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Sorry if this is a dumb question or has already been asked but I was wondering...So I know rally is effective the turn you use it, but is it still in effect when it then becomes the enemies turn?

Also which rally is good and which is not so great to have? Or is there no difference their all great?

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Yes, it is still effective for one full turn. That means if you use it on the Player Phase, it remains effective until the Player Phase of the next turn.

Rally Spectrum is definitely the best one of them. Rally Luck has relatively few, if any useful, uses.

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Yes, it is still effective for one full turn. That means if you use it on the Player Phase, it remains effective until the Player Phase of the next turn.

Rally Spectrum is definitely the best one of them. Rally Luck has relatively few, if any useful, uses.

Awesome, thanks for the reply. Was worried that I was putting them on for no reason. Choosing skills for people is hard =(

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Rally Spectrum > Rally Love (?) > or equal to Rally Speed > Rally Defense/Strength/Speed > Rally Luck/Skill/Movement.

I'd say Rally Movement is a bit better than Luck/Skill. It might be a bit awkward to use, but it still stacks pretty well with other rallies if nothing else. Luck/Skill are almost unnecessary, though at least Luck might negate a boss' slim chance to crit if you hate dealing with that "3% to kill you that is definitely going to kill you" factor of this being a fire emblem game.

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Rally Spectrum is incredible, and so is Love Rally (if that's what it's called when the DLC comes out) Next you have the very useful Rally Speed. Strength/Magic/Defence/Resistance/Movement are all good skills and noticeably improve a large chunk of your party if you've got the right formation set up. Rally Luck has situational use negating enemy crit rates, since it actually gives +8 luck and not +4, and also helps some obscure Miracle builds. Rally Skill is pretty much worthless.

So personally I'd say Rally Spectrum > Love Rally (?) > Rally Speed > Rally Strength/Magic/Defence/Resistance/Move > Rally Luck >>> Rally Skill.

Edited by Samias
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I'd say that rally spectrum is the only one worth getting. the rallys aren't my favorite streetpass skill since the comp uses them on the end of its turn, but love and movement are useful when you're the one using them.

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Rally Spectrum <3

I also like Rally Movement especially for foot units.

Rally Speed is nice too.

Dunno about Rally Love....thats a DLC only one right?

Rally love is a skill that brides learn hence only females.

It's like a mini rally spectrum, it gives +2 to all stats and +1 movement

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Sounds like a Captain Planet moment-- I shall defeat you with the power of HEART! *points love ring at baddies*

actually, love isn't much better-- but I guess Sailor Moon is better than Captain Planet when it comes down to it.

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I can see Rally Luck being used in an Armsthrift build, too, but why you'd do that is beyond me. Rally Skill. . .eh, maybe some sort of Astra/Sol/Luna/Lethality set (though the last one's activation is SO dicey)?

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The thing is, Armsthrift is easier to get to 100% through other means. As for Rally Skill - you're getting a 2% increase in Astra rate and a 1% increase in Lethality rate. It just doesn't work out to being worth it.

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Rally Luck = 16% chance of armsthrift. Useful earlier in the game for those precious glass weapons when you aren't even close to the cap.

Paladin with boots+Galeforce, paired with a Dark Knight with Galeforce and Deliverer+Rally Movement+Rally Love=???

15 move w/ Galeforce ftw

I think we can do better than 15 move ;p

Maxed Magic Lissa rescuing a paired up fliers with boots, +1 movement skill, +2 move from Deliverer, and the 2 move from the Rallies... (20? + 39 = about 59 squares in ideal situations?) Wheeee

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The thing is, Armsthrift is easier to get to 100% through other means. As for Rally Skill - you're getting a 2% increase in Astra rate and a 1% increase in Lethality rate. It just doesn't work out to being worth it.

It's helpful at the beginning, when you're training units. But after they hit 50luck, it runs out of uses. I still have it on one of my ralliers just for completionist reasons.

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Rally Luck = 16% chance of armsthrift. Useful earlier in the game for those precious glass weapons when you aren't even close to the cap.

I think we can do better than 15 move ;p

Maxed Magic Lissa rescuing a paired up fliers with boots, +1 movement skill, +2 move from Deliverer, and the 2 move from the Rallies... (20? + 39 = about 59 squares in ideal situations?) Wheeee

hey, if we're using rescue staves, i think you can hit 50 spaces with one rescue alone

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The thing is, Armsthrift is easier to get to 100% through other means. As for Rally Skill - you're getting a 2% increase in Astra rate and a 1% increase in Lethality rate. It just doesn't work out to being worth it.

Well, Rally Luck would also give 8% Despoil, which when combined with Rally Love and Spectrum with a character with 50 Luck (I'm thinking Donnel with All Stats +2 atm since it's relatively easy to do early on and without needing Limit Break for non-Luck blessed classes) could give you a 64% Despoil activation (when combined with Limit Breaker 74%) and doing that + Golden Gaffe is just dirty money. Plus that would be useful even without Golden Gaffe for people that haven't had the money or hadn't gotten around to buyting the DLC. Kinda useful if you're going for Armsthrift + All Skills +2 + Luck capped Donnel with Leif's Blade and short on cash.

As for Rally Skill....I'm feeling kinda sad that it's getting so much hate, because when I get the game, I actually plan on using it for a Uber Skill/Activation Rate based Male Morgan during my Female Avatar run with three different skill combinations, one of which involving 100% Luna, -10 Enemy Critical Avoid and 90% Critical Rate (with Pairing up with wife and adjacent with Female Avatar with A-rank Support), and the other skill combos being (imo) equally useful, so while it may not be as universally useful as the other Rally Skills, it's good for activation rates (bar Lethality, Astra and Aether) as well as Hit Rate (which could come in handy on Lunatic Mode when at a Weapon Traingle, enemy skill or terrain bonus disadvantage, if you don't have Rally Love/Spectrum yet, or both/either Love/Spectrum aren't cutting it) and Dual Strike (which, with the 100% Luna build I mentioned earlier, would end up with a 97% Dual Strike rate while Paired up with his wife at the least). It could also give an extra 8% to Vengeance for those units that have 46-49 Skill, but that's pretty trivial in my opinion.

By the way, do Rally Skills affect Paired Support Units (ex. Rally bot near Paired unit uses Rally Command, do both Paired Units or just the Lead Unit receive the Rally bonuses)? Because if both units do, then that would be awesome as the build mentioned above would then have a 100% Dual Strike activation rate.

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By the time you get Limit Breaker and not get streamrolled by those breaker skills they have, you're generally not going to be at a point in the game that you're going to be relying on Despoil just because you don't want to fork over 2 bucks for the Gold DLC.

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By the time you get Limit Breaker and not get streamrolled by those breaker skills they have, you're generally not going to be at a point in the game that you're going to be relying on Despoil just because you don't want to fork over 2 bucks for the Gold DLC.

You don't need Limit Break for that build, it would just be nice to have. You'd still have capped luck with Donnel (if indeed he does have 100% Luck growth rates with Aptitude, I'm not sure if his growth rates are entirely accurate on SF since I've been reading about some discrepancies from the reported growth rates), so Armsthrift would still be 100% with Leif's Blade and activation rate would be 50% without Rally Luck, 58% with, and 64% with Love/Spectrum, which is still pretty nice without needing Limit Break. Ofc this wouldn't be possible at the beginning of the game, but I suspect that this would be relatively possible mid-game (although maybe/probably not on Lunatic, I plan on playing Hard Mode on my first two runs).

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