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The Great Awakening - Game Over


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Whatever. I wish people wouldn't respond so harshly to people prodding them in thread.

This is the second time Marth has pissed me off tonight, even though he could have avoided doing so if he would have just read my posts.

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This is the second time Marth has pissed me off tonight, even though he could have avoided doing so if he would have just read my posts.

and I also said sorry for the first time.

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Go home, Darros, you're drunk.

Everybody else do the flop.


Freaking Votals how do they work

Aerox (2) : Shinori, Priam

Elieson (2): Paperblade, Bluedoom, Lucina

Everybody else is a voteless/unvoted doofus.


Marth, kindly fuck off. I still have a proposal due tomorrow and I can barely see my computer screen right now, let alone develop scum reads. I already said that I will likely not be able to contribute MUCH until tomorrow when all of my real life priorities are in order. Unless you want to do my proposal for me, then again. Fuck off.

Also, while I'm not the host, didn't make the rules, and there's no rule forbidding aggressive/offensive play, I don't think there's a need to react like this over misunderstandings/poor actions. This is a game, most of all. It's ultimately your choice on how to react, but you don't need to make the game unpleasant to people who are more likely to take this response personally.

EDIT: I just found out that lucina exists. >.>

Edited by Xinnidy
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Sage is still in the op. Just saying.

Ok claim what.

I'm Emmeryn. I have no idea if the killer shot me or Mancer, I never got any notification. As for alignment, I am aligned with Ylisse, though my primary objective is to live until D5 I would still want to assist the Town in eliminating anti-Ylisse factions. I don't have any actions or abilities that I can use, nor do I have anything passive.

And with this I say goodnight for real.

Considering Darros started the wagon on Smiles and presumably drew the night kill (Mancer being night kill makes even less sense) I think it's fine to leave him alone if he's non hostile.

I'm not comfortable with lynching Elieson today, but I'd rather not go into details unless there's a real danger that he's lynched.

Okay so most of my scumspects have come up duds so far, thankfully I have a new one.

Well then.

Not sure what to say about that but let's just do things elsewhere.

##Vote: Areox

I know you are my friend. I know you are new. But come join us. Tell us your thoughts.

First post in forever and it's just a prodvote asking for thoughts. You haven't even given your own yet.

Frankly unless Prims retracts his thing I'm keeping my vote on Areox. Areox if you aren't scum then do something about it. Scum hunt. Look at the posts and look for posts that you think had/have scum intent behind them.

Prims' post just before yours looks like a pseudo retract to me. Also what are your reads besides Aerox. Scumhunt on someone else as well.

Well frankly if he is a cop and he is just outting it there isn't any real reason to disbelieve it.

There's also no reason TO believe it, if you think like that. Especially without a character claim. Do something already.


Let's not argue about it. I'm gonna wait for Areox to talk a little more before I move my vote off of him.

"I'm just gonna wait for Aerox to talk a little more while I coast and don't post any content"

For the most part. You aren't scum hunting. I mean what have you done that HELPS the town?

What have YOU done except for tunnel on someone who was initially a cop guilty?

##Vote: Shinori

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Nothing at all really SB. And for an actual fact I have only been on Areox so long because I want him to actually play and I felt he needed to be under pressure to do anything.


##Vote: Paperblade

Case to be later tonight.

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Nothing at all really SB. And for an actual fact I have only been on Areox so long because I want him to actually play and I felt he needed to be under pressure to do anything.


##Vote: Paperblade

Case to be later tonight.

literally days behind

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I dunno. I didn't really pay much attention day 1 and like I said sb. Most of the stuff I was 'accusing' Areox of was mainly just me trying to get him to play in the game since I figured with more pressure he would actually do something. Since I know he's around a lot more often then he has been on this site.

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misread. whatever.

I think that's a pretty bold claim priam, since you dont have any way to really back that up.

Poor reaction. People have given him enough advice about what to do if he's actually noobtown, he needs to start following it.

##Vote: Aerox

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Go home, Darros, you're drunk.

Everybody else do the flop.

If someone slipped something into the obscene amount of food I ate last night I would not be shocked. I sincerely regret eating like 2 pounds of ice cream, then cake, then staying up on SF until like 2 in the morning because reading my posts now is making me extremely embarrassed.

and I cant even edit them in here ;~;

Now hopefully I can post something intelligible here, give me a little bit.

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holy fuck I just had a massive post and my computer ate it

I guess I should post that image again


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ok let's try again

this is condensed from the last one since I have significantly less time now

A) I'm horribly embarrassed from my posts last night and I apologize immensely. I usually don't get like that when I'm extremely tired and all hyped up on sugar.

B) Yeah, I'm Emmeryn. I'm allied with Ylisse, and my objective is to make it to day 5 to win. I'm not antitown, so using your resources on me is a waste of your time. I have no night actions/passive abilities, so there's nothing I can do to prove it.

C) Prims totally confused me last night with his cop claim on Areox. I had no idea that Prims apparently does this regularly, and tried it in this game to get a reaction out of Areox. Now that I know that this isn't a rare occasion apparently, I'm getting town reads on Prims.

D) I still feel poorly about SB.

Also, SB looks pretty town from the Smilies wagon to me because if he was scum laying down the last vote on his buddy it would make more sense to suddenly have a change of heart and mention something scummy that Smilies had done to try and get towncred. Voting as SB did seems more like town who thought that Smilies was town too.

Here's the problem, SgtSmilies made like an entire 4 posts in the game. No, this is not an underexaggeration. Only like 1 of these posts contained actual information. SB didn't really have much to say about how Smilies was scummy that wasn't already said. Perhaps he thought the best way to get towncred was to vote with the majority on D1 on someone he knew was going to be scum for sure.

E) Areox wut. Your reactions have been pretty not so great this game. You haven't done much except question why people think you're scum. Sure, you made your posts on D1 and that was great but you can't get by with making bare posts that contain next to nothing and consist of like 1-3 sentences the whole game. I would vote but I want to see if you're actually going to post reads on the town or not within a reasonable timeframe.

F) I'm really not sure what to think of the roleblock. The Mafia roleblocker is dead, but I wouldn't discount the possibility of a town roleblocker ((though I would question why they would use it on Eli, I mean he did tell us to pick his target. Maybe the roleblocker didn't like who was chosen, or was the person who was chosen)) or a JOaT aligned with either faction. Paper and Marth were the ones who jumped on Eli for this but their posting both seems pretty protown to me, while I'm still pretty neutral on Eli himself.

Anyway, I'm off to school in like 5 minutes, I once again apologize for my shitposting last night.

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I have some thoughts on this game finally but have to go to school. How soon I will post them depends on whether I am able to go to the arcade after school or not.

imo the best place to look for scum is either in the inactives (I suspect Shinori) or the people voting Smilies, since D1 scum lynch probably means scum was bussing or too lurky to save him.

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I have some thoughts on this game finally but have to go to school. How soon I will post them depends on whether I am able to go to the arcade after school or not.

imo the best place to look for scum is either in the inactives (I suspect Shinori) or the people voting Smilies, since D1 scum lynch probably means scum was bussing or too lurky to save him.

It's either this or scum trying to earn cred by owning those middle votes.

Actually this post is probably the single most intelligent pos in the whole game

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