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DLC Conversation/Script Thread


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you can play this map before recruiting Ricken and Maribelle (DLC unlocks after chapter 4)

that being said, 1. you can't actually get the other kids before Lucina and 2. you'll get wiped out jumping in that early

Exponential Growths says otherwise.


"I'm Henry the Risen -- RAWRRRR!"

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That IS depressing. D:

And for FoD2, I can add in the conversation for after prep-screen, VS Boss and Boss Defeated along with pre-battle and post-battle for all children surviving. For FoD3, add in after prep-screen script. I can still do my existing ones.

if the person who wanted to do Gerome -> Henry conversation still wants to do it, they can~

Edited by Cordelia
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That IS depressing. D:

Indeed. D= Makes me want to approach my special training that I'm doing so they can survive much more easily that much more seriously..

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if the person who wanted to do Gerome -> Henry conversation still wants to do it, they can~

Sign me up for Gerome/Henry then.

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Chrom x Female Avatar fans, brace yourselves. Here comes the special Summer Scramble conversation you get if your female avatar is married to Chrom.

[spoiler=Chrom > Female Avatar (spouse)]

Robin: The Outrealms’ hottest resort, huh? I don’t doubt it. This place is amazing! If only Chrom and I had this beach to ourselves—what fun we could have! We could swim, and collect seashells, and chase each other through the surf…

Chrom: It’s true we don’t get very many chances to relax in our own world.

Robin: Ack! Chrom?! You heard all of that?

Chrom: If you’re going to talk to yourself so loudly, I’d suggest moving farther down the beach.

Robin: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be daydreaming like that in the middle of battle.

Chrom: Not at all. Everyone needs to unwind now and again. You should enjoy yourself. I see how tense you tend to become in the heat of battle, Robin… If this isn’t the place to let your hair down a little, I don’t know where is. And I admit, the thought of being alone here with you has crossed my mind as well…

Robin: Oh, Chrom… I’m so glad you feel the same way. I’ve never been anywhere this beautiful before. It’s so relaxing… Or perhaps I’ve been here hundreds of times and I just don’t remember…

Chrom: Robin…

Robin: Sorry. Didn’t mean to get all somber on you there. If my commander’s ordered me to let my hair down, who am I to argue? Of course, it wouldn’t do to monopolize the army’s leader during a battle… I promise I’ll be quick! I’m just going to poke around in that tide pool over there… *Robin leaves*

Chrom: Heh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Robin so excited. This place is really everything it’s cracked up to be. I owe it to her to help her enjoy it as much as she can while we’re here. I only wish I knew how to go about it… Should I spoil her like Frederick does me? Maybe I’ll help her gather seashells.


Or maybe not. I feel ridiculous. I’ll think of something…

Robin: Chrom, check it out! I caught this weird creature! Isn’t this thing just bizarre? I wonder if we could put it to any tactical use…

Chrom: ……

Robin: What’s wrong, Chrom? Don’t you like it? I know it’s not the cuddliest critter, but it’s kinda cute in its own way!

Chrom: Hmm? No, no it’s fine. I was just distracted, sorry. Don’t worry about me. Go frolic with your weird little friend to your heart’s content.

[spoiler=Female Avatar > Chrom (spouse)]

Robin: Hey, Chrom! How goes the battle on your-- …Huh? What’s up with all those seashells?

Chrom: Oh, hello, Robin. I was trying to fashion a necklace out of them. It didn’t go well.

Robin: You were fashioning a necklace…? Has this been a hobby of yours for long? It looks as if they’ve been completely pulverized. What went wrong?

Chrom: Well, I can at least say I have a talent for smashing things in frustration…

Robin: So it seems… And what’s that behind you? What are all those charred lumps?

Chrom: Those are…er, WERE fish. I was trying to cook them. They got burned.

Robin: That’s putting it kindly…

Chrom: Yeah, it didn’t exactly pan out as I’d intended.

Robin: Huh. Well…I guess even the greatest of chefs burn things now and again… And I’ll pretend I haven’t noticed the collapsed sand castle or the half-built raft… And what is that? A bug-infested tropical fruit salad? …I’ll just ignore that too.

Chrom: That would probably be for the best.

Robin: Listen, Chrom, I’m sure my excitement for the beach earlier was infectious, but… Well, maybe it’s best you save these…activities…for after the battle’s done.

Chrom: No, you’re right. But first, there’s one more thing I want you to see. Now that it’s done, I think it might’ve been a terrible idea, but…

Robin: Really? There’s more? What is it this ti—Oh my!

Chrom: So…what do you think?

Robin: C-Chrom…Just look at this great big message in the sand… “Chrom & Robin 4 Ever.” How did this…? Why would you…?

Chrom: Does it make you happy?

Robin: I…I don’t know if I should be happy or embarrassed or…what, exactly… But it’s certainly a sight I’ll never forget, I can promise you that.

Chrom: Then I’m glad. Maybe I didn’t make you happy, but I at least helped you make a new memory.

Robin: Wait, Chrom… Is that was this was all about? The sand message, all the failed projects… It was all to help me make new memories?

Chrom: I guess it wasn’t as obvious as I’d hoped it would be, huh? I know that you didn’t mean what you said before. Of course it bothers you that you don’t have any memories from before we met. I wanted to make sure you were able to form at least a few happy memories here.

Robin: Oh, Chrom… Thank you. Thank you so much. But you didn’t need to go to all this trouble. Just being with you has given me an endless supply of happy memories!

Chrom:…It has?

Robin: Of course! The day we first met… Our first battle together… That time you peeked in on me in the bath… The day you confessed your love to me… I remember it all so vividly! I could never forget a single thing about you. Even if death were to tear us apart… Even if I lost my memories again…

Chrom: Robin… Why would you even say such a thing?

Robin: What? I’m just speaking hypothetically. Why are you making that face?

Chrom: Robin…

Robin: Huh? What are you--?!

Chrom: ……

Robin: Mmmmmph! C-Chrom! Y-your lips… We shouldn’t…

Chrom: Did you not enjoy that?

Robin: N-no, it was wonderful! But…we’re in the middle of a battle here!

Chrom: I know. But the way you were talking… I couldn’t help it.

Robin: I understand, Chrom, but you’re the commander of this army! Look, I’m going back to my position now. YOU stay and fight here, okay?

Chrom: Robin, wait! *Robin leaves*

*Sigh* She’s gone. I’ll have to apologize for that later…

Robin: Right in the middle of a battle? What was he thinking?! I’ll have to scold him for that later…


Well, I suppose he’s at least given me one more memory I’ll never forget. The big dolt!

Despite Ace already putting it on here... this is for you, Ace :P

Rey: Double Dual Guards. Just because changed into swimsuit. Have a little more control over your Falchion Chrom.

Annie: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaa. You wanted that Falchion so bad that you swapped to a swimsuit right in front of him.

Rey: Oh shut it you xD

Annie: xD

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Uhm... Do you need to have Morgan recruited for the FeAvatar/??? convo to work?

I don't think so. Also, I haven't forgotten, but I'm still busy training.

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Despite Ace already putting it on here... this is for you, Ace :P

I really love this convo...all my feels XD

I should be able to get something up tonight soon.

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I don't have Morgan or married my FeAvatar, and the conversation didn't pop up when I had her wait next to him.

Which would mean that you indeed have to have a married avatar to get it.

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I fuckin' hate life. D: I forgot Mysterious Morgan had counter! Damn it, there goes the entire chapter. Why so careless, me...?!


Fine then. Convos.

Nya ha! There's my Kjelle!

...Father? Father, is that really you?! But...y-you're dead... Is this a trap...? Some sort of necromancer's curse?!

Heeey, nice idea! But no, nothing like that, sadly. The truth is way more boring. I just came from another world, hah! Anyway, I'm here to save you—you can rest easy now, nya ha!

You do look like him...and he did smile like that...but you seem...different. The father I knew was much calmer... He always had a kindly air about him.

Huh! Is that right? Actually, that doesn't really surprise me... Sometimes I feel like being married to Sully may have softened me up a bit... Seems like it's only going to get worse! Nya ha!

M-my father used to say the same thing about being married to Mother... I guess you...you really are him... *sniff* Oh, Father... *sob*

Now, now, Kjelle... Take it easy with the weepy stuff, okay?

I'm sorry... I know you aren't really him, but...I'm just so happy to see you. It's nice to see you're a lot like he was. After he married Mom, he changed a lot. His family became everything to him.

Huh! The perils of marriage! I'd better hurry up and save you, then, before I totally lose my edge! Nya ha ha!

Heh... Thanks, Father.

Nah! Thank goodness you're safe...

You look familiar somehow... Wait...are you my father? Can it really be...? Father! Oh, Father!

Heh. I was worried you might be hurt, but that hug could choke out a bear!

But how come you're here? Are you a spirit sent to take me up to heaven?

No, no. Nothing like that. This is going to be hard to believe, but hear me out... I'm...not your father. I'm another Stahl. From across the Outrealms.

Huh? Like, another world...?

Yes. And I have to go back there soon. But not before I've seen you safely through this battle.

So we can't be together long... O-okay. I understand. But...while you're here...

Of course, sweetheart. Come rest in my arms all you like. I have to say it's quite a relief that you believed me so readily. I'd been worrying this whole time about how I could possibly explain who I was...

I don't know. I just...felt it. All I know of you, I learned from pictures. I don't remember being held in your arms... I never knew the sound of your voice... But this...this warmth... I somehow just knew it had to be you. I may never have met you...and you may not be from here...but you're still my father. I'd know you anywhere...


Okay, that...that's enough.

Nah? Where are you going? What's wrong? I can't protect you if you don't stay close!

I...I can't be around you anymore.

What? Why?

I'm not strong enough... If I spend any more time with you, I won't be able to cope with you leaving.

...... I understand. Then just try to think of me as...a helper from another world. Do you think you can do that? Would you let me protect you then?

I...I'll try... Thank you, Outrealm Father. I'm glad I got to meet you. I'll cherish this moment for the rest of my life.

Noire! Is Noire, yes?

It...it can't be... Father?

Is Father, but...not from this world. This Gregor come from Outrealms! Is other world very similar to this one but taking place many years in past.

You're telling me you've come from another world...from the past...?

Yes, is crazy story. But even more crazy is Noire surviving so long without weapon! Noire take after father—is very hard to kill! Anyway, Gregor must return home soon, but right now he is here to be saving you!

Y-you traveled across worlds to save me? *sniff* I... *sob*

Now, now. No time for crying. Gregor is sentimental type—you make him cry too!

I'm sorry. It's just... Seeing you again, it...reminds me of everything that happened... But wait—how come you look so much like him? I thought you came from the past, but you look just like my father did when...

You are saying older Gregor not look older? Gregor still strong and virile in future?

Uh, no... I'm saying the younger Gregor looks...kind of old...

Oy! Is like saying goes—kids say most damnable things... Relatively speaking, is true—Gregor is still old man compared to most. But this Gregor promise you—he is much younger than Gregor of your world! Come, witness strong and virile father from somewhat-younger-old-man era!

O-okay, I'm looking forward to it! ...I think.

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Here it is, the Hot Spring Scramble Before Battle Script.

[spoiler=before battle script]

Chrom: Hmm…I’m fairly certain this is the place…

Merchant: Oh, welcome! You must be Chrom. I have your reservation right here. Has your whole party arrived, or are you still waiting on a few?

Chrom: Umm…First, could you just confirm we’ve arrived in the, er…you know?

Merchant: The Bathrealm? That’s right. Don’t be embarrassed. My sisters DID explain what you’re in for when they invited you, I hope?

Chrom: Well…they thanked us for protecting the Outrealms and gave us these passes… Apparently you have some sort of healing waters in which we can soak?

Merchant: That’s right—our hot springs. Each has its own special properties! Anyway, make yourselves right at home. We’re honored to have you. If anyone has earned some R & R, it’s celebrities like you!

Chrom: Not this again…

Merchant: Oh, yes. You guys are HUGE in the Outrealms. Everyone knows you! We even voted on which of you we like most.

Chrom: Yes, so we discovered when we visited that beach resort you invited us to. …Thank your sister for making me prance around in those smallclothes, by the way.

Merchant: It was a swimsuit! Yeesh… Anyway, I can see how that might have been a bit intimidating. Fortunately, you don’t have to show nearly as much skin here! Instead, you get to wear yukatas.

Chrom: Yukatas? What are those?

Merchant: You’ve never heard of a yukata? Well, take a look at the one I’ve got on. It’s basically a loose robe that you fasten with a belt called an “obi.” …See? Totally modest and dignified.

Chrom: Yes, refreshingly so.

Merchant: Heh he. Told ya. There’s no better way to spend a day at the springs. Looks like all your swordmasters have already slipped into theirs… I guess a yukata isn’t too far a cry from what they were wearing already. Now it’s your turn! I’ve got a special yukata for you right here…

Chrom: That mark again?! Why does all my clothing have to have the Brand on it?

Merchant: Huh? But my sister said you looked really good in it.

Chrom: Yeah, well, your sisters say a lot of things…

Lissa: Chrom!

Chrom: What is it, Lissa?

Merchant: Hi there! Are you looking for your yukata?

Chrom: Do they even make yukatas in sizes that small?

Lissa: Har har, very funny. Do I look like I’m in a laughing mood? I just went to check out the hot springs, and they’re full of monsters! GROSS!

Chrom: You mean Risen?!

Merchant: Ugh, not again… See what happens when you set up shop in snow country? The hot springs are the warmest place for miles, so wildlife just won’t stay away.

Lissa: Um, these guys weren’t fluffy enough to be called “wildlife”… Anyway, Chrom, are you coming or not?! We can’t relax in the water until we kill all the dead things in it.

Chrom: Good point. And they might attack the other guests… To the hot springs, everyone! We have to take those Risen down!

Merchant: And away they go. I don’t think his swordmasters even had time to change back into their clothes… Well, no harm done. Maybe I can convince a few more of them to try on yukatas! I even cooked up some special hair dye to complete the look I’m going for…

I'm going to be a bit busy tomorrow but I will try to post what I can.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Omg, the conversations Nah has with most of her fathers are full of feels! D: Though Ricken's was rather....harsh. The rest all consists of hugs. Omg. I almost got teary....

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Omg, the conversations Nah has with most of her fathers are full of feels! D: Though Ricken's was rather....harsh. The rest all consists of hugs. Omg. I almost got teary....

Again, poor Ricken can't catch a break. But he just might be lucky enough to get to marry my next female avatar XD

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Claims Lists (Link to DLC page)

[Note: Items crossed out have been claimed.]

[Note 2: Items not on list have been posted.]

[spoiler=Harvest Scramble]Conversations:

Sully > Miriel - Pikayoshi

Miriel > Cherche - Pikayoshi

Lon'qu > Gregor - Pikayoshi

[spoiler=Summer Scramble]Conversations:

Chrom > Avatar - Faye

Lissa > Sumia - Faye

Virion > Lon'qu - Faye

Virion > Gaius - Silver Lightning

Stahl > Chrom - Faye

Vaike > Frederick - Faye

Vaike > Ricken - Silver Lightning

Miriel > Sumia - Faye

Miriel > Maribelle - Faye

Kellam > Frederick - Faye

Donnel > Virion - Faye

Donnel > Gregor - Faye

Lon'qu > Libra - Faye

Ricken > Chrom - Faye

Maribelle > Sumia - Faye

Panne > Sully - Silver Lightning

Gaius > Avatar - Faye

Gaius > Lon'qu - Faye

Nowi > Sully - Silver Lightning

Nowi > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cordelia > Avatar - Faye

Gregor > Stahl - Silver Lightning

Libra > Frederick - Faye

Tharja > Avatar - Faye

Tharja > Cordelia - Faye

Tharja > Olivia - Faye

Olivia > Lissa - Faye

Cherche > Sully - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Panne - Silver Lightning

Cherche > Olivia - Faye

Henry > Kellam - Faye

Henry > Gaius - Faye

Henry > Libra - Faye

[spoiler=Hot-Spring Scramble]Costume Change Scenes: - Faye





Enter Battle Quotes:

Avatar (M) - Faye

Avatar (F) - Faye

Chrom - Faye

Frederick - Faye

Sully - Pikayoshi

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Miriel - Faye

Kellam - Pikayoshi

Donnel - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Panne - Pikayoshi

Nowi - Pikayoshi

Tharja - Faye

Olivia - Faye

Henry - Faye

Basilio - Pikayoshi

Flavia - Pikayoshi

Owain - Faye

Inigo - Faye

Brady - Faye

Morgan(M) - Faye

Morgan(F) - Faye

Yarne - Zeem

Laurent - Faye

Noire - Faye


Avatar > Lucina - Faye

Avatar > Lucina (spouse) - Faye

Avatar > Owain - Faye

Avatar > Owain (child) Levant Fortner

Avatar > Inigo - Faye

Avatar > Severa - Faye

Avatar > Severa (spouse) - Zeem

Anna > Say'ri - Faye

Flavia > Anna - Faye

Flavia > Tiki - Faye

Walhart > Priam - Silver Lightning

Emmeryn > Gangrel - Faye

Yen'fay > Priam - Faye

Aversa > Tiki - Faye

Aversa > Gangrel - Faye

Owain > Laurent - Faye

Brady > Gerome - Faye

Cynthia > Kjelle - Faye

Severa > Lucina - Faye

Morgan (M) > Inigo - Faye

Morgan (M) > Brady - Faye

Morgan (F) > Cynthia - Faye

Morgan (F) > Severa - Faye

Yarne > Owain - Silver Lightning

Yarne > Inigo - Faye

Yarne > Gerome - Silver Lightning

Laurent > Inigo - Faye

Laurent > Brady - Faye

Noire > Lucina - Faye

Noire > Kjelle - Faye

Noire > Cynthia - Faye

Nah > Lucina - Faye

Nah > Kjelle - Silver Lightning

Nah > Severa - Faye

[spoiler=Future of Despair 1]After Prep-screen Script - Ace Tactician

Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Cynthia - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Levant Fortner

Gaius - Wheels

Henry - Faye


Noire - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye


Virion - Ace Tactician

Vaike - Faye




Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Wheels

Libra - Faye

Donnel - Drgnquester


[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Ultimafangirl

Frederick - Faye

Vaike - Pikayoshi

Stahl - Faye

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Ace Tactician

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Wheels

Donnel - Wheels


Nah - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye


Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Wheels

Libra - Levant Fortner

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Wheels

Morgan (M) [boss]:

Avatar (F) - Levant Fortner

[spoiler=Future of Despair 2]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script - Cordelia

Misc. Script

-VS Boss - Cordelia

-Boss Defeated - Cordelia

-Children's Deathquotes - Tsamimi


Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Inigo - Cordelia

Olivia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Wheels

Frederick - Faye

Virion - Ultimafangirl

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Cordelia

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - SniperGYS

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Tsamimi

Gregor - Levant Fortner

Libra - Black★Rock Shooter

Henry - Wheels

Donnel - Faye


Owain - Cordelia

Lissa - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Wheels

Virion - Leif

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Silver Lightning

Ricken - Wheels

Gaius - Drgnquester

Gregor - Drgnquester

Libra - Sangyul

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Tsamimi


Brady - Cordelia

Maribelle - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Chrom - Pikayoshi

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Faye

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Ace Tactician

Lon'qu - Wheels

Ricken - SniperGYS

Gaius - Silver Lightning

Gregor - Leif

Libra - Faye

Henry - 春閣下

Donnel - Faye


Yarne - SniperGYS

Panne - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Sangyul

Virion - Tsamimi

Vaike - SniperGYS

Stahl - Tsamimi

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Wheels

Libra - Faye

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Cordelia

Morgan (F) [boss]:

Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Avatar (F) - Pikayoshi

Post-Battle Script:

-If all children survive - Cordelia

-If 1-3 children don't survive

-If no children survive - Tsamimi

[spoiler=Future of Despair 3]Pre-Battle Script - Cordelia

After Prep-screen Script - Cordelia

Misc. Script

-Children's Deathquotes - Tsamimi


Conversations: (Listed by FoD-version characters)


Lucina - Ace Tactician

Chrom - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Mothers]Avatar (F) - Black★Rock Shooter

Sully - Ultimafangirl

Sumia - Wheels

Maribelle - Pikayoshi

Olivia - Wheels


Laurent - SniperGYS

Miriel - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Sangyul

Frederick - Wheels

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - Faye

Kellam - Silver Lightning

Lon'qu - Faye

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Ace Tactician

Libra - Tsamimi

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Ultimafangirl


Gerome - SniperGYS

Cherche - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Faye

Frederick - Drgnquester

Virion - Faye

Vaike - Wheels

Stahl - 春閣下

Kellam - Wheels

Lon'qu - Ultimafangirl

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Faye

Gregor - Shadow Stalker X

Libra - Faye

Henry - Sangyul

Donnel - Faye


Severa - Levant Fortner

Cordelia - Silver Lightning

[spoiler=Fathers]Avatar (M) - Naui

Frederick - Tsamimi

Virion - Wheels

Vaike - Silver Lightning

Stahl - Wheels

Kellam - Faye

Lon'qu - Zeem

Ricken - Faye

Gaius - Cordelia

Gregor - Faye

Libra - Ultimafangirl

Henry - Faye

Donnel - Faye

Post-Battle Script:

-If all children survive - Cordelia

-If 1-3 children don't survive

-If no children survive - Tsamimi

Edited by Tsamimi
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Omg, the conversations Nah has with most of her fathers are full of feels! D: Though Ricken's was rather....harsh. The rest all consists of hugs. Omg. I almost got teary....

Not really...I actually found it funny even at his expense. And maybe he didn't get a hug, but Ricken gained lots of confidence from her and Nah in turn regained her abandoned faith in Naga because Ricken came to save her...that speaks volumes to me.

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I don't have Morgan or married my FeAvatar, and the conversation didn't pop up when I had her wait next to him.

Uhm... Do you need to have Morgan recruited for the FeAvatar/??? convo to work?

Anything in Future of Despair/Future Past (Freaking hell I still hate that name... I'll get used to it... eventually) relating to children HAVE to have it so that you have recruited the corresponding child.

Even if, let's say, you put Olivia next to Azure/Inigo in FoD2... even if she's married, her convo with him won't trigger if you haven't recruited him in his paralogue.

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Hopefully it's alright to post this without a claim (I didn't see a spot for it anywhere on the list so far):

[spoiler=FoD 1 Virion!Kjelle]

Virion: My dear Kjelle, it is you! I thought I caught the scent of nobility when first I arrived...

Virion: What a joy to encounter a beauty of your caliber in so dreary a place as this.

Kjelle: Father...?! Is it really you? But...but you're dead!

Virion: Dead? What force could possibly stay a man of such matchless vigor as I?

Virion: A jealous god in a fit of pique, perhaps... But certainly no mortal hand.

Kjelle: Gods, it really IS you... Who else talks like that?

Kjelle: But...how can you be alive?

Virion: Alas, I am no man of this world, my dear. Unfortunately, I cannot call you my child.

Kjelle: Huh? You're from a different world?! Will you...be staying?

Virion: I am afraid my time here is fleeting.

Virion: Like a flower that reveals its vivid majesty only to be scattered to the four winds...

Virion: Indeed, perhaps it would have been kinder had we never met at all.

Kjelle: I...I see.

Kjelle: But before you go, there's something I always wanted to say to my father...

Kjelle: I know you aren't him...but I'll never have a chance like this again, so...

Kjelle: Can I say it to you instead?

Virion: But of course, my dear.

Kjelle: Father...

Kjelle: What lord has ever fought harder or more bravely in defense of his subjects than you?

Kjelle: I will never forget the courage you showed in defending your people against the Risen.

Kjelle: And when it cost you your life, I only admired you more.

Kjelle: It was your example that inspired me to become the person I am--the warrior I am.

Kjelle: All my life, I have only ever wanted to protect people as you once did.

Kjelle: I know you aren't really my father, but... thank you for letting me say that.

Virion: ......

Kjelle: Are you...crying?

Virion: Wh-what? Men of nobility never cry! I...simply had dust in my eye.

Virion: ...Yet I will not deny there was a rare beauty in your sentiment.

Virion: The thought of having to abandon so precious a child is truly heartbreaking...

Kjelle: Thank you, Father. For coming here. For everything.

Kjelle: I promise I'll never forget this.

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OKAY. Here I come with a crapload of claimed quotes. MY EYES BURN. 8D; And to think I still need to do convos after this. Eheh...

Quick note about my FoD claims: I will still do them, but I give permission in advance for anyone to do them first if they manage to reach it before I do. FoD is a freakin' doozy, even WITH Limit Break. D8 I'll be spending a bit training the parents, ALL the parents, so no kid dies. D8; I felt like crap when I saw for myself the dialogue that takes place when the daughters die. Ack...

Anways, back on track. Here comes a crapload of claims, divided by spoilers.

[spoiler=Summer of Bonds Swimsuit Dialogue]


Chrom: I’m fairly certain this is the “winner circle” she mentioned… So what do I win?

Anna: Oh, you made it! This is so exciting! Since you’ve been selected as one of the world’s most popular men…the Hotrealm has decided to present you with this commemorative swimsuit! Go ahead—try it on! Your fans are waiting.

Chrom: Huh? W-wait a second! These are those smallclothes you tried to get me to wear before!

Anna: They’re not smallclothes! And they cost a lot of gold to make. It’s not easy getting these things tailored to royal proportions. Now march that rear end of yours into the changing room!

Chrom: H-hey!

-screen goes black-

Chrom: I’m supposed to try this on? It feels like I’m trying the rest of my garments OFF. Ugh, I guess the cape needs to come off first… And I’ll just lean my sword up against here…

*Wriggle, jiggle* *Boink*

Chrom: …Have I got this on backwards? Tell me the Brand doesn’t go in front… Ugh, this is mortifying. I can’t let Maeve and the others see me like this, or I’ll— Ack! Was that a draft?

Anna: Chrom? Are you finished?

Chrom: “Finished” is probably an apt word, yes…

Anna: Okay, then. Come on out!

-CG of Chrom in his swimsuit-

Chrom: Here, satisfied? D-do I look okay?

Anna: *Whistle* Like a perfect 10! Let’s just say the Brand really brings out your royal attributes.

Chrom: I feel like a buffoon…

Anna: What, are you crazy? You’re a knockout in that!

Chrom: Really? …You mean it?

Anna: Trust me. Now get out there and waste some brigands!

Chrom: What?! I can’t fight like this! Tomes are one thing, but I can’t stop swords and lances in just my skin!

Anna: Why not? You look plenty armed and dangerous to me. The historians would have a field day!

Chrom: Yeah…and so would the enemy. I’m not sure which would be worse—them stabbing me or laughing at me.

Anna: Heh heh. All right, all right. I suppose I’ll let you off the hook. Go ahead and change back into your armor.

Chrom: Thank the gods… The wind kind of…tickles…when I’ve got this thing on…

-screen returns to battle map-

Anna: Thanks for dropping by, Chrom. What did you think of your swimsuit? Pretty liberating, huh?

Chrom: You could say that… I’ll admit my armor feels almost suffocating now that I’ve got it back on. It’s no wonder you dress like that here in the Hotrealm.

Anna: In that case, why don’t you buy the swimsuit? It was expensive, but I’d be willing to part with it for, say…thus paltry sum?

Chrom: Good gods… Aren’t there at least two zeroes too many on that figure? Maeve would have my head if I blew through that kind of gold.

Anna: Really? That’s too bad. I’ll leave the offer open!


Gaius: Hellooo? I’m here to collect my prize?

Anna: Oh! Come on in. I’m so glad you made it! Since you’ve been selected as one of the world’s most popular men…the Hotrealm has decided to present you with this commemorative swimsuit! Go on—you can get changed in here. Don’t want to keep your fans waiting!

Gaius: You want me to wear this tiny scrap of cloth? Nice try, honey. But a thief needs to be inconspicuous.

Anna: What if I threw in a box of the Hotrealm’s finest confections?

Gaius: …What body part would you like me to stick this on?

Anna: That’s the spirit! Now, into the changing room…

-screen goes black-

Gaius: Me and my sweet tooth… Maybe I shouldn’t have been so gung ho about this. There must be laws against parading around in your skivvies outdoors. Well, let’s get it over with. I can leave my headband on, I guess…

*Wobble, bobble* *CRASH*

Gaius: Aw, son of a— I dropped my stash! Where do my legs go in this damn thing? …Now I’ve got gotta hide my candy again, and—oh. Crap.

Anna: Gaius? Are you done changing?

Gaius: …More or less.

Anna: Then come on out!

-CG of Gaius in his swimsuit-

Anna: Wow! Hello, hunk! Those candies on your trunks just scream, “Unwrap me.”

Gaius: Ugh…

Anna: What’s wrong?

Gaius: I guess it would be a little sticky, but if all else fails…

Anna: Hello? You listening?

Gaius: Oh. Sorry, I was just trying to figure out where to hide my sweets. My usual outfit is full of secret pockets and what have you, but this… And let’s not even talk about what salt water would do to my stash.

Anna: Well, just promise you won’t get too creative with your hidey holes, okay? …Say, how come you’ve got that kerchief wrapped around your forearm?

Gaius: Huh?! Oh, uh, you know. Long story…

Anna: Injuries?

Gaius: Something like that.

Anna: Well, if you ask me, you should be more worried about hiding that baby fat. Is that a six-pack or a one-pack?

Gaius: Hey! It’s more than you’ll ever see! Like it’s not embarrassing enough wearing this clown suit… Look, you got what you wanted. I’m changing back into my own duds. I expect that box of confections in one hour, or there’ll be blood to pay!

Anna: Hey! Take it easy there, pal… Ah well. He can pout all he wants now that I’ve got what I came for…

-screen returns to battle map-

Anna: Glad you stopped by, Gaius. So what did you think of your swimsuit?

Gaius: I hated it. I belong in my own breeches, no question. …But thanks for the life experience, I guess.

Anna: No problem. And here I thought you’d already done it all. …Well, here’s that reward I promised.

Gaius: Yes! Sweet, sweet candy. Come to Papa… Hey. Hold on. These are your finest confections? They look pretty ordinary to me.

Anna: No, sir. See those swirls? That’s seaweed we harvest. It gives the candy a salty kick… Plus it’s good for you. You won’t find anything like it elsewhere. …And you may not want to.

Gaius: Heh. I see. Well, as long as it sates my sweet tooth, I won’t complain. So long, Red.


Cordelia: This should be the place… Beg pardon! Is anyone here?

Anna: Oh! There you are, Cordelia. You look ravishing today. Since you’ve been selected as one of the world’s most popular ladies…the Hotrealm has decided to present you with this commemorative swimsuit! Step right inside, and you can try it on. Your fans would like that, I’m sure.

Cordelia: Fans? Ah, yes. The popularity contest of which you spoke before.

Anna: Ha, sharp as a tack! Can’t pull a fast one on the famous Cordelia! But don’t just do this for your fans. Do it as a treat for yourself, too.

Cordelia: All right, then. That I shall.

Anna: Great! Let’s get you into the changing room then.

-screen goes black-

Cordelia: What a charming little garment! You even picked my favorite color. I wonder if my beloved would look my way if I wore this outside… Oh, that would send me into raptures!

*Fwip, shwip* *Thwunk*

Cordelia: Ack! This leaves far little to the imagination… And speaking of far too little… Oh, where is my breastplate when I need it? There must be some extra stockings around here or…something…

Anna: Cordelia? Is everything all right?

Cordelia: I’ve finished changing… But I’m far too mortified to set foot outside…

Anna: What? But you have such a wonderful figure! Let me come inside and have a look.

Cordelia: What? …No! Stay out! Pleeeeeease!

-CG of Cordelia in her swimsuit-

Cordelia: …Ugh! Why did you have to come in?

Anna: Whoa! You look amazing! What was all the groaning about being mortified? Were you worried the men’s hearts would stop when they saw you? Very chivalrous, but I think you can make your debut with pride.

Cordelia: But my…you know…

Anna: Your “you know”? Why are you holding your chest like that? Are you not feeling well? Here, let me have a look… Arms wide!

Cordelia: Ack! No, please, don’t! Please, milady—NOOOOOO!

Anna: …Ohhh.

Cordelia: ……

Anna: I get it now. You’re worried your size won’t get it with the guys, is that it?

Cordelia: M-must you be so direct?! *Sigh* Now everyone will know my breastplate is a sham.

Anna: Now, now. Don’t be upset, Cordelia. We can’t all have everything, you know. It’s the flaws that bring out our beauty!

Cordelia: *Sniff* You mean it?

Anna: Of course!

Cordelia: Well…all right. But I’d still like to put my armor back on.

Anna: Take your time. I’ll be waiting outside.

-screen returns to battle map-

Anna: Thank you, Cordelia. You were a good sport.

Cordelia: Sorry I fell apart in there.

Anna: You have nothing to apologize for. Now that we’ve shared a secret, I feel like we’re sisters. To be honest, it’s a relief to see a softer side of you. A legend like you can be kind of intimidating, if you know what I mean.

Cordelia: Hee hee. Thanks… I feel as though I’ve gained a sister as well. Perhaps we can share more stories once all the fighting is done.

Anna: That sounds great to me.


Tharja: …Is this the place? Where is that fool of a woman who calls her own protectors away from the battlefield?

Anna: Ah! Tharja! Don’t you look cheery today. Since you’ve been selected as one of the world’s most popular ladies…the Hotrealm has decided to present you with this commemorative swimsuit! You can change in here. Don’t let all those eager fans down!

Tharja: ……So I just have to wear this?

Anna: If you don’t mind. To be honest, I half expected you to threaten to hex me.

Tharja: I’d rather get this whole horrible, wasteful experience over with…

Anna: Um…okay… Well! Let’s just get you into that changing room, shall we?

-screen goes black-

Tharja: Hrm… There’s not much here to wear. No one wants to see ME in this. Unless… Yes, perhaps Maeve would like it! This could be the key to winning his/her affections!

*Bustle, rustle* *Sproing*

Tharja: Oof… It’s a little tight… Is it supposed to hug my chest like this? And why is it…nngh…riding so far up my behind? Just what is that merchant up to, anyway?

Anna: Tharja, are you all changed?

Tharja: You should know, vixen swindler. I demand answers!

Anna: What’s wrong? You don’t like your swimsuit? Hang on. Let me take a look…

-CG of Tharja in her swimsuit-

Tharja: …Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?

Anna: Sorry! It sounded like you needed help. My gosh, Tharja—most women would kill for that body.

Tharja: …Thanks. So did I.

Anna: Er…so what’s the problem? The swimsuit looks great on you. I think I picked out the perfect design.

Tharja: …Did you even bother to check my size?

Anna: Uh-oh… Too tight?

Tharja: My uncanny valleys beg for reprieve. You bought me a size too small on purpose, didn’t you?

Anna: I’m sorry, Tharja. I guess I got too focused on the design. And anyway, it’s hard to get someone’s measurements right based on hearsay. You’ve got a lot more, er, femininity than I’d heard.

Tharja: Spare me your flattery, slattern. Now I’ll never win Maeve’s affections! I can’t even step outside.

Anna: Maeve… Your tactician, right? S/He didn’t quite make the swimsuit list, but s/he scored high in the polls. I’d say s/he’s even on par with you.

Tharja: …What? On par? …We have parity?! Then it’s true! Some force binds us!

Anna: Tharja? Slow down! You’ll rip the swimsu—

Tharja: Aside, woman. I must change my attire at once and join my chosen one. My keen perception did not lie!

-screen returns to battle map-

Anna: Well, that was an adventure, wasn’t it, Tharja?

Tharja: I’ve ventured into worse. Are we done here?

Anna: Yes. Sorry your swimsuit was too small.

Tharja: I’ll lose no sleep over your bust-binding torture device. Now if you’ll excuse me… Maeve needs me. –leaves-

Anna: Right, um…bye? Well, she’s certainly got personality. No wonder she rocked the polls.

[spoiler=Summer of Bonds Enter Battle Quotes]

Avatar: This place is stunning. It hardly feels like we’re in the midst of battle. Once this mess is dealt with, we should let the others take a load off. Does that sound all right to you, brigand? …Good!

Chrom: It feels a bit strange to get the celebrity treatment… But I’ll admit—after a long march, it’s nice to be pampered. The least we can do in return is live up to the gossip and rout these fiends!

Frederick: This beach is a disaster! Who left all these sharp rocks in the sand? I must pick them all up before the others get hurt! And YOU are going to help me! …If you’re still breaking when I’m done.

Miriel: How utterly deplorable. Beneath this detritus of rogues and unclaimed rubbish lay a natural marvel. Clearly I must purge this panorama of its pollution posthaste.

Sumia: As a Shepherd, it’s my sworn duty to defend those in need. There was a time I doubted myself—when one like you might have cowed me. Unfortunately for you, rogue, that time has passed!

Donnel: This big ol’ stretch of sand kinda reminds me of the fields back home. I sure hope Ma and the others are holdin’ their own… Maybe when this is all over, I’ll take ‘em out here for a li’l vacation!

Lon'qu: ……………Damn this heat!

Ricken: Why are you staring at me? Is my hat crooked? …Oh. So it is. Thanks! You’re pretty nice. Why don’t we call this whole thing off? …Hey, don’t look at me like that! It was a fair question!

Libra: I take a dim view of rogues who rob others of joy to sate their own needs. But repent now and leave this place, and you may yet be forgiven. …Very well. Then this truly shall be your last resort.

Tharja: Why is everyone having so much…ugh, gag me…so much FUN? This “resort” nonsense will only lead to trouble. I must distract myself… You there… Prepare to be cursed in Diarmait’s name!

Olivia: If only I had a swimsuit. It’s too hot to fight in this weather… Wait, what am I SAYING? That would be mortifying! Everyone would stare at me! …Oh, the horror! Look away!

Henry: Hey, jerk! Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s not nice to hog the beach? Now I’m gonna have to chop you up and toss you into the sea. Oh, don’t worry—there’s plenty of hungry fish out there, nya ha!

Say'ri: The ocean here is beautiful. It reminds me of the sea in Chon’sin. I’d head to the shore each day to try to catch the best fish I could for Yen’fay… *Sniff* I do miss him dearly. But I shan’t allow my foes to witness such weakness!

Tiki: What a magnificent land this is. And until now, a peaceful one, I’m sure… How sad that even the pettiest of evils can transform peace into chaos. But I still believe in the future you hoped for, Mar-Mar. Its day will come…

Lucina: A land of pristine beauty, untouched by war. I’ve dreamed of such a place… And yet you brigands seem completely oblivious to its majesty. Disgusting. Perhaps a nice, hard strike from my blade will help open your eyes.

Inigo: This blue ocean! This golden sand! Did such splendor even exist in my time? How could you troublemakers even think to taint this stunning scenery? For the beauty of sea and sky—er, and those bikini-clad ladies over there… I will stop you!

Brady: Think you’re a tough guy, huh? I’ll give you three seconds to apologize! …Hey, don’t play dumb with me! I saw you stompin’ on that hermit crab! Next time try picking on someone your own size, you big bully!

Cynthia: How dare you sow your terror here. I won’t allow your evil on this beach! You can’t just take this place and turn it into your own private playground! Hm… That does sound kinda nice. No noise, no crowds… B-but evil! Now die!

Severa: Oh, look at that seashell! Maybe I could make it into a soap dish for Mother… Y-you heard that?! I…I’m not some mama’s girl! She needed a new soap dish, and, uh… Don’t you dare say a word about this! Actually...I’ll just make sure you don’t.

Morgan: Hey, how about you halt your attack and leave these poor people alone? What would your mother say if she knew you were assaulting a beach resort?! …Hrm. Note to self: emotional appeals appear ineffective against brigands…

Laurent: Aren’t you worried about sunstroke, running about like that in this heat? When the sun’s rays intensify like this, a wide-brimmed hat is ideal. Hm? You’ll just kill me and take mine? B-but this belonged to my mother!

Noire: BWAH HA HA! THE SEA AND THE SKY HERE ARE DIVINE! YOU, BRIGAND! JOIN ME IN CRAFTING THE FINEST SAND CASTLE EVER BUILT! …Uh, hello? You gonna help me or not? Fine… I guess we’ll just fight instead…

[spoiler=Harvest of Bonds Conovs]

[spoiler=Tiki and Nowi]

Part One

Nowi: Wow, look at all these stands and shops! Let’s check ‘em out, Tiki!

Tiki: We haven’t the time, dear. We’re in the middle of combat.

Nowi: Aww, come on! Just for a little bit! It’ll only take a few minutes. For us, that’s like a fraction of a fraction of a percent of a blink of an eye!

Tiki: Hmm. I suppose it does feel that way at times, but still… I keep forgetting that you’re the second oldest member of this army, after me. Even as another manakete, there are times it slips my mind.

Nowi: Oh, will you look at these ornaments! Aren’t they cute?! A flower, a heart… Ooh, they even have a dragon! And look at this one. It’s a blue star! Just lovely…

Tiki: Yes… A star.

Nowi: Hmm? Don’t you like stars, Tiki?

Tiki: Oh, no. I’m quite fond of them. Just…looking up at them, I sometimes can’t help but think them terribly lonely.

Nowi: Lonely? Why?

Tiki: Have you ever heard it said that people join the stars when they die?

Nowi: I don’t think so, no. Do they? Is that really what happens?

Tiki: According to some, anyway.

Nowi: So Chrom and Maeve will become stars too?

Tiki: When their time comes, perhaps. That’s why I feel a heaviness when I gaze up at night. I’m trapped down here on earth, when all those I’ve loved are way up in the sky. So far away, beyond my reach… I wonder if they ever look down at me too.

Nowi: Gosh, that’s so wonderful!

Tiki: Wonderful?

Nowi: Yeah! Being able to see them every single night? It’s like you never lost them at all!

Tiki: Wha—

Nowi: Good-byes come too soon with people, and it’s always sad to see friends go. But once they’re stars, you can spend years and years together! Hundreds… Thousands! If anything could take the sting out of saying good-bye, that’s it!

Tiki: …… Yes… Right above us, every night, for thousands of years… I wonder why I never thought to see it that way before.

Nowi: Tiki? Wh-what’s wrong? Are you crying? Did I make you sad? I’m so sorry!

Tiki: No… I’m happy, Nowi. I’m happy. I was always afraid of starlight. It was a reminder of every time I’d been left behind. Of everyone I failed to save. But not tonight. Not ever again, thanks to you. Thank you, Nowi.

Nowi: Huh? First you’re crying, now you’re all smiley… You’re pretty weird today, Tiki!

Part Two

Tiki: Once we return from the Outrealms, will you join me in stargazing, Nowi?

Nowi: Sure, I don’t mind, but…didn’t you say that stars make you sad?

Tiki: Yes, until now. But I have a feeling that’s all in the past, thanks to you.

Nowi: Really? Well, I don’t know what I did, but if it’s something you want to do, I do too! Plus, that way, even if you get lonely, I’ll be right there with you! It’s a foolproof plan!

Tiki: Indeed. You’re a brilliant strategist.

Nowi: Hee hee! Once it gets dark out, we’ll have to hunt for the spot with the best view!

Tiki: As it happens, I already know of a place. The stars shine so beautifully there. It’s too steep to climb for most people, but for a pair of dragons, it’s no trouble at all.

Nowi: Ooh! Then it’ll be our secret spot—just the two of us!

Tiki: Ha ha, I suppose it will.

Nowi: Yaay! I get to have a secret spot with Tiki! I’m excited already! Gosh, I hope night comes soon!

Tiki: The nights have grown colder lately. Are you sure you’ll be warm enough like that?

Nowi: Yup! I’ll be just fine!

Tiki: And you won’t fall asleep along the way?

Nowi: I almost never fall asleep while flying! Besides, I slept in extra late this morning! But, um…if it gets TOO late, I might nod off a bit…

Tiki: Well, then it’s a good thing I’ll be there to wake you. So now that’s decided, let’s end this fight. It seems still more Risen have arrived.

Nowi: Right! Just watch. I’ll fight harder than ever! And thanks, Tiki! I’m really, reeeally looking forward to tonight! –leaves-

Tiki: As am I, Nowi… As am I. So many lonely nights, I looked up at the stars and wept… All alone, head full of faces I would never see again. Those dark hours were torture. But I’m no longer alone, and I’ve shed my last tears of solitude. How could I ever be alone surrounded by my new friends, watched over by the old…? Mar-Mar… Friends… I’m coming to see you tonight. Shine extra bright so I’ll know where to find you. I’ll be waving back as hard as I can…

[spoiler=Brady and Yarne]

Part One

Yarne: I…I’m gonna go EXTINCT!

Brady: Buh?! What gives, Yarne? What’s all the commotion about?

Yarne: This can’t be happening! I’m feeling extra, EXTRA endangered right now!

Brady: Would you give it a rest already?! Yer gonna make me go deaf here.

Yarne: I c-can’t help it! This is supposed to be a festival! Who lets MONSTERS into a festival?!

Brady: It ain’t like they rolled out the welcome carpet. Simmer down.

Yarne: Simmer down? SIMMER DOWN?! Festivals are supposed to be fun! And safe! Very, very safe! Th-this is not safe! At all!

Brady: Hey, if it’s buggin’ ya that much, shut yer trap and start fightin’ already!

Yarne: But I came here to enjoy the festivities! Not to fight…

Brady: *Sigh* Look, if ya wanna enjoy the party, yer gonna have to clean up the mess first. Now quit screamin’ and complainin’ and get out there. Yeesh.

Yarne: J-just…just shut up, Brady!

Brady: Haw?! That’s my line, you furball!

Yarne: You don’t know what it’s like! What I’m feeling right now! All my hopes and dreams for just one day’s peace, dashed to bits! Ugh, just…forget it! –leaves-

Brady: Wha—?! Hey, wait! Man, what’s got into him? He looked like he was on the verge of tears…

Part Two

Yarne: *Sniff…*

Brady: There you are. Yarne, why are you so hung up on this festiv— Wait, you ARE crying!

Yarne: N-no, I’m not!

Brady: Then who put all the years and snot on your face?

Yarne: Th-the wind blew something into my eye! …And nose!

Brady: *Sigh* All right, fine. Look—here. Dry your eyes with this.

Yarne: O-okay… *HOOONK!*

Brady: Argh, FOUL! Who blows their nose into another guy’s handkerchief?!

Yarne: …Much better, thank you.

Brady: Yeesh… Anyway, what gives? Why are you so upset?

Yarne: It’s just… I’ve always dreamed of going to a festival. We didn’t have anything like that when we were kids, you know?

Brady: I guess not.

Yarne: So it… I guess it became like a symbol of peace for me. Of a better world. I always wanted to go to one. To live in a world that had them. So when I heard we were going to one today, I just got so excited…

Brady: And now yer crushed because it fell through.

Yarne: Y-yeah… Even if it IS in an Outrealm. I still really wanted to experience one…

Brady: I hear ya, but…that don’t justify getting’ all weepy like the world was endin’.

Yarne: B-but it was really important to me!

Brady: Look, once the war ends, we’ll have plenty of time for festivals in our world. All we gotta do is hurry up and go end it.

Yarne: W-well, yeah, but…that’s a lot easier said than done…

Brady: Maybe, but it’ll come a lot quicker if ya actually fight instead of just whine.

Yarne: Urk… B-but I might—

Brady: Hey, give yourself some credit! You’re not goin’ extinct to the likes of these guys! Let’s get this mess cleaned up here so we can get back to fixin’ our world, yeah? Then we can throw all the festivals you want.

Yarne: Brady… O-okay, no more whining. I’m gonna try my best!

Brady: That’s the spirit! Now let’s go get some revenge on these party crashers!

Yarne: Yeah!

[spoiler=Cynthia and Nah]

Part One

Cynthia: Mmm, smell that fresh bread! The best part about a harvest fair is all the yummy food!

Nah: You’re always thinking about your stomach, Cynthia.

Cynthia: Am I? I seem to remember you eating twice as many rolls as me at breakfast.

Nah: That’s not true at all! After all, “a manakete cannot live on bread alone!”

Cynthia: Ooh, is that an old adage from your people! What does it mean?

Nah: It means you also have to eat your veggies! And some fruit sometimes too!

Cynthia: Wow, that’s…not deep at all. I thought maybe it meant needing art and song and friends to nourish the soul too… Weird, I guess, but that’s just me!

Nah: Erm. That may, um…actually be right.

Cynthia: Hmm. Well, did YOU know that festivals weren’t always happy occasions? They say that back in the day, some were downright scary, blood affairs!

Nah: S-scary? And bloody? How?!

Cynthia: Well, on years when the harvest was good, people would celebrate. Like this, actually. But on years where there was drought or famine, they prayed for next year’s harvest. …And offered up a child’s life in sacrifice!

Nah: S-s-sacrifice! A child?! But that’s terrible!

Cynthia: But oh so necessary! Their very LIVES depended on such precious sacrifice! Only the blood of a babe could move the dragon gods to break a famine or drought. …Or so they believed. Pretty crazy, huh? People will make up any old thing when they’re desperate, I guess.

Nah: Y-yeah, that’s…really crazy…

Cynthia: Hmm? You okay, Nah? Looking a little green there…

Nah: Y-you don’t think… They’re not going to sacrifice a child at THIS festival, are they?!

Cynthia: Hmm…No, I don’t think so. I mean, look around you! With a harvest this bountiful, there’d be no need to, right? Unless…

Nah: *gulp*

Part Two

Nah: Hey, Cynthia. About what you said earlier…

Cynthia: Huh? What did I say?

Nah: It’s…got me all scared. What if they’re really looking for a sacrifice to offer to the dragon gods this year?

Cynthia: Oh, that? Why? You’re worried they’re going to pick you?

Nah: …Maybe? I mean…look at me.

Cynthia: Well, you can stop. You’re safe, I promise. You may look like a little kid, but you’re just as old as the rest of us.

Nah: Sure, YOU know that, and I know that, but nobody HERE knows that… Even the Risen here all seem to be coming after me! Wait, maybe… You don’t think they’d leave the festival alone if I served as a sacrifice, do you?

Cynthia: What?! No! That’s crazy talk! Why would Risen want a sacrifice? They don’t care about next year’s harvest!

Nah: But if the village has a good harvest, the Risen get more food when they attack!

Cynthia: Hmm. I suppose that’s true. …Oh, wait! You mean because they’d be able to eat what the farmers grew?

Nah: Yes…? What else would I mean?

Cynthia: …That if there was a good harvest, all the village children would be fattened up?

Nah: Eep! Th-that’s terrible! You’re terrible! I’m not hearing this!

Cynthia: Ah ha ha, I’m sorry! I’m sorry! No more talking about kids getting eaten, I swear. Besides, they used to feed those kids to the dragon gods of the lake, right? If anything, that means YOU’D have been the one doing the eating, Nah.

Nah: …Come again?

Cynthia: You’re a manakete, silly. Do the math.

Nah: I… Gosh, I guess I am! I kind of forgot for a minute there. When you put it like that, it’s not so scary at all. Gross, maybe…but not scary.

Cynthia: Yeah? Hah! Glad you came around!

Nah: Hey, don’t laugh! It was YOUR fault I got scared in the first place!

[spoiler=Morgan M and Yarne]

Part One

Morgan: Wow… So this is a festival, huh? Look at all these decorations and stands… It looks like so much fun!

Yarne: Oh? Is this your first festival, Morgan?

Morgan: I’m…not sure! Without my old memories, it’s kind of hard to say. But this IS my first time since losing them—that much I know!

Yarne: It’s my first time too, actually.

Morgan: I don’t know about you, but just looking around gets me in the mood to party!

Yarne: Um, you do realize we’re standing in a war zone at the moment, right? …But I see where you’re coming from. It’s hard to keep from smiling.

Morgan: Right?! I find myself humming cheery tunes as I hack away at Risen!

Yarne: What?! That’s probably going a bit too far… But you know, I’m a little jealous. Nothing ever fazes you, does it? It’s like you’re in your own little world.

Morgan: Huh? How do you mean?

Yarne: You’re always…I don’t know, oblivious? Unflappable? Whatever it is, I wish I could be more like that.

Morgan: Ha ha, thanks! Well, assuming that’s a compliment, anyway.

Yarne: See! Like that! That’s what I mean! But I wonder… If you were an endangered species, do you think you’d still be so easygoing?

Morgan: Hmm, I don’t know… I’ve never really thought about it before… But I’d probably still be the same as I am now.

Yarne: Wha—?! But…how can you be so sure?

Morgan: Hmm… I have my reasons, but it’s a little hard to put it into words…

Yarne: I…I see… Well, if you figure it out, I’m all ears…

Part Two

Yarne: Well, Morgan? Have you put your finger on it yet?

Morgan: Oh, hello again, Yarne. And yeah, I think I’ve figured it out just enough to explain.

Yarne: …Oh? I’m very interested. Because I think the threat of extinction would make anyone squirrely…

Morgan: Well, not having my old memories, the stakes just feel smaller for me, I guess. I may not be an endangered species, exactly, but I’m not far off, you know? Other than my mother, I don’t have any real connections to my past.

Yarne: Maybe so, but still… You want to be a tactician, right? There’s no way for you to realize that dream if you’re dead.

Morgan: Well, sure, I do hope to follow in my Mother’s footsteps. Maybe even outshine her! And true, I guess that does mean I can’t be too cavalier in the risks I take. But that’s all there is. Simple as that.

Yarne: What do you mean?

Morgan: I don’t have anything bigger than my ambitions to worry about defending. It’s not the sort of thing a person gets desperate over. At least, not me. If I die before it happens, that’s a shame, but it’s hardly a cause for panic.

Yarne: Wha—?! Don’t you dare say that!

Morgan: Er, Yarne? What’s gotten into—

Yarne: Don’t even think it! That’s horrible!

Morgan: Is it?

Yarne: Of course it is! We’re comrades, Morgan. Friends! I’d be devastated if you died! Are you saying you wouldn’t be sad to never get to see any of us again?!

Morgan: What? N-no! That would be awful!

Yarne: Right! So don’t go saying the stakes aren’t high when they absolutely are. Get desperate! Panic! You should be clinging to every minute for dear life! For you! For me! For all of us!

Morgan: Yarne, I…I’m sorry. And thank you. Hearing you say that, it’s… I’m really touched you feel that way.

Yarne: Well, I’m happy to be able to shout some sense into you.

Morgan: I’ll take extra care to make sure both of us make it out of this war alive!

Yarne: You’d better! Surviving’s no fun if you do it alone!

[spoiler=Morgan F and Noire]

Part One

Morgan: BWAH HA HA HA! Come, fool! Grovel before me or be trampled underfoot! Those with no love of this mortal coil, step ye forward now and meet a fiery doom! DOOM! DOOOOOOM!

Noire: M-Morgan? …What are you doing?

Morgan: Oh, heya, Noire! Perfect timing! I was just working on my impression of you!

Noire: I…I’m sorry? An impression? But why?

Morgan: As soon as the Risen hear it, they’ll turn tail and flee! Shock and awe, right? It was a strategy I’d completely overlooked until now! Seems word of your fearsome feats has spread throughout their ranks, killer.

Noire: What?! S-surely that can’t be… I don’t have any feats to speak of!

Morgan: Aw, don’t be so modest! You could fill books with all the things you’ve done! There’s tell that he who falls under your gaze is marked for ineluctable death! One fool sought refuge in a boulder’s shade only to have both rock and body skewered! Another sought to kill you in your sleep but was crushed flat when you rolled over! One victim escaped for a time. Three years later, BAM! An arrow from the heavens! All who see you echo a unified chorus—that the shafts you loose are as ravenous beasts! Tirelessly they hunt their pray, and their bite is surest death! Woe be unto your foes!

Noire: Um…you made all that up just now, didn’t you?

Morgan: Yup! So far it’s a unified chorus of just me, but I’m pretty sure it‘ll catch on.

Noire: Ooh, I wish you wouldn’t tease me like that!

Morgan: Aww, I don’t mean any harm. And I really do think it has potential as a strategy! If we can spread word of what a juggernaut you are, it may give foes pause. Imagine—winning battles without having to fight them. It’s a tactician’s dream!

Noire: You know I just want to help, but I’m not sure I’m entirely comfortable with this… Though I do wonder… Won’t threatening the enemy just make them angrier?

Morgan: What? Naw, it’ll be fine! Trust me! Just wait till they see you coming. They’ll run away crying!

Noire: You know, she never listens once she gets like this… I just hope she doesn’t wind up getting herself hurt.

Part Two

Morgan: *Huff, huff* …Whew! That was awfully close, huh?

Noire: Yes, and…*pant*…whose fault is that, exactly?

Morgan: Heh… Yeah, sorry about that… But I was right that doing my impression of you would send them running! …I just thought they’d be running AWAY, not running AT us. Gosh, they were angry!

Noire: I t-told you this would happen…

Morgan: I know, and I should have listened. I’m sorry, Noire. Really. Thankfully, though, you got angry too and wound up crushing the lot of them! Actually, now that I think about it, they WERE running scared by the end! I guess my impression just can’t compete with the real thing. You’re amazing!

Noire: I’m a monster… When I get like that, I feel as though I’m not myself anymore.

Morgan: Really? I think you’re aces when you’re angry!

Noire: S-stop, Morgan. You don’t have to make up stuff just to cheer me up…

Morgan: It’s the absolute truth! I’d do anything to be more like that!

Noire: …You would?

Morgan: Sure! A tactician always has to keep a cool head and examine the situation objectively. Sometimes that means making harsh choices.

Noire: W-well, yes… But what’s that got to do with me and my…issues?

Morgan: The other day, the Risen had a group of us cut off. I was sure we’d lose a few lives. Normally I’d just swallow that loss and chalk it up to the vagaries of war… But then you burst onto the scene, eyes all full of “blood and thunder”, right? It was tactically hopeless, but you just couldn’t accept that, could you? You cut us a path out of it single-handedly, saving lives AND the day!

Noire: I…I did? I don’t remember anything like that.

Morgan: Well, I was there and you did! It was incredible! There was no plan, no strategy—just overwhelming force! That’s when it really hit me. Sometimes all the tactics and theories in the world can’t help you survive. What you need is action! The momentum built up by fearless, decisive action!

Noire: Wow… I didn’t realize… I mean, if I really did help, then I’m happy to hear it. This…this may be the first time I’ve ever been glad of this personality of mine.

Morgan: You should be! And that’s exactly why we should keep spreading rumors of your feats! Next time they’ll be SO intimidated, they won’t even DREAM of facing us!

Noire: Eeep! No more, Morgan! P-please!

[spoiler=Laurent and Yarne]

Part One

Laurent: Hmm… Interesting.

Yarne: Mm? Talking to yourself again, Laurent?

Laurent: No, merely recalling something I read. “Trace back the roots of a culture’s festivals, and you’ll lay bare its history.”

Yarne: Huh. Does that work?

Laurent: Perhaps we’ll find out today.

Yarne: Eh, I’m more interested in enjoying the festival than learning about it.

Laurent: Even if its history might offer up some new information about the taguel?

Yarne: Wait, you think it might?!

Laurent: The possibility is certainly there.

Yarne: Then I’d definitely be interested! But isn’t this just a harvest festival?

Laurent: It is now, yes. But that doesn’t mean that was always the case. Every costume, every piece of décor is a window into this culture. Traditions like these speak volumes.

Yarne: Huh! All right, now you’re starting to get me curious.

Laurent: Ah! Yarne, look behind you!

Yarne: ACK! Wh-what?! What’s behind me?! Oh. Hey, is that…? The paintings for sale at that stand… Those are paintings of taguel!

Laurent: Lions and falcons as well… And look. That one appears to be a heron.

Yarne: Aw, no rabbits, huh?

Laurent: You never know. Take a look and you might find some.

Yarne: So what are these, Laurent? Why would they paint pictures of taguel?

Laurent: It would appear they’re illustrations of the legends of a neighboring continent. Shall we have a closer look?

Yarne: Yeah! Maybe we’ll learn something!

Part Two

Yarne: Hey, Laurent, it’s not just those paintings. The murals here have taguel too!

Laurent: It would seem the taguel have some kind of connection to the history of this town. The relationship is unclear, but it certainly seems worthy of further investigation.

Yarne: Thanks, Laurent. Seeing people remember the taguel through stories and art like this… It makes me really happy!

Laurent: I’m delighted to hear it.

Yarne: …I bet there were tons of them, huh? Back in the day, I mean. Of all different kinds too, just like in the paintings.

Laurent: Indeed… But through these paintings and murals and such, even the lost tribes live on. We are the benefactors of their wisdom passed down through the years.

Yarne: Yeah… It’s kind of amazing.

Laurent: It’s true you are a rare and precious creature, Yarne, but fear not… Even if you were to die and go extinct tomorrow, your memory would live on.

Yarne: Yeah… Wait, WHAT?! H-hey, talking about my death like that is NOT okay!

Laurent: Heh. My apologies. I didn’t mean for it to sound glib.

Yarne: Yeesh, don’t scare me like that! My heart could’ve stopped…

Laurent: What I said applies only from a historical perspective, of course.

Yarne: I…I see…

Laurent: Indeed, I’ve no intention of allowing ill to befall any of my allies. Least of all extinction! I swear it to you and all the other taguel enshrined in these pieces.

Yarne: Aw, thanks, Laurent… It feels good knowing I have you to protect me!

Laurent: …Now it’s your turn. Swear to them you’ll fight bravely and selflessly!

Yarne: Wh-what?!

Laurent: It falls on you to defend their honor. To carry on their pride! Now let us rejoin the fray!

Yarne: Urk… R-right… Well, I suppose I’ve got no choice but to step things up. I’m not about to embarrass myself with all these other taguel watching!

Laurent: That’s the spirit, Yarne!

Phew... I'm working on my Summer of Bonds convos as we speak, so hopefully I can post those tonight or tomorrow. Thank god for summer vacation, muhaha...

Also, freakin' A, I just noticed I wrote the names of My Units. 8U; I will replace Maeve and/or Diarmait's name with Robin after I finish my Summer of Bonds convos.

Edited by Faye
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