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Characters you DON'T like?


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I don't really hate anyone. The only ones I'm not crazy about... (not counting SpotPass characters)

Miriel - some of the supports I've seen are kinda funny, but overall she bores me

Laurent - same as his mother :/

Gregor - I want to like him, but for some reason I haven't really warmed up to him

Noire - HATE her voice, and like someone else said it makes me uncomfortable that her being abused is played for comedy... but she is a great unit, especially with Donny for a dad!

Kellam - I'm never really into the knight characters, for some reason, except for Gatrie I suppose

Say'ri - didn't use her, came in at a random time without much incentive to be used, imo

Stahl - prefer to use Sully over him (how can people not like Sully?!)

Frederick - benched as soon as possible, maybe I'm just prejudiced against Jeigan characters (save Titania), though I've heard he's quite good

Virion - I like him as a character, and I usually really like archers/snipers... just not in this game

Still on my first playthrough so maybe my opinions will change!

Edited by Owain Dark
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Sully is terrible characterwise because she's a total caricature, not a character and that caricature isn't even done well.

Sounds like a a lot of characters in this game.

Edited by Georg
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After my first playthrough, there were characters I really didn't feel much for. I'll go only with those who were recruitable at the time and ignore villains because uh. They're none too compelling. Second playthrough I went through about 95% of the Supports and I've stopped there because apparently my game cart is defective and needs repairs, but said Supports made me think much better of plenty of characters. As somebody previously mentioned, Sumia and Gaius' Supports made me think better of her for example.

Some I still don't have fondness toward though:

Tharja: To me Henry's nutters was charming. Her though? She abuses her kid...and never shuts up about MU.

Kellam: Nice enough guy but he blends so well into the woodwork I don't care about him.

Miriel and Laurent: Zero appeal to me. They take the brains over all else aspect too far, and then megane mages besides.

Noire: I know she was abused, and I felt for her... Until half of her S-rank Supports were seriously warped/creepy/unhealthy as all get out.

A lot of folks seem to dislike Cordelia, but I liked her a lot. She was, by her own admission, a jack of all trades and master of none and seemed motivated to do her best at everything. I felt through her Supports that she was very conscious of being young for her station and was driven to prove herself. Talent doesn't make people boring any more than people being bright does, and I thought she was pretty believable. Olivia being shy but wearing dancer-gear didn't bother me, since I can relate to being shy/reserved but don't necessarily wear robes everywhere. Granted, nothing like her dancer-outfit, but that's what dancers wear and I recall her mentioning that on the battlefield, there's no time to think and she simply does her thing. Henry...well, I knew I'd like him from the get-go, I've always liked the quirky dark mage fellows, but his Supports did a good job of showing why he acts the way he does and reasonably fleshed him out in my view. Just my opinions on those three, since they were among my favorite characters. Granted, I found a lot to like in this game.

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As far as Me hating any character.....Nope.

But there are some I don't like due their design or their class in general.

Kellam is plain boring to me, I didn't like the General's design on this game.

Say'ri eh.....shes boring to me, and the fact she only has 2 supports made me not try.

Overall every character have some supports that made me like em more, but I don't hate anyone, I just don't like em to the point to use them or bother leveling em.

Cordelia, Tharja, Gerome, Cherche,Gaius, Tiki, Lon'qu, Lissa, Severa & Cynthia are some of my favorites tho, even if I hated them at some point, their supports made me like them or place some above the hatred barrier.

Edited by Aura Kurai
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Looking at the roster, there's only three I don't like.

Vaike - Talks in the third person too much, and just gives off that muscleheadedness I can't stand.

Kellam - I just don't like him. I should give him a chance, but I don't want to. He doesn't seem to have much character.

Henry - He's sort of growing on me, but he's still so...weird. Too peppy about killing people for my liking.

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I dunno. Olivia seems to take charge, somewhat, in her Henry supports to try and help him.

Oh yeah. I changed my mind about Cherche. She's alright in my book. Although I still confuse Cordelia and Cherche for one another. One of them should have had a different color... Like purple or something. That would be great.

Just remember that Cherche is the interesting one.

I have to add Cordelia to my list of characters who sorta irritate me. I dont hate her but she is very bland and boring. Her supports are all peeps gushing over her and her going "lol nah...." Im just like "|:[ im bored..." Plus her obsession with Chrom is ehh.

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i don't really hate anyone but if i had to pick some i don't like it would deff be miriel, and vaike.

miriel i dont know she just rubbed off the wrong way on me and vaike just seems annoying to me most of the time >_>

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Yarne's timidity is super annoying. They could have done a better job with that.

At first I thought Cynthia was just irritating, but Laurent's support with her pushed me to despise her. She is just so stupid and self-righteous.

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I'm confused. A lot of people seem to hate Tharja for abusing Noire, but I haven't seen anyone who hates MU for killing Chrom. It's an alternate version of them in both cases. Blame Grima!MU and blame future!Tharja. Now, disliking Tharja for her obsessive creepiness makes perfect sense.

The only characters that I dislike that much are Severa and Gerome. Severa is pretty self explanatory. Gerome...I don't know WHY I dislike him, something about him just grates.

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I don't seem to hate that many characters in this game so far, but if I have to pick the character that annoys me it would have to be Vaike while the characters that I really dislike are Severa and Tharja.

I don't hate Vaike, but I find him to be quite annoying at times. I don't have that much of a issue with characters who speak in third person all the time, but if you combine that with haughtiness those two characteristics can create quite a bit of annoyance fast. As many people in this thread have mentioned it is hard to try liking Severa for various reasons. I was somewhat okay with Tharja at first until I found out about what she did to Noire and her husband in the future. Once I found out about that a good chunk of her brownie points were gone and will very likely stay gone.

Edited by Eevonee
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ngl I actually really liked Vaike--

But Severa was, without a doubt, my least-favourite character. She's basically awful to everyone; what's up with that? I tried to like her, but alas!

In comparison, everyone seems kinda friendly.

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I like all the playable characters, but I think the villains are pretty dull especially when compared to the other villains in the series.

Grima has no backstory or motivaiton, and his role could've been filled perfectly by Medeus and the Earth Dragons. Validar is a poor man's Gharnef with no motivation or agenda of his own, he's just Grima's puppet. He doesn't even get anything if Grima wins, at least Ashera and Loptous rewarded their followers.

EDIT: Actually I guess there are two characters, I'm indifferent to and thats Nono and Nowi. Did we need another little Divine Dragon Girl, especially two. It also makes Tiki less unique.

Edited by Emperor Hardin
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I like all the playable characters, but I think the villains are pretty dull especially when compared to the other villains in the series.

Grima has no backstory or motivaiton, and his role could've been filled perfectly by Medeus and the Earth Dragons. Validar is a poor man's Gharnef with no motivation or agenda of his own, he's just Grima's puppet. He doesn't even get anything if Grima wins, at least Ashera and Loptous rewarded their followers.

EDIT: Actually I guess there are two characters, I'm indifferent to and thats Nono and Nowi. Did we need another little Divine Dragon Girl, especially two. It also makes Tiki less unique.

Well, Ashera didn't really reward anyone. she just realized that a large group of humans evaded her judgment and she decided to have an army go and destroy them to make her judgment absolute. she probably would have returned all those soldiers back to stone once she was done with them. And Loptous would probably just eat all his human followers once he was done with them because even if they were faithful followers, they were still human.

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I'm confused. A lot of people seem to hate Tharja for abusing Noire, but I haven't seen anyone who hates MU for killing Chrom. It's an alternate version of them in both cases. Blame Grima!MU and blame future!Tharja. Now, disliking Tharja for her obsessive creepiness makes perfect sense.

The only characters that I dislike that much are Severa and Gerome. Severa is pretty self explanatory. Gerome...I don't know WHY I dislike him, something about him just grates.

Because she does it in the current period. NoirexFather, the whole support is basically Father restoring faith in Noire after they both get abused by Tharja, Noire gives up hope of things ever changing, and Father doing something to prove it won't be the same. Tharja's still experimenting on Noire, still cursing her husband for sticking up for her, and goes off murderously after Father once he steals Tharja's cursing tools. She's the same as she was in the future, while MU is not (Well, he is, but possession by an evil dragon kinda puts a dampener on his/her personality)

Also another thing that ticks people off, is that its played for comedy, which the MU and Chrom situation certainly isn't. It's never treated as seriously as it should be.

And if it wasn't obvious, I can't -stand- Tharja, Severa's pretty ehh, and Laurent, I dunno, I find he's a bit too much like his mother to really be noticed as his own character.

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Welp. I predicted people would really dislike Severa. I took a deep breath and checked this thread, and my predictions were right.

I normally dislike tsunderes, but Severa turned out to be my favorite character in the game. I haven't seen too much of her supports, but I have seen the ones with Cordelia, The Avatar (As a father), and Morgan (As a sister). She came off as whiney and manipulative, but... honestly, she seems to only do it if the person she's talking to allows her to, and both of those traits seem to be a product of her upbringing rather than her being genuinely mean-spirited. Like... I dunno why I feel this way, but she seems willing to work with people on their terms if her way doesn't work, and if she upsets someone, she seems to feel sorry for it.

I dunno... I'm really sensitive when it comes to Severa, or any character I feel affection towards for that matter, so I'm a bit afraid of defending her and being criticized for it, but I kind of feel that she's a good character who just needs to be analyzed beyond her attitude to understand her appeal.

The same goes for a lot of characters, such as Sumia; bad first impression that makes her seem cliche, but then she transcends her stereotype soon after. I face palmed when she tripped in the beginning of the game, thinking "Christ, this game is blatantly catering it's characters to stereotypes". But then she showed her more capable side, what with being a great cook, being good with animals, and a pretty competent soldier.

As such, I... don't feel it's right for me to judge any of the characters, besides Tharja. Most of them don't actually commit any crime that makes them worth loathing on personality alone except for Tharja, whom, if you know Noire, would probably understand what I'm talking about. I didn't even dislike Tharja at first, because she didn't seem all that bad, but... well... you can't recover from using your own child as a guinea pig. That's pretty much an automatic douchebag label.

Heck, even Vaike shows his other dimensions in some of the supports, like his ones with Cherche. He admits he's a dumbass in that one. I think deep inside, Vaike's more aware of his flaws than he lets on.

I hope I don't start some debate over this. >_<

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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[spoiler=Ahhhhhhh]Tharja is well aware of her dark nature and realizes that her alternate self didn't teach Noire how to do hexes and other Dark arts so she wouldn't become like her. I dunno. I'd say Tharja redeems herself in their A support...

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[spoiler=Ahhhhhhh]Tharja is well aware of her dark nature and realizes that her alternate self didn't teach Noire how to do hexes and other Dark arts so she wouldn't become like her. I dunno. I'd say Tharja redeems herself in their A support...

.... God dammit. I'm a hypocrite.

I never finished reading her supports because I completely dismissed her after learning about the whole guinea pig thing, and yet here I am defending Severa, and telling people to look more into her before judging her.

Right... so... I guess I'll have to take a look at more supports before I toss judgement on any other characters. I apologize for stepping on the toes of Tharja fans.

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Well, Ashera didn't really reward anyone. she just realized that a large group of humans evaded her judgment and she decided to have an army go and destroy them to make her judgment absolute. she probably would have returned all those soldiers back to stone once she was done with them. And Loptous would probably just eat all his human followers once he was done with them because even if they were faithful followers, they were still human.

She made them think though that they were her chosen and would be spared, Loptous did the samething and seemed to talk with Manfroy like an equal, letting him do his own thing. Grima doesn't even try to hide his agenda, Validar knows he'll die when Grima wins but goes with it anyway.

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Just remember that Cherche is the interesting one.

I have to add Cordelia to my list of characters who sorta irritate me. I dont hate her but she is very bland and boring. Her supports are all peeps gushing over her and her going "lol nah...." Im just like "|:[ im bored..." Plus her obsession with Chrom is ehh.

lol nope, I guess the convos are way more deeper than that.

A month in, I've stopped liking Cordelia and, by proxy, started liking Severa because she also does not like Cordelia.

Funny how that works.

I don't understand how THAT works, it's just the silliest way to hate a character. It makes us lovers really shallow.

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I read some of Vaike's support conversations and I take back what I said about him earlier. He has a lot of depth than I first thought and I really like how some of his back-story was revealed in the Liz x Vaike support conversation. I am sorry I doubted you Vaike.

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