more candy later! Gaius? Gaiuuus! Gah, I knew I shouldn’t have left so many of those stupid things…

[spoiler=Gaius and Lon'qu]

Part One

Lon’qu: Hah! Yah! Haaaaargh! *Pant, pant*

Gaius: -appears- You’re training in this heat? What are you, nuts?

Lon’qu: You should join me. The climate here is much harsher than that of Ferox or Ylisse. The intense heat allows you to work yourself even harder than usual.

Gaius: You don’t say. Thanks, but I think I’ll pass. Pointless exercise isn’t really my thing. I admit I’m enjoying the sun, though. Makes ice pops taste even better’n usual!

Lon’qu: Ice pops? Hmph. More sweets… No good will ever come of your preoccupation with sugar.

Gaius: As sunny as ever, I see. But you’d better sweeten your tone… Otherwise you won’t be getting any of this crate of pops I bought!

Lon’qu: I don’t want any.

Gaius: Ha! Sure you don’t! I mean, who wants a cool, sweet ice trickling down his throat in this heat, right?

Lon’qu: I don’t care for sweet things. Nor do I care to be fat and out of shape.

Gaius: Boy, you’re a regular laugh riot, huh?

Lon’qu: Preferences aside, though, I’ll admit that sweets do have their uses.

Gaius: Oh yeah? Go on. I’m listening…

Lon’qu: I’ll show you once the battle’s done. I don’t have time to waste on you now. –leaves-

Gaius: Yeesh, what is that guy’s problem? Though I’m curious what he meant… What possible use could there be for sweets besides eating them?

Part Two

Gaius: *Yaawn* …Huh? Did I nod off? Shouldn’t have eaten a whole cake so early in the day. That always makes me drowsy. Nothing wrong with a nice nap, but the battlefield isn’t exactly the place…

Lon’qu: -appears- Pathetic.

Gaius: Blargh! Gods, Lon’qu! How long have you been standing there?!

Lon’qu: Long enough.

Gaius: Then why in the seven hells didn’t you wake me?! This place is crawling with brigands!

Lon’qu: Relax. I’ve been here the whole time. You’re safe.

Gaius: Well, if Mr. Super Swordsman says I’m safe, then I guess everything’s just peachy! I’m sure I looked adorable just lying there, but somehow I doubt that’s what did it. So let me ask you again—why didn’t you wake me?

Lon’qu: I told you that sweets had their uses, didn’t I?

Gaius: You did. And I’ve been waiting to find out what you meant.

Lon’qu: One of those uses is attracting these little fellows…

Gaius: What little fello—? GYAAAH! BUGS! BUUUGS! GET ‘EM OFF ME!

Lon’qu: Beetles like these thrive in hot climates. Look how many there are!

Gaius: I said, get ‘em off of me!

Lon’qu: Are you afraid? Did you not play with bugs when you were young?

Gaius: P-play with them?! Are you crazy?! I hate bugs! Where in the gods’ names did they all come from, anyhow?

Lon’qu: You brought them here.

Gaius: M-me?!

Lon’qu: The scent of all that sugary trash hidden in your clothes attracted them. Beetles eat tree sap, and the tree sap smells a lot like melting candy.

Gaius: You…you’re screwing with me, right?

Lon’qu: Look. Look at this one with the little horns. It’s like a miniature knight in armor… And this one with the pincers…a tiny swordsman wielding twin blades…

Gaius: Look, if you’re trying to freak me out, it’s working, okay? Now get lost already!

Lon’qu: As you wish. A shame you can’t even appreciate the splendor of these beautiful creatures. I’ll leave you to placate yourself with sweets like a spoiled child.

Gaius: Says the little boy playing with his bug collection? Please!

Lon’qu: …... By the way—there’ll be lots more of these little guys on the prowl come nightfall. It’s sure to be quite a show. Look forward to it, bug lover. –leaves-

Gaius: H-hey! Don’t just leave me here! Come on! That’s not funny!

Edited by Faye
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And many apologies for the triple post. 8U; I didn't know about the character limit until now.

[spoiler=Cordelia and My Unit]

Part One

Cordelia: My, isn’t this a beautiful shell! Look how the waves have polished away its edges… This beach is filled to overflowing with lovely treasures. It truly is paradise!

Robin: -appears- Cordelia?

Cordelia: Oh! Robin! Is…is everything okay?!

Robin: That’s what I came to ask you! I saw you crouching in the sand here and was worried you’d been wounded!

Cordelia: Oh, no. I’m fine. But thank you for your concern. I was just…checking my bindings. We do have to watch out footing in this sand!

Robin: That’s very prudent of you, Cordelia. Anyway, I’m glad you’re not hurt. I’d better be getting back to— Huh? Why are there so many seashells piled up behind you?

Cordelia: Hm? Oh, these? Umm, maybe the brigands were gathering them for some reason… I’ll just put them safely over here. We, um…wouldn’t want anyone to trip over them.

Robin: Okay, thanks. I’ll leave that to you.

Cordelia: Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!

Robin: -leaves-

Cordelia: ……Phew, that was close… Wait—what was close? What am I hiding? I could have just admitted I was collecting seashells… Ooh, isn’t that one a beauty! And that one… And that one too!

Part Two

Cordelia: Aaand…it’s perfect! Just the right amount of exotic flair!

Robin: -appears- What are you doing with all those lances, Cordelia?

Cordelia: Oh! Robin! These are, uh, um… I wasn’t goofing off, if that’s what you’re implying!

Robin: Huh?

Cordelia: In fact, I was… Oh! Yes! I was testing new ways to increase a throwing lance’s range! Specifically, attaching seashells for their…aerodynamic properties. Let’s give it a try! Hii-YAH!

*sound of lance getting thrown and landing on a tree*

Cordelia: See!

Robin: Wow! You hit that tree dead center! And from this far away too. It totally worked!

Cordelia: Um, yes! Just as I theorized! So…it’s lucky I made so many shell-enhanced lances!

Robin: I’m really impressed, Cordelia. Hey, do you think this one will fly as far?

Cordelia: Th-that one? Uh…

Robin: The shells make it really pretty too! Here, let me have a throw…

Cordelia: Robin, no! Stop! Don’t throw that one, please! It’s…it’s my favorite.

Robin: Your favorite?

Cordelia: I’m sorry. All of that was a lie. I wasn’t developing new aerodynamic lances… I just really like seashells. So I was using them to decorate my weapons.

Robin: You were? But that lance you threw flew really far!

Cordelia: That was just…adrenaline.

Robin: Adrenaline?!

Cordelia: Yes. The shells don’t help at all. It was just brute strength. I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t waste time like this in the middle of a battle. I’ve let you down. I’ve let us all down. I’ll accept any punishment the war council sees fit to give me.

Robin: Calm down, Cordelia. No one’s being punished here. I’m not upset. In fact, I’m kind of glad.

Cordelia: G-glad?

Robin: Yeah. You always seem so serious, you know? Sometimes I worry that you don’t know how to relax and let off steam. So I’m happy I was able to see a whole other side of you today.

Cordelia: …Thank you, Robin.

Robin: And look at you, playing like a kid on the beach! Who knew you could be so cute?

Cordelia: C-cute?! There is nothing “cute” about me!

Robin: Wait, are you blushing? Ha! You’re getting cuter by the second!

Cordelia: Damn it, Robin! Stop teasing m—

*getting hit sound effect*

Robin: OOF!

Cordelia: Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! I completely forgot I was holding a lance!

Robin: I’m…okay… Just…took me by surprise is all… -collapses-

Cordelia: Are you sure you’re okay, Robin?! You seem more winded than you should be from such a glancing blow… Wait—maybe my seashells really did make a difference! Maybe they’re not just pretty after all!

Robin: -off-screen- Maybe you could…help me up now and…discuss your seashell theory…later…

Cordelia: Oh, right! Sorry!

[spoiler=Frederick and Libra]

Part One

Frederick: Libra! Thank the gods. I was hoping I might run into you.

Libra: Hello, Frederick. Is there something I can assist you with?

Frederick: I have sinned…deeply and frequently. Unforgivably, in fact! Oh, gods…

Libra: Now, now. Try to remain calm. Were you hoping to confess these sins?

Frederick: Yes, absolutely. I…I must.

Libra: Then I would hear your confession. Naturally, anything you say will be kept in the strictest confidence, so try to relax. All right. Whenever you’re ready…

Frederick: Thank you. The truth is…lately, I have struggled to keep my devotion to my masters in check. And I’m terrified that Chrom and Lissa have come to despise me for it!

Libra: I…I see… But isn’t such loyalty considered to be a virtue?

Frederick: Well, in general, yes…

Libra: Then perhaps it would help if you confessed some specific sins.

Frederick: Very well. Let me see… For one, I decorated the walls of my tent with paintings of my beloved masters. I find it so inspiring to wake to their images each morning! But when the two of then discovered this, they did not seem pleased.

Libra: …..

Frederick: Next…I found a year in Chrom’s smallclothes and set about mending it. When he saw this, he angrily ordered me not to trouble myself with such trifles…

Libra: Wait, none of these are si—

Frederick: And then, on a cold morning, I thought to warm Lissa’s shoes at my breast. But when she found me, she told me to take my own shoes and shove them up my—

Libra: YES! Yes, I understand, Frederick. To be fair, that does sound a tad excessive, but still, I really wouldn’t call it a—

Frederick: Oh, but I’ve only just begun! That was a mere taste of my countless transgressions! I can think of at least another 120 with very little effort indeed…

Libra: Which means the full total must be truly staggering…

Frederick: Precisely! Which is why I had hoped that you might ask Naga to forgive me…

Libra: I’m not quite sure it’s Naga’s forgiveness you need. Have you ever considered spending a little time apart from your masters?

Frederick: What?! But… But I…!

Libra: Sometimes a bit of distance is needed in order to gain the proper perspective.

Frederick: I…I suppose you’re right. I shall endeavor to give this a try…

Part Two

Frederick: *Sigh*

Libra: Frederick?

Frederick: Ohhhh… *Sigh*

Libra: Frederick? Are you okay? Frederick!

Frederick: *Sigh* Chrom… Lissa…

Libra: I call his name, but he doesn’t hear… I shake him, but he doesn’t respond… How am I supposed to get through to him? ……There’s nothing else for it, is there? Gods, forgive me for the sin I am about to commit…

*getting hit sound effect*

Frederick: O-ow! What in the—?! Oh, it’s you, Libra. Why would you strike me so fiercely? What were you thinking?!

Libra: I might as you the same thing. Is it wise to be moping listlessly around the battlefield like this?

Frederick: Perhaps not… But I have been trying to spend time apart from my masters as you advised. And the harder I try, the more preoccupied with them I become.

Libra: Hmm. Your condition is worse than I thought. We may have to look into a more gradual course of treatment…

Frederick: But it cannot wait! The longer it takes, the more their contempt for me will deepen!

Libra: You needn’t worry about that. I discussed the matter with them earlier—in a roundabout way, of course.

Frederick: Y-you did?! And what did you learn?

Libra: I sensed no anger or contempt at all. I did perceive a desire for you to temper some of your more…excessive behavior. But for the most part, they seemed to accept and appreciate your devotion.

Frederick: Truly, my lords are too kind. But it seems I must learn to resist the urge to…debase myself.

Libra: Only once you learn to respect yourself will they be able to truly respect you.

Frederick: I understand. Henceforth, I shall strive to serve milord and lady without doing myself a disservice.

Libra: I think that would be best for everyone.

Frederick: Then it is decided! And the first to know all about it shall be my beloved masters! Chrom! Lissa! I’m coming! –leaves-

Libra: *Sigh* It looks like working through this may take a bit longer than I anticipated…

[spoiler=Tharja and My Unit]

Part One

Tharja: ……

Robin: Hey, uh…Tharja?

Tharja: Oh? You’re talking to me, Robin? What a delight! How can I help you?

Robin: Well…I was wondering why you’ve been following me around all day. I mean, even when you run off to fight a foe, you come straight back to me.

Tharja: Is it so strange for me to want to be by your side every moment of the day?

Robin: Uh, yeah, kinda…

Tharja: But it’s so nice to spend time together by the sea. I don’t want to miss a moment! Needless to say, if you weren’t here, I’d be bored out of my skull. But when I’m with you, it feels as if we’ve been swept away to an island paradise…

Robin: Oh, uh…okay? Well, in any case, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.

Tharja: You’re so kind, Robin. Can I ask you a favor?

Robin: Uh, sure. What is it?

Tharja: I want you to slather my body with oil.

Robin: S-slather? With…oil?

Tharja: Well, you wouldn’t want my skin to dry out in this heat now, would you? And I can’t reach my back and, you know…other places.

Robin: I see. Certainly the climate here is harsh on one’s skin. But I have my hands full formulating our battle strategy… I’m sorry, but perhaps one of the army’s other women could help?

Tharja: No. I want you to do it. Otherwise, what’s the point?

Robin: Uh, I thought the point was to protect your skin…

Tharja: Tee-hee…

Robin: Wh-why are you blushing? Anyway, we’re in the middle of a battle. Sorry, but your oil will have to wait. –leaves-

Tharja: Robin, wait! Where are you going? Oh, why must s/he always be so difficult? Still, s/he can’t evade me for long on this beach. There’s literally nowhere to hide! Hee… Hee hee hee!

Part Two

Tharja: Hee hee… There you are, Robin!

Robin: Th-Tharja?! Is this about the oil again?

Tharja: You really are clever! How did you know? Well then, please begin rubbing it in when you’re ready. And don’t be afraid to put plenty on—you’ll hear no complaints from me.

Robin: I’m sure I won’t… Listen, Tharja, did I not make myself clear? I can’t be doing this right now!

Tharja: …… No. No, of course you can’t. How selfish of me. You belong to everyone, of course. And they’d never let me have you to myself. Oh no.

Robin: Um, Tharja? What are you talking about?

Tharja: When the battle’s over, you’ll run off to join them… And I’m sure you’ll all have a wonderful time together in this…ugh…beautiful place. Silly me for thinking I might get some time with you in battle, at least. Not even when I have a perfectly legitimate excuse…

Robin: Um…

Tharja: But alas, even here, I’m just a nuisance. I’ll leave you to fight…unencumbered. Sorry for distracting you.

Robin: N-no! Tharja! Wait!

Tharja: Hmm?

Robin: It’s not like that at all! I don’t think of you as a nuisance! It’s just that…well, doing that at a time like this would put us both in danger!

Tharja: …..

Robin: I promise you I don’t value you any less than anybody else. If you’d like to spend time with me outside of battle, you need only ask. We are friends, after all.

Tharja: …Really? You’d want to talk to me even after the battle’s over?

Robin: Of course I would!

Tharja: …And rub body oil on me?

Robin: That’s a promise.

Tharja: Thank you, Robin… You’ve no idea how glad I am to hear you say that. Ahh, just imagine… Robin’s sweet caress… Here…and there…and over there… I’ve dreamed of this day for so very long!

Robin: Um…Tharja?

Tharja: Come. We must dispense with these brigands as quickly as possible! The longer they last, the less quality time we’ll have together. Hee hee… Now, what curse would work best… Maybe one to send them hurtling into the sea to become bloody fish food?

Robin: *Gulp* I suppose I should count myself lucky she’s so fond of me…

[spoiler=Cordelia and Tharja]

Part One

Cordelia: Phew, it certainly is hot out here…

Tharja: You can say that again.

Cordelia: Uh-oh. Don’t look now, but I think you’re getting a tan…

Tharja: What? How? I’ve barely been outside for five minutes!

Cordelia: I guess with your complexion, even a little sun makes a big difference. Besides, it’s kind of inevitable when you’re walking around half-naked like that.

Tharja: Half-naked?! How dare you! Did you not notice my cloak? It’s not like I’m strutting around in my underwear like these…beach strumpets!

Cordelia: I don’t really see how what they wear is any different to what’s under your cloak… Or perhaps I’m missing something? Here, take that off. Let me have a look.

Tharja: Touch me, and I’ll blight your prying fingers, girl!

Cordelia: All right, all right! It was just a joke.

Tharja: Hmph. I suppose I am showing a bit more skin than usual. But I confess I was blissfully unaware of it until you brought it up… Ugh. This is mortifying.

Cordelia: No, no! You said you were fine with it before—just forget I said anything!

Tharja: You and I both know that’s not going to happen. Nope. It’s official. I am completely and utterly mortified…

Part Two

Cordelia: Hi, Tharja. Feeling a little less self-conscious about your outfit yet?

Tharja: Very much so. I attached a de-shaming talisman to my back, and now I feel just fine about it.

Cordelia: Let me have a look… Wow. It’s, uh…not very subtle.

Tharja: Hm? What do you mean?

Cordelia: Well, it’s just a piece of paper with “mortification” written on it.

Tharja: That’s how these things work. Whatever you write on them gets canceled out. I was mortified, so I wrote “mortification”, and presto—no more embarrassment.

Cordelia: But it’s right there for anyone to see! Isn’t it even more mortifying walking around with the very word written on your back?

Tharja: *Sigh* That’s the whole point. NOTHING is mortifying thanks to this thing.

Cordelia: Oh, right. Sorry. I’m still trying to wrap my head around this… So if I were to take it off, would it stop working?

Tharja: My, you’re a sharp one.

Cordelia: Interesting. Let’s try it and see, shall we? Here goes…

Tharja: W-wait, don’t—! Oh, gods, this is horrifying. Just kill me now…

Cordelia: I see. So now we stick it back on, and…

Tharja: My, it sure is hot. Why don’t I throw off my cloak and take a nice dip in the sea?

Cordelia: And off again…

Tharja: Ugh, my calf is showing! Why didn’t I wear a bigger cloak?

Cordelia: This is fascinating! Okay, let’s put it back on…

Tharja: All right, that’s enough. If you value your fingers, you won’t mess with it again.

Cordelia: Heh. Sorry, Tharja. I…I’m only teasing you because I’m jealous. I wish I had the guts to wear something like that. You dress so wonderfully!

Tharja: Is that all? If that’s what’s bothering you, maybe I can help. We are…allies, after all.

Cordelia: Wow, really? I would love that! If you could show me around some boutiques, I’d be—

Tharja: I meant I could erase your jealousy with a curse.

Cordelia: O-oh… Um, let me get back to you on that…

[spoiler=Olivia and Tharja]

Part One

Olivia: Um…Tharja? Do you have a moment?

Tharja: What is it?

Olivia: I…I just wanted to say how wonderful you were in that last fight. You were so imperious, so…dominant… It really took my breath away!

Tharja: They’re common brigands. I hardly worked up a sweat. …Do you want something? Fawning makes my skin crawl.

Olivia: I-I’m not fawning! I mean every word! I have only the utmost respect for you…

Tharja: Hmph. I don’t see what you find so fascinating about me.

Olivia: Oh, but there are LOTS of things! I don’t even know where to begin. …There’s your figure, for one. It’s practically perfect. You’re voluptuous where it counts and svelte everywhere else… Staying in that kind of shape must take HOURS of exercise each day!

Tharja: Exercise? Are you kidding? I don’t do a thing.

Olivia: Y-you don’t exercise?! You can’t be serious! You MUST diet then, right? No wine? No sweets?

Tharja: I drink my fill of wine, and I touch whatever sweets I please.

Olivia: Hmm… Okay, I’ve got it. …You’ve cast a slimming spell on yourself to stay thin. Right?

Tharja: Even if a spell of such dubious merit existed, I wouldn’t use it. And I haven’t.

Olivia: Ugh! Well, in that case, I’m afraid this makes you the enemy, Tharja… The enemy of every hard-working young maiden in the world!

Tharja: *Shrug* No skin off my nose.

Olivia: Oh, you won’t brush us off so easily! I hereby challenge you to a duel on behalf of all my sisters! I’ll…I’ll put a fattening hex on you and drag you down to our level!

Tharja: …Oh? You would trade hexes with ME? Careful what you wish for, little girl.

Olivia: Oh, um…ha ha! Did I say hex? I did, didn’t I? Er…that was a jest! I…I don’t know what came over me! Ha ha! Ha… Um, let’s just put down the cauldrons and spell scrolls and move along, shall we?

Part Two

Olivia: Tharja, I was thinking… M-maybe we could form a little dance troupe? Just you and me, I mean. You’re so beautiful and talented… It seems like a waste not to show the whole world.

Tharja: A dance troupe? Are you kidding? Forget it.

Olivia: N-no! I came up with a name and everything! I was thinking “The Dark Dancers!” …or something like that.

Tharja: How nice. But tell me—which part of “forget it” did you not understand?

Olivia: P-please, just hear me out. I even thought of a color scheme for us! B-black and pink! …you would provide the black, of course.

Tharja: Why do YOU get to choose who wears what?

Olivia: Oh! S-sorry, I didn’t mean to— You could wear pink if you prefer!

Tharja: May the gods strike me where I stand if they ever catch me wearing pink. Can you honestly imagine me in anything other than black?

Olivia: W-well, no. That’s why I— *sigh* Look, I’m sorry… Just…think about it, okay? Please. I’m sure you’d enjoy it. You could take center stage and be as dark and mysterious as you like. And I could…you know, do something in the background. Something…lighter.

Tharja: Let me get this straight: In this hypothetical dance, you would play second fiddle to me? You being a dancer, and me being someone who doesn’t, in point of fact, dance? Look, when I told you to forget it, I meant it. …But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be willing to help you perform.

Olivia: Wait, what? You’d…you’d do that for me?! Oh, thank you so much!

Tharja: Of course, it will involve putting a hex on you…

Olivia: *Gulp* …It will?

Tharja: The hex will paralyze you, rendering you incapable of moving so much as an eyelid. Then I’ll manipulate your limbs in a macabre dance, like a living marionette. I think that would be VERY entertaining, don’t you? Hee hee hee!

Olivia: B-but, Tharja, that sounds…

Tharja: Did I mention that over the course of time, I’ll come to control your mind as well? You’ll belong to me heart and soul—a helpless puppet at my beck and call. How does that sound, Olivia?

Olivia: That…that sounds nothing at all like what I suggested! That sounds like a horror show!

Tharja: Well, everyone loves a horror show, don’t they?

Olivia: Um, NO! Not when they’re a part of the horror!

[spoiler=Olivia and Lissa]

Part One

Lissa: Hey, Olivia! Wanna go for a swim when we’re done here?

Olivia: Oh, no… No, thank you. I just… I couldn’t possibly.

Lissa: Huh? Are you blushing? Don’t tell me you’re shy about wearing a swimsuit?

Olivia: I…I kind of am.

Lissa: You won’t wear a swimsuit, yet you’re fine with dancing the way you do?!

Olivia: That’s different… Dancing is my job. But to put on a swimsuit, even for fun… I could never do something so brave…

Lissa: Why not? It wouldn’t reveal much more than your dancing clothes already do!

Olivia: You…you really think so?

Lissa: And besides, I think you’d look amazing in a swimsuit!

Olivia: Th-thank you. That’s very kind of you… It seems everybody’s trying to get me to wear one. It was the same at Anna’s shop. When I told her I was a dancer, she said I might like some of their…bolder designs… And the stuff she showed me… *shudder*

Lissa: Hee hee! Not quite your thing, huh? How bold are we talking here?

Olivia: You can’t even imagine…

Lissa: Oh, you’d be surprised. Try me!

Olivia: Seriously, these things seemed to be mostly made of…string.

Lissa: String? But you can’t just wear pieces of string! How would that even work?

Olivia: Please. You don’t want to know…

Lissa: Okaay… But they must have had just normal, everyday swimsuits too, right?

Olivia: I really don’t remember… I was so taken aback by all the other stuff…

Lissa: Then let’s go back and take a look! And this time, no freaking out! It’s your job to be the center of attention! You gotta conquer that shyness!

Olivia: Y-you’re right. And I suppose we are at the seaside, after all…

Lissa: There we go! That’s the spirit!

Part Two

Lissa: Wow, Olivia! That swimsuit is something else! Talk about smoking hot! I’m surprised the ocean didn’t boil clean away!

Olivia: This is so embarrassing… I wish the ground would just swallow me up…

Lissa: Um… The idea was to build your confidence, not make you worse!

Olivia: Please! I’m begging you! Stop looking at me!

Lissa: Oh, man… Hey, but it wasn’t all bad, right? I mean, those brigands were gawking so hard, we beat them easily!

Olivia: That is something, I suppose…

Lissa: It’s just a shame that none of your cast-offs fit me, huh? You bought so many swimsuits, I was sure at least one would be my size. I don’t get it. We’re pretty much the same build and everything…

Olivia: W-well, it’s just…you’re still growing, you know? I mean, every girl is…different, right? I’m sure you’ll mature in all the right ways!

Lissa: And what do you mean by that, exactly!? Come on, spit it out!

Olivia: Er…nothing! It’s just that…um…

Lissa: Better hurry up, before I start maturing in all the WRONG ways!

Olivia: N-no, I was just trying to say that…you’re more like…like Emmeryn! Y-you’re developing more of her grace and charm with each passing day!

Lissa: …Oh. You really think so?

Olivia: YES! I sure do!

Lissa: Weird. Everyone’s always told me that Emmeryn and I are nothing alike…

Olivia: Really? Oh, uh… Well, wh-what do they know, right?

Lissa: Bah. Who cares, anyway? So what if we’re different? That just means I have to find my own path! And in the end, I might grow up to be even better than her!

Olivia: That…that’s right! And I just know you will! (Yeesh… How did this end up with ME having to reassure HER?)

[spoiler=Cherche and Olivia]

Part One

Cherche: Olivia? What are you up to?

Olivia: Oh, just collecting seashells.

Cherche: Really? What for?

Olivia: I was hoping to take one back as a memento of our visit here. As a dancer, I’ve been lucky enough to travel all around the world… And each new place I go, I always try to find a keepsake to take home with me. I thought a nice shell would be a perfect way to remember this pretty seashore.

Cherche: What a novel concept! For better or for worse, I spent most of my days in and around Virion’s manor. I barely ventured beyond the grounds, let alone far enough to warrant a memento… So to be perfectly honest, I had no idea such a practice even existed.

Olivia: That’s so sad…

Cherche: Ha! Well, not really. It was all I knew, so it seemed normal to me. That people can lead such widely differing lives is really quite eye opening.

Olivia: …Ooh, I just had a thought! Why don’t you look for a memento of your own?

Cherche: Hmm, yes… I would hate to forget any of the wonderful places I’ve visited. But it doesn’t seem right to copy you. I’ll need something other than a seashell.

Olivia: Well…how about this? I found it earlier, sparkling in the sand. Isn’t it pretty?

Cherche: It certainly is… Hm? Wait a second… I know what that is. It’s one of Minerva’s scales.

Olivia: Oh, gosh! I-I had no idea!

Cherche: Hee hee, I’m glad you like it, but it’s not much of a memento—for me, at least.

Olivia: I guess not. You could pick one of these up just about every place you visit.

Cherche: Exactly. I need something that comes from here and here alone. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves here. There’s a battle to be won here!

Olivia: Ah, yes! But if you do find something, promise to show it to me, all right?

Part Two

Cherche: Hi, Olivia.

Olivia: Hey, Cherche! So have you found your memento yet?

Cherche: Well, I’ve been scouring the ground and sifting through the sand… You know, beachcombing. Hunting for something as fitting as your seashells. It’s really amazing the kinds of things you find out here!

Olivia: Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself! Did you find anything good?

Cherche: I certainly did! Take a look at this.

Olivia: Er, is that…? EEEEK! IT IS! Augh, YUCK!

Cherche: What’s gotten into you? It’s just an insect husk.

Olivia: JUST an insect husk?! Look at that thing!

Cherche: Yes, it’s quite a sight, isn’t it? This type of insect only lives in warm, tropical locales like this one. It starts life as a grub, then it transforms into an adult, leaving behind this larval husk. All that buzzing you hear in the palm trees are the adults singing to court mates. If you look closely, the ground at the foot of the palms is littered with their corpses.

Olivia: ……

Cherche: The shine ever so briefly, live fleeting lives, then die—all in the blink of an eye. Then their dried husks flutter to the ground, marking the end of an ephemeral existence. It’s ever so beautiful, isn’t it? *sniff*

Olivia: Ever so beautiful?! More like ever so GROSS!

Cherche: Oh, come on. I thought you of all people would appreciate the poetry, Olivia.

Olivia: Don’t look at me like that! There’s no poetry in dead bugs falling out of trees!

Cherche: I think you’re allowing preconceptions to blind you to the wonder of the creatures. Here, look at this little fellow. Completely adorable! Up close, it almost looks as if he’s smiling—like he’s found peace in death.

Olivia: S-smiling?! ARRGH, I can’t do this! Get that thing away from me! –leaves-

Cherche: *Sigh* That girl’s far too high strung… If you ask me, these little guys make for perfect mementos of this place. Once the battle’s done, I think I’ll collect a whole sackful of them!

[spoiler=Henry and Kellam]

Part One

Henry: Nya ha ha! So many foes to fight! This is the best battle EVER!

Kellam: ……

Henry: Huh? Hey, Kellam. Where’d you pop up from?

Kellam: Actually, I’ve been standing here watching you the whole time…

Henry: You have? What for?

Kellam: Well…I couldn’t help noticing you’ve got this gigantic smile on your face.

Henry: Do I? Hee hee! But look—you’re grinning, too!

Kellam: Actually, I’m just squinting. …I do that a lot.

Henry: Oh. Maybe you should try glasses.

Kellam: Um, I’ll keep that in mind… Anyways, it seems like you’re always smiling, no matter what?

Henry: Er, yeah, I guess I am, now that you mention it! Nya ha! I just love bein’ in the thick of things, you know? All these epic battles…full of blood and gore and hexes and carnage and… Man, what a great time!

Kellam: Erm…right… So I was wondering… If I were more like you, always happy and enjoying my work… Do you think I’d be less…invisible? Might people, you know…notice me more?

Henry: Why? Is being invisible bad?

Kellam: Well, not in itself, I suppose. But sometimes it feels like no one cares about me. Like I don’t even exist.

Henry: I think I get it now. Seems to me you’re barking up the wrong tree, tin man. Visibility isn’t your problem—you’re just lonely! So all we gotta do is find a way to make you stop feeling lonely!

Kellam: Er…maybe, but that sounds much easier said than done…

Henry: Fear not! Let me stew on this for a spell and see if I can’t come up with a solution. Don’t worry, Kellam. We’ll find a way to fix you up…one way or another! –leaves-

Kellam: *Sigh* How reassuring…

Part Two

Henry: Kellam? Heeey, Kellaaam! Man, where is that guy, anyway?

Kellam: -appears- I’m right here now two feet in front of you…

Henry: Ah-ha! THERE you are. Okay, I want you to hold reeeal still…

Kellam: U-um…what are you doing?

Henry: Ungh… Here we…go…mmmph… Tight…squeeze… *gasp*

Kellam: Um…Henry? Why are you forcing your hand through that gap in my armor?

Henry: I’m trying to climb inside with you! I figure that suit’s so big, there’s gotta be plenty of room in there for both of us!

Kellam: What?! It’s not THAT big! You’ll never fit in here!

Henry: Well, I might…if you’d just…scrunch over to the side… Almost…got it…

Kellam: Henry, this is NOT going to work! Even if you did get inside here, what in the world would you do in here?

Henry: Keep you company, duh! Remember? I promised I’d cure your loneliness! This is me keeping my promise!

Kellam: W-wait, THIS is your cure for my bouts of loneliness? To pack us both in a single suit of mail and walk around like a pair of sardines?

Henry: Nya ha! Isn’t it genius? I put a lot of time and effort into thinking this up! Have you ever seen a lonely man sharing his armor with someone else? I think not! Plus, you wouldn’t be invisible anymore, ‘cause I’d know exactly where you were! Not to mention how flummoxed foes will be when they discover the odds have doubled! It’s a win-win situation. So help me help you, and shove over a little, huh?

Kellam: P-please! This is NOT going to work! Ow! Get your foot off my—

Henry: *Sigh* I suppose you’re right… That armor just isn’t as spacious as it looks from the outside. Oh well. Guess I’ll just have to come up with another plan!

Kellam: Whew… That was uncomfortable in every sense of the word…

Henry: Hey, that reminds me—did I ever tell you I was raised by wolves?

Kellam: W-wolves?! No, you didn’t…

Henry: It’s true. When I was a kid, my only friends were wolves, so they ended up raising me. Thing is…that made it tough for me to learn about basic human warmth and affection… Like just now, I tried to be nice to you and show you that I care and stuff, right? But I got it all wrong and instead just made you freak out. Sorry about that…

Kellam: Golly, no, Henry! You don’t have to apologize. I appreciate what you’re trying to do…and you actually did warm me up a bit.

Henry: I did? Nya ha! Great! Glad I didn’t TOTALLY botch that!

Kellam: (I think he knows more about warmth and affection than he realizes…)

Henry: Huh? You say something?

Kellam: …N-no, it’s nothing. We should get back, though. We still have a battle to win!

Henry: Good point! Time for more carnage! Nya ha!

[spoiler=Gaius and Henry]

Part One

Henry: ……

Gaius: …What is it, Junior? You’re staring at me like I’ve got a banana for a nose.

Henry: I wasn’t looking at YOU, grumpy. I was looking at your sack of sweets!

Gaius: Hey, keep your sticky little mitts to yourself, kiddo. No one touches Gaius’s candy stash and lives to tell the tale.

Henry: I don’t WANT any, silly. I just like looking at them!

Gaius: Huh? You never seen sweets before?

Henry: Not many, no. Back in Plegia, we hardly have any cakes or sweets at all. We don’t get the plentiful harvests that Ylisseans and Feroxi enjoy. So the dishes we make are kind of basic, you know? Nothing like those, anyhow.

Gaius: Sounds like you had it pretty rough.

Henry: Yup. It’s hard to make cakes out of turnips, though that doesn’t stop people trying! Anyway, the point is, I’ve never seen so many tasty-looking treats all in one place!

Gaius: Well, when it comes to sweets and cakes, presentation is as important as flavor. A sophisticated gourmand like me can tell a good cake from a bad one at fifty paces.

Henry: Huh. I never dreamed there were so many different kinds of desserts. I’m pretty sure I could spend the whole day staring at your stash!

Gaius: You know what, Junior? I can see you’re a man of exquisite taste. Tell you what…I’m gonna show you my secret hoard. I’m talking the gods’ own sweets here. Treats like you ain’t never seen. I’ve got a feeling you’ll appreciate their splendor more than most.

Henry: Huh?! You mean you’ve got even more than what’s in that sack?!

Gaius: Are you kidding? This little sampling would barely last me a single battle! Anyway, wait right here while I fetch my hoard. And don’t try to follow me!

Henry: All right! Come back soon! Nya ha! This is gonna be great!

Part Two

Gaius: All right, Junior. You ready?

Henry: Am I READY?! I thought my head was gonna explode from the anticipation!

Gaius: Sorry it took so long. My hoard’s gotten pretty big. Hauling it around ain’t easy. Anyway, to business! Wait for it… Wait for iiit… Ta-DAAAAH! Feast your eyes on THIS!

Henry: WHOA! That is one amazing collection!

Gaius: Isn’t it? Here, check out this wyvern in flight—that’s icing and marzipan, kiddo. And this looks like a regular quail egg, right? But it’s actually a jellied coconut!

Henry: That’s SO cool! Hee hee! And what about this one?

Gaius: Ah-ha! I knew you had an eye for quality, Junior. This, my savvy young friend, is the specialty of a little place in a distant corner of Valm. I don’t recall the name of it, but inside it’s filled with sweet black beans.

Henry: BEANS?! Nya ha! What an odd choice! So does it taste any good?

Gaius: Does it taste good, he says! I’ve had dozens of the things, and each one’s been better than the last. They’re full bodied and smooth, with a nutty sweetness that lingers on the tongue. Texture is medium firm, with a pillowry bite that melts in the mouth. Very well balanced. See the subtle earth tones of the dough and how they complement the filling? These sweet cakes are the work of a master—the result of YEARS of dedication. In fact, it’s fair to say they represent the very pinnacle of the confectioner’s art!

Henry: Wow! Yeah, I totally get that! Anything that has beans in it and still looks that good MUST be special!

Gaius: Right? Though not everyone appreciates them as much as you, strange to say.

Henry: Well, thanks for showing me your treasures, Gaius. It’s been lots of fun! …Oh! I almost forgot! I brought something to show you too!

Gaius: You did? What is it? A cake from your Plegian homeland?

Henry: Yeah…something like that! They’re baked in special ceremonies as offerings to Grima. Never eaten one myself, but as you’re the expert, I figured you’d like to try it!

Gaius: Crivens, Junior, was this baked in the fires of hell? It reeks of sulfur, and there’s an evil, black miasma oozing from it… It…it’s like something that fell off one of those walking corpses…

Henry: Nya ha ha! You really do know your sweets. That’s EXACTLY what it’s like! Sooo…are you gonna take a bite or what? First time for everything, right?

Gaius: Er…so they say, bu—

Henry: I just KNEW a self-proclaimed expert like you would want to give it a try. I mean, what kind of connoisseur turns down the chance to sample a whole new taste?!

Gaius: Er, yeah! Absolutely. Took the words right out of my mouth, ha ha! …Ha. The thing is…I’m completely stuffed right now. Couldn’t do it justice, you know? Maybe a bit later…or a LOT later, when I’m feeling more, er…peckish.

Henry: Alrighty! Here, I’ll give you this one, and you can dig in when you’re ready. Oh, and don’t forget to five me your report—I wanna hear ALL the taste details!

Gaius: Ack! Y-you want me to touch the cursed thing? …With my bare hands? C-could I maybe just…leave it here on the ground? While I, er…go do something? I’m sure it’ll still be there when I come back!

Henry: Well, duh! Of course not! Then you’d get sand all over it, silly!

Gaius: O-oh…right. Ha ha… Wouldn’t want to…*gag*…spoil it…

[spoiler=Libra and Henry]

Part One

Libra: Hah! Hi-yah! Keeee-YAH!

Henry: Hey-o, Libra! Why are you swinging your weapon at thin air like that?

Libra: I’m practicing my strikes. It’s part of my daily training regimen.

Henry: Huh. Don’t you get uncomfortable flailing around like that in this heat?

Libra: I’m only as hot as I allow myself to be. There is no pain the mind cannot overcome.

Henry: Really? I wonder. I figured some pain was way too deep for that…

Libra: You did? What kind of pain?

Henry: Like, I dunno…you’re a priest, but you wield a weapon and smash people with it, right? I bet it causes you all kinds of anguish to have to splatter the life out of others!

Libra: That’s…very perceptive of you, Henry. It’s true that I inflict wounds with one hand while healing them with the other. But I do so in the belief that those wounds ultimately save lives.

Henry: But what a winding road to walk! Doesn’t the contradiction drive you crazy? Why not leave the killing to those of us who enjoy it, and just focus on healing?

Libra: That’s something I’ve often considered. But in the end, I always choose otherwise. When you wield a weapon, you hold the power to change men’s fates in your hand. I have chosen to do so with full understanding and respect for that truth.

Henry: Aren’t you overthinking things a little? A weapon’s just a tool for killing! Wouldn’t it be a whole lot easier to just accept that and move on? Who knows—you might wind up like me and start to really savor the joys of slaying! I mean, when you get down to it, aren’t you and I both doing the exact same thing?

Libra: You’re right. Accepting that probably would make things easier. But I don’t believe that wielding a weapon should be easy…

Henry: Heh. You sure do like to make things difficult for yourself. I thought I might be able to help you simplify your life a bit, but… Oh well!

Libra: We’ll just have to accept that we’re never going to agree on this topic. And I’ll just have to hope that you can somehow learn to respect that…

Part Two

Henry: Hey there, Libra! Say, can we continue the conversation we were having?

Libra: Are you sure you want that? I would certainly be happy to comply, but I fear I’ll simply end up repeating myself. I apologize in advance if I bore you…

Henry: Bore me? No way! I always enjoy talking with you, Libra!

Libra: You do?

Henry: I mean, I guess it’s hard for an altruist like yourself to respect an egoist like me, but…

Libra: Not at all. In fact, I would say we have the same core philosophy. We simply justify it differently.

Henry: Oh yeah? Go on—this should be good…

Libra: You’re no egoist. Don’t forget that I’ve seen you fight. I’ve seen you risk your life to save others—civilian and comrade alike. That’s hardly a display of self-centered behavior.

Henry: Pah! You probably just saw some of my wanton slaughter save someone by chance!

Libra: No. I’ve seen you observing the battlefield and moving in to help those in peril. You can say that it’s because you love fighting or because it’s all just a game. But I know the truth, Henry. You’re deliberately saving lives.

Henry: ……

Libra: And the gods know it too.

Henry: They do, huh? Well, I don’t believe in the gods, so it doesn’t really matter what they think!

Libra: I see…

Henry: But for some reason, I do kinda care what you think, Libra. That’s a little weird, huh?

Libra: Not in the least. It simply means you’ve accepted me as a friend and ally. I am pleased and honored. I shall continue to watch over you—for the rest of this battle, and beyond.

Henry: Nya ha! Thanks, Libra!

HAH MY EYES ARE WATERING MAYBE I SHOULD GO TO SLEEP. I hope I didn't miss anything. 8D; Mother of god, that was a lot to transcribe.

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Libra: No. I’ve seen you observing the battlefield and moving in to help those in peril. You can say that it’s because you love fighting or because it’s all just a game. But I know the truth, Henry. You’re deliberately saving lives.

Henry: ……

Oh Henry, you're a good kid after all.

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Holy shit, that's a lot. o_o

...I had a dream last night about putting the FoD convos in a text document. Which is what I was doing yesterday. Whyyyyy, dreams?! Why do you make me do more work?? Dx I had some much better dreams after that, though~

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Hey Tsamimi, I just wanted to let you know that I intend to do my claimed FoD conversations. However, I won't be able to get them done until the end of the month because I cannot seem to download new DLCs on my school's Internet. I hope that's all right with you.

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Sure, that's ok.

I just checked the [??? -> MaAvatar] convo in FoD2, and it indeed is the same as the [??? -> FeAvatar] convo in FoD1, aside from gender pronouns and a tiny change: "You're not Master Grima?" to "You're not Master Grima..."

Taking it off the list.

Edited by Tsamimi
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Sure, that's ok.

I just checked the [??? -> MaAvatar] convo in FoD2, and it indeed is the same as the [??? -> FeAvatar] convo in FoD1, aside from gender pronouns and a tiny change: "You're not Master Grima?" to "You're not Master Grima..."

Taking it off the list.

Thanks, I'll get my claimed FoD2 convos done as soon as I get the DLC.

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"Lon’qu: Inigo… I sentence you to death here and now… Prepare to die."

Holy crap they made the Princess Bride reference only in reverse. This is amazing.

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Claims Lists (Link to DLC page)

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[Note 2: Items not on list have been posted.]

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Conversations:

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Hot-Spring Scramble]Enter Battle Quotes:

Sully - Pikayoshi

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Kellam - Pikayoshi

Panne - Pikayoshi

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Basilio - Pikayoshi

Flavia - Pikayoshi

Yarne - Zeem


Avatar > Lucina - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (spouse) - Faye

Avatar > Owain - Faye

Avatar > Inigo - Faye

Avatar > Severa - Faye

Avatar > Severa (spouse) - Zeem

Anna > Say'ri - Faye

Flavia > Anna - Faye

Flavia > Tiki - Faye

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Emmeryn > Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay > Priam - Faye

Aversa > Tiki - Faye

Aversa > Gangrel - Faye

Owain > Laurent - Faye

Brady > Gerome - Faye

Cynthia > Kjelle - Faye

Severa > Lucina - Faye

Morgan (M) > Inigo - Faye

Morgan (M) > Brady - Faye

Morgan (F) > Cynthia - Faye

Morgan (F) > Severa - Faye

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Faye

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Faye

Laurent > Brady - Faye

Noire > Lucina - Faye

Noire > Kjelle - Faye

Noire > Cynthia - Faye

Nah > Lucina - Faye

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

Nah > Severa - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 1]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye


Vaike - Faye




Ricken - Faye

Libra - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Ultimafangirl

Frederick - Faye

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Stahl - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Wheels


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Henry - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 2]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Virion - Ultimafangirl

Vaike - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Henry - Wheels

Donnel - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Wheels

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Ricken - Wheels

Libra - Sangyul

Henry - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Pikayoshi

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Faye

Donnel - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Sangyul

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Libra - Faye

Henry - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 3]Pre-Battle Script - Shirley

After Prep-screen Script - Shirley

Misc. Script

-Children's Deathquotes - Tsamimi


Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Lucina - Ace Tactician

Chrom - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Mothers]Avatar (F) - Black★Rock Shooter

Sully - Ultimafangirl

Sumia - Wheels

Maribelle - Pikayoshi

Olivia - Wheels


Laurent - SniperGYS

Miriel - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Frederick - Wheels

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Silver Lightning

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Ace Tactician

Libra - Tsamimi

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Ultimafangirl


Gerome - SniperGYS

Cherche - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Drgnquester

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - 春閣下

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Ultimafangirl

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Shadow Stalker X

Libra - Faye

Henry - Sangyul

Donnel - Faye


Severa - Levant Fortner

Cordelia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Naui

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Wheels

Vaike - Silver Lightning

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Zeem

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Shirley

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Ultimafangirl

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Post-Battle Script:

-If all children survive - Shirley

-If 1-3 children don't survive

-If no children survive - Tsamimi

Edited by Tsamimi
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[spoiler=Henry x Cynthia]

Cynthia: *Huff, huff* Come on, Cynthia... Don't give up... Gods, if only I had my lance... I don't know how much longer I can last...

Henry: Nya ha ha! Who's that crybaby? Wait, what? She looks just like my kid!

Cynthia: D-Dad? Is that you?! But... how?! Did you... use a hex to resurrect yourself? ...And isn't that strictly forbidden?!

Henry: It sure is! But nope, that's not what's going on here, sadly. Truth is, I'm just visiting here from another world. I can't stay long, but the good news is I'm here to rescue you! Nya ha!

Cynthia: Hold up- you're my father from another world... and you're here to rescue me?!

Henry: Yup! ...More or less. Naga took care of the particulars. Anyway, what was with all that whining and whimpering I heard before? You're my daughter! You're
supposed to be smiling all day, every day! Oh well. Guess you can't expect every fruit to fall next to the tree... Nya ha!

Cynthia: N-no, it's not like that! I wasn't whining, I swear! It's just... they took my weapon, and now I can't fight... But I never gave up this whole time! We've been fighting back for ages! And we'll keep on fighting back! You'll see! We'll keep fighting until this world is saved!

Henry: Now that's more like it! Maybe you ARE my daughter, after all!

Cynthia: Wait a minute... You were just trying to provoke me, weren't you?

Henry: Who, me? I wonder...

Cynthia: I'm sorry I was weak. I swore I'd never give up, but for a moment there, I... *sigh* Anyway, I'm back to my old self now. And it's all thanks to you. These Risen don't stand a chance!

Henry: Nya ha! That's my girl! But I came a long way, so... let me handle these guys, all right? You've got the whole rest of the world to save, besides.

Cynthia: Aww... All right, fair enough. But just this once! And you have to let me watch!

[spoiler=Avatar x Cynthia]

Avatar: Cynthia! Thank the gods you're safe...

Cynthia: Father?! Is that-? Is that really you?! What are you doing here?!

Avatar: I'm... not the Avatar you know. I'm from another world. I came here to rescue you and your friends, but I'm afraid I haven't much time...

Cynthia: You've come from another world...?

Avatar: Oh, Cynthia... this is all wrong. Even if I can help you win this battle, what then? The thought of leaving you to fight a war without end in this forsaken place... No father would knowingly put his daughter through that!

Cynthia: Father...

Avatar: Cynthia, I want you to come back with us to our world. I don't care what Naga says... I can't leave you in a place like this!

Cynthia: ...No. Even if Naga allowed it... there's no way I could go with you. There are people here I have to protect- a world I have to save! But it's sweet of you to say those things. And your words have given me strength. So... it's okay. I'll be fine.

Avatar: Cynthia...

Cynthia: Please don't think that just because I can't go with you, I'm not glad you came. I really DO need your help right now. They took my lance, and I can't fight at all without it... If you can just get me through this day, I promise I'll take care of everything else. I won't stop fighting till the Risen are defeated and the world is safe again. ...Will you give me a chance to do that?

Avatar: Of course I will! I'll slay every last enemy on this battlefield myself if I must! You just find somewhere safe and rest, okay?

Cynthia: I will. Thank you. *Sigh* Swooping down to save me in my darkest hour... That is so unbelievably amazing! Even if I never see you again, Father... you'll always be my hero.

[spoiler=Libra x Brady]

Libra: Brady? ...That's you, isn't it?

Brady: Pop?! N-no way. My old man kicked the bucket ages ago... Oh, hell. Don't tell me you've come to drag me off to the world of the dead!

Libra: It's not your time to go to the gods yet. Although I do come from another world. Which of course makes me a different Libra than the father you knew.

Brady: So you're my old man in another world?

Libra: Yes. And by Naga's power, I have come here to aid you.

Brady: Heh. That's an impressive trick. But you know what? Naga can kiss my butt. I appreciate the divine intervention, but where was she when Ylisse went to hell?

Libra: B-Brady! Shame on you! You're a man of the cloth! That's no way to speak of the divine dragon!

Brady: Oh, we were believers all right. Me and my ma and pop... We put all our faith in Naga. We prayed and prayed, thinking it would be worth a damn. But nope. Naga didn't listen.

Libra: Of course she-

Brady: And the gall! She sends us help now? Real nice of her to wait for my parents and a big chunk of Ylisse's population to die. Now my friends are next, if they're not dead already. All because she left us to fight this stupid war! I don't want Naga's help! She's too late! She's too... ah... *sob*

Libra: Brady... forgive me. I have no intention of glossing over your struggles with talk of religion. But Naga has not abandoned you. Please realize that it took nothing short of a miracle for her to send what help she did. Your prayers did not go unanswered. It just... took time for the answer to arrive.

Brady: ......

Libra: I will not ask for you to put your faith in some higher power. But will you put your faith in me? I wish to save your world. I do not want anyone else to die- least of all you.

Brady: ...All right, Pop. All right. I'll give Naga another chance. After all, you're standing here before me. That really IS a miracle. Maybe she really will come through for us in the end.

Libra: She will, Brady. I promise.

I have posted Henry and Stahl's convo with Brady in the last page or two...

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I have posted Henry and Stahl's convo with Brady in the last page or two...

The spoilers are empty for those two. I'm sorry, I should have said something; I simply assumed you were going to edit them in later.

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