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Wait, you trained Nowi but not Gregor on Lunatic+?

Nothing wrong with that I suppose, I just thought Gregor was a bit more Lunatic+-friendly.

But if you're using Nowi, good for you.

No, that was regular Lunatic. I was commenting on Pair Ups in general, in terms of distribution of EXP.

Although I will probably use Nowi on Lunatic+, because why not.

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I hate to ask you this question too, but...is this Luna or Luna+?

Lunatic+ (sorry for the ambiguity), the run in particular being the no grind run. I did use her (well, I used everyone so as to get a feel for them) during my grinding allowed run and how powerful she became influenced my decision to choose her for the no grind run. Unfortunately, she got starved out a bit because I underestimated her start-up time. She could still reliable tank a large variety of units near the end of the game (and do so nearly indefinitely with some healing), but wasn't the same powerhouse I'd originally seen.

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I beat Lunatic a few weeks ago, but now that Limit Breaker has been released, I went back to the Endgame and curb-stomped Grima with my Avatar (with Chrom pair-up). That felt really good.


Lunatic+ (sorry for the ambiguity), the run in particular being the no grind run. I did use her (well, I used everyone so as to get a feel for them) during my grinding allowed run and how powerful she became influenced my decision to choose her for the no grind run. Unfortunately, she got starved out a bit because I underestimated her start-up time. She could still reliable tank a large variety of units near the end of the game (and do so nearly indefinitely with some healing), but wasn't the same powerhouse I'd originally seen.

Huh, my Manaketes were never able to tank much of anything, even on vanilla Lunatic (I haven't tried Lunatic+ yet). Did you re-class Nowi, or are my Manaketes just sub-par?

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Ah, okay, that would do it. My first run (Hard mode) she was OK, but when she hit Lv. 25 (IIRC) in Lunatic and was still getting doubled, I gave up on using her before post-game grinding.

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I beat Lunatic a few weeks ago, but now that Limit Breaker has been released, I went back to the Endgame and curb-stomped Grima with my Avatar (with Chrom pair-up). That felt really good.


Huh, my Manaketes were never able to tank much of anything, even on vanilla Lunatic (I haven't tried Lunatic+ yet). Did you re-class Nowi, or are my Manaketes just sub-par?

The first Nowi was something like 15 Manakete -> 10 Wyv Rider -> 15 Griffon Rider -> 15 Manakete. Which honestly just totally slowed her down. Other than Deliverer, the skills weren't all that meaningful to her. She probably would have been just as powerful and gotten there sooner as a 30 Manakete -> 30 Manakete. Good thing that run allowed grinding.

The second one only got up to 23 Manakete without any reclassing. I just really had trouble getting her rolling early on. With a Gregor S support, she could tank one unit, but the class generally didn't matter (Luna+ and Counter were usually the only things that messed it up). Since her raw Def and Res were pretty high, it didn't take a whole lot of healing to get her back to full HP, even though she was getting doubled. As I said, not a powerhouse, but she could play participate in some delay tactics (which, unfortunately, isn't worth much EXP).

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I just beat Chapter 13 and Chrom and Sully both reached 20/20 Lord-> Cavailer and Cavailer -> Wyvern Rider. They have capped skill, speed and strength. Should I reclass them into some base classes again or promote them? I heard that the game starts getting hard at Chapter 17, but I might be able to get Chrom and Sully to 20 again before then (probably not though) and they'll be able to keep their unpromoted exp gains for longer. Also if I do promote them, which class? I was thinking of doing Paladin or Great Lord for Chrom and that class that gets Deliverer for Sully.

Edited by 1234567890
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Umm, griffon rider gives sully Deliverer. Did you mean Wyvern Rider?

And id go with GreatLord, because Valm hates Rapiers and Aether's Sol is gloriously helpful when randomly activated.

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I just beat Chapter 13 and Chrom and Sully both reached 20/20 Lord-> Cavailer and Cavailer -> Griffin Rider. They have capped skill, speed and strength. Should I reclass them into some base classes again or promote them? I heard that the game starts getting hard at Chapter 17, but I might be able to get Chrom and Sully to 20 again before then (probably not though) and they'll be able to keep their unpromoted exp gains for longer. Also if I do promote them, which class? I was thinking of doing Paladin or Great Lord for Chrom and that class that gets Deliverer for Sully.

Given their class sets and the fact that you've started hitting their tier 1 caps, I'd say there's really no reason to reclass. Archer for Chrom would mean being stuck with E bows and then still being stuck with bows (and possibly swords) after promotion. Aside from Bow Breaker, there's not really a whole lot the bow using classes can give him for useful skills. And Sully going Myrmidon would run into similar problems, being stuck with swords (and possibly bows on promotion). While the skills in those lines are a fair bit better than the bow line, I still don't think it's worth spending all those levels for them

So my recommendation is to go ahead and promote to Paladin for Chrom (Great Knight is really slow) and Wyvern Lord for Sully (Griffon Rider has great skills, but I recommend doing if after Wyvern Lord, as Wyvern Lord has better weapon variety and gets Sword Breaker, which covers a really big weakness of the axe locked Griffon Rider).

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I had Chrom as a Lord -> Cavalier -> Paladin (and eventually Paladin -> Great Lord) and loved it. Paladin's boost to Res was really helpful for my Chrom, and Aegis is a great skill. After you've build up enough Spd, Great Knight is certainly something to consider for the possibility of Rightful King-boosted Luna, but that would almost certainly require grinding, IIRC (I got Luna postgame).

Paladin is a nice choice, however, especially if you're low on Res.

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I still cannot fathom using Fliers much past say chapter 15. After this, you see a huge load of enemies with bows and Rexcaliber type weapons.

I pair someone up with the flier, kill someone, Galeforce into a 8-panel move, then switch to the less vulnerable partner, like, say, Chrom (and then have the partner kill someone). That way he gets his wife's pair-up bonus, and the team is killing two enemies per turn.

Of course, if I screw up the first kill, then the flier is in danger, but I don't actually think I lost anyone that way (no resets needed, IIRC).

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I am slowly crawling through Lunatic+ at the moment; so far the Counter enemies have been as irritating as advertised. I just finished Paralogue 1, cleared with a level-capped Tactician Femvatar re-classed into a Mercenary and given a Levin Sword (paired with Chrom). Lissa had many healing opportunities from inside Fred's saddlebags. Donnel sacrificed himself for the good of all. Avatar got to level 6.49... Not Badâ„¢. Wanted to train some of the other units, but sort of impossible when you get rushed at the start.

Should I get a list of people who have beat loony+ and put it in the first post? Lol.

Good luck with that, there have been a lot of people who took down Lunatic. Or did you just mean Luna+?
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Has anyone managed to perform a low turn count with Lunatic+? Or bothered to record it? I suppose a better thing to ask is what's the lowest?

Edited by Vorena
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The lowest Lunatic+ turncount would probably only be a few turns about the lowest Lunatic turncount (for regular Lunatic, it's probably around 100 with Paralogues 1-4 and 17; my best is 128) since in principle you could reset until everybody had the tamest skills possible (which would of course take way too much time to bother doing). Bosses like Raimi might be problematic, though, since if she has either Pavise or Counter, you won't be able to rush her with Silver Lance like you would in a Lunatic LTC.

Edited by Redwall
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Speaking of which, I recall hearing about a 2 turn possible for Tiki's chapter. Although, I was not certain how you go about doing that. I thought perhaps if you enclosed Tiki with your units, then the enemy would not target her because she is not within attack range ever. But, Turn1 enemies never attacked my own units. It seemed like they had to forcibly move towards Tiki the turn they appear. Otherwise, completing that chapter in 2 turns would require like what... 10 units who could individually take out each Flyer on the map in single round combat on player phase?

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you need a lot of Rescue users (at least three, possibly four), a Dancer, and a lot of firepower. I had Cordelia and Fred pass around a max-forged Beast Killer to take care of the LHS (Rescue Cordelia on turn one so that she kills one Falcon Knight; on turn two she and Fred finish up). Avatar and Lucina took care of the right in a similar fashion. Panne took out two Griffons during each player phase (Dance, Rescue), and I think Chrom handled the last one.

I couldn't do the two-turn clear on my LTC attempt since I didn't have enough firepower that time. I might have had enough firepower had I been using Morgan as an actual combat unit (he was my Rallybot), but clearing that chapter in two turns (as opposed to six or seven, which is what I wound up doing) would have prevented me from getting Galeforce in time for Chapter 20.

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I was speaking of lunatic+.

That's why I said loony+.

I liked loony+ It was fun. :3

You actually liked Lunatic+??? *Insert Big What here*

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There are fun things in Lunatic+. It gives you some random tactical variety due to the need to deal with various pockets of skills, and makes weird things more useful in the process.

The early stages are poorly tuned, though, and Counter is too common.

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Hell with that innate Lance rank, may as well continue forward as a General for Pavise, then reclass to Paladin for Aegis. She has the luxury of an easy Paralogue to snag a few levels in and quick promote for them.

Plus with Sol available she does have a decent offensive skill, even if it doesn't proc that often yet.

Edited by Elieson
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What class should I make Kjelle? Avatar is her dad.

For skills, I passed down Tomebreaker (because she has low Res), which wound up allowing her to stomp Cassius' face in without any assistance. I may just do that every time, just for the lulz.

...Hold on. I need to read better before answering. You care about class, not skills to pass down? OK...

As far as class is concerned, it depends on whether you want a tank or more - wait, Avatar is her dad?

In that case, make her whatever the hell you want. Aegis + Pavise is always fun though, especially Aegis if she has as low Res as is common for heavily armored units. I'll have to second the suggestion for Sol as well; it is a godsend on Lunatic.

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