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Your Top/Bottom Fire Emblem games

Constable Reggie

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Fe4's a case where the first half of the game is absolutely amazing in what it does, but then sinks like a stone in the second half, which is basically just "conquer this land. now conquer this land! now this one!" with no real twists or significant events.

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I haven't played FE13 yet, and I'm leaving TRS out.

My favorites would be

3. FE8: Largely nostalgia, but I do enjoy that the difficulty makes it easier for me to try a "challenge" run on a whim. You can't do that so easily with, say, Lunatic FE12.

2. FE10: To be honest, it has one of the stories I enjoy more in the series (until Part 4...), and I enjoy the many armies and the chapter designs and mechanics more in this one.

1. FE5: I find this one to just be a lot of fun strategically. Unlike certain other games that just pump up stats of enemies, I found the challenges here more fun to deal with.

And least favorites

3. FE2: This one is just dated. I mean, can't you at least show me how much damage I'll do with numbers?

2. FE7. I don't know why, but there's something about this game that bugs me. I think I just associate it with something negative that happened when I played it through the first time.

1. FE6. It's just... not fun. And when you look at what Kaga managed to make instead, it's really an insult to the series.

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Being English, I've not played Awakening yet, and I've not played enough of 4 to judge it, or any of 5. 1 and 3 I've not played either, but they hardly count any more.

I can pretty much put the ones I have played into two groups:



Sacred Stones

Path of Radiance

Radiant Dawn

Shadow Dragon

Shin Monsho

Less awesome:

The Elibes

My opinion might be just slightly unpopular, but my favourite thing about Fire Emblem is customisation and choices...and in the Elibe games, there is absolutely zero customisation, and the only choices are which characters to use/support, or are decided without your knowing (by which I mean the diverging paths and alternate versions of chapters). I want to be able to choose my units' classes and/or skills. This is why it looks like Awakening will be my favourite.

Besides the gameplay aspects, the only Elibe characters I feel attached to are Lyn, Matthew, Erk and Jaffar. (That's right, I really don't care much about 6's characters. Rutger and Fir are my favourites in the game purely because of their Myrmidon class. I'd find Lalum and Wendy interesting too, if they had classes that I like... Same goes for Ninian. She should've been a Manakete.)

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Thracia 776: Mainly due to the whole "so broken is balanced" kind of thing going on with the staves/scrolls and whatnot. I found the story and the overall feel of the game to be really good, knowing that all of the victories won in the game will be small victories and the army goes through a lot of tough crap and that you basically had an untrained, poorly equipped army vs a relatively well equipped army most of the time. I like how the game uses things aside from a bunch of high stat units to make the game tough, such as status staves, leadership stars (i.e. Cyas) and single RNG. Plus Leif is my favorite lord in the series, so there's that.

Awakening: So much stuff to do in this game. Thracia 776 was the most fun fire emblem in my opinion, but Awakening will just keep me busy the most out of any Fire Emblem so far. In between the high stat caps, streetpass, Lunatic and eventually Lunatic Plus, DLC, spotpass teams, double duel and all that, there's just so much stuff to do. I think that Pairing Up and Rallies are the best additions to the series, even if Rally Spectrum is completely broken. It helps that the writing was fan-friggin-tastic and the characters are very memorable, even the ones with a small amount of dialogue. The story was also amazing, though I would argue that Valm was definitely a weak point in the story.

New Mystery: This game didn't stick to the dated source material as much as Shadow Dragon, which is actually a good thing. I mean, Mystery of the Emblem was already a great game, but New Mystery took all that stuff and added in much higher difficulties, a better plot, and most importantly, the creation of the Avatar unit, even though it has broken both Fire Emblems it has been in. The only complaint I have about this game is that a good portion of the lategame units were there for "free silvers"


Shadow Dragon: This game would've been fine if it didn't stick to the really dated source material that much. The plot was shallow and the characters were extremely bland. This was fine in the NES days, though I'd argue that the fact that there were this many characters was great for its time, but nothing changed from the NES era to the DS era. It didn't help that the units were really imbalanced, since about half of the cast was terrible. However, the fact that this game had online battles made it fun and whatnot.

Binding Blade: I didn't like how the RNG usually determined how well you did due to the low accuracy of just about everything with the GBA evasion calculations. The game also liked to toss a bunch of crappy units in between each good unit, so the unit imbalance is strong in this game.

I'm really having a hard time determining the last of my bottom, since the pros and cons of each other FE don't really outweigh each other

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I might as well mention mine.


1. Awakening. SO MUCH CONTENT! And I'm definitely enjoying the characters and story. I'm still around the halfway point. But still! I think my first FE7 playthrough was the last time I've had as much fun with an FE game.

2. Blazing Sword and New Mystery of the Emblem

Blazing Sword wasn't my first FE, but even now, I still feel like it has all of the essentials for a good FE game. I love the characters. I love the story. I find it's replay value fantastic. My only complainant is that no skills were in it, some bonus material required taking your time, and that it really try to take advantage of its replay value. But still, I feel that the pros outweigh the cons here. And to any naysayers (*coughcoughGeneralShockcoughcough*), I say boo!

I can't say I've played FE3 before. But I did like how FE12 went and fixed some of the major problems with FE11. It just felt like an improvement on its predecessor. The characters were given personalities, and an interesting sub-plot is thrown in. That's basically all I'm gonna say at this point.

Path of Radiance and Genealogy of the Holy War get honorable mentions.


3. Shadow Dragon. The problems with this game that were fixed by its sequel never needed to exist however. I basically forced myself to even try to play this. Ugh...

2. Radiant Dawn. I find the gameplay interesting in this. But I I might as well echo previous statements about the story. Long story short, while I did like the fact that they tried something different in regards to its story's mythical figures. But everything else, just falls flat even as a sequel to Path of Radiance.

1. Sacred Stones. I found most of the characters dull and un-interesting (Seriously. The only characters that I do find interesting, I can count on one hand. Joshua, Rennac, Lyon, that's basically it.), and I feel the same towards the story. Sure, it's not like FE didn't have mac-guffin hunts before, but was it necessary to make one such hunt the game's primary focus? Not helped at all by its difficulty, or lack therof in this case.

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I actually enjoyed Shadow Dragon. I thought the art design was incredibly unique in a cool way, the interface was really smooth and quick, the reclass system was interesting to use (it wasn't forced or required so it's not a negative in any way), and it had online play. There's a bunch of things SD added that I think doesn't get enough credit for, like the map health bars and enemy turn quick ends. Admittedly though, it sacrificed a lot of things expected out of a Fire Emblem game.

You're missing out. Love it or hate it, those three entries introduced a lot of interesting mechanics that aren't seen in most recent Fe's.

Mind if I ask what makes TRS your favorite? I felt the ost was really grating and the gameplay was below expectations for an Fe-like game, with bad/boring level design and ridiculous unit movement (3 move knights, oh you..).

I just find it to be a fun game. [ I don't have the music on most of the time]

And the level design is easy to bypass with all the [get out of jail free] cards the game gives you [Raffin, Narron, Zeek, Renee, Rishel, Mahter, Loffarru, etc.] and the units are fairly well balanced. [Except Rina and Billford, but screw Rina and Billfords schtick is the old fashioned AK->General routine anyways.]

Oh and the route thing being done better than fe8/10 making it more of an interesting experience for me.

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Welp time to voice my opinions on the matter and get flamed to hell for it.


#1 Path of Radiance: The story, the characters and everything is so wonderful. Sure it's a bit on the mount heavy side in terms of tier lists but as a person who cares little for that I don't mind just using anyone I like [bonus EXP is fun for that reason]. Plus Maniac brought true difficulty to the game as I will admit FE9 is a bit on the easy side haha. And screw you all for saying the "Map animations are too long" if you are playing an RPG that is not action based, you better darn well be prepared to sit down and wait, you think this is Sonic The Hedgehog or something? They aren't even that long anyways!

#2 Sealed Sword: [Cue the outcry and flames and hatred for me from now on] Playing this game over and over, establishing a headcanon and seeing the translation and the supports made me appreciate this game, It's hard mode is also one of the more challenging things in the series. You all cry completely unbalanced and I will point to FE10, FE11 and FE12 where the character balance is even more skewed. In FE6 you can actually catch the "chumps" up if you want, in FE11 and FE12 its more like STATBOOSTER THE HELL OUT OF THEM

#3 Thracia 776: While the translation is totally crap. The gameplay more then makes up for it, the capturing mechanic was brilliant. Dismounting making a return from FE3 was a nice way to get those tier whores to not use mounts as much either, then again warp but still haha. The skills were nice, the scrolls were pretty fun to use.

Bottom - While I do not hate any games in the series these are my least favorite, if you like em? More power to you I'm not going to judge or flame you for it

#1 FE11. I see Absolutely No Balance, Reclass destroys unit diversity, No Character Development Enough Said

#2 FE12. Same as Above except with a Self-Insert character whoop-de-do

#3 FE10. While it has nice ideas and a good plot [until Part 3] Radiant Dawn has the pleasure of being an extreme disappointment to me, "let's get rid of support talks in favor of a dumb support anyone mechanic, lets not give any characters barring Micaiah or Pellas any sort of development what so ever, Let's destroy established character traits [such as Zihark not fighting Laguz etc] and lets just give the player a whole set of broken units for the final so all their hard work they've done in the whole game is pretty much worthless" And it's just overall a fun game to play but a very frustrating sequel to Path of Radiance.

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Welp time to voice my opinions on the matter and get flamed to hell for it.


#1 Path of Radiance: The story, the characters and everything is so wonderful. Sure it's a bit on the mount heavy side in terms of tier lists but as a person who cares little for that I don't mind just using anyone I like [bonus EXP is fun for that reason]. Plus Maniac brought true difficulty to the game as I will admit FE9 is a bit on the easy side haha. And screw you all for saying the "Map animations are too long" if you are playing an RPG that is not action based, you better darn well be prepared to sit down and wait, you think this is Sonic The Hedgehog or something? They aren't even that long anyways!

#2 Sealed Sword: [Cue the outcry and flames and hatred for me from now on] Playing this game over and over, establishing a headcanon and seeing the translation and the supports made me appreciate this game, It's hard mode is also one of the more challenging things in the series. You all cry completely unbalanced and I will point to FE10, FE11 and FE12 where the character balance is even more skewed. In FE6 you can actually catch the "chumps" up if you want, in FE11 and FE12 its more like STATBOOSTER THE HELL OUT OF THEM

#3 Thracia 776: While the translation is totally crap. The gameplay more then makes up for it, the capturing mechanic was brilliant. Dismounting making a return from FE3 was a nice way to get those tier whores to not use mounts as much either, then again warp but still haha. The skills were nice, the scrolls were pretty fun to use.

Bottom - While I do not hate any games in the series these are my least favorite, if you like em? More power to you I'm not going to judge or flame you for it

#1 FE11. I see Absolutely No Balance, Reclass destroys unit diversity, No Character Development Enough Said

#2 FE12. Same as Above except with a Self-Insert character whoop-de-do

#3 FE10. While it has nice ideas and a good plot [until Part 3] Radiant Dawn has the pleasure of being an extreme disappointment to me, "let's get rid of support talks in favor of a dumb support anyone mechanic, lets not give any characters barring Micaiah or Pellas any sort of development what so ever, Let's destroy established character traits [such as Zihark not fighting Laguz etc] and lets just give the player a whole set of broken units for the final so all their hard work they've done in the whole game is pretty much worthless" And it's just overall a fun game to play but a very frustrating sequel to Path of Radiance.

You can "catch up" chumps in FE12 too, and I find it easier than in FE6.

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Then I guess I'm going to give my 2 cents as well.


(1)Path of Radiance

The game that made me fell in love with the series. The storyline is absolutely superb. Sadly, the gameplay mechanics are essentially GBA plus halfheartedly added stuff from he SNES games.

But it has it's fair share of improvements. The base menu is awesome and offers a way better opportunity for support conversations and info convos are a very welcome addition. It's too bad that this game got shafted during localization with the removal of Maniac but I don't penalize the games for localization changes.

(2)Thracia 776

I would dare to say that it has the best gameplay in the series but it sadly held back by lack of polishing. Still, it's telling that so many features from this game that would later be reintroduced in the Telius games worked so much better here. This game has some actual thought put into it. It's a diamond in the rough but nevertheless a diamond. It's absolutely great atmosphere and skilled use of music helps too. I still remember the first time I heard the track "Adversity". My favorite moment in the series. As another personal bonus, it also uses my favorite artwork in the series.

(3)Seisen no Keifu

I really love this game as far as a engine goes. But as an actual game, it lacks even more polishing then Thracia. Thankfully it doesn't need it as bitterly because it doesn't suffer from the SNES era's lack of a formation option.

This game offers a very unique (and good) gameplay style not found anywhere else in the series.


(1)Blazing Sword

There has always been something that bugged me about this game ever since my first run: When has Athos made up for the fact that he was the champion of the jerks that attacked the dragons during the Scouring in order to be treated so sympathetically and getting a touching death scene.

By now I can acknowledge the answer: He hasn't. Just like the previous game, this one takes it for granted that we will admire a group of people who we know nothing about except that they wiped a sentient species from the map. I have to disagree on that.

Before he died, Athos said that he has no regrets. Well, knowing his stance on the issue and the fact that I learned at school that genocide is wrong, I also have no regrets putting this game into this spot for it's completely screwed up morals.


To keep it short, to me it's like this: Ever since March 28 in 2012, my patience with this game's art was strained to it's furthest possible extend with the release of Cordelia's artwork. Everything afterwards has pushed things too far.

And MAN, I am still in sheer AWE on how far they pushed things since then. Under this circumstances, me and this game will never be friends and I have nothing but loathing for the people in charge who approved of this.

(3)Shadow Dragon

It's upgraded interface makes this game more enjoyable then the original but this game is just so freaking lazy. It essentially copies the whole first game and then simply adds in a bunch of new mechanics with zero regard on how they actually affect the game.

The most obvious example being the introduction of the weapon triangle in a game where almost all enemies use lances. Essentially they changed too much in order to change as little as they did. But I give kudos for the replacement units and the ability to merge used items together.

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To keep it short, to me it's like this: Ever since March 28 in 2012, my patience with this game's art was strained to it's furthest possible extend with the release of Cordelia's artwork. Everything afterwards has pushed things too far.

And MAN, I am still in sheer AWE on how far they pushed things since then. Under this circumstances, me and this game will never be friends and I have nothing but loathing for the people in charge who approved of this.

You hate a game that you've never played (enough to put it on a most hated list, even) because of the artwork?

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You hate a game that you've never played (enough to put it on a most hated list, even) because of the artwork?

That's exactly what I wanted to say with that. Well, technically I merely hate the people responsible for it. A game doesn't create itself after all. The thing is, I can live with bad games but not with ones that I find to be absolutely disgusting.

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That's exactly what I wanted to say with that. I can live with bad games but not with ones that I find to be absolutely disgusting.

I think you really need to find a hobby that isn't video games.

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I just find it to be a fun game. [ I don't have the music on most of the time]

And the level design is easy to bypass with all the [get out of jail free] cards the game gives you [Raffin, Narron, Zeek, Renee, Rishel, Mahter, Loffarru, etc.] and the units are fairly well balanced. [Except Rina and Billford, but screw Rina and Billfords schtick is the old fashioned AK->General routine anyways.]

Oh and the route thing being done better than fe8/10 making it more of an interesting experience for me.

Yeah, the personalized character promotion/skills was really cool (except you Kreiss why do you suckkk) and I enjoyed the way they handled the split routes. I just can't get past that music, oh god.

To keep it short, to me it's like this: Ever since March 28 in 2012, my patience with this game's art was strained to it's furthest possible extend with the release of Cordelia's artwork. Everything afterwards has pushed things too far.

And MAN, I am still in sheer AWE on how far they pushed things since then. Under this circumstances, me and this game will never be friends and I have nothing but loathing for the people in charge who approved of this.

To be fair, all the sexualized artwork crap everyone complains about is barely apparent in the actual game.

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I've got to say, I wasn't expecting such a response. I don't know what to say to that. How are you even reasoning this?

Even ignoring the fact that I find your claims about the artwork being "morally repugnant" and othersuch to be based on nonsense, the fact that you're so passionate about how the artwork of FE13 is literally the work of Satan that you'd go ahead and throw it on a stupid list like this just to have another chance to soapbox about it speaks to me that you've taken the matter even further than your previous record of too far. Calm down, step off the soapbox, and just walk away, dude. FE13's artwork isn't going to turn a good young Christian boy into a woman-objectifying sexual predator because Cordelia's wearing visible garters.

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Even ignoring the fact that I find your claims about the artwork being "morally repugnant" and othersuch to be based on nonsense, the fact that you're so passionate about how the artwork of FE13 is literally the work of Satan that you'd go ahead and throw it on a stupid list like this just to have another chance to soapbox about it speaks to me that you've taken the matter even further than your previous record of too far. Calm down, step off the soapbox, and just walk away, dude. FE13's artwork isn't going to turn a good young Christian boy into a woman-objectifying sexual predator because Cordelia's wearing visible garters.

Thank you. That's a lot more helpful. Don't worry, I intend as little as you do to turn this issue into an argument...again.("sigh", sorry) Hence why I took great care this time, to express myself in such a way that there is simply nothing to argue about.

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1. FE5 - Ain't the most balanced FE, but it sure as hell was fun. I don't even think I had to go shopping. Mugging enemies of their weapons is just so much fun :B Also 12 move Mareeta is a thing.

2. FE4 - I like overkill okay also pairing variations for gen2 is fun

3. FE12 - I liked the gameplay balance here a lot. FE12 Hard is one of the most enjoyable difficulties I've played, and Lunatic imo is very well done. The only downside is that Lunatic renders most of the cast unusable, but it is Lunatic. So not a big deal.


I don't really hold much dislike over any games in the series that I've played. Out of the popular dislikes I'm seeing here, I am very fond of FE6 due to the HM difficulty being one of my favs (also Echidna exist cannot hate this game) and it's probably my #4 and FE11 was still enjoyable to play despite the lack of an in-depth story and cast. FE8 is indeed easy, but it's my first so it's special and it's a good platform to do mild challenge runs to change things up a bit and am not feeling up to playing something like FE12 Lunatic.

So I'll just go with 1-3 because I cannot stand graphics quality below the level of FE4's on a character-oriented game.

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shit, i might as well contribute after that

TOP 3 are probably

FE13: it is extremely uguu. my complaints list about the game numbers in the ones

FE8: nostalgia and i won't even lie that's most of the reason

FE10: i think i hate the lowest percentage of chapters in this game compared to other fes. i like the inflated cast, i like supporting everyone with everyone, i have a huge hard on for the opening theme and for 4-E-3 and

BOTTOM 3 are probably

FE7: it's never grabbed me. i've played it, it's a pretty good game, but i've never felt any attachment to it. part of that is the lack of iron shop in the base. why.

FE9: fuck map animations

FE2: similar story to fe7, but i like it a little more for reasons

EDIT: and if i'm allowed to split fe4, put gen 2 in the top instead of fe8. but only gen 2.

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3. Monshou no Nazo: This game. I'll play this game all day everyday. The backstory is a bit cliche but it's still awesome and one of the best out all of them. Plus Sirius.

2. Thracia 776: I LOVE games that give me a hard time. And the fact that it's exploring the story in more detail helps too.

1. Seisen no Keifu: My favorite game. Almost everything is great. The gameplay is unbalanced but I like it.

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FE7: it's never grabbed me. i've played it, it's a pretty good game, but i've never felt any attachment to it. part of that is the lack of iron shop in the base. why.

This also felt weird to me, especially compounded on the fact that most promoted unit's extra weapon level is almost always e. It would have been really cool to have an iron weapon shop, but greatly inflate the costs to like, 1500 for each.

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(1)Blazing Sword

Just like the previous game, this one takes it for granted that we will admire a group of people who we know nothing about except that they wiped a sentient species from the map. I have to disagree on that.

Except how is the Scouring, in any way, a genocide committed by humans? It really seemed more like a fight for survival. Besides, it's not like the dragons fighting the war was every member of the race. I'd say about a 1/3 or it at best.
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Except how is the Scouring, in any way, a genocide committed by humans? It really seemed more like a fight for survival. Besides, it's not like the dragons fighting the war was every member of the race. I'd say about a 1/3 or it at best.

Both openings state specifically that the humans suddenly attacked, ending a "peace forged in wisdom". And afterwards, there were no dragons. And as we learn, the only survivors either escaped into another dimension, into the deepest depths of the desert unknown to mankind or were buried below rocks for 1000 years. (or maybe must serve as mounts for the Bern military.) They might not have pulled it off to kill them all but they successfully wiped them of the face of the known world. Personally I think the term Genocide is very appropriate.

But regardless of terminology, my point was simply that this kinda paints the humans as the bad guys and consequently means that the Divine Generals aren't sympathetic by default. Yet the Divine Generals are always treated in the most positive light. And the games never provide any reason why they actually deserve this. As a result it comes across as this: The Divine Generals are awesome specifically because they wiped out the dragons. Because that's all we really know about them.

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Since I didn't play NES/SNES era games due to not liking the translation patches, I'll make this a little shorter.

Worst: Shadow Dragon. The map and battle graphics are muddy and uninteresting, the music's synth choice is kinda blah despite the compositions being pretty good, most of the characters don't get any development whatsoever, and the story, despite being a remake of the first game, is pretty old hat after playing so many Fire Emblem games beforehand. I think the actual map design is interesting contrasted with where the series was moving, plus you have an abundance of warp and hammerne uses, but overall this was a game I wouldn't lose sleep over.

Best: Radiant Dawn. Yep, still my favourite, but probably only because I see Path of Radiance's story in retrospect to improve the characterization of everyone else. There's a lot that Path of Radiance does story-wise and that Awakening does better gameplay-wise, but Radiant Dawn had the best range of objectives and some really great map design that told the story in the way they were designed. Plus it has ledges and guaranteed growths. If only this game didn't have such an abrupt change in pace in part 4 and had better availability for a bunch of the cast and that's really the only thing about this game that bugs me.

2nd Best: Path of Radiance. The best characters in the whole series, and some excellent pacing in the story. Much like in RD, I like the sensibility of the map structure in regards to storytelling.

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Berwick Saga

From top to bottom, we have:

Path of Radiance: I'll admit it has flaws that its sequel fixed (thank god RD let me turn off those animations), but something about it ended up capturing my interest more than the others did. It's probably the nostalgia talking, but I don't really care.

Blazing Sword: This, too, might just be the nostalgia talking. But whatever.

Radiant Dawn: I played this one recently enough that nostalgia can't possibly be a factor. While it could have used some polish in certain areas, it's one of the most interesting titles in the series imo.

Shadow Dragon: While it does often feel too simple, and those gaiden requirements are just stupid, this game still provides a lot of fun.

Gaiden: Pretty much the same as RD, though it clearly could have used a lot more work. I'll forgive it because of its age.

Genealogy of the Holy War: I really, really detest the first generation's gameplay for being ungodly slow and boring, but the plot is pretty good for an FE game and the second generation is pretty fun.

Thracia 776: Feels a little rushed, but it does have a lot of unique ideas that make it hard to hate and it's mildly superior to Genealogy plot-wise.

Mystery of the Emblem: Somehow feels clunkier than Gaiden, without having anything all that interesting about it. The nicest thing I can say is it has a decent soundtrack.

The others I either haven't played (New Mystery, Awakening, Sacred Stones) or never bothered finishing (The first game and Sword of Seals)

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Refa's Objectively Scientifically Correct Best Fire Emblem Games List- If You Disagree, You're Either Wrong Or Way More Correct Than I Am

#1 Fire Emblem: Genealogy Of The Holy War- http://gyazo.com/f2a...a11453d0faa9ecd Fuck you too, Jeigan

(also I like how it was drastically different from any other Fire Emblem game)

#2 Fire Emblem: Path Of Radiance- http://gyazo.com/3e7...4a088b972b131bd Replace prince with mercenary

(also I like how it had some of the best written characters in the series)

#3 Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones- http://gyazo.com/718a95a921e1ceff2b0f6072b3471a3d To Rausten, if you were actually paying attention like a LOYAL FAN

(also nostalgia, and it has good music and stuff too)

Refa's Incredibly Lazily Written And It Would Actually Be Best If You Didn't Pay Attention To It At All Scientifically Incorrect Least Favorite Fire Emblem Games List

#1 Fire Emblem: Awakening- Haven't played it at all.

#2 Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn- Barely played it at all.

#3 Fire Emblem: New Mystery Of The Emblem- Haven't played much of it at all.

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