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I'm still typing up the post battle script for when all children survive.... and.... MAN IS THAT CRAP LONG AS HELL. >___> Consider this as a placeholder or something, but I AM working on it! I'm including all the little happy parts at the end.

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I'm still typing up the post battle script for when all children survive.... and.... MAN IS THAT CRAP LONG AS HELL. >___>

You're telling me...

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Yeah, I liked that too, because friendship is a type of Love : ]

Btw, is fine to post some of Wheels claims? Looks that she is still resting from her surgery, I can help her with Lucina-Sumia, Severa-Stahl and Owain-Frederick

Go for it. :P

I'm still typing up the post battle script for when all children survive.... and.... MAN IS THAT CRAP LONG AS HELL. >___> Consider this as a placeholder or something, but I AM working on it! I'm including all the little happy parts at the end.

It is crazy long, ain't it?

Such a good story ending... T-T

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FINALLY. Kept having to restart cause I didn't bother grinding some parents and I forgot to kill some beginning enemies... It was pretty easy after I got things down. So here is my last claim, the post-battle script if all children survives. I think the beginning is the same for all? Except The she/he interchanges, obviously though depending on your Avatar's gender.

[spoiler=Post Battle Script, if all children survived.]

*Huff, huff* Is it over?
Nngh... Gyaaahhh... HOW?! This is not YOUR WORLD... YOU SHOULD NOT be able TO DRAWN UPON this kind OF POWER! ...Just wait. I am NOT FINISHED with YOU YET. No matter HOW YOU STRUGGLE, I WILL see you DESTROYED! ...Now DIEEEEEEE!
...Ahh! ...... Huh? Why isn't she attacking?
...You have to...get away from me...
Wh-what are you talking about?
...There's...no time... ...I don't want...to kill you... ...I can't bear...to watch you...die again...
No. That voice... It can't be... Whoa!
[warped away]
Rrgh... Are we back in our world?
Warriors? Why have you returned? ...Did you fail in your task?!
I can't be certain... We were fighting, and then a great force spirited us away.
The fell dragon sent you back.
Yes, but...I think he was trying to save us. ...Huh? Who's there? Show yourself!
Tiki? But...you died in that world.
Yes. And now only my spirit remains. But I came here to tell you something important before I take your place there. Before I become tied to that world forever...
Take my place?
You know what I mean. And why.
But everything will turn out all right. We have you to thank for that, Naga, for sending help. And you, brave warriors, for giving it. In our world, Naga is dead, but you fought in her stead and gave us hope. We cannot thank you enough. But we will always remember—
Huh? She's gone! What just happened?
...We won.
Their world is about to be saved.
I don't understand...
Somehow your efforts have pulled them out of the pit of despair...
So they'll all be safe?
I am certain of it now. Thank you, Chrom. And you, Robin. I was right to place my trust in you.
[back to Outrealm]
Lucina: Father? ...Father! Where did he go?
He must have escaped to his own world... The former owner of this body appears to still have a faint hold on it... Damn her! I wanted to savor killing Chrom all over again!
I would never let that happen!
Heh. You know, the woman who used to control this body loved your father. She would have died to protect Chrom. And in sending Chrom away just now, her spirit has finally perished. ...Now the games will cease. The only world in which you'll see your father again is the WORLD OF DEATH! ...Mmgh? What?
It can't be...
We're back, Lucina! Sorry we're late!
Cynthia! Nah! Kjelle! Noire! You're all safe! Oh, thank the gods!
Impossible! You should all be dead by now... Naga! She must have interfered! Which means Morgan has failed me...
Nice shot, Noire. I thought for certain we were out of range.
Hee heee. I'm just glad I could help...
Well, nice of you to take your TIME! Do you know how worried we've been?
Hey, no need to worry. We've got the Gemstones right here.
That's right! Are you ready to perform the Awakening?
Not yet... We still need Argent and Sable...
...You mean this Argent and Sable?
Inigo! Owain! Brady! Yarne!
We saw Grima attack Ylisstol and came as fast as we could. Sorry we couldn't make it sooner!
Nothing can kill you, can it?
Of course not! But a true vanquisher of evil must wait for the moment of truth before he can triumph.
Heh. Vanquisher of evil? You're a wreck. All of you are. ...But at least we're together again.
That's right! I sure am glad none of you are extinct...
Did somebody order some Gemstones? Catch, Lucina!
Thank you, Brady! All of you—you've all done magnificently. The Fire Emblem and its true power finally belong to Ylisse again!
Grr... Morgan has failed me twice... So much for manipulating the child's sympathies... But it matters little. The Fire Emblem will give you no power over me. ...Not now that Naga is dead.
I killed that meddling dragon ages ago. Did you really think I would let her live and risk someone performing the Awakening?
Y-you're lying...
Ha... I'm sure you wish I were. But this time I speak the truth. Your only hope died with her.
Then...everything we have done... It was meaningless?
Completely, utterly meaningless! I will grant you no escape from this coil of despair. Each and every one of you is destined to die here and now!
Wrong, Grima! You have not accounted for everything.
What? The Voice of Naga!
Lady Tiki!
I wil help you perform the Awakening...as this world's new Naga.
There IS no new Naga! I killed you!
You took my life, but not my spirit. The woman inside you—Robin—intervened. She wanted me to be here to ensure your destruction, fell dragon.
NO! Is there no end to her meddling?! I-it doesn't matter! None of this matters! You need to be on Mount Prism to perform the Awakening. And I will kill YOU ALL before you get there!
Wrong again. You forget why the exalts performed the rite on Mount Prism in the first place. It was because the divine dragon's power was strongest there. But now that your Risen have defiled it, the mount no longer has any power. Naga's power has focused elsewhere in response. Do you know where? Inside the remains of the Voice, which you were foolish enough to leave... Right here. In Ylisstol.
If you had left Mount Prism alone, Grima, you might have stood a chance. Instead, you have brought the Awakening right to your feet. Are you ready, Lucina? Speak the words.
I am ready.
No! I will not leave you the time! I WILL KILL YOU! ...Huh? Why can't I move? My body is...nngh... No! Not now! Why does she KEEP INTERFERING...
...Hear me, Tiki! I bear proof of our sacred covenant! In the name of the exalted blood, I ask for the divine dragon's power! Baptize me in fire, that I may become your true daughter!
Awakener, your heart has been tested and deemed worthy. Cleansed in my fire, your desire has proven to burn the stronger. I shall now imbue your blade with my power.
Thank you, milady!
Rrgh... NOOOOOO! I would CRUSH YOU WORMS if I...could just...CONTROL my BODY... Why does she STILL REFUSE to become one with me? Why does she INTERFERE?! Damn you, Robin! You...will...PAAAAAAY!
Now, Lucina! Your first task as exalt is at hand! Wipe the fell dragon from existence, and usher hope back into the land!
That's right, Lucina! Show Grima what a real hero can do!
You will prevail. We'll all be right by your side!
Avenge the fallen! Fight for those we loved and lost!
Return our pain and suffering on that monster a hundredfold!
Use that sword to sunder the dark shackles of fate and deliver us!
Put an end to despair so that Ylisse can be full of smiles again!
It ain't over yet, but it's about to be! I know you're gonna pull this off!
The fell dragon will never stop us from living in happiness again!
One miracle after another has made this possible. Now it's time for one more!
Go, and do what our parents could not.
I believe in you, Lucina! So you'd better not let me down!
...... ...I'm ready, Lucina... ...Finish it...
I swear to you all... our days of defeat end here. Father, Mother...watch over me... Because today—right now—I'm taking our world BACK!
...At last...I can rest... ...No one else...will suffer... ...because of me... ...Thank...you... ...I hope your lives are...filled...with...joy... ...... ...... ...Morgan...please forgive me... ...I put you through...so...much... ...... ......
...It's over. Peace at last... I can't believe it. I've done it, Father...
Well done, Lucina. You have saved the world... All of you.
Lady Tiki! It wasn't us. We have you to thank...and those warriors who came to our aid. Without them, we would have perished, and all hopes for the future with us.
Perhaps. But we only had the chance to help you because you held fast. Even against terrible odds, you refused to give up. You should be proud. From this day on, you shall be the pillars on which a peaceful future is built.
And you as well, milady,
No, Lucina. My role is finished. I cannot stay here with you. Remember, I am no longer the divine dragon's Voice, but she herself. I must not meddle in human affairs.
But, milady!
Don't worry, Lucina. I'll always be watching over you. Just as the Hero-King and your father continue to do so. I may be out of reach, but I will always be close.
Lady Tiki... Thank you... As long as you're watching, I will not let you down. I promise to bring this world an era of peace that can never be broken!
And I know you will. May we one day meet again, Lucina. There will always be a place for the Twelve Heroes at Naga's side.
She's gone.
Yes. She will be missed. But... I believe we will see her again.
Me too. And we'll certainly have our hands full in the meantime. After all, we just saved the world! I bet Mother and Father never expected me to do anything even half as amazing as this. ...You see that? I'm not such a letdown of a daughter...after all... *Sniff* I...I just wish they were here...

Well, there is no bringing them back. But we can keep them alive by protecting this world they dreamed of and died for. Isn't that right, Minerva? [Minerva makes that wyvern noise] I agree. They'll be watching over us every step of the way.
It's so strange... I feel like I've stepped into another existence. All of our struggles...our battles with the Risen, our journey into Plegia... They already feel like they happened to someone else. I used to wish that I would wake up to find it had all been a nightmare. But now when I wake, I shall be overjoyed at the knowledge that this is no dream.
Indeed. What matters is that this is real. Had I lost even one of you along the way, we would not be here. Each of you played an irreplaceable part in this victory. Thank you. Ylisse and I are so lucky to have you.
And we're lucky to have you! You're the hero of all heroes!
I am proud to know you all. Your strength and determination inspire me.
I'm just glad everyone is safe. There were times when I assumed the worst...
We'll never be apart again. And our whole lives are ahead of us.
I just... Argh, there are no words! Curse these tears that flow unbidden!
Well, enjoy it. I'm hoping this will be our last cry in a good long while.
Damn right! *Sniff* I'm gonna let it all out right now!
Thank the gods we've all survived. I could do somersaults!
Hee hee. Well, we should be off. Night will fall soon—our first peaceful night for as long as I can remember. We need to tell as many people as we can, so that they, too, can rest at ease. Tomorrow a new sun will rise on Ylisse. Many did not survive to see it... But those of us who will must dedicate our lives to protecting that light. ...... Tiki, my friends... I thank you again. And you, Father... You who crossed between worlds to save me... May the gods keep you safe.
[a few months past]
Where is everyone? They're late.
But, Laurent... The meeting doesn't start for another 10 minutes.
Well, they ought to be early so we can start on time! The Shepherds don't gather just for ceremony, you know. It's been less than a year since we defeated Grima... Already they're acting as if the world is immune to crisis!
I-I'm sorry...
You don't need to apologize, Noire. You got here even earlier than I did.
Well, I figured I could work on these while I waited...
Oh, that's right. I'd heard you started making good-luck charms for the people. I'm told they're quite the hit. It must be the happiness curse you put on them. Can I have a look at that one?
Eek! Right, then...
Well, you two are early. I thought I would be the first here.
Hello, Kjelle. Have you finished evaluating the new recruits?
I have. They're quite tough! Although that probably goes without saying, considering the horrors they have survived. They'll make fine Shepherds. Don't you agree, Owain?
Yep. They were, uh...something.
That's all you have to say? They were "something"? ...Who are you, and what have you done with Owain?
Haven't you heard? Owain's world has been shattered.
Shattered? How?
You don't understand... The world finally SPEAKS MY LANGUAGE.

Now when I say, "My sword hand twitches," people don't look at me funny. They say, "Lord Owain will show the forces of evil what's what," or... "Don't mess with the blood of the exalt!" ...They actually say what I expect them to! I don't know how to cope.
Well, enjoy it while you can. The novelty will wear off soon enough.
Heh. That's what you think. I'm already toying with the idea of adapting my adventures for the theater. Just imagine: Tales of the Great and Mighty Owain—now with song and dance!
I'd...rather not imagine that, actually...
Is that...Inigo and Brady and Yarne? Hey! Over here!
It's good to see you all again! How long as it been?
Feels like just yesterday we were fightin' that evil dragon, yeah?
Shhh! Keep it down, Brady! You're gonna give away my position!
What, are you still worried about going extinct?
Are you kidding? No! I'm trying to get away from those lunatic conservationists.
Apparently, the Ylisseans found out how rare Yarne's species is. Now they've started a Save the Taguel foundation.
If I try to eat anything even remotely suspect, they pin me to the ground! They won't let me shape-shift, either, in case I "become a target." I'm so sick of being treated like a pet, I could retch...
Not exactly a dream come true, huh?
It's nice to not worry about dying out, but they follow me everywhere. ...And I mean EVERYWHERE.
I know the feeling.
It's good to see you all.
You too, but...
Those are some serious bags under your eyes there. What gives?
Tell me about it. I can barely sleep. Now that Lady Tiki is gone, everyone has started worshipping me. Worshipping! They think I'm the new Voice. I can't so much as step outside without being hounded...
Finally, someone who understands my pain! The rest of you are lucky you're human.
Then again, they give me absolutely anything I ask for, which is kind of nice. Let me know if you need anything. I've got you covered.
On second thought, you don't understand my pain at all...
[Minerva/a wyvern sound]
Wh-what was that screech? An enemy?!
How dare you speak so rudely of such a fine creature.
Ack! Stranger danger! Whoever you are, stay away!
Yarne's right. I don't recognize him either.
Are you one of the new recruits? I'll find someone to take care of you.
Sorry for the trouble, but there are a few papers you'll need to fill out first...
...Are you all DAFT? It's me. ...Gerome!
G-Gerome? Oh yeah... I guess you were sorta...shaped like that.
Where's your mask, Gerome?
I decided I no longer need it. I haven't worn it in some time, actually. To be honest, it, uh...it made it kind of hard to see the wyverns...
And how is the wyvern conservation project going?
Well enough. Truthfully, the best part of taking off my mask is that no one recognizes me. No one treats me like a hero. I am completely, blissfully anonymous!
Lucky you! Perhaps we all should have worn masks during our struggles. Or maybe we should all go buy some right now...
Oh, yes. I'm sure THAT will stop us from standing out... Anyway, I like being a celebrity. The house is always packed when Grima's slayer takes the dance floor!
You finally became a dancer?
I became someone who dances, anyway. It makes people smile, and that makes me happy too. If things go well, I might start taking offers to dance at festivals.
That would be amazing! Just think of all the girls who would throw themselves at your feet.
Hmm... I'm sort of over all that. Well, not quite over it, but...
Wait a second... The world's most notorious womanizer has retired?!
It's just...now that I dance, girls smile back even without a terrible pickup line. And besides, I'm busy with my Shepherd duties and dance practice and the like.
No kiddin'. You messed up your steps in the third song in today's set.
Was it that obvious?
Was it obvious?! I thought I was playin' the wrong song, you klutz! Mess up all you want in practice, but you better shape up for the real deal. ...Although I could stand to work on my playin' a bit too.
Yes, it would probably help if you gave up weeping during your own accompaniment.
Brady's playing for you?
Yeah, I write the songs and play violin, and he dances along. I always wanted to be a composer, so it was a good fit. Ma wanted it too...when she was alive.
Well, I think it's wonderful you both made your dreams come true.
Thanks. ...I brew a mean cuppa tea too, ya know. One of these days I'll run with that. But right now I got other things on the slate.
Owain's going to join us, he said. What was the idea again?
I'm going to immortalize my numerous adventures in song and dance. My vocal cords twitch!
Here we go again....
So is everyone here? We should get started.
Pardon me, but might I join you?
Shouldn't you be in the castle?
Don't worry, I've left Ylisstol in the hands of capable soldiers. It'll be fine while I'm away.
We're not worried about Ylisstol. We're worried about you! As gifted as you are with a sword, the exalt shouldn't be walking around alone.
Who said I was alone?
Ta-daaa! Say hello to Cynthia of the ALL NEW Ylissean Pegasus Knights!
Cynthia?! Where did you come from?
Great entrance, right? I always dreamed Phila's knights would one day ride again. And hey, if the Shepherds get another shot, who says the pegasus knights can't too?
Cynthia begged me, and I just couldn't say no.
Hey, either way, you need protection, right? Win-win. Me and my sisters won't let anyone put a scratch on you!
Sisters? Who else is in the pegasus knights?
Severa? I was wondering why I hadn't seen you at the Shepherds' camp. You enlisted in the pegasus knights?
Does it matter? Yeesh, I wasn't about to say no to Cynthia. And don't get it in your head that I want to be like my mother.
Heh. Why would I ever think that?
Severa's AMAZING, you guys. She handles a lance better than anyone, and you should see her toss a javelin! I bet Cordelia herself couldn't throw half as far. The rest of us have a lot of catching up to do.
I can see the capital is in good hands!
And I am too. So put your worries to rest. And really, can you blame me for coming? You gather everyone together and don't even invite me? I've missed you!
You take after your father, Lucina. At least from what I've heard. ...Anyway, here we are. The Twelve Heroes! Let's get this meeting started, Laurent.
Right you are. Thank you for all coming to this regular meeting of the Shepherds... ...And next, I have a report about the restoration of Mount Prism, which is
— ...Gerome. Please keep your mount quiet during the meeting.
Sorry. ...What is it, Minerva? ...What?! This is bad. Minerva says she senses Risen nearby!
Just a few of them, but... Damn! I thought we got rid of them all!
I guess peace is an ongoing project.
We'll finish them off. These things take time.
And so the mighty heroes fought on, uncertain as to when their tale would end...
Hmph. Let the Risen come! We'll knock 'em into next week.
It has been a while since we've really flexed our muscles, hasn't it?
I know. I'm going to enjoy scattering these scoundrels.
I'm glad I brought my bow.
Now hold on just a moment! You're not ALL marching out there, are you? It's just a handful of Risen.
Hey, ya never can be too sure!
We shouldn't spare any resources when it comes to keeping the locals safe.
Better too many of us than too few.
Yes, Laurent. So stop complaining and get your equipment!
What? I didn't volunteer! *Sigh* Oh, all right...
Look out, vile Risen! Chrom's New Shepherds are about to ruin your day!
Um, Lucina...
What's wrong, Cynthia?
Do you think they'll be all right?
Against a handful of Risen? I think they can handle things. Come on. They haven't even been gone an hour. ...Or wait, let me guess. You want an excuse to try out your new battle cries?
Th-that is NOT TRUE. I'm just worried. That's all!
It's all right, Cynthia. I understand. Go check on our friends. Consider that an order from your exalt.
You mean it? Thanks, Lucina!
You sure you should be sending one of your guards away?
I still have you, Severa. And let's not forget I have myself. I've smashed apart my share of Risen.

Ha! If they think the exalt's an easy target, they're in for a nasty surprise. You don't even need pegasus knights, do you? Not really.
Of course I need you. You're the source of my strength.
I mean it.
...If you say so. Well, Cynthia's got her orders, so why don't you and I wait for her at the castle? I'll give you a ride. Let me just get saddled up, and I'll be right back
Thank you, Severa. ...... The sky is lovely today. Isn't it, Father? I cannot tell you how happy I am—how lucky I am to be safe with my friends. But I feel guilty too. Guilty knowing that you and Mother and so many others cannot share in this joy. If only this sword of mine would glow again, and bring the REAL you here to my side. ...It's a silly wish, isn't it? Even an exalt has her flights of fancy, I suppose...
Lucina! All ready!
I'll be right there!
...... The sky IS lovely, Lucina. Just the sort of sky we fought to see again. But I am already at your side, my daughter. I always will be. Your sword may not flash, and you may not hear my voice. But all my friends are just a whisper away, watching over you. ...Isn't that right, Robin?
...... ...Always.

Omfg. I think I'm gonna go die now.

FINALLY DONE SKLFHSLKFHSFLK. I also started to type my Avatar's name and then I quickly changed it to Robin (instead of like, Avatar/MU). Kinda a habit from how I do the supports for the wiki. But my friggin' god, my hands hurt. Still, that was some friggin' story........... I think I'm gonna go tear up. ;_; I love you, FE13.

Edit: Oh yeah, I dunno if the last two lines are included even if Chrom doesn't marry the Avatar? I'd assume so? Since he says 'all my friends' than like, 'your mother' or something like that. It's still sweet either way. I did get a little mindblown at the end though -- so is that somehow OUR Chrom looking in or.... GHOSTS?

Edit #2: I'll transcribe the TSON/Apotheosis pre-battle script tomorrow. >_> I should be going to bed soon so... so much for FE12 for tonight lol. or anything really.

Edited by Shirley
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I did get a little mindblown at the end though -- so is that somehow OUR Chrom looking in or.... GHOSTS?

Ghosts. ...... I was aready teary-eyed, but I started bawling at that part...


Claims Lists (Link to DLC page)

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[Note 2: Items not on list have been posted.]

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Conversations:

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Hot-Spring Scramble]Enter Battle Quotes:

Sully - Pikayoshi

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Kellam - Pikayoshi

Panne - Pikayoshi

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Basilio - Pikayoshi

Flavia - Pikayoshi

Yarne - Zeem


Avatar > Lucina - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (spouse) - Faye

Avatar > Owain - Faye

Avatar > Inigo - Faye

Avatar > Severa - Faye

Avatar > Severa (spouse) - Zeem

Anna > Say'ri - Faye

Flavia > Anna - Faye

Flavia > Tiki - Faye

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Emmeryn > Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay > Priam - Faye

Aversa > Tiki - Faye

Aversa > Gangrel - Faye

Brady > Gerome - Faye

Cynthia > Kjelle - Faye

Severa > Lucina - Faye

Morgan (M) > Inigo - Faye

Morgan (M) > Brady - Faye

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Faye

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Faye

Laurent > Brady - Faye

Noire > Lucina - Faye

Noire > Kjelle - Faye

Noire > Cynthia - Faye

Nah > Lucina - Faye

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

Nah > Severa - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 1]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)



Vaike - Faye



Ricken - Faye

Libra - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Ultimafangirl

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Libra - Wheels


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Henry - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 2]Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


[spoiler=Fathers]Virion - Ultimafangirl

Vaike - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Henry - Wheels


[spoiler=Fathers]Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Ricken - Wheels

Libra - Sangyul


[spoiler=Fathers]Chrom - Pikayoshi

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Faye

Donnel - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Frederick - Sangyul

Kellam - Wheels

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Libra - Faye

Henry - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair / The Future Past 3]Misc. Script


Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Lucina - Ace Tactician

[spoiler=Mothers]Sully - Ultimafangirl

Maribelle - Pikayoshi


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Ace Tactician

Donnel - Ultimafangirl


[spoiler=Fathers]Vaike - Wheels

Lon'qu - Ultimafangirl

Gaius - Faye

Libra - Faye

Henry - Sangyul

Donnel - Faye


[spoiler=Fathers]Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Zeem

Libra - Ultimafangirl

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Faye

For Apotheosis: if an item is crossed out with no name beside, it has been posted. Also note that this list is a work in progress.


Before Prep-Screen Script - Shirley

After Prep-Screen Script

[spoiler=After Each Round]After Round 1 (completed within 2 turns)

'Round 1 Complete' dialogue

Would you like to quit now?



Attempt the secret battles?



Face the pegasus knight instead of the monks?



After Round 1 (completed in 3 or more turns)

After Round 2

After Round 3

After Round 4

After Battle Script (Normal Route)

After Battle Script (Anna Route)

Edited by Tsamimi
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Ok, here are the conversations:

Future Past 2

Owain - Frederick

Frederick: Is that... ? Owain, it's you!

Owain: What the-? ... Father?! Yes... It has ti be you. I know that brave expression- that gallant stance! But I don't understand... I saw you die!

Frederick: I am your father, Owain, but not the father you knew. I have come from another world to lend you my strength.

Owain: I... I see... It's good to see you again, but... how poor a warrior must I be if I'm receiving help from other worlds?

Frederick: Poor? Certainly not. It's clear to me that you're more than capable. But not even the strongest of warriors can hold off an entire army alone. Come. Allow your father to be your shield for what brief time he can.

Owain: No, it's all right. I apprreciate the thought, but... I can't put you in danger.

Frederick: Owain! I will not listen to such fatalism!

Owain: The las thing I'm being is fatalistic. Look, I know what kind of damage you can do with a sword. I learned from you. But I still can't accept your help.

Frederick: Why not?

Owain: This is a chance for me and my friends to shape our own destinies. I wouldn't be right to accept help from your world in order to save ours.

Frederick: Hmm... I see your point. very well. If those are your reasons, then I shall put my concern to rest. Fight you fight, and fight it well. But at least let me stay close behind so I may bear witness.

Owain: Thank you, Father. You won't be disappointed!

Future Past 3

Severa - Stahl

Stahl: Severa? You're safe!

Severa: D-Daddy? Oh, Daddy, Daddy!

Stahl: Whoa! I didn't expect you to just throw your arms around me like that.

Severa: You're alive! *sob*

Stahl: Poor Severa... You've gone through so much. I wish I didn't have to add to your sorrows. But... you see... your father is still dead.

Severa: What?

Stahl: I came from another world. I'm not the Stahl you knew. I just want to protect you for what little time I have here.

Severa: Y-you can't stay?

Stahl: I'm afraid not. As soon as the battle is over, I will have to leave.

Severa: ... ... Well, you totally ruined THAT moment.

Stahl: Sorry.

Severa: Are you from the past? You look a lot younger than I remember. And more dashing.

Stahl: Uh, I guess it was sort of the past...

Severa: I don't know why you came all this way just to get my hopes up. You shouldn't have... done that... *sniff*

Stahl: I know, Severa...

Severa: I loved you so much. You were always so gentle and easy to get along with... Nothing at all like my mother, Miss Perfect.

Stahl: Well, your father loved you just as much. But I didn't comer here just to reminisce. I came here to keep my favorite daughter safe.

Severa: Thanks, Daddy. But I think you mean your ONLY daughter safe... I AM your only daughter, right?

Stahl, you sounded like Scar in the Lion King Lol

Lucina - Sumia

Sumia: Lucina! You're all right!

Lucina: Mother? Is that really you?! I thought I saw you amongs the reinforcements, but it seemed impossible... I can't believe this is happening. I never thought I would see you again!

Sumia: So you were watching when we came to your world.

Lucina: My world? I-I don't understand...

Sumia: The other reinforcements and I came from another world. We were told you were in danger and wanted to help. I'm sorry I'm not your real mother, but I intend to keep you safe all the same.

Lucina: No... I refuse.

Sumia: What?! Why? I know I'm less capable than the others, but I will fight doubly hard for you!

Lucina: I know how strong a warrior you are, Mother. Everyone does. I just don't want you putting yourself in danger. You have a life in your own world, don't you? A daughter there? She needs you more than I do.

Sumia: Lucina...

Lucina: Look around. Grima has us hopelessly outnumbered. Ylisse is in its final hour. I will not allow it to be yours as well.

Sumia: You're very kind to look out for me, Lucina. But I don't think you understand motherhood very much. When you push me away like this, it makes me sad. I want you to lean on me a little. It makes me feel needed. Just because we're in another world doesn't change who you are to me.

Lucina: Are you really sure?

Sumia: Of course. You can count on me. This won't be your final hour, now will it be mine, nor will it be Ylisse's. If you believe in me, I'll surpass your every expectation.

Lucina: I do believe in you. And I would be honored to fight with you.

Sumia: Good. Then come with me, Lucina. Let's restore light to your world once and for all!

Lucina: Thank you, Mother!

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Awwww.. Stahl and Severa were so cute... ;o; lmao only daughter.... I...would think so....

Lucina with Avatar as mom was more tear-jerking. /bias

Edited by Shirley
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Wow... Just a little comparison:

The "all children survive" ending dialogue—and ONLY that dialogue—is 16 pages long in Microsoft Word. The ENTIRE Endgame script (from the main game story) is 20 pages long...and that happens to have a line from every single character, four times over.

...Yeah, the good ending for FoD3 is fucking long. And so very worth it!

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Wow... Just a little comparison:

The "all children survive" ending dialogue—and ONLY that dialogue—is 16 pages long in Microsoft Word. The ENTIRE Endgame script (from the main game story) is 20 pages long...and that happens to have a line from every single character, four times over.

...Yeah, the good ending for FoD3 is fucking long. And so very worth it!

Holy **** on a **** sandwich with **** on top... and a side helping of ****!

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Wow... Just a little comparison:

The "all children survive" ending dialogue—and ONLY that dialogue—is 16 pages long in Microsoft Word. The ENTIRE Endgame script (from the main game story) is 20 pages long...and that happens to have a line from every single character, four times over.

...Yeah, the good ending for FoD3 is fucking long. And so very worth it!

Guess that is why it is DLC. You know it will be epic but the coding and process to make such thing must have took a lot of time to write, even if the ending changed if the Avatar was the husband (didn't you said something about "could have been friends in another time?"

Poor Morgan though.... I am assuming s/he died during the battle. Either thator s/he is finding a way to redeem him/erself.

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No one has claimed this yet, and I just got it so have Apotheosis After Round 1 (2 turns)


Wow... You're finished already?!

You trashed those guys in no time flat!

Well, it's official: you've got what it takes.

So it says here I'm authorized to give you a REAL challenge-against special enemies!

If you're up for it, that is.

But first things first:

Do you want to record this victory and return to your own world right now?

Or do you want to take your chances and keep fighting?

It's up to you.

Would you like to quit now?

Yes No

>If you pick No


All right, sounds like you're in it for the long haul! Here's the deal:

Castle Apotheosis's five normal battles are already packed with tough enemies...

But for some warriors, "tough" just isn't enough. They want a special challenge.

They want to go head-to-head with truly demonic adversaries. Real meanies!

That's what the five "secret battles" are for.

The enemies there are enough to make even the gods soil their pants. Trust me!

So! You want to try your hand at the secret battles or stick with the normal battles?

Attempt the secret battles?

Yes No

> If you pick No


Right, then! Let's start the next battle.

Two teams are ready to face you,

and you get to pick.

One is an army of war monks, and the other consists of pegasus knights.

Which would you rather take on?

Face the pegasus knights instead of the monks?

Yes No

> If you pick Yes


Right, then-go ahead and take a minute to prepare for the next battle.

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And here's my only claim for the entire Future Past set

[spoiler=Severa x Avatar (M)]Avatar: Severa! You’re all right!

Severa: D-Daddy?! You’re alive?

Avatar: No... Well, not exactly. I’m not from here. Naga’s power has allowed me to come here from another world.

Severa: Another world?

Avatar: I know it sounds crazy. But I’ve come here to save you!

Severa: Well, you’re a little late for that!

Avatar: Huh?

Severa: We’ve managed on our own since you passed away. You don’t get to just show up now and save the day! Why didn’t you come help us all the times we needed it before? Why didn’t you stop Mother from dying? You could have even saved yourself!

Avatar: Severa...

Severa: We don’t need your help anymore. We’ll win this battle on our own!

Avatar: I’m sorry. I was being presumptuous. I should have considered your feelings...

Severa: You should have NOT DIED is what you should have done! Ah... *sniff*

Avatar: I understand how you feel. But I still have to protect my daughter. I can’t walk away knowing you might get hurt.

Severa: Daddy... ...... I’m sorry. I take it all back. I don’t want you to leave. I’ve missed you so much...

Avatar: Well, I’m here now, Severa. Take cover and leave the rest of this fight to me.

Severa: Will you be all right?

Avatar: Ha! I’m more resilient than you think. I intend to win this fight.

Severa: Thank you. I never thought I would see your face again, Daddy. Just promise you’ll stay safe. The other Severa back in your world needs you too.

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Guess that is why it is DLC. You know it will be epic but the coding and process to make such thing must have took a lot of time to write, even if the ending changed if the Avatar was the husband (didn't you said something about "could have been friends in another time?"

Poor Morgan though.... I am assuming s/he died during the battle. Either thator s/he is finding a way to redeem him/erself.

Grima says that line if the Avatar married Lucina or something? Cause... in my ending/transcription, I'm pretty sure I'll remember if I saw that line but I certainly did not transcribe that. >_>;

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Nooooo, I was simply pointing out that the saying "If we'd met in another time and place, we might have been friends" fits the situation. It's not in the script.

My MaMU was single when I got the secondary ending script (the "1-3 children defeated" ending). But I had a thought as I was reading it: "This would be so damn sad if my MU was married to Lucina. They'd be MARRIED in one timeline, but never got the chance to know each other in another."

Look at the confusion I caused...

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Nooooo, I was simply pointing out that the saying "If we'd met in another time and place, we might have been friends" fits the situation. It's not in the script.

My MaMU was single when I got the secondary ending script (the "1-3 children defeated" ending). But I had a thought as I was reading it: "This would be so damn sad if my MU was married to Lucina. They'd be MARRIED in one timeline, but never got the chance to know each other in another."

Look at the confusion I caused...

OH! Sorry, no I misunderstood is all. I...don't know that much about sayings so... that's probably why I misunderstood too. <_<

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You certainly are not the only one. xD

This. I was actually seeing if I could match them up by weapon to Jugdral's Crusaders, but... well, Jugdral didn't have a manakete or a taguel.

For those who are curious though... These twelve have one additional sword user, a manakete, and a taguel in place of three of Jugdral's four tome users, but the rest (three other swords, two lances, an axe, a bow, one other tome, and a staff) are the same.

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This. I was actually seeing if I could match them up by weapon to Jugdral's Crusaders, but... well, Jugdral didn't have a manakete or a taguel.

For those who are curious though... These twelve have one additional sword user, a manakete, and a taguel in place of three of Jugdral's four tome users, but the rest (three other swords, two lances, an axe, a bow, one other tome, and a staff) are the same.

quick, let's talk about which of Tyrfing, Mystletainn, and Balmung fit best for Owain, Severa, Inigo (I assume Lucina would be the extra here, cause Falchion?)

this also puts Laurent--->Forseti, this sounds OP

Edited by shadykid
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quick, let's talk about which of Tyrfing, Mystletainn, and Balmung fit best for Owain, Severa, Inigo (I assume Lucina would be the extra here, cause Falchion?)

this also puts Laurent--->Forseti, this sounds OP

Owain gets Mystletainn, Inigo gets Balmung (He starts with a Killing Edge) Severa gets Tyrfing

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Owain gets Mystletainn, Inigo gets Balmung (He starts with a Killing Edge) Severa gets Tyrfing

....why did I not make the obvious connection

Cynthia obviously gets the superior Gungnir over Kjelle

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FoD3 stuff. ...I mean, TFP3.

Severa! There you are. Thank the gods you still live.

D-Daddy? But that's not possible...

Alas, I am not your late father. I only just arrived here from another world. But to me, you are still a daughter, and I wish to help you. Please, allow me to keep you safe.

I never thought I would see your face again.

Severa, I am so proud of all you have accomplished. Few would put the life of another above their own, but you did so for the princess. Before me stands a true knight. You have taken my ideals and embodied them—perfected them!

I was just...doing what I thought you and Mother would do. I wanted to keep Lucina safe the way you always kept her family safe. Just thinking about you gave me courage!

Such words gladden me.

But I was so...so scared. *sniff*

I know. You did well. And you have done enough. I want you to find someplace safe and recover your strength. I shall wipe these Risen from the face of Ylisse!

No, I can't let you do the hard work for me just because you're my father. When I was little, you taught me how to fight for a reason. You wanted me to become strong. And that's what I did after you passed away. I never stopped fighting!

Your determination would put any man to shame.

Great. Now you're calling me manly. You don't have to make fun of me.

I'm doing no such thing. I hold your femininity in equal regard.

Daddy! Just...stop complimenting me. You're making it worse. Come on, let's finish this battle. I want you to see how great a warrior I've become. If I only get to see you for a short time, I intend to leave an impression.

I shall watch every move so that the memory stays with me forever.

Heh. Good. Now keep your eyes peeled! And don't forget me...

Whew... I can do this. All I have to do is hold out until the others get here...

>Minerva roars

...Minerva? What are you growling at? There's nothing there.


Wh-what?! Father? No, that's impossible. Are you a Risen?

No, I'm Kellam all right. But I came from another world. I'm not the same man as your father.

What? Hmm... Well, as long as you're not a Risen.

Don't worry.

Then it is good to see you again, Father—whatever world you say you're from. Minerva is pleased too. But you should return from whence you came. It's too dangerous here.

Huh? Oh, no, I can't leave now. I came here to help you!

I don't need your help.

You don't?

I've managed just fine on my own. And besides, it's my job to protect people now, not yours. Since you...left, someone had to step up and keep the others safe. That someone is me. The last thing I need is some visitor from another world to do my job for me.


Do you? Then why are you still here?

I know you're just saying that because you don't want me to get killed.

Do I look that nice to you?

As a matter of fact, yes. I am your father, you know. I understand you more than you realize.


Anyway, it was brave of you to take over after this world's Kellam passed away. I know it couldn't have been easy. Maybe he can't help you anymore, but I still can. So I hope you'll forgive me if I ignore your wishes and help you anyway. And tell Minerva I'm happy to see her too. Now take care, son.

Huh? ...Wait! Grr... I'm sorry, Father. I shouldn't have talked to you that way. I suppose I do need you...a little...

Laurent, is that you?


Thank the gods you are safe. I feared that last attack had done you in.

Father, what are you doing here?! Has some miracle of the gods brought you back from the dead?

A miracle like that is beyond even the divine dragon herself. I come from another world, son. I am not your true father.

You crossed from another world? That is a small miracle in itself, if you ask me.

Yes, it is. But even Naga's power is not without limit. I doubt I will be able to remain here for long. But will you let me fight for you as long as I can and keep you safe?

No, Father. You have your own life in your own world... You should return to it. I needn't explain to you how perilous my world really is.

Why do you think I came here in the first place?

But I don't want you to die!

I am not afraid of dying if it means protecting me beloved son. Let the gods take me, if that is their will.

Father! I'm not even your real son! I don't deserve such favors.

Of course you do, Laurent. I could have a million sons, and each would yet be my own.

You really mean it, don't you... Well, know this. I am prepared to die protecting you as well. Let an age of peace dawn without me, if it means I get to save you.

Don't...don't say that!

See how it feels? Now promise me you'll speak no more of dying. I watched one father's life blink out and haven't the stomach to do it again.

All right. Before the gods, I swear I will not perish this day. Now are you ready, Laurent? Let us fight together now to find a ray of light in this dismal mess.

I'm ready, Father. Thank you.

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[spoiler=Noire x Avatar]

Avatar: Noire! Thank heavens you're okay.

Noire: F-Father...? What are you...? How can you be here?

Avatar: Ah...yes, about that. I'm...not your father. I'm another world's Avatar. Naga granted us passage here temporarily in order to save you.

Noire: Naga sent you?! Oh, Dad, I'm so sorry! What must you think of me...?

Avatar: You're sorry? What for?

Noire: I was...surrounded and disarmed... I lost faith, and...I...I surrendered... You taught me to visualize victory and to believe in it, but I just couldn't see it... I'm suppose to be taking the Gemstones home to save our world, and I gave up! How could so brilliant a tactician have so cowardly a daughter?

Avatar: Ha! You don't think I get scared? It's only natural to be afraid. Disarmed and surrounded by the enemy? I'd have been trembling in my boots! Don't dwell on your failures. Instead, focus on reacting to the current state of battle. There's a path to victory even in the face of defeat—and I'm here to help you find it!

Noire: Father...

Avatar: I can't stay long, Noire, but will you allow me to protect you while I can?

Noire: Of course! Thank you so much for coming to save me. And...thank you for letting me see my father's face again...

Avatar: It's my pleasure. I'm all yours as long as I'm here!

[spoiler=Noire x Kellam]

Kellam: Noire...there you are. Thank goodness you're safe.

Noire: Huh? F-Father?! What are you doing here?! How did— Wait—is this one of mother's hexes?

Kellam: Not this time. I'm actually a different Kellam, from a different world. We heard your world was in trouble. It's...worse than I expected...

Noire: Oh...yeah. Things are pretty bad here...

Kellam: Well, it's all right now. We're here to save you. You've done well to make it this far, Noire. To stay alive through all... this... I can't stay for long, but... hopefully you'll let me protect you while I'm here?

Noire: Thank you, Father, but...I don't need you to protect me...

Kellam: You...you don't? How come?

Noire: Well...I know I said our world was in grave danger... But you already did so much to protect everyone. You protected the soldiers in your army... You protected people from the Risen... And in the end, you died protecting me... So I... I can't let you protect me anymore! It was bad enough I got my own father killed once... I couldn't stand to see it happen again... *sob*

Kellam: So that's it... Sorry. I should have considered that before I asked. ...But it'll be okay this time. There's no way I'm dying here. Your father can live on through me. I'll protect you for the both of us. You're taking the Gemstones back to Ylisse, right? Well, I want to do my part to help make that happen. Believe in me, Noire. Your faith will give me all the strength I need.

Noire: Father... ...... O-okay... *sniff* I... I believe in you.

Kellam: Thank you, Noire. Now let me handle the rest.

Noire: I will, but... please... Be careful, okay?

[spoiler=Kjelle x Frederick]

Kjelle: *Gasp* You... You're...

Frederick: Kjelle... You saw me die in this world. That I stand before you now testifies to the fact that I'm not who you think I am.

Kjelle: ...What is it you're trying to say?

Frederick: On the field of battle, one must be ever thoughtful and ever vigilant to stay alive. Surely the Frederick of this world taught you that much?

Kjelle: He did. And at first, I assumed you were part of an enemy ruse.

Frederick: At first...? I take it you changed your mind.

Kjelle: Yes. I watched you fight. I saw your skill and your strength... That gave me reason to hope that you were indeed my father. Granted, there were minor differences... but I'm happy to see you all the same.

Frederick: I see... Your powers of perception are impressive indeed. No matter how dire the situation, nothing on the battlefield escapes your notice. ...You are my daughter, after all.

Kjelle: Oh, Father... I've wanted to see you again so badly! *sob*

Frederick: Everything's going to be okay, Kjelle. You fought bravely today. I fear I cannot stay here long, but I'll at least protect you until this battle's through.

[spoiler=Kjelle x Stahl]

Stahl: Kjelle!

Kjelle: F-Father?! How can you—?! You're—! You DIED!

Stahl: Sorry to say I'm not actually your father. I'm a different Stahl from another world. But I've been sent here to rescue you! ...Which sounds a little unlikely, I realize.

Kjelle: You're from another world...?

Stahl: Yes. But you're still my blood... sort of. Together we can turn this battle around!

Kjelle: This...this is like a dream! The truth is, I... I lost my weapon. I'd actually given up any hope of survival... But then you showed you to rescue me in my hour of need... It's just perfect! Please, Father, help me through this, and I promise I'll never give up again!

Stahl: It'd be my pleasure, Kjelle. ...Say, you're not hungry, are you? I still have some of my rations from earlier. It's not much, but it's yours if you want it.

Kjelle: ...... You're offering me food? ...During a battle? Father, you need to maintain a sense of urgency on the battlefield! You don't remember Mother scolding you about that day in and day out?

Stahl: She did...?

Kjelle: Yes! You two always talked about being the two knights who served the Hero-King... She was the Bull, and you were supposed to be the Panther. But it always ended with her chewing you out for being too mellow for the role...

Stahl: Heh. Who knew we'd still be arguing about that for years to come?

Kjelle: Of course, in my eyes, you two were far better than any of the Hero-King's knights. Fighting by my father's side is like a dream come true... Even if you aren't really him.

Stahl: Well, he sounds like quite a guy... I've got a lot to live up to. All I can say it, I'll do my best to protect you, just like he would have done. And hopefully without embarrassing you any further out here on the field!

Kjelle: Thanks, Father.

[spoiler=Kjelle x Gregor]

Gregor: Kjelle! You are alive! Gregor is feeling great relief!

Kjelle: Father?! Is it really you?

Gregor: Er...no. Your father is not having come back from the grave. This Gregor is different! He comes from other world to briefly give helpful hand.

Kjelle: ...What? How is that even...? Well, whoever you are... it's good to hear your voice.

Gregor: Never has Gregor seen warriors so outnumbered. Is very bad situation... You have been at war for long time, yes? Gregor is thinking... is not easy.

Kjelle: No. I suppose it MIGHT have been easier if my father had taught me how to fight. But sadly, he couldn't be bothered. Everything I know I had to teach myself or learn from my friends.

Gregor: You are... angry with Gregor.

Kjelle: I know I'm wasting my time asking this, but why wouldn't he teach me how to fight?

Gregor: Hm... Maybe this Gregor can shed light on situation. Your father, he is sellsword for many years, yes? He sees much pain and suffering. But also, he loves his daughter. He does not want her to know such horrible things. Perhaps Other Gregor was wrong. For him to not train born warrior is like for painter to not frame most beautiful picture!

Kjelle: ...... Father... Please go. The longer you stay, the harder it will be. Thank you for coming to save me. I missed you so, so much... *sniff*

Gregor: ...Very well. Gregor will be going. He knows someday, somewhere, our paths shall be crossing once more.

[spoiler=Inigo x Frederick]

Frederick: Inigo, is that you?

Inigo: Father?! It can't be...

Frederick: No. Not your real father. I hail from another world entirely.

Inigo: But... you are my father in that world?

Frederick: Correct. And so naturally I feel like a sort of father to you as well. Allow me to keep you safe.

Inigo: Father, I'm glad I had the chance to see you again. I truly am. But it's too dangerous here. You could get yourself killed. I can handle a few Risen, so please—go back to you world before it's too late!

Frederick: You've been ready to die since the moment you cut down that bridge.

Inigo: You saw that?!

Frederick: You made a brave and wise choice back there, Inigo. That you put your friends' lives above your own proves you have a knight's heart. It takes fortitude to become your country's fist and your comrades' shield.

Inigo: I know. I remember what you taught me when I was little. I looked up to you. I swore I would defend others, just as you did.

Frederick: Then do it now, son. Defend me.

Inigo: What?

Frederick: I wronged you by asking if I could keep you safe. You're not a child anymore. I shall trust your strength and let you stand in the lead.

Inigo: It doesn't matter who stands where! I don't want you in a position to... I don't want you to die protecting me!

Frederick: Then don't give me the chance. You're a brave young man. As long as you fight hard, we will both see the end of this battle. Don't you agree?

Inigo: Yes, but...

Frederick: Let the old wounds close, Inigo. Fight, and I know you will prevail. Your liege, Princess Lucina, needs you. Will you fail her? Now let us break these poor excuses for Risen and return home to Ylisse!

Inigo: ...All right. A knight never abandons his liege. I accept your help, Father. And I promise to see you safely through the battle.

Frederick: Then I entrust myself to your care, Sir Inigo. Show your father what a grand knight you have become!

[spoiler=Inigo x Donnel]

Donnel: That must be the Inigo of this world. That's my boy—look at him go! But I'll probably scare the tar out of him if I just march up and say hi... And that's if he even recognizes me... I reckon I look younger than he does!

Inigo: Father?! What are you doing here?

Donnel: Inigo?! How'd ya know I'm your pa?

Inigo: Uh, can anyone else fight that well with a pot on his head? But I thought you were dead!

Donnel: Oh, uh, well... Hold on to yer britches, 'cause you're not gonna believe this. I done came here from another world to save ya from yer doom!

Inigo: Another world? No wonder you look so young... Without the pot on your head, I never would have recognized you.

Donnel: Er, yeah. I think you've made yer point.

Inigo: Father, there's something I've always wanted to tell you.

Donnel: Oh yeah? Hit me!

Inigo: You know the ballad of the swan princess and her black swan prince?

Donnel: Of course! Olivia used to dance it somethin' fierce!

Inigo: That's right. You would sing, and Mother would dance along. I remember the song well from when I was a little boy. You two were so in love. You used to say that the song was about you... That no matter what tragedy struck, you'd always be together.

Donnel: Gosh, ya remember all that? It's kinda embarassin'...

Inigo: I just wanted to say... I'm sorry.

Donnel: Huh? What the heck for?

Inigo: You both died to keep me safe. I was the tragedy that finally tore you two apart. I just... I need you to forgive me...

Donnel: Now, Inigo...

Inigo: I know it's too much to ask. I must sound like an utter fool. You're not even my real father...

Donnel: Do I get to talk now? 'Cause you didn't tear me and yer ma apart.

Inigo: ...I didn't?

Donnel: Heck no! If anythin', yer the glue that proves how inseparable we are! What better way to show our live than to leave a remarkable son behind? Long as you take good care of yerself, we'll live dang near forever!

Inigo: Really? *sniff* You m-mean it, Father? Thank you... Oh, thank you! *sob*

Donnel: Sorry me and Olivia left ya here by your lonesome. It's our fault you been blaming yerself this whole time. But everything's gonna get better now. I can promise ya that. I'm gonna protect ya so ya can bring peace to this world. Then ya won't ever have to be sad again—not you or nobody!

[spoiler=Inigo x Avatar]

Avatar: Inigo! Thank goodness I made it!

Inigo: Father? ...Is it you?! You're alive! I thought I had lost you forever! ...And, gods, you look fantastic—like you're 10 years younger...

Avatar: I'm sorry to ruin the moment, Inigo, but I'm not from this world. I've come to help you, but I'm not the same as your father.

Inigo: Then he's really dead...

Avatar: I'm sorry to get your hopes up. Still, even if I'm not the father you knew, I intend to keep you safe.

Inigo: ......

Avatar: Inigo, are you all right? I know this must have come as a shock but—

Inigo: Father, what would you have done back at the bridge?

Avatar: Come again?

Inigo: At the bridge. How would you have handled that predicament? Would you have cut the bridge down? Would you force your way across? Or was there some other method I failed to even consider?

Avatar: Inigo, I hardly think it matters which—

Inigo: I just need to know. Did I make the best choice? You're in a better position to judge than anyone on this battlefield. ...Why are you laughing?

Avatar: Pfft... Heh heh... I just expected you to be all doom and gloom. And yet here you are pondering strategy. You ARE full of surprises. That's my son!

Inigo: Well, for your information, I've got plenty doom and gloom. My father is dead, for one! But a true tactician doesn't stop to lick his wounds. He figures things out.

Avatar: I couldn't agree more. Still, while an analytical eye is important, Inigo, let bygones be bygones. It's not the past you need to figure out. It's what you do next.

Inigo: Ah... True...

Avatar: Imagine this situation... You're cornered, you're outmanned... but you have to win the fight. A single warrior appears. After exchanging a few words, you think he might be trusted. Do you ask for his help or not?

Inigo: ...Heh. You've made your point, Father. Help me win this fight!

Avatar: I will, Inigo. I'm your new strategy. Now let's take out those Risen and make it a winning one. Agreed?

Inigo: Agreed. Thank you, Father!

[spoiler=Owain x Vaike]

Vaike: Hey, Owain!

Owain: That voice! ...F-Father?!

Vaike: Wrong! This Vaike has come from another world to do what your father couldn't. ...And that's to kick some sense into your scrawny arse!

Owain: It's good to see you again, Father. But I can take care of my own world!

Vaike: Ha! All talk, no game. If you had the situation under control, what was that nonsense at the bridge?

Owain: Oh. Well, I was—

Vaike: Givin' up is what you were doin'. You listen to Teach... Takin' bold action is fine. So is lookin' out for your friends. But throwin' your life away? That's just plain chicken. Ba-BAWK!

Owain: Er... yes. So you saw everything?

Vaike: Every last second.

Owain: ...W-well, what about you? You threw your life away to save me, didn't you?

Vaike: You mean the other Vaike? Hmm, point taken. But so what! That's all the more reason for me to step in. Am I gonna let you make the same mistake as my other idiot self? Hell, no!

Owain: ......

Vaike: No son of mine is gonna bite the dust without a fight. In fact, I'm gonna personally guarantee it. You hear that, Owain? The Vaike's strength is yours, as long
as you've got the stones to ask for it! Have you got the stones?! DO YOU WANT TO WIN? ...Or do you just wanna die in style?

Owain: ...... I want to win. ...No matter what it takes! Lend me your strength, Father! I'm not too proud to ask! Ylisse needs me, and I need you!

Vaike: Now THAT'S the Son of Vaike talkin'! Come on, Owain. Let's give these Risen scum a real Vaike-ache!

Owain: Thanks, Father! They'll be hurting for sure with you on my side!

[spoiler=Owain x Henry]

Owain: Hm?! What's this horrible sense of foreboding? No... it can't be...

Henry: Huh? It's you, Owain!

Owain: I knew it. Father! But how can you possibly be alive?

Henry: Oh, that. Yeah, I came from another world. I'm not really your father.

Owain: Another world?! N-no, you must be some trick of the enemy.

Henry: Nya ha! A trick? Now that's not very nice, Owain. But I guess this IS all rather sudden. Hrrrm... Well, whatever. You can think of me as some kind of ghost if you want. It's not like I can stick around here for long anyway.

Owain: ...A-all right.

Henry: But you've gotta promise me something. Pinky swear! No more putting your life on the line. Understand?

Owain: Huh?

Henry: Look, I totally get the fascination with dying. Heck, I used to dream about my horrible, icky demise all the time! Henry impaled on a lance! Henry impaled on a sword! Oh, the possibilities! ...So you probably get the impulsive death-wish thing from me. But Lissa and I agree with your friend. We don't want you to throw your life away. And since I'm your father, I'm allowed to be hypocritical like that.

Owain: ......

Henry: ...Sorry. I guess you think it's weird taking orders from a ghost.

Owain: Yes. It's weird.

Henry: Nya ha! I figured as much. Oh well. Then I guess it's time to make myself even more transparent. But just know this—I'll always be looking out for you from afar. Okay, that's it. Happy living! ...Emphasis on the "living" part.

Owain: Don't worry. You got your ghostly point across just fine.

Henry: Really? Nya ha! Thanks, Owain! See ya around, then.*Whoosh* *ghost noises*
(Henry leaves)

Owain: *Sigh* Good-bye, Father. I'm sorry I had to push you away. Especially when you came all this way to keep me safe. But that's how I lost you the first time. Trust me—it's better this way. Just having this one moment with you is enough to carry me the rest of the way.

[spoiler=Brady x Avatar]

Avatar: Brady? Brady, it is you! I'm so glad you're all right!

Brady: Pop?! What are you doing here? I thought you were dead! You never came home. Did someone capture you?

Avatar: No... You don't understand. I'm not really from this world. And I'm not really your father. I can only stay here for a short while...

Brady: What? You're not him? Then... my old man must be...

Avatar: I'm sorry, Brady. I didn't mean to build up false hope. But even if I'm not your real father, you're still like a son to me. Let me fight alongside you for as long as I can!

Brady: You'd do that for me? Thanks, Pop... But I sure wish you didn't have to see me like this.

Avatar: Like what?

Brady: I did something terrible. Real bad. I abandoned my friends... They helped me get away, and I can't even go back and save them... I don't know how to fight. I'm sure I'm nothing like you wanted me to turn out...

Avatar: Brady, that's not true at all.

Brady: It ain't?

Avatar: Of course not. You're a remarkable son. And besides, if you'd tried to go back and save them, you would have been killed. Then the Gemstones would have fallen into enemy hands. I'm proud of you for staying calm and making the right choice. You kept your emotions at bay and did what your friends wanted. That took guts.

Brady: Really? *sniff*

Avatar: You're exactly what I wanted in a son. A quick thinker who gets the job done. A true strategist, like his father.

Brady: You m-mean it? *sob*

Avatar: You'll start feeling better once you complete your mission here. And you'll have my help every step of the way!

Brady: Thanks, Pop. Ylisse needs me, and I won't let her down. WE won't!

Avatar: That's right!

[spoiler=Yarne x Lon'qu]

Yarne: F-Father?! Is that you? It can't be...

Lon'qu Yarne.

Yarne: This isn't possible. Please tell me you're not some Risen... I d-don't think I could fight an enemy with my own father's face...

Lon'qu Relax. I am no Risen. Nor am I your real father.

Yarne: What?

Lon'qu: I come from another world—an Outrealm separate from this one.

Yarne: I... I see. Then you're here to rescue me?

Lon'qu: No. You know me better than that.

Yarne: What do you mean?

Lon'qu: I mean my son needs no rescuing. You may be the last of the taguel, but that's also because you are the strongest.

Yarne: ...I am?

Lon'qu: Yes. Today you need a comrade to guide you through the danger. Not a father to pull you out of it. Whatever enemies I destroy will be to hasten your victory, not hand it to you.

Yarne: ......

Lon'qu: I believe in you. Today my strong son is going to come through for his friends.

Yarne: You're right. I have to get back to Ylisstol. I have to deliver the Gemstones no matter what the cost! The whole world is counting on me.

Lon'qu: That's right. Now go. Any Risen who stands in your way will have to face my blade.

Yarne: Thank you, Father!

[spoiler=Yarne x Avatar]

Avatar: ...Yarne? It's you, isn't it?

Yarne: Father? Y-you're alive!

Avatar: I wish I was your real father, Yarne. But I come from another world. I crossed the borders of space and time to help you escape. Now go! I'll hold them off!

Yarne: No... That's all right.

Avatar: Huh?

Yarne: You saw how many Risen there were. This world is done for... Finished. Don't throw your life away with ours.

Avatar: Hey!

Yarne: We've already lost. I left my friends back there to die... It's over. I'm the worst...

Avatar: No, you're not!

Yarne: Hm?

Avatar: I'm not blind. I saw what really happened. You didn't want to abandon your friends. You had to force yourself away. You decided to honor their wishes in the end.

Yarne: I still left them to die.

Avatar: Well, maybe you need to have a little more faith in them!

Yarne: I wish I could, but I'm not stupid.

Avatar: Then suppose you're right, and they don't make it. Don't you owe it to them to finish your mission and honor what they did? Don't you owe it to your parents?

Yarne: Rrgh...

Avatar: Your survival could be what pulls this world back from the brink of chaos. Are you going to try? Or are you going to waste what time you have left feeling bad for everyone?

Yarne: *Sniff* I'm s-sorry, Father. You're right... I had all but given up... But not anymore. I won't let their sacrifices be in vain. Please... Will you help me finish what we started?

Avatar: Of course!

[spoiler=Severa x Virion]

Virion: Whew... Right in the nick of time. Good day, Severa.

Severa: Huh?

Virion: Poor girl. Such terrible wounds! Had I arrived too late, I might never have forgiven my noble self.

Severa: Daddy? You're alive?!

Virion: No, my dear. I came from another world entirely. When I heard this world was in peril, I gracefully sprang into action. And now I wish to fight by your side in your departed father's stead!

Severa: I appreciate any help I can get, but you do realize how dangerous it is here. Don't you have problems in your own world to worry about?

Virion: Indeed I do. The Fatherest of Fathers is a busy man. However, the needs of my beloved daughter come first in any world. Saving you is the noble thing to do.

Severa: You and your roundabout answers. It's the noble thing to do, but not what you want to do right? You'd rather be with your real daughter in your own world. I'm not stupid. So why are you risking your life here?

Virion: I shall assume those harsh words are an expression of concern. I can see you are just as kind and considerate in this world...

Severa: Stop changing the subject!

Virion: There is no one I care about more than my own daughter. No one.

Severa: Huh?

Virion: Of course, in this case, I have more than one daughter. But I refuse to put one daughter above the other. My daughter is my daughter. I cherish you both equally. Ergo, no one is more important to me than you.

Severa: Y-you really mean that? Having another daughter to look after isn't just some annoyance?

Virion: Certainly not. Now dry your tears. You have shed more than enough to prove how graceful and kind you are. Are you ready to join forces and rewrite your future?

Severa: Yes! Thank you daddy!

[spoiler=Severa x Ricken]

Ricken: You're okay!

Severa: Who's okay? Run, kid, before you get hurt!

Ricken: I'm not a kid! Don't you recognize me, Severa?

Severa: How do you know my name? And why do you look vaguely familiar?

Ricken: It's me! Ricken!

Severa: As in my dead father, Ricken? I guess I do see a resemblance, but come on. I'm not stupid.

Ricken: Of course you aren't! You're my daughter. The reason I look this way is because I came from a world where I'm younger. That doesn't change who I am though.

Severa: Well, it's kind of hard to believe... But strangely I do believe it. Who knew my father used to be so adorable?

Ricken: Um... I'm glad you think so. Now can we get serious, please? Are you alright? It looked like the fell dragon hit you pretty hard.

Severa: Don't worry. I've been through worse.

Ricken: I don't know if I can even picture worse... Well, I'm here now, so you find someplace safe and leave the battle to me.

Severa: What? No way! Daddy or not, you're still just a child. I'm not letting you march off to your death! Watching one father die was bad enough...

Ricken: ......

Severa: I guess you wouldn't know. You wouldn't understand... I watched my father die right before my eyes... *sniff*

Ricken: I'm sorry, Severa. I left you fatherless and alone. But just because I'm younger than he was doesn't mean I'm weaker. Chrom and the others look up to me! They know what I'm capable of.

Severa: Really?

Ricken: Really! So don't you worry. I'm going to keep you nice and safe. Your father never wanted you to be unhappy, and neither do I.

Severa: All right, Daddy. But only if we fight together. I won't use you as a shield.

Ricken: ...All right. Fine by me! Together we'll be an unstoppable force.

Severa: I know we will. Thank you, Daddy.

[spoiler=Severa x Gregor]

Gregor: Oy! Is good to see you in one piece, Severa.

Severa: No... It can't be! ...Daddy?

Gregor: Actually, Gregor come from another world. Is not same as Gregor who died in this world, yes?

Severa: Another world? But why?

Gregor: To protect darling daughter, of course! Gregor heard your world was in trouble.

Severa: And you show up NOW? I don't need your stupid help!

Gregor: Oy, here we go... Must you always pretend you are angry? Is not hereditary... Would it really kill you to just tell Gregor how much you miss him?

Severa: I don't miss you!

Gregor: Very well. Either way, Gregor is sorry Other Gregor died and left you all by yourself. It must have been very hard on you.

Severa: Darned right it was! What kind of father does that to his daughter? My life has been horrible ever since I lost you!

Gregor: Severa...

Severa: I loved you so much, I decided to be a mercenary like you when I took the field. You were my model of strength! When you died, you robbed me of more than just a father. Don't you get it?

Gregor: Yes, Gregor get it very much. *sniff* You are making Gregor want to shed the tears now. Gregor is very proud you followed in father's footsteps. Your father would have been proud.

Severa: I... I don't need you to tell me that.

Gregor: Of course not. Well... Gregor has come to keep you safe, so that is what Gregor will do. Is no way those Risen will hurt his precious little girl!

Severa: Well, you just make sure not to slow me down. And... thanks, Daddy. I don't want to admit it, but I've always dreamed of fighting by your side like this.

[spoiler=Gerome x Vaike]

Vaike: Still alive and kickin' boy?

Gerome: Huh? That voice...

Vaike: The Vaike is no voice. The Vaike is legend!

Gerome: I'm fairly certain even legends have voices... But... is that really you? It doesn't seem possible...

Vaike: I ain't the Vaike you know. I'm another Vaike from another world. You can never have too many Vaikes, and this one's here to save your bacon!

Gerome: Another world?

Vaike: That's right. I thought OUR world was bad, but yours is a nightmare! Teach gives you full marks for survivin' this long. You truly are the Son of Vaike.

Gerome: I had to survive.

Vaike: Yeah?

Gerome: I've known nothing but pain and despair since I was a child. I was born into a world where every day is a battle. After a while, sidestepping death became a routine.

Vaike: You're always ready, huh?

Gerome: My father taught me to be ready.

Vaike: Smart man!

Gerome: No, but a determined one. "One day the Vaike may fall. But not the Son of Vaike!" he said. Those were his last words before he went off to destroy the Risen. He never returned. Since then, I have taken those words to heart.

Vaike: In that case, I wish I'd thought of somethin' more clever...

Gerome: No. It was exactly what I needed to hear. And as you noted, it has kept me alive where others died.

Vaike: Well, now that Vaike and Son of Vaike are a team, no one's gonna die.

Gerome: More bravado?

Vaike: You can't spell "bravado" without V. ...Ya know? V for Vaike! Anyway, are we gonna sweep up this battlefield or not?

Gerome: Heh. Fair enough. Try not to wet yourself when you realize how strong your son is.

Vaike: Har! That goes both ways!

Gerome: All right. Let's go!

[spoiler=Gerome x Donnel]

Donnel: Gerome? Is that really you? Reckon I made it just in time!

Gerome: F-Father?! I must be dreaming...

Donnel: Hmm? Now, why's that?

Gerome: Not only am I seeing my dead father, but he's years younger than I remember! I must have hit my head... Either that, or I'm dead...

Donnel: Oh, you sure ain't dead! And you ain't dreamin', neither! I'm here as sure as the's sky's blue. ...Er, blood red.

Gerome: How can that be?

Donnel: Well, ya see...I came here from another world to help ya. I may not be able to stay very long, but I'll fight with ya as long as I can.

Gerome: Another world, is it? Then you may as well be a dream.

Donnel: What? Well, that sure ain't nice!

Gerome: Don't get me wrong. I can see that you're no ghost. But a father from another world who isn't here to stay? That sounds like a dream to me. Tomorrow, I shall wonder if this even really happened.

Donnel: ...... Gerome, ya sure you're not just sayin' that to keep from gettin' hurt?

Gerome: What would you know about my pain? Did you lost your father in some meaningless war? No, I thought not, so—

Donnel: Actually, I did.

Gerome: Huh?

Donnel: My pa died in the war. It darned near broke my heart too. Course, I can't say I know exactly how ya feel. At least I still got my ma. But I understand a wee bit, and I'm sorry I left ya on your own. At least let me make it up to ya now by fightin' at your side. You're my only son, Gerome.

Gerome: ...... Father...

Donnel: I may not be the strongest warrior in these here parts... but I'll be damned if I let any harm come to you or Minerva!

Gerome: Fine, but... how do I know I won't lose you a second time?

Donnel: I promise! Your pa's plenty tougher than ya remember him, I reckon.

Gerome: All right. Then lend me your strength, Father. Together we might just pull through this.

[spoiler=Gerome x Ricken]

Ricken: Gerome!

Gerome: Huh? What are you doing on a battlefield, boy?

Ricken: Agh, I knew this would happen. It's me, Ricken! Your father!

Gerome: Ha! That's rich! My father died years ago. Whatever mischief you're plotting, you need to leave right now. It's too dangerous for you here.

Ricken: I'm not going anywhere. For starters, I came here from ANOTHER WORLD to help you. That's why I look so young. My world is further in the past. Secondly, you're my SON! I'm not going to leave you here to die.

Gerome: I'm sorry, but do you really expect me to believe nonsense like—
(Minerva roars)
Gerome: Minerva? What is it?

Ricken: Thanks, Minerva! I was hoping you'd remember me. After all, you've known me longer. We've been friends since I was young. I missed you too!

Gerome: Is this really happening? This... boy is my father? No, I need further proof.

Ricken: Alright. How can I prove it?

Gerome: When I was little, my father tried to teach me magic. But I decided to become a wyvern rider like my mother instead. What did my father say to me then?

Ricken: What? But... that hasn't happened to me yet. How could I possibly...

Gerome: ......

Ricken: Wait. I can figure this out. I think...I would probably say this: no matter what path you choose, I'll always watch over you. If you think your place in the world is to be a knight, then a knight you should be. ...But the world of magic will be missing out.

Gerome: ...!

Ricken: Was that even close?

Gerome: ......

Ricken: I guess not.

Gerome: Close? That's EXACTLY what he said. Nearly word for word.

Ricken: Then you believe me?

Gerome: Yes. I'm sorry I doubted you.

Ricken: Woo-hoo!

Gerome: I didn't follow in your footsteps, Father, but I always looked up to you. Mage or not, you cut an imposing figure, and your hands were full of strength. I can remember every spell you weaved in front of me like it was yesterday. I would... very much like to see that again.

Ricken: Well... I can do the magic, but I'm not so sure about the imposing figure.

Gerome: I'll take what I can get. My memory should be able to fill in the rest.

Ricken: Really? All right, Gerome. You've got me all pumped up now! Get ready for a maelstrom of magic to top them all!

Gerome: Go get 'em, Father.

[spoiler=Gerome x Avatar]

Avatar: Gerome? You're safe!

Gerome: Father? Is that really you? You're alive!

Avatar: Not exactly. I'm not technically your father. I've come from another world to help you and Minerva where he couldn't. Will you let me fight by your side?

Gerome: ......

Avatar: Gerome?

Gerome: You have some nerve. Do you have any idea where we are? What's going on around us? You could be a sinister trap of Grima's, and you expect me to trust you? Begone, ghost, and speak my name no more.

Avatar: Gerome! I... I must admit you're right. You shouldn't trust me, tactically speaking. That clever thinking has saved your friends more than once no doubt.

Gerome: Huh?

Avatar: I will respect your judgement and keep my distance. But like it or not, I intend to fight for you, even from afar.

Gerome: ...... I learned it from you.

Avatar: I'm sorry?

Gerome: You taught me to keep my cool no matter how strange things get on the battlefield. You said my comrades might panic or get confused, but I at least should stay calm. You taught me to be a leader.

Avatar: And a tremendous leader you have become.

Gerome: Father... *sniff*

Avatar: You believe me, then?

Gerome: Only my father could remain so indifferent after being rebuffed like that.

Avatar: Thanks... I think.

Gerome: I'm sorry I doubted you. Will you fight with me now to change our destiny?

Avatar: That's why I'm here.

[spoiler=Laurent x Virion]

Virion: Do I spy a Laurent?

Laurent: Father?! You're alive? ...Impossible! I buried you myself! You must be a Risen. Rrgh! You will pay for sinking to such a disgusting ruse!

Virion: Huh? Now just hold on, Son...

Laurent: I will free you, Father! You will rest in peace again!

Virion: Ow! Relent, I say! Do I look like a Risen? Show me just one Risen with so fair a complexion! With such...unglowy eyes!

Laurent: Huh? Then... what are you?

Virion: A visitor from another world, actually—one where your father still lives. I am not the Virion who died here. I am the Virion who lives there, you see? I have some to help you, not to be mistaken for dead flesh.

Laurent: Another world...

Virion: Yes. Are you trying to drive me to an early grave? Ugh! You did not even hesitate to strike me. Was the Virion of this world so poor a father to you?

Laurent: No, my father TAUGHT me to do that. He said a true noble must be ready to set his emotions aside to protect his people.

Virion: And you followed my advice to the letter, I see.

Laurent: Yes. If my own father came to me as an enemy and tried to hurt my friends... I would have to... you know. *sniff*

Virion: Are you all right, boy?

Laurent: I would do what I have to, but that doesn't make it easy. It broke my heart to strike you like that just now. ...You? A poor father? You were the finest father I could ask for. Do you have any idea how glad I am just to...s-see you...?

Virion: Laurent! My son... Forgive me. I chose my words callously. Rashly, perhaps, since I may not be able to stay in this world for long. I did not mean to elicit tears.

Laurent: You didn't do anything wrong. I did. Anyway, I'm better now. Don't feel bad on my account.

Virion: Always looking out for others... Even covered in wounds, you managed a most convincing smile. Only a true noble—the true heir to House Virion—could have so kind a heart. Now, shall we finish this battle? I believe you have a peaceful future to secure.

Laurent: You'll help me?

Virion: Of course. Watch me devastate your enemies with legendary grace!

Laurent: I shall look forward to it. Thank you, Father!

[spoiler=Laurent x Lon'qu]

Lon'qu: Laurent.

Laurent: Huh? ...Father?! No, that isn't possible. I must be seeing a ghost. Or worse... a Risen!

Lon'qu: I can understand why you would jump to such conclusions. Your father is dead. But I'm neither a ghost nor a Risen. Nor am I even him. I came here from another world. Your father and I are different Lon'qus.

Laurent: Then why would you come to a dismal world like mine?

Lon'qu: To fight. That is always my reason.

Laurent: No, Father! You mustn't. Not this time. My world is too dangerous. There's no reason for you to get killed!

Lon'qu: If it's that dangerous, do you really intend to fight this battle without help?

Laurent: Yes. I would rather lose this battle than go through losing you again.

Lon'qu: Then you're a fool! If darling notions like that fill your head, it's a wonder you still live.

Laurent: Wh-what?

Lon'qu: Whether or not we survive a life-or-death battle comes down to fate. But death is a near certainty without the will to win! Remember that.

Laurent: I-I know that, Father. I'm sorry.

Lon'qu: ...So am I. I should not have raised my voice. The warrior in me simply wishes for you to bear yourself with strength. Your dead father would have wanted the same, I am sure.

Laurent: He would. And I have done my best to live up to those expectations. It seems I still have a ways to go. I suppose I should feel slighted or embarrassed. But in way, I'm happy. You have reminded me that I still have room to grow, which is exciting.

Lon'qu: Miriel was always trying to better herself. You take after her as much as me.

Laurent: Well, you both certainly liked to scold me. It wasn't until just now that I realized how much I have missed it.

Lon'qu: Really? This is my first time scolding my son.

Laurent: Ha ha! Is it too late to caution you away from the habit? I suppose I should be honored I stole first dibs from your real son.

Lon'qu: And I suppose I should be ashamed for being so heavy handed.

Laurent: As I said, I missed it. I feel like I really am your son. And that gives me the courage to finish this fight. ...I have changed my mind. Will you fight with me after all?

Lon'qu: Gladly.

Laurent: Thank you, Father.

[spoiler=Laurent x Ricken]

Ricken: Laurent, is that you? I'm so glad you're safe!

Laurent: How do you know my name? And what are you doing here? You're just a child!

Ricken: Am not! It's me. Ricken. Your father!

Laurent: M-my father? Don't be ridiculous. My father passed away. Unless... Are you his reincarnation? That would be fascinating...

Ricken: Ha ha... I suppose it would, but no. I'm just me. I came here from another world where I'm still young. So you see, I'm not really the same person as your father.

Laurent: Fair enough. Well, I'm still glad I got to see you again, Father. But it's not safe for you here. Taller men than you have faced Grima and perished. Stay behind me. I will protect you.

Ricken: W-wait a second! You've got this all backward! The whole point of my coming here was so I could protect YOU!

Laurent: Perhaps it wasn't. Perhaps you true role here is to give me strength and courage.

Ricken: Right. And maybe I can draw pretty pictures of rainbows for you too.

Laurent: Father, do you know why I became a mage? I never had a gist for magic like you or mother. In fact, she told me I was not suited for it. I lacked the substance. Nonetheless, I persisted. Why do you suppose that is?

Ricken: Uh... You were bored?

Laurent: No, It's because you were always looking over my shoulder while I practiced. You were there to encourage me after every failure, to ensure I never gave up. You molded me into the resilient fighter who stands before you now. This is fact, not flattery.

Ricken: Well... thank you.

Laurent: So now you get to look over my shoulder again. I want you to see that your patience and guidance paid off. I use wind magic. It used to be my worst element, but now it's my best. You were the same, weren't you?

Ricken: Uh-huh... *sniff* And yes... I would love for you to sh-show me.

Laurent: Why are you crying?

Ricken: I'm just so happy! In this world, Miriel and I are gone. But here you are picking up where we left off. Carrying on! Laurent, please let me fight too. I want to protect you! I'm your f-father, for gods' sake! Ahh... *sob*

Laurent: I suppose you still have some growing up to do where you came from. But you have the same gentle hands, the same keen gaze... I wish I were your son in a world where we could spend more time together. ... Thank you for coming for me. I'll always remember this, even if you forget me once you return.

[spoiler=Laurent x Henry]

Henry: Laurent, you're all right! Whew, you really gave me a scare.

Laurent: F-Father? ...Is that really you?

Henry: Well, I don't know who else it would be!

Laurent: But... you're dead. You died ages ago! Or have you used your dark arts to... to summon yourself back from the netherworld?

Henry: Nya ha! That does sound like fun, but I'm afraid no such spell exists. Or at least I haven't found it. But you're right about the summoning-from-another-world part!

Laurent: I have a father in another world?

Henry: You sure-dippity do! I heard you were in trouble, so I came to this world to help you. Now just point me at the Risen you want me to obliterate!

Laurent: Uh, Father... Believe me when I say I am truly ecstatic to see you again. But I am not about to put you in danger on my behalf! Never again.

Henry: Uh, sorry? I don't follow.

Laurent: It's dangerous here. You could die! I could not bear to...to lose you a second time.

Henry: Thanks for the vote of confidence, Laurent! How do you know I won't survive? I thought this was your big, epic clash. Aren't you here to win?

Laurent: Of course I am, but—

Henry: Then when someone offers to help, stop trying to show them the proverbial door. Are you gonna risk losing everything just to save me?

Laurent: That's not the point—

Henry: You're a smart kid, Laurent. Too smart to squander a good resource. That much of Miriel lives on in you. So while I appreciate you not wanting to thrust me toward a messy death, you really can't afford to be that nice in the icky business of saving the world. Now put your emotions aside, and try to think rationally. Are you gonna let me help?

Laurent: ......Yes. You have the right of it. Help me defeat the fell dragon, Father. Help me save our world.

Henry: Now we're talking! Stand back, and watch me mow your enemies down!

Laurent: Thank you. But promise me you won't do anything reckless. ...You know what? Strike that. Do whatever you have to do, and I promise to keep you safe.

Henry: Still trying to look out for me, huh? Well, I guess I can't change you with just one pep talk. But that tender heart of yours will serve you well in the better world to come. Now we just have to win it!

Edited by 春閣下
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