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Should the next FE have no weapon weight, do one of the other methods, or use a new one?


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I never got used to the fact that a sword encumbers you the same as an axe, I always loved the weight system in FE games, it helped tone down speed tanking mages, and gives you more strategy to your choice of weapon. I want weight back, I can't look at a weapon in Awakening and wonder what is missing.

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Yeah, I gotta say, I think they should bring weapon weight back. It made a nice contribution to making weapons more balanced and actually gave incentive to pick weaker, lighter weapons over stronger, heavier ones from time to time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would personally like to see a system like FE4's again, the arbitrary removal of speed depending on your weapon of choice. The reason I feel that didn't work so well inFE4 was because of the extreme weight of certain weapons, low enemy speed, and because of pursuit being needed to double, meaning some people couldn't double regardless.

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FE4's system was terrible in my opinion. The penalties were waaay too extreme. Con was okay, but it just made some characters better and some not, in terms of speed penalties with weapons. The Str change didn't do a thing because big burly ppl had huge Con before anyway and big Str meant the same thing, and weak little girls like Sanaki still had trouble holding onto her books due to their extremely low Str growth.

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FE4's system was terrible in my opinion. The penalties were waaay too extreme.

That's what I brought up in my post. If weapons had more reasonable weight, like the heaviest thing being a devil/steel axe at MAYBE 10, perhaps more reasonably around 8 or 9, do you think that the game would be better for the weight thing? ignore pursuit/low enemy speed here

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That's what I brought up in my post. If weapons had more reasonable weight, like the heaviest thing being a devil/steel axe at MAYBE 10, perhaps more reasonably around 8 or 9, do you think that the game would be better for the weight thing? ignore pursuit/low enemy speed here

I quite liked FE3's approach. It deducted weight from AS, but left avoid the same. I do agree that FE4 weapons were a little too heavy at times, it'd be nice if strength even partially compensated for it. I wonder who did that?

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Con or Str, it should be a stat that evolves with level up.

Also, suppress it for Book. A book heavier than an Axe makes no sense (Or with the STR road, makes Books works with Mag...)

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Weapon weight should definetly return alongside constitution. I mean it gave you a reason to actually

use iron weapons[except low rank] and it also added an other level of strategy. I find it a little funny

that a slim sword has the same weight with the hammer in the last two games.

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Yeah, mage AS being influenced by Magic sounds a lot better to me than making in influenced by Strength. I don't remember ever hearing much about how magic works in any of the Fire Emblem games. but it makes a lot more sense to me that somebody's facility in performing whatever set of rituals is needed to cast a spell or the magnitude of their magical essence or whatever, in relation to the difficulty of casting the spell, would be what determines their ability to cast it quickly and remain vigilant in a battlefield environment.

I've always found it somehow weird that mage units have an AS system that's even at all analogous to the system other weapons use, and usually one that's almost always the exact same system at that. And the mages are further screwed over by most weapon weight systems that add in Strength in comparison to physical units because the latter's primary offensive stat helps them grow in AS, while the former's primary stat does nothing in that regard and they generally haven't had much STR growth to compensate.

Edited by Rehab
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I'd prefer no weapon weight. But if there has to be one something like a way less extreme FE4's where there's a fixed AS penalties so for a rough example if Bronze's are 0 weight, Irons 1, Steels and Silver 3, Throwing weapons 5, so these are penalties all classes take when wielding these sorts of weapons which results in more situations where AS differences with each weapon can be utilized by most units.

The alternatives have a bad habit amplifying a flaw of a characters like Strength based AS, where not only does a character with lower strength deal less damage they take greater penalties from the same weapon. Constitution resulted in being versatile in the case of a characters with decent STR/SPD/CON distribution but for characters towards the extremes it really limits them.

Edited by arvilino
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I'd like weight to return. I'm playing Heroes of Light and Shadow, and it just seems odd not to have it. I think if it returns, it should work with constitution instead of strength - however, I'd also like constitution to be a level-upable stat, just like strength, but with a higher growth than strength on units like Mages.

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Definitely bring it back. Flatly using Str was a terrible system, but just about anything else works well to increase distinction between weapons. FE4 bungled the weapon balance, but dramatic differences in AS between weapons is exactly what a game should have, since it adds more of a reason why weapon choice actually matters. I'd say TRS pulled off the flat AS-reduction best, although Berwick also did quite well with its Str/2 system: weapons spilling over was expected, so every point of Wt still mattered, but you had some way of handling it without fucking with character balance.

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I think if they're going to bring back weapon weight, they should do a (less hilariously unbalanced) version of FE4. I'm not fond of basing it off Con because Con is completely fixed without promotion or special items, and Str made weight absolutely negligible for most physical fighters while making it horrible for mages. I think the way FE4 handled it was sort of dumb, though (especially the magic, given that wind, thunder and fire are all identical except for weight).

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no weight ftw, one less thing to put in weapon description *laziness*

but seriously, if IS put it back in they'd find a way to screw it up so bad (aka FE4/con/str system) you'll be wishing for FE12/13 lack of weight

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I'd like to see weight again, but it does bring a lot more to ponder in terms of balance. Sometimes I have random thoughts about it myself.

Magic weight should definitively use a different formula than weapon weight, I've thought it could be based around around the "complexity" on the spell, and it's 'weight' would be softened by skl/2 or (mag/2 + skl/2), though that's still exploitable if the game has Awakening-like caps.

Some random formula I thought for weapon weight reduction would be (con/2 rounded down + str/3 rounded down), but, considering how axemen tend to have plently of those stats, I do wonder if that could overvalue them. Though con/2 is my two cents to make it less unfair on low con units.

Nothing but speculation, but I do enjoy the additional layer that weight provides compared to no weight, even if poorly executed.

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I actually like the no weight system in Awakening. FE10 wasn't that bad since everyone generally got enough strength for what weapons they used, plus you felt yourself improve over time. I find the CON systems typically screw over mages and females so if weapon weight ever comes back I hope it's a stat you can more easily influence like in 9/10, though 9 still screwed mages over. GBA-style con is pretty bad. Axes were too heavy, steel was too heavy, tomes in 7/8 were WAY too heavy. I guess this is more asking for IS to figure out how to balance the weapons and the AS system rather than promoting outright omission.

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I'd like weight to return. I'm playing Heroes of Light and Shadow, and it just seems odd not to have it. I think if it returns, it should work with constitution instead of strength - however, I'd also like constitution to be a level-upable stat, just like strength, but with a higher growth than strength on units like Mages.

I'd like this would help keep dark magic/ extreme range tomes in check w/out making magic worthless, or making fliers usless when enemies get higher defense stats... although alternativly you could improve mages strenght stat becuse most you know cant use physical weapons... (except dark Knights, dark flyers ect but they don't really have the same a strength problem and could only benefit)

and we could get blades and greatlances back :D

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