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Ether forgot that Space Jam was the obligatory national anthem of the day, and so when he forgot to put it on, he was promptly slammed into a pasty jam.


MancerNecro has been modkilled because of rule 22! He was...

USER, you are Ether, Userbase Princess Gallis Activist-Jack.

+Everybody loves Ether. At least everyone who doesn't suck. You are pretty good but you don't think you are for whatever reason. Also you are one of the best people at doing post restrictions well in the history of forever. Ether Mafia was also fantastic and way better than this game.

+You have a modproof vest because you are Ether.

+Due to your amazing personality, if you are to be lynched, instead you will not be and no lynch will be declared. This can occur indefinitely. Howeber, if you have more than one vote at phase end but not the most votes, you will tragically be killed by the people voting for you. Oh no!

+Whenever no deaths occur during a phase (pretty unlikely...) you will gain a power. You will not know what they are ahead of time.

+You win if all threats to the Userbase are eliminated.

This means, by some miracle, that Strider has made his predictions. He promptly took off.


Cam has won the game! he was:

Cam, you are Strider, Userbase False Prophet.

+You are some guy who is outstanding at the art of contributing nothing and wasting time on the internet. You could do better at a lot of things, but whenever you ask yourself the question "do I really want to?", the answer is inevitably "no, not really". You certainly don't play mafia ever, you just watch people play. In games where you're an observer but not an informed one, you guess at things, and are generally terrible at it.

+On Night Zero, within the first 24 hours, you must predict which phase the game will end on. This does nothing, but if you don't do it you will be modkilled.

+Each night you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Predicting the fall of USER1, USER2, and USER3". If any one of them dies that night or the next day for any reason, you will gain a power. If two of them die, you'll get a better power. If all three die by some miracle, you will win the game and leave.

+Once, you may respond in the main thread "Now it's Rein time, USER!" This must be the entirety of your post, and must be in that exact format. USER will die.

+You win if all threats to the Userbase are eliminated or if you achieve your alternate win condition.

And so, there were two. Tables, and Furetchen. Unfortunately for the latter the former made a rule that there were to be no Australians allowed. And so the mighty Spoon of Fate claimed its' last victim.

[spoiler=Furet's likeness]U4hmKZA.jpg

NekoRex has been endgamed! He was...

NNR, you are Furetchen, Userbase Furious Paranoid Australian.

+You are half Irish, half Australian, and all hate. You hate a lot of things. You hate mafia, too. You used to play but you think it is stupid and dumb and so now you don't play mafia anymore, though you were also a victim of the terrible Hearts because people wouldn't stop bothering you.

+You hate almost everything, especially who you vote for. Whoever you vote for will become a hated player as long as your vote is on them, so your vote essentially counts as two. This, just like every other voting related ability in the game, doesn't work in MYLO or LYLO.

+Whenever someone visits you, this will wake you up, which makes you furious. You will punch anyone who visits you in the face, roleblocking them that night. You will be alerted each time this happens. The night after people visit you three times, you will instead start killing people who visit you. Their fault!

+You win if all threats to the Userbase are eliminated.

And then there was Tables, and it was good.


Eclipse and the Mafia Players have won the game! She was...

eclipse, you are Tables, Userbase Rule Suggestor.

+You are a mathematician in college and are engaged to an unknown fiancee. You were one of the first dominant players on the site and have generally played pretty well. You created the first Mafia Headquarters which would be followed up by three more, and also enjoy games like The Resistance and have hosted that here as well. You haven't played in a while, but you have a good legacy.

+Each phase you may respond to this role PM "Hey Strider, [RULE] seems pretty good to implement". For the following phase, that rule will be put up at the start of the phase. It will remain there unless I think it isn't sufficiently funny or good, so make sure it doesn't suck!

+You win if all threats to the Userbase are eliminated.

[spoiler=but wait there's more]just kidding, you are really...

eclipse, you are Tables, Mafia Players Rule Suggestor Moddoctor Mathematician.

+You are a mathematician in college and are engaged to an unknown fiancee. You were one of the first dominant players on the site and have generally played pretty well. You created the first Mafia Headquarters which would be followed up by three more, and also enjoy games like The Resistance and have hosted that here as well. You haven't played in a while, but you have a good legacy. You are mafia because you find these sorts of things humorous.

+Each phase you may respond to this role PM "Hey Strider, [RULE] seems pretty good to implement". For the following phase, that rule will be put up at the start of the phase. It will remain there unless I think it isn't sufficiently funny or good, so make sure it doesn't suck!

+Each phase you may respond to this role PM "Phase X: Hey Strider, USER is a cool guy." Your opinion actually means something, so for the next phase, USER will be immune to being modkilled. That phase is still fair game, however, so you better hope they don't fuck up. You cannot select the same person consecutively. You can self-target.

+Each night you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Logically determining USER's role". You will calculate their role name completely with 100% accuracy.

+You win if the town is eliminated or nothing can stop that from happening.

That is all.

Edited by Snike
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If you’re going to be terrible (actually i chucked at the most interesting man in the world post sue me) and post a meme then at least remove “memegenerator.net” from the bottom right, is any effort too much for you or something

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If you’re going to be terrible (actually i chucked at the most interesting man in the world post sue me) and post a meme then at least remove “memegenerator.net” from the bottom right, is any effort too much for you or something

yes it is

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All of a sudden, Haze's body was struck by Spoon Lightning, and revealed its' truest true form: SevenDeadlySins!


Manix has been modkilled for not following Rule 22! He was...

Manix, you are SevenDeadlySins, Userbase Itemafia Host Thief.

+Postgame postgame postgame toastgame post maim post office ender's game roastgame postgame lost the game. You hosted Itemefia here over a year ago, promised people postgame once, never delivered, and let's be honest, you never will either.

+You know the Paperblade role is in this game because he is always nagging you about postgame even though everyone knows in their hearts it will never happen. He is probably not town, because he is never town.

+Once at night you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Promising Itemafia postgame". Everyone will be super excited about this and wait all night for Itemafia's postgame! Naturally you will not actually post it, and everyone will have been wasting their time horribly, roleblocking them. Paperblade is out there somewhere and he is too savvy to fall for this, and obviously so are you. This doesn't visit people.

+Each night you may respond to this role PM "Night X: No items for you, USER!" If USER actually has an item somehow you will take it. You will also learn their role name, but not alignment or character.

+You win if all threats to the Userbase are eliminated.

Resume the post-endgame.

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ahhh, listen boy, my first love story

my angel, and my girls

my sunshine



let's go-o-o-o-o

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난 한글 몾해

EDIT: Also, signups for Group mafia will be up in a bit. However, the game will NOT start until Thursday under any circumstances because I have a presentation tomorrow and a midterm on Thursday.

Edited by Sangyul
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