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Help me name my cat!


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Well, here's the deal:

Came home from college to learn that my family has a new cat. However, they can't think of any good names for her and asked me to come up with a name since our old cat had chosen me as its favorite person.

I can't think of any ideas though, and trust you fine folk to help me out here :)

The only off-limits names are as follows:







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Why nota270701f45e6bb03db2d29f43609a0c5.png


Other than that, the only thing that comes to mind is Waffles, but I think that was a dog's name, not a cat's...

I suggested that to my family, but it was a unanimous no. :(

Cookie, I mean.

As for Waffles/Waffle, not sure if they'd like that either. =/ Although I have rights to name her, it needs to pass with them too, since she'll be primarily with them until college is over for the semester...

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Show off your inner FE fan: Lethe/Lyre

As weird as this sounds. . .ask your cat. It might give you an idea or two.

Not too sure on how to pronounce Lethe (LEE-th or is it something else?) and Lyra is my cousin's dog's name, so that would be an awkward...

Did make me think of Kyza though, even though he's a guy haha

Maybe even Caeda (assuming it's KAY-da or KEY-da)

Wow, being out of FE:A's name mindset just gave me a lot of ideas @-@

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Do you have a picture of her? :o I find being able to see the cat really helps with the naming process! Because let's face it, a name might sound good but might completely not suit your cat. > ^. .^ <

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Do you have a picture of her? :o I find being able to see the cat really helps with the naming process! Because let's face it, a name might sound good but might completely not suit your cat. > ^. .^ <

Give me a few. She's still acclimating to her new home so getting her somewhere well-lit will take a while, not to mention my iPhone doesn't like my PC all too much

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Do you have a picture of her? :o I find being able to see the cat really helps with the naming process! Because let's face it, a name might sound good but might completely not suit your cat. > ^. .^ <

And here she is!

EDIT: Wait a second, photo didn't seem to upload...

EDIT2: I think it worked this time...

post-6806-090688300 1363416321_thumb.jpeg

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Oh she is too cute! t.gif

I am really getting a Sam or Sammy vibe from her but I guess that's not really much of a cat name...


I can totally see Miriam!

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Well, here's the update on my kitty, guys!

Had my boyfriend come over to meet her, and he also tried his hand at suggesting names. He suggested Chrissy, and she responded as if that's been her name all along, oddly. So, sadly, none of your suggestions stuck, but thanks for suggesting :)

Now, just to help her get used to her new home. She's still pretty shy.

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Well, here's the deal:

Came home from college to learn that my family has a new cat. However, they can't think of any good names for her and asked me to come up with a name since our old cat had chosen me as its favorite person.

I can't think of any ideas though, and trust you fine folk to help me out here :)

The only off-limits names are as follows:







How about Tops? Or Stoob? Lacsar?

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