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OK scorri, we get it. You're modkilled. 6 times.

Edit: Same to you BBM. Just twice, though.

Edited by Snike
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mancer you suck

Leafs are a terrible hockey team and they suck.

However, every other team is even more terrible and suck even more so the Leafs are still the best! #LeafsNation #LeafsCountry

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Everyone knew Manix was SDS, his role PM had been flipped on at least 20 seperate occasions because he was really, really bad at following the rules. But was this really his true form...?


Manix, you are SevenDeadlySins, Userbase Itemafia Host Thief.

+Postgame postgame postgame toastgame post maim post office ender's game roastgame postgame lost the game. You hosted Itemefia here over a year ago, promised people postgame once, never delivered, and let's be honest, you never will either.

+You know the Paperblade role is in this game because he is always nagging you about postgame even though everyone knows in their hearts it will never happen. He is probably not town, because he is never town.

+Once at night you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Promising Itemafia postgame". Everyone will be super excited about this and wait all night for Itemafia's postgame! Naturally you will not actually post it, and everyone will have been wasting their time horribly, roleblocking them. Paperblade is out there somewhere and he is too savvy to fall for this, and obviously so are you. This doesn't visit people.

+Each night you may respond to this role PM "Night X: No items for you, USER!" If USER actually has an item somehow you will take it. You will also learn their role name, but not alignment or character.

+You win if all threats to the Userbase are eliminated.

and then he vanished in a puff of Haze because, despite not really being SDS, he lostthegame


Manix, you are really Haze, Independent Hidden Mastermind.

+You are not really SDS, that was merely your incredible disguising ability at work. You are a mysterious man who does mysterious things. Your past is shrouded in mystery, just the way you like it to be. You hosted the greatest game ever, Ether Mafia. You come and go. Recently you disappeared off the face of the forest, never to be seen since. Who knows what you've been doing in that time? Perhaps your next grand scheme is already in motion.

+As a devious mastermind, you are capable of planning to do whatever you need to in order to achieve your victory. Each night, you must respond to this role PM "Night X: Scheming to do <some type of action> tomorrow night". You will then perform that action the next night- you need to savor it a bit, of course! This can only be lethal once- you feel like not using your own wit a bit here would be terrible. You also can't do the same thing twice, that'd be boring.

+Being someone who works solo, you may not talk to anyone whatsoever, so shut the hell up (also everyone thinks you're dead so this is probably a good idea anyway). This includes posting in the thread and through any outside contact. If someone tries to talk to you about the game, you must deny any knowledge of it beyond what you already had, and be super uncooperative.

+As your location is unknown, anyone who tries to target you with a night action for some reason will be told "You are unable to locate where Manix is at all!"

+You are aligned with yourself and win if everyone else is eliminated.

and now back to you snike

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