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The Great Awakening - Game Over


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So uh sorry for not being active because I've had TEN BILLION THINGS to do.

I'm blowing off studying for a biology test RIGHT NOW to make this post actually and I come and see Prims doing... I'm not even sure. He claimed Gangrel? Well that makes.. okay

I'll try to scrounge something together in the 5 minutes I have before school starts and then I'm not home until like 7 or 8 PM.

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So uh, I'm pretty sure that BBM/Areox/Eli/Paperblade are all town people. Areox was cleared by Eli, who's claim I believe. BBM has done some very protown work today, and Prims turned out to be scum, so it looks like BBM is town due to the 1v1 case. Paperblade has been very protown today too, and I've seen him a lot in the thread.

Not really sure what to think on Bizz, since she hasn't posted enough for me to get a read, and before that Boron didn't really post enough for me to get a read either.

I'm still suspicious of SB and I don't think that will go away. Like he never really got out of how I thought of him D1.

And I have to go to school like RIGHT NOW. Later.

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Updated version

6/2/1/1 atm

Lynch Prims down to 6/2/1.

Elieson targets SB.

-If Elieson lives, it becomes 5/2/1 at the start of D4. We lynch Levity.

--If Levity is town, it will be the start of D5 (Darros leaves) making it 3/2, we lynch Elieson then SB.

--If Levity is scum, Elieson targets BBM.

---Start of D5, if Elieson is alive, we lynch him. If he flips town, we scratch our heads in confusion.

---If Elieson is dead, we lynch BBM.

-If Elieson+someone else dies, it becomes 4/2/1 at the start of D4. We lynch SB, making it 4/1/1.

--At the start of D5 it's 3/1. We lynch BBM.

-If just Elieson dies, it becomes 5/2/1 at the start of D4. We lynch between Levity and SB.

--If the lynchee flips town, someone dies at night making it 3/2, and we lynch the other down to 2/1 at the start of the Day.

--If the lynchee flips scum, it's 4/1 and we lynch BBM then the other one.

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United in their opinions, the Shepherds sought out Prims. They found him lounging on a sandbag, sipping a cool drink. He looked up at Robin innocently.

"Stone the crows! What makes you think I'm the caws of all this mayhem?"

"If you really are one of us, I'll eat crow" the tactician replied. "But there are four and twenty reasons to think you're an imposter."

"That's nothing to crow about! If you'd ever been given a brain, you could see I'm straight as the crow flies. I will listen to this nonsense nevermore!"

Robin paused, searching for a good reply. Chrom chimed in. "We're going to murder you now."

Prims grinned. "Ha! Good one! But unfortunately, you're too slow!" He held his palm to his chest and started chanting. There was a flash of light, and when everyone's eyes had adjusted, all that remained was a charred corpse and his mocking laughter in their ears.

Prims has been lynched! He was...


You are Henry, the One-way Driver

You are a soldier in the army laying siege to the Halidom of Ylisse. But waiting around for something to happen is boring! You’re too far away from the enemy to aim a curse, and the Risen barely make any reaction at all. Luckily, a guerrilla force is attacking, so you have a chance to flex your magical muscle.

You are eager to try out your latest curse, which can create a link between the fates of two people. During the night, you may respond to your PM with “Night X: Open a portal between [uSER1] and [uSER2]”. Anyone targeting [uSER1] will instead target [uSER2].

You are allied with the Plegians. Objective: Reach parity with the Shepherds.

It is now Night 3. Night 3 ends in 24 hours.

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Cheers rang up from the Plegian camp. "The cursed Ylisseans have been defeated! Thanks be to Grima!" The Shepherds looked up, and were greeted with a hideous sight. Darros' head was on a pike, and being carried around as though it was some kind of trophy!

Chrom sank to his knees, distraught. "That's it then. We, the Shepherds, have lost. The Plegians have won."

Darros has died! He was...


You are Emmeryn, the Beloved Princess.

You are the Exalt of Ylisse. You entered Plegia to meet with King Gangrel and organise a peaceful resolution. Talks fell through, and you were forced to retreat. However, the Plegians followed you and have laid siege to the capitol Ylisstol, in order to capture and execute you. Your brother Chrom has led the Shepherds in a counter-attack, but the odds do not look good.

Rather than wait passively for your fate to happen, you have decided to take matters into your own hands. Crossing the battlefield is risky, as you know that if you are killed, the Shepherds will suffer a loss of morale and be forced to regroup, giving the initiative back to the Plegians. On the 5th day, you will have travelled far enough from the battle to flee without being seen to the allied Regna Ferox, and petition them for reinforcements.

You are allied with Ylisse. Objective: Escape

"Chrom!" Robin yelled, striking the young prince. "Get up! We still have a city to save! I refuse to let one person's death change anything." Looking around at the remaining Shepherds, who as one had dropped their weapons and bowed their heads in mourning, the tactician mused, "We will have to take a time-out, though"

It is now Night 4. Night 4 ends in 24 hours.

The Shepherds have suffered a loss of morale! No Shepherd can act, or communicate through their supports tonight!

Edited by Baldrick
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Next person who posts something relevant during the night is modkilled. Also, if anyone saw that, contact me immediately.

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The Shepherds roused themselves from their funk, only to find that another of their number had fallen. Shinori's body was peppered with several stab wounds.

Shinori has died! He was...


You are Virion, the Even-Night Watcher.

You are a noble from Rosanne, and despite being quite intelligent, you hide it behind the façade of a foppish Casanova. After fleeing from your besieged homeland, you fell in with a militia led by the Prince of Ylisse in order to develop an alliance between the two countries.

Because of your expertise in ranged combat, Avatar has instructed you to stand back at times, and observe the ebb and flow of the battle in order to gain information. During the night, you may respond to your PM with “Night X: Who has [PLAYER] in their sights?” You will keep an eye on [PLAYER], and note anyone who approaches him. Because you cannot afford to ignore the battle for too long, you can only act on even-numbered nights.

You are allied with the Shepherds. Objective: Rout the Plegians

Elieson was nowhere to be found. You assumed he was taking last night's death harder than most, until the cheering redoubled and you noticed a second, smaller pike among the Plegian camp.

Elieson has died! He was...


You are Lissa, the Weak Doctor.

You are the princess of Ylisse, and Chrom's little sister. Although you are quite pampered and do not enjoy getting your own way, you have a kind heart and treat everyone equally.

Avatar has instructed you to stay clear of the fighting, but you know your staves will be useful, and you are confident in your ability to tell friend from foe.

During the night, you may respond to your PM with “Night X: Oh no! [PLAYER] is hurt!” You will walk up to [PLAYER] and attempt to use your Heal Staff on them. If they are an enemy, they will take advantage of your proximity and kill you; however, allies will accept your aid, negating any killing actions directed toward them.

You are allied with the Shepherds. Objective: Rout the Plegians

It is now Day 5. Phase ends in 48 hours.

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Well, looking at your last post, he was supposed to visit SB N3 and Bizz N4, and he died N4, so I'm inclined to go with ##Vote: Bizz.

Plus, SB's play on D1 was super obvtown IMO (yeah I know I said he was townie in FR too but deal with it). Paper/Marth look good from the Smilies flip and I still think Areox's manner of claiming doesn't seem like what scum would do.

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